public Result process( long startMilli, boolean processDelayed, ProcessorConfig config, String[] items, Map<Product, ReadWriteData> usageDataByProduct, Map<Product, ReadWriteData> costDataByProduct, Map<String, Double> ondemandRate) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(items[accountIdIndex]) || StringUtils.isEmpty(items[productIndex]) || StringUtils.isEmpty(items[usageTypeIndex]) || StringUtils.isEmpty(items[operationIndex]) || StringUtils.isEmpty(items[usageQuantityIndex]) || StringUtils.isEmpty(items[costIndex])) return Result.ignore; Account account = config.accountService.getAccountById(items[accountIdIndex]); if (account == null) return Result.ignore; double usageValue = Double.parseDouble(items[usageQuantityIndex]); double costValue = Double.parseDouble(items[costIndex]); long millisStart; long millisEnd; try { millisStart = amazonBillingDateFormat.parseMillis(items[startTimeIndex]); millisEnd = amazonBillingDateFormat.parseMillis(items[endTimeIndex]); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { millisStart = amazonBillingDateFormat2.parseMillis(items[startTimeIndex]); millisEnd = amazonBillingDateFormat2.parseMillis(items[endTimeIndex]); } Product product = config.productService.getProductByAwsName(items[productIndex]); boolean reservationUsage = "Y".equals(items[reservedIndex]); ReformedMetaData reformedMetaData = reform( millisStart, config, product, reservationUsage, items[operationIndex], items[usageTypeIndex], items[descriptionIndex], costValue); product = reformedMetaData.product; Operation operation = reformedMetaData.operation; UsageType usageType = reformedMetaData.usageType; Zone zone = Zone.getZone(items[zoneIndex], reformedMetaData.region); int startIndex = (int) ((millisStart - startMilli) / AwsUtils.hourMillis); int endIndex = (int) ((millisEnd + 1000 - startMilli) / AwsUtils.hourMillis); Result result = Result.hourly; if (product == Product.ec2_instance) { result = processEc2Instance(processDelayed, reservationUsage, operation, zone); } else if (product == Product.redshift) { result = processRedshift(processDelayed, reservationUsage, operation, costValue); } else if (product == Product.data_transfer) { result = processDataTranfer(processDelayed, usageType); } else if (product == Product.cloudhsm) { result = processCloudhsm(processDelayed, usageType); } else if (product == Product.ebs) { result = processEbs(usageType); } else if (product == Product.rds) { result = processRds(usageType); } if (result == Result.ignore || result == Result.delay) return result; if ("TimedStorage-ByteHrs")) result = Result.daily; boolean monthlyCost = StringUtils.isEmpty(items[descriptionIndex]) ? false : items[descriptionIndex].toLowerCase().contains("-month"); ReadWriteData usageData = usageDataByProduct.get(null); ReadWriteData costData = costDataByProduct.get(null); ReadWriteData usageDataOfProduct = usageDataByProduct.get(product); ReadWriteData costDataOfProduct = costDataByProduct.get(product); if (result == Result.daily) { DateMidnight dm = new DateMidnight(millisStart, DateTimeZone.UTC); millisStart = dm.getMillis(); startIndex = (int) ((millisStart - startMilli) / AwsUtils.hourMillis); endIndex = startIndex + 24; } else if (result == Result.monthly) { startIndex = 0; endIndex = usageData.getNum(); int numHoursInMonth = new DateTime(startMilli, DateTimeZone.UTC).dayOfMonth().getMaximumValue() * 24; usageValue = usageValue * endIndex / numHoursInMonth; costValue = costValue * endIndex / numHoursInMonth; } if (monthlyCost) { int numHoursInMonth = new DateTime(startMilli, DateTimeZone.UTC).dayOfMonth().getMaximumValue() * 24; usageValue = usageValue * numHoursInMonth; } int[] indexes; if (endIndex - startIndex > 1) { usageValue = usageValue / (endIndex - startIndex); costValue = costValue / (endIndex - startIndex); indexes = new int[endIndex - startIndex]; for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) indexes[i] = startIndex + i; } else { indexes = new int[] {startIndex}; } TagGroup tagGroup = TagGroup.getTagGroup( account, reformedMetaData.region, zone, product, operation, usageType, null); TagGroup resourceTagGroup = null; if (costValue > 0 && !reservationUsage && product == Product.ec2_instance && tagGroup.operation == Operation.ondemandInstances) { String key = operation + "|" + tagGroup.region + "|" + usageType; ondemandRate.put(key, costValue / usageValue); } double resourceCostValue = costValue; if (items.length > resourceIndex && !StringUtils.isEmpty(items[resourceIndex]) && config.resourceService != null) { if (config.useCostForResourceGroup.equals("modeled") && product == Product.ec2_instance) operation = Operation.getReservedInstances( config.reservationService.getDefaultReservationUtilization(0L)); if (product == Product.ec2_instance && operation instanceof Operation.ReservationOperation) { UsageType usageTypeForPrice = usageType; if ( { usageTypeForPrice = UsageType.getUsageType(,, usageType.unit); } try { resourceCostValue = usageValue * config.reservationService.getLatestHourlyTotalPrice( millisStart, tagGroup.region, usageTypeForPrice, config.reservationService.getDefaultReservationUtilization(0L)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("failed to get RI price for " + tagGroup.region + " " + usageTypeForPrice); resourceCostValue = -1; } } String resourceGroupStr = config.resourceService.getResource( account, reformedMetaData.region, product, items[resourceIndex], items, millisStart); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(resourceGroupStr)) { ResourceGroup resourceGroup = ResourceGroup.getResourceGroup(resourceGroupStr); resourceTagGroup = TagGroup.getTagGroup( account, reformedMetaData.region, zone, product, operation, usageType, resourceGroup); if (usageDataOfProduct == null) { usageDataOfProduct = new ReadWriteData(); costDataOfProduct = new ReadWriteData(); usageDataByProduct.put(product, usageDataOfProduct); costDataByProduct.put(product, costDataOfProduct); } } } if (config.randomizer != null && product == Product.monitor) return result; for (int i : indexes) { if (config.randomizer != null) { if (tagGroup.product != Product.rds && tagGroup.product != Product.s3 && usageData.getData(i).get(tagGroup) != null) break; long time = millisStart + i * AwsUtils.hourMillis; usageValue = config.randomizer.randomizeUsage( time, resourceTagGroup == null ? tagGroup : resourceTagGroup, usageValue); costValue = usageValue * config.randomizer.randomizeCost(tagGroup); } if (product != Product.monitor) { Map<TagGroup, Double> usages = usageData.getData(i); Map<TagGroup, Double> costs = costData.getData(i); addValue( usages, tagGroup, usageValue, config.randomizer == null || tagGroup.product == Product.rds || tagGroup.product == Product.s3); addValue( costs, tagGroup, costValue, config.randomizer == null || tagGroup.product == Product.rds || tagGroup.product == Product.s3); } else { resourceCostValue = usageValue * config.costPerMonitorMetricPerHour; } if (resourceTagGroup != null) { Map<TagGroup, Double> usagesOfResource = usageDataOfProduct.getData(i); Map<TagGroup, Double> costsOfResource = costDataOfProduct.getData(i); if (config.randomizer == null || tagGroup.product == Product.rds || tagGroup.product == Product.s3) { addValue(usagesOfResource, resourceTagGroup, usageValue, product != Product.monitor); if (!config.useCostForResourceGroup.equals("modeled") || resourceCostValue < 0) { addValue(costsOfResource, resourceTagGroup, costValue, product != Product.monitor); } else { addValue( costsOfResource, resourceTagGroup, resourceCostValue, product != Product.monitor); } } else { Map<String, Double> distribution = config.randomizer.getDistribution(tagGroup); for (Map.Entry<String, Double> entry : distribution.entrySet()) { String app = entry.getKey(); double dist = entry.getValue(); resourceTagGroup = TagGroup.getTagGroup( account, reformedMetaData.region, zone, product, operation, usageType, ResourceGroup.getResourceGroup(app)); double usage = usageValue * dist; if (product == Product.ec2_instance) usage = (int) usageValue * dist; addValue(usagesOfResource, resourceTagGroup, usage, false); addValue( costsOfResource, resourceTagGroup, usage * config.randomizer.randomizeCost(tagGroup), false); } } } } return result; }
protected ReformedMetaData reform( long millisStart, ProcessorConfig config, Product product, boolean reservationUsage, String operationStr, String usageTypeStr, String description, double cost) { Operation operation = null; UsageType usageType = null; InstanceOs os = null; // first try to retrieve region info int index = usageTypeStr.indexOf("-"); String regionShortName = index > 0 ? usageTypeStr.substring(0, index) : ""; Region region = regionShortName.isEmpty() ? null : Region.getRegionByShortName(regionShortName); if (region != null) { usageTypeStr = usageTypeStr.substring(index + 1); } else { region = Region.US_EAST_1; } if (operationStr.equals("EBS Snapshot Copy")) { product = Product.ebs; } if (usageTypeStr.startsWith("ElasticIP:")) { product = Product.eip; } else if (usageTypeStr.startsWith("EBS:")) product = Product.ebs; else if (usageTypeStr.startsWith("EBSOptimized:")) product = Product.ebs; else if (usageTypeStr.startsWith("CW:")) product = Product.cloudwatch; else if (usageTypeStr.startsWith("BoxUsage") && operationStr.startsWith("RunInstances")) { index = usageTypeStr.indexOf(":"); usageTypeStr = index < 0 ? "m1.small" : usageTypeStr.substring(index + 1); if (reservationUsage && product == Product.ec2 && cost == 0) operation = Operation.reservedInstancesFixed; else if (reservationUsage && product == Product.ec2) operation = Operation.getReservedInstances( config.reservationService.getDefaultReservationUtilization(millisStart)); else operation = Operation.ondemandInstances; os = getInstanceOs(operationStr); } else if (usageTypeStr.startsWith("Node") && operationStr.startsWith("RunComputeNode")) { index = usageTypeStr.indexOf(":"); usageTypeStr = index < 0 ? "m1.small" : usageTypeStr.substring(index + 1); operation = getOperation(operationStr, reservationUsage, null); os = getInstanceOs(operationStr); } else if (usageTypeStr.startsWith("HeavyUsage") || usageTypeStr.startsWith("MediumUsage") || usageTypeStr.startsWith("LightUsage")) { index = usageTypeStr.indexOf(":"); String offeringType; if (index < 0) { offeringType = usageTypeStr; usageTypeStr = "m1.small"; } else { offeringType = usageTypeStr; usageTypeStr = usageTypeStr.substring(index + 1); } operation = getOperation( operationStr, reservationUsage, Ec2InstanceReservationPrice.ReservationUtilization.get(offeringType)); os = getInstanceOs(operationStr); } if (usageTypeStr.equals("Unknown") || usageTypeStr.equals("Not Applicable")) { usageTypeStr =; } if (operation == null) { operation = Operation.getOperation(operationStr); } if (product == Product.ec2 && operation instanceof Operation.ReservationOperation) { product = Product.ec2_instance; if (operation instanceof Operation.ReservationOperation) { if (os != InstanceOs.linux) { usageTypeStr = usageTypeStr + "." + os; operation ="ReservedInstances") ? operation : Operation.ondemandInstances; } } } if (usageType == null) { usageType = UsageType.getUsageType(usageTypeStr, operation, description); } return new ReformedMetaData(region, product, operation, usageType); }