/** Start client socket and connect with server. */ private void openClient() { Xlog.v(TAG, "enter startClient"); if (null != mClientSocket && mClientSocket.isConnected()) { Xlog.d(TAG, "localSocket has started, return"); return; } try { mClientSocket = new Socket("", SERVER_PORT); mClientSocket.setSoTimeout(SOCKET_TIME_OUT_TIME); mDataOutput = new DataOutputStream(mClientSocket.getOutputStream()); mDataInput = new DataInputStream(mClientSocket.getInputStream()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { Xlog.w(TAG, e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { Xlog.w(TAG, e.getMessage()); } }
@Override protected boolean checkUpgradePackage() { if (mHandler != null) { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(SystemUpdateService.MSG_UNZIP_LODING); } if (!checkSdCard()) { Xlog.w(TAG, "[checkUpgradePackage], checkSdCardOk fail"); return false; } if (!unzipInstallFile()) { Xlog.w(TAG, "[checkUpgradePackage], unzipInstallFile fail"); return false; } return true; }
public static final int w(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) { int result; if (SR_XLOG_ENABLED) { result = Xlog.w(tag, msg, tr); } else { result = Log.w(tag, msg, tr); } return result; }
@Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { Xlog.w(TAG, "event.getFlages()" + event.getFlags()); switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: Xlog.w(TAG, "onKeyDown, keycode is KEYCODE_BACK"); if (!mDownloadInfo.getIfNeedRefreshMenu()) { if (mDownloadInfo.getActivityID() < 0) { mGoToMainEntry = true; SdPkgInstallActivity.this.startActivity(new Intent(this, MainEntry.class)); } } break; default: break; } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); }
private static void setPlayerBuffering(boolean playerBuffering) { /// M: TEARDOWN message handled before BUFFERING_START message lead to mHTML5VideoView is // null. @ { if (mHTML5VideoView != null) { mHTML5VideoView.setPlayerBuffering(playerBuffering); } else { Xlog.w(LOGTAG, "HTML5VideoView is null, skip setPlayerBuffering"); } /// @ } }
/** * Prepare to call function by EM native server * * @param functionId Functional ID * @return True if call function success */ public boolean startCallFunctionStringReturn(int functionId) { boolean result = false; mSocket = new Client(); mSocket.startClient(); try { mSocket.writeFunctionNo(String.valueOf(functionId)); result = true; } catch (IOException e) { Xlog.w(TAG, "StartCallFunctionStringReturnEXP " + e.getMessage()); result = false; } return result; }
public static void end() { /// M: TEARDOWN message handled before ENDED message lead to mHTML5VideoView is null. @ { if (mHTML5VideoView != null) { mHTML5VideoView.showControllerInFullScreen(); } else { Xlog.w(LOGTAG, "HTML5VideoView is null, skip showControllerInFullScreen"); } /// @ } if (mCurrentProxy != null) { if (isVideoSelfEnded) mCurrentProxy.dispatchOnEnded(); else mCurrentProxy.dispatchOnPaused(); } isVideoSelfEnded = false; }
private void initSimState() { if (FeatureOption.MTK_GEMINI_SUPPORT) { Intent it = getIntent(); mSimId = it.getIntExtra("simId", SIM_CARD_UNDEFINED); if (SIMInfo.getInsertedSIMCount(this) > 1) { SIMInfo siminfo = SIMInfo.getSIMInfoBySlot(this, mSimId); if (siminfo != null) { setTitle(siminfo.mDisplayName); } } Xlog.d(TAG, "GEMINI_SIM_ID_KEY = " + mSimId); } else { Xlog.w(TAG, "Not support GEMINI"); mSimId = SIM_CARD_SINGLE; } switch (mSimId) { case SIM_CARD_SINGLE: mUri = Telephony.Carriers.CONTENT_URI; mNumeric = SystemProperties.get(TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_ICC_OPERATOR_NUMERIC, "-1"); mDefaultApnUri = DEFAULTAPN_URI; mRestoreCarrierUri = PREFERAPN_URI; break; case SIM_CARD_1: mUri = Telephony.Carriers.SIM1Carriers.CONTENT_URI; mNumeric = SystemProperties.get(TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_ICC_OPERATOR_NUMERIC, "-1"); mDefaultApnUri = DEFAULTAPN_URI_GEMINI_SIM1; mRestoreCarrierUri = PREFERAPN_URI_GEMINI_SIM1; break; case SIM_CARD_2: mUri = Telephony.Carriers.SIM2Carriers.CONTENT_URI; mNumeric = SystemProperties.get(TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_ICC_OPERATOR_NUMERIC_2, "-1"); mDefaultApnUri = DEFAULTAPN_URI_GEMINI_SIM2; mRestoreCarrierUri = PREFERAPN_URI_GEMINI_SIM2; break; default: Xlog.i(TAG, "Incorrect sim id "); if (FeatureOption.MTK_GEMINI_SUPPORT) { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setClassName("com.android.phone", "com.mediatek.settings.MultipleSimActivity"); intent.putExtra("TARGET_CLASS", "com.android.settings.ApnSettings"); startActivity(intent); } finish(); break; } Xlog.d(TAG, "mNumeric " + mNumeric); Xlog.d(TAG, "mUri = " + mUri); }
private String getUsbMode() { String result = null; StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); strBuilder.append("cat "); strBuilder.append(mPortFile); Xlog.v(TAG, "get current dramc cmd: " + strBuilder.toString()); try { if (ShellExe.RESULT_SUCCESS == ShellExe.execCommand(strBuilder.toString(), true)) { result = ShellExe.getOutput(); } } catch (IOException e) { Xlog.w(TAG, "get current dramc IOException: " + e.getMessage()); } return result; }
/** Invoked when "Stop" button clicked */ private void onClickBtnRxStop() { // long i4RxCntOk = -1; // long i4RxCntFcsErr = -1; // long i4RxPer = -1; // long[] i4Rx = new long[2]; long[] u4Value = new long[1]; mHandler.removeMessages(HANDLER_EVENT_RX); for (int i = 0; i < WAIT_COUNT; i++) { u4Value[0] = EMWifi.setATParam(ATPARAM_INDEX_COMMAND, 0); if (u4Value[0] == 0) { break; } else { SystemClock.sleep(WAIT_COUNT); Xlog.w(TAG, "stop Rx test failed at the " + i + "times try"); } } setViewEnabled(true); }
/** * Send command to socket server. * * @param command Command need to send */ public void sendCommand(String command) { Xlog.v(TAG, "enter sendCommand"); String sendComm = "$" + command + "*" + calcCS(command); Xlog.v(TAG, "Send command: " + sendComm); if (!mSendThread.isAlive()) { Xlog.v(TAG, "sendThread is not alive"); mSendThread.start(); } if (command.equals(sendComm) || mCommandQueue.contains(sendComm)) { Xlog.v(TAG, "send command return because of hasn't handle the same"); return; } try { mCommandQueue.put(sendComm); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { Xlog.w(TAG, "send command interrupted:" + ie.getMessage()); } }
private boolean restoreDefaultApn() { Xlog.w(TAG, "restore Default Apn."); showDialog(DIALOG_RESTORE_DEFAULTAPN); mRestoreDefaultApnMode = true; if (mRestoreApnUiHandler == null) { mRestoreApnUiHandler = new RestoreApnUiHandler(); } if (mRestoreApnProcessHandler == null || mRestoreDefaultApnThread == null) { mRestoreDefaultApnThread = new HandlerThread("Restore default APN Handler: Process Thread"); mRestoreDefaultApnThread.start(); mRestoreApnProcessHandler = new RestoreApnProcessHandler(mRestoreDefaultApnThread.getLooper(), mRestoreApnUiHandler); } mRestoreApnProcessHandler.sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_RESTORE_DEFAULTAPN_START); return true; }
private boolean isUsbConnected() { String result = null; boolean isConnected = false; StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); strBuilder.append("cat "); strBuilder.append(USB_CONNECT_STATE); Xlog.v(TAG, "isUsbConnected cmd: " + strBuilder.toString()); try { if (ShellExe.RESULT_SUCCESS == ShellExe.execCommand(strBuilder.toString(), true)) { result = ShellExe.getOutput(); if (result.equals(USB_CONFIGURED) || result.equals(USB_CONNECT)) { isConnected = true; } } } catch (IOException e) { Xlog.w(TAG, "get current dramc IOException: " + e.getMessage()); } return isConnected; }
@Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if (Util.Action.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNT_UPDATEUI.equals(action)) { // M: Add by mtk80800, sd card mounted, reminder user to refresh showDialog(DIALOG_SDCARDMOUNTED); } else if (Util.Action.ACTION_MEDIA_UNMOUNT_UPDATEUI.equals(action)) { // M: Add by mtk80800, sdcard unmount, reset download info and finish this activity String path = (String) intent.getExtra("storagePath"); if (mPath.contains(path)) { Xlog.w(TAG, "SDcard unmount, finish activity"); if (mDownloadInfo.getActivityID() < 0) { Toast.makeText(context, R.string.sdcard_unmount, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } SdPkgInstallActivity.this.finish(); } } }
/** Stop client socket and disconnect with server. */ private void closeClient() { Xlog.v(TAG, "enter closeClient"); try { if (null != mDataInput) { mDataInput.close(); } if (null != mDataOutput) { mDataOutput.close(); } if (null != mClientSocket) { mClientSocket.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { Xlog.w(TAG, "closeClient IOException: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { mClientSocket = null; mDataInput = null; mDataOutput = null; } }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.networkmode_switching); mSimType = getIntent().getIntExtra("mSimType", PhoneConstants.GEMINI_SIM_1); if (FeatureOption.MTK_GEMINI_SUPPORT) { mGeminiPhone = (GeminiPhone) PhoneFactory.getDefaultPhone(); } else { mPhone = PhoneFactory.getDefaultPhone(); } mPreferredNetworkSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(R.id.networkModeSwitching); mModemType = getModemType(); if (mModemType == MODEM_TD) { // No "CDMA preferred" for TD mNetworkTypeValues = new int[] {GSM_ONLY, WCDMA_ONLY, GSM_WCDMA_AUTO}; ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>( this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, getResources().getStringArray(R.array.mTddNetworkLabels)); adapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); mPreferredNetworkSpinner.setAdapter(adapter); } else if (mModemType == MODEM_FDD) { mNetworkTypeValues = new int[] {WCDMA_PREFERRED, GSM_ONLY, WCDMA_ONLY, GSM_WCDMA_AUTO}; ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>( this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, getResources().getStringArray(R.array.mWcdmaNetworkLabels)); adapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); mPreferredNetworkSpinner.setAdapter(adapter); } else { // mPreferredNetworkSpinner.setEnabled(false); Xlog.w(TAG, "Isn't TD/WCDMA modem: " + mModemType); } mPreferredNetworkSpinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(mPreferredNetworkHandler); }
@Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MSG_CHECK_RESULT: final boolean result = waitForState(mModeVal, 2000); runOnUiThread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { updateStatus(VAL_USB.equals(mModeVal)); enableUsbUartSwitch(true); showDialog( null, getString(R.string.uart_usb_switch_set) + (result ? SUCCESS : FAIL)); } }); break; default: Xlog.w(TAG, "mWorkerHandler Unknown msg: " + msg.what); break; } super.handleMessage(msg); }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); if (ChipSupport.MTK_6595_SUPPORT == ChipSupport.getChip() || ChipSupport.MTK_6795_SUPPORT == ChipSupport.getChip()) { mPortFile = FILE_PORT_MODE_2; } if (!new File(mPortFile).exists()) { Toast.makeText(this, R.string.uart_usb_switch_notsupport, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); Xlog.w(TAG, "Port mode file not exist"); finish(); return; } setContentView(R.layout.uart_usb_switch); mTvCurrent = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.uart_usb_switch_current_mode); mRgMode = (RadioGroup) findViewById(R.id.uart_usb_switch_mode); mRbUsb = (RadioButton) findViewById(R.id.uart_usb_switch_mode_usb); mRbUart = (RadioButton) findViewById(R.id.uart_usb_switch_mode_uart); mWorkerThread = new HandlerThread(TAG); mWorkerThread.start(); mWorkerHandler = new WorkerHandler(mWorkerThread.getLooper()); showDialog(DIALOG_USB_WARNING); }
public void run() { Xlog.d(MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "NotificationTransaction: run()"); DownloadManager downloadManager = DownloadManager.getInstance(); // boolean autoDownload = downloadManager.isAuto(); // boolean dataSuspended = (MmsApp.getApplication().getTelephonyManager().getDataState() == // TelephonyManager.DATA_SUSPENDED); boolean autoDownload = false; boolean dataSuspended = false; // add for gemini if (FeatureOption.MTK_GEMINI_SUPPORT) { autoDownload = downloadManager.isAuto(mSimId); int datastate = MmsApp.getApplication() .getTelephonyManager() .getDataStateGemini(SIMInfo.getSlotById(mContext, mSimId)); dataSuspended = (datastate == TelephonyManager.DATA_SUSPENDED || datastate == TelephonyManager.DATA_DISCONNECTED); } else { autoDownload = downloadManager.isAuto(); dataSuspended = (MmsApp.getApplication().getTelephonyManager().getDataState() == TelephonyManager.DATA_SUSPENDED); } try { if (LOCAL_LOGV) { Log.v(TAG, "Notification transaction launched: " + this); } // By default, we set status to STATUS_DEFERRED because we // should response MMSC with STATUS_DEFERRED when we cannot // download a MM immediately. int status = STATUS_DEFERRED; // Check expiry state Date CurrentDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); Date ExpiryDate = new Date(mNotificationInd.getExpiry() * 1000); Xlog.d( MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "expiry time=" + ExpiryDate.toLocaleString() + "\t current=" + CurrentDate.toLocaleString()); // MTK_OP01_PROTECT_START /* String optr = SystemProperties.get("ro.operator.optr"); if (optr.equals("OP01")) { // Check Message size int msgSize = 0; Cursor cursor = SqliteWrapper.query(mContext, mContext.getContentResolver(), mUri, new String[] {Mms.MESSAGE_SIZE}, null, null, null); if (cursor != null && cursor.getCount() == 1 && cursor.moveToFirst()) { try{ msgSize = cursor.getInt(0); Xlog.v(MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "msg Size = " + msgSize); }finally{ cursor.close(); } } String netWorkType = null; int slotId = -1; if (FeatureOption.MTK_GEMINI_SUPPORT) { // convert sim id to slot id slotId = SIMInfo.getSlotById(mContext, mSimId); netWorkType = SystemProperties.get(slotId == 0 ? TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_CS_NETWORK_TYPE : TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_CS_NETWORK_TYPE_2); } else { netWorkType = SystemProperties.get(TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_CS_NETWORK_TYPE); } boolean bTDNetwork = Integer.parseInt(netWorkType) > 2 ? true : false; if ((!bTDNetwork && MmsConfig.getReceiveMmsLimitFor2G() < msgSize/1024) || (bTDNetwork && MmsConfig.getReceiveMmsLimitForTD() < msgSize/1024)) { Xlog.v(MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "Message size exceed limitation, rejected."); status = STATUS_REJECTED; sendNotifyRespInd(status); return; } } */ // MTK_OP01_PROTECT_END // Don't try to download when data is suspended, as it will fail, so defer download if (!autoDownload || dataSuspended) { Xlog.d( MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "Not autoDownload! autoDonwload=" + autoDownload + ", dataSuspended=" + dataSuspended); if (FeatureOption.MTK_GEMINI_SUPPORT) { downloadManager.markState(mUri, DownloadManager.STATE_UNSTARTED, mSimId); } else { downloadManager.markState(mUri, DownloadManager.STATE_UNSTARTED); } sendNotifyRespInd(status); return; } if (FeatureOption.MTK_GEMINI_SUPPORT) { downloadManager.markState(mUri, DownloadManager.STATE_DOWNLOADING, mSimId); } else { downloadManager.markState(mUri, DownloadManager.STATE_DOWNLOADING); } if (LOCAL_LOGV) { Log.v(TAG, "Content-Location: " + mContentLocation); } byte[] retrieveConfData = null; // We should catch exceptions here to response MMSC // with STATUS_DEFERRED. try { Xlog.d(MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "NotificationTransaction: before getpdu"); retrieveConfData = getPdu(mContentLocation); Xlog.d(MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "NotificationTransaction: after getpdu"); } catch (IOException e) { mTransactionState.setState(FAILED); } if (retrieveConfData != null) { GenericPdu pdu = new PduParser(retrieveConfData).parse(); if ((pdu == null) || (pdu.getMessageType() != MESSAGE_TYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF)) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid M-RETRIEVE.CONF PDU."); mTransactionState.setState(FAILED); status = STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED; } else { // Save the received PDU (must be a M-RETRIEVE.CONF). PduPersister p = PduPersister.getPduPersister(mContext); Uri uri = p.persist(pdu, Inbox.CONTENT_URI); Xlog.d(MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "PDU Saved, Uri=" + uri + "\nDelete Notify Ind, Uri=" + mUri); // add for gemini if (FeatureOption.MTK_GEMINI_SUPPORT) { ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(1); values.put(Mms.SIM_ID, mSimId); SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, cr, uri, values, null, null); } // set message size int messageSize = retrieveConfData.length; ContentValues sizeValue = new ContentValues(); sizeValue.put(Mms.MESSAGE_SIZE, messageSize); SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, mContext.getContentResolver(), uri, sizeValue, null, null); // We have successfully downloaded the new MM. Delete the // M-NotifyResp.ind from Inbox. String notifId = mUri.getLastPathSegment(); String msgId = uri.getLastPathSegment(); if (!notifId.equals(msgId)) { SqliteWrapper.delete(mContext, mContext.getContentResolver(), mUri, null, null); } // Notify observers with newly received MM. mUri = uri; status = STATUS_RETRIEVED; } } else { Xlog.e(MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "retrieveConfData is null"); mTransactionState.setState(FAILED); status = STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED; } // Check the status and update the result state of this Transaction. switch (status) { case STATUS_RETRIEVED: mTransactionState.setState(SUCCESS); break; case STATUS_DEFERRED: // STATUS_DEFERRED, may be a failed immediate retrieval. if (mTransactionState.getState() == INITIALIZED) { mTransactionState.setState(SUCCESS); } break; } // if the status is STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED, this happened when we don't get mms pdu from server, // this may be a server problem or network problem. // our policy is will retry later, so we must response a deferred status not this one. // otherwise the server may delete this mms, and when we retry it, it's another mms created by // server to // inform us that the old mms is not exist yet. if (status == STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED) { status = STATUS_DEFERRED; } sendNotifyRespInd(status); // Make sure this thread isn't over the limits in message count. Recycler.getMmsRecycler().deleteOldMessagesInSameThreadAsMessage(mContext, mUri); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.e(TAG, Log.getStackTraceString(t)); if (null != mUri) { Recycler.getMmsRecycler().deleteOldMessagesInSameThreadAsMessage(mContext, mUri); } } finally { mTransactionState.setContentUri(mUri); if (!autoDownload /*|| dataSuspended*/ /*comment this case for 81452*/) { // Always mark the transaction successful for deferred // download since any error here doesn't make sense. mTransactionState.setState(SUCCESS); } if (mTransactionState.getState() != SUCCESS) { mTransactionState.setState(FAILED); Xlog.w(MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "NotificationTransaction failed."); } notifyObservers(); } }
@Override protected Void doInBackground(Intent... intents) { Intent intent = intents[0]; Xlog.d( MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "do In Background, slotId=" + intent.getIntExtra(Phone.GEMINI_SIM_ID_KEY, 0)); // Get raw PDU push-data from the message and parse it byte[] pushData = intent.getByteArrayExtra("data"); PduParser parser = new PduParser(pushData); GenericPdu pdu = parser.parse(); if (null == pdu) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid PUSH data"); return null; } PduPersister p = PduPersister.getPduPersister(mContext); ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); int type = pdu.getMessageType(); long threadId = -1; try { switch (type) { case MESSAGE_TYPE_DELIVERY_IND: Xlog.d(MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "type=MESSAGE_TYPE_DELIVERY_IND"); case MESSAGE_TYPE_READ_ORIG_IND: { if (type == MESSAGE_TYPE_READ_ORIG_IND) { Xlog.d(MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "type=MESSAGE_TYPE_READ_ORIG_IND"); } threadId = findThreadId(mContext, pdu, type); if (threadId == -1) { // The associated SendReq isn't found, therefore skip // processing this PDU. break; } Uri uri = p.persist(pdu, Inbox.CONTENT_URI); // Update thread ID for ReadOrigInd & DeliveryInd. ContentValues values = new ContentValues(1); values.put(Mms.THREAD_ID, threadId); SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, cr, uri, values, null, null); break; } case MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND: { Xlog.d(MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "type=MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND"); NotificationInd nInd = (NotificationInd) pdu; if (MmsConfig.getTransIdEnabled()) { byte[] contentLocation = nInd.getContentLocation(); if ('=' == contentLocation[contentLocation.length - 1]) { byte[] transactionId = nInd.getTransactionId(); byte[] contentLocationWithId = new byte[contentLocation.length + transactionId.length]; System.arraycopy( contentLocation, 0, contentLocationWithId, 0, contentLocation.length); System.arraycopy( transactionId, 0, contentLocationWithId, contentLocation.length, transactionId.length); nInd.setContentLocation(contentLocationWithId); } } if (!isDuplicateNotification(mContext, nInd)) { Uri uri = p.persist(pdu, Inbox.CONTENT_URI); // add for gemini if (FeatureOption.MTK_GEMINI_SUPPORT) { // update pdu ContentValues values = new ContentValues(2); SIMInfo si = SIMInfo.getSIMInfoBySlot( mContext, intent.getIntExtra(Phone.GEMINI_SIM_ID_KEY, -1)); if (null == si) { Xlog.e( MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "PushReceiver:SIMInfo is null for slot " + intent.getIntExtra(Phone.GEMINI_SIM_ID_KEY, -1)); break; } values.put(Mms.SIM_ID, si.mSimId); values.put(WapPush.SERVICE_ADDR, intent.getStringExtra(WapPush.SERVICE_ADDR)); SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, cr, uri, values, null, null); Xlog.d( MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "save notification slotId=" + intent.getIntExtra(Phone.GEMINI_SIM_ID_KEY, 0) + "\tsimId=" + si.mSimId + "\tsc=" + intent.getStringExtra(WapPush.SERVICE_ADDR) + "\taddr=" + intent.getStringExtra(WapPush.ADDR)); // update pending messages long msgId = 0; Cursor cursor = SqliteWrapper.query( mContext, mContext.getContentResolver(), uri, new String[] {Mms._ID}, null, null, null); if (cursor != null && cursor.getCount() == 1 && cursor.moveToFirst()) { try { msgId = cursor.getLong(0); Xlog.d(MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "msg id = " + msgId); } finally { cursor.close(); } } Uri.Builder uriBuilder = PendingMessages.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon(); uriBuilder.appendQueryParameter("protocol", "mms"); uriBuilder.appendQueryParameter("message", String.valueOf(msgId)); Cursor pendingCs = SqliteWrapper.query( mContext, mContext.getContentResolver(), uriBuilder.build(), null, null, null, null); if (pendingCs != null) { try { if ((pendingCs.getCount() == 1) && pendingCs.moveToFirst()) { ContentValues valuesforPending = new ContentValues(); valuesforPending.put(PendingMessages.SIM_ID, si.mSimId); int columnIndex = pendingCs.getColumnIndexOrThrow(PendingMessages._ID); long id = pendingCs.getLong(columnIndex); SqliteWrapper.update( mContext, mContext.getContentResolver(), PendingMessages.CONTENT_URI, valuesforPending, PendingMessages._ID + "=" + id, null); } else { Xlog.w( MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "can not find message to set pending sim id, msgId=" + msgId); } } finally { pendingCs.close(); } } } else { ContentValues value = new ContentValues(1); value.put(WapPush.SERVICE_ADDR, intent.getStringExtra(WapPush.SERVICE_ADDR)); SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, cr, uri, value, null, null); Xlog.d( MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "save notification," + "\tsc=" + intent.getStringExtra(WapPush.SERVICE_ADDR) + "\taddr=" + intent.getStringExtra(WapPush.ADDR)); } // Start service to finish the notification transaction. Intent svc = new Intent(mContext, TransactionService.class); svc.putExtra(TransactionBundle.URI, uri.toString()); svc.putExtra( TransactionBundle.TRANSACTION_TYPE, Transaction.NOTIFICATION_TRANSACTION); if (FeatureOption.MTK_GEMINI_SUPPORT) { SIMInfo si = SIMInfo.getSIMInfoBySlot( mContext, intent.getIntExtra(Phone.GEMINI_SIM_ID_KEY, -1)); if (null == si) { Xlog.e( MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "PushReceiver: SIMInfo is null for slot " + intent.getIntExtra(Phone.GEMINI_SIM_ID_KEY, -1)); break; } int simId = (int) si.mSimId; svc.putExtra(Phone.GEMINI_SIM_ID_KEY, simId); // svc.putExtra(Phone.GEMINI_SIM_ID_KEY, // intent.getIntExtra(Phone.GEMINI_SIM_ID_KEY, 0)); } mContext.startService(svc); } else if (LOCAL_LOGV) { Log.v( TAG, "Skip downloading duplicate message: " + new String(nInd.getContentLocation())); } break; } default: Log.e(TAG, "Received unrecognized PDU."); } } catch (MmsException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to save the data from PUSH: type=" + type, e); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Unexpected RuntimeException.", e); } finally { raisePriority(mContext, false); Xlog.d(MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "Normal priority"); } if (LOCAL_LOGV) { Log.v(TAG, "PUSH Intent processed."); } return null; }