@Parameters({"-12,0,-3", "-1,3,2", "100,200,199", "100,200,200", "100,200,100"})
 public void shouldPassValidationParamNumericValueBetween(int a, int b, int value) {
   // given
   SchemaValidationRule rule = new SchemaValidationRule("topElem");
   sut = new CommandSchemaValidator(rule);
   sut.addParameterValueValidator(new IntegerNumberParamValidator("topElem", a, b));
   // and
   Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
   params.put("topElem", value + "");
   // then
 @Parameters({"12", "0", "3", "2135323233", "24324234"})
 public void shouldPassValidationParamNumericValue(String paramValue) {
   // given
   SchemaValidationRule rule = new SchemaValidationRule("topElem");
   sut = new CommandSchemaValidator(rule);
   sut.addParameterValueValidator(new IntegerNumberParamValidator("topElem"));
   // and
   Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
   params.put("topElem", paramValue);
   // then
 @Parameters({"-12", "-0", "-3", "-200", "-300"})
 public void shouldPassValidationParamNumericNegativeValue(String paramValue) {
   // given
   SchemaValidationRule rule = new SchemaValidationRule("topElem");
   sut = new CommandSchemaValidator(rule);
   sut.addParameterValueValidator(new IntegerNumberParamValidator("topElem", -500, 1));
   // and
   Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
   params.put("topElem", paramValue);
   // then
 @Parameters({"-12,0,-13", "-1,3,4", "100,200,2000000", "100,200,99", "100,200,-100"})
 public void shouldNotPassValidationParamNumericValueBetween(int a, int b, int value) {
   // given
   SchemaValidationRule rule = new SchemaValidationRule("topElem");
   sut = new CommandSchemaValidator(rule);
   sut.addParameterValueValidator(new IntegerNumberParamValidator("topElem", a, b));
   // and
   Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
   params.put("topElem", value + "");
   // and
       .hasMessage("Integer value for param topElem must be between " + a + " and " + b);
   // then
 @Parameters({"", "not numeric", "--2", "dd2", "34sfe"})
 public void shouldNotPassValidationInvalidParamNumericValueNotNumber(String paramValue) {
   // given
   SchemaValidationRule rule = new SchemaValidationRule("topElem");
   sut = new CommandSchemaValidator(rule);
   sut.addParameterValueValidator(new IntegerNumberParamValidator("topElem"));
   // and
   Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
   params.put("topElem", paramValue);
   // and
       .hasMessageStartingWith("Parameter topElem")
       .hasMessageContaining("must be proper integer value");
   // then