Пример #1
   * Gets the exercises from our database that are associated with the given workout id
   * @param workoutId - the id of the workout we want the exercises for
   * @return - List of exercises associated with given workout id.
  public ArrayList<Exercise> getExercises(long workoutId) {

    // Create a list of exercises that we'll be adding to
    ArrayList<Exercise> prevExercises = new ArrayList<Exercise>();

    // Query for exercises associated with that workout id.
    Cursor exerciseCursor =
            "SELECT * FROM exercise WHERE workout_id = ? ORDER BY _id ASC",
            new String[] {"" + workoutId});

    // For every exercise associated with this workout...
    while (exerciseCursor.moveToNext()) {

      // Grab the exercise id
      long exerciseId =

      // Grab the exercise name and intensity and create our exercise object as well as the previous
      // reps list
      String exerciseName =
      int exerciseWeight =
      Exercise exer = new Exercise(exerciseName, exerciseWeight);

      // Set the last reps for our exercise and add it to the exercise list.

    return prevExercises;
Пример #2
  public Workout insertWorkout(Workout workout) {
    long workoutId, exerciseId, repId;

    // Pack our values for the workout table
    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    values.put(WorkoutDBSQLiteHelper.WORKOUT_NAME, workout.getName());
    values.put(WorkoutDBSQLiteHelper.WORKOUT_FAVORITE, workout.getFavorite());
    values.put(WorkoutDBSQLiteHelper.WORKOUT_DATE, getCurrentDate());

    // Attempt to insert the values into the database
    workoutId = database.insert(WorkoutDBSQLiteHelper.TABLE_WORKOUT, null, values);

    // If the insert failed, return null
    if (workoutId == -1) {
      return null;

    // For each of the completed exercises...
    for (Exercise exer : workout.getCompleteExercises()) {

      // Pack our values for the exercise table.
      values = new ContentValues();
      values.put(WorkoutDBSQLiteHelper.EXERCISE_NAME, exer.getName());
      values.put(WorkoutDBSQLiteHelper.EXERCISE_WORKOUT_ID, workoutId);
      values.put(WorkoutDBSQLiteHelper.EXERCISE_INTENSITY, exer.getNewWeight());

      // Attempt to insert the values into the database
      exerciseId = database.insert(WorkoutDBSQLiteHelper.TABLE_EXERCISE, null, values);

      // If the insert failed, return null
      if (exerciseId == -1) {
        return null;

      for (Integer integer : exer.getReps()) {

        // Pack our values for the reps table
        values = new ContentValues();
        values.put(WorkoutDBSQLiteHelper.REP_EXERCISE_ID, exerciseId);
        values.put(WorkoutDBSQLiteHelper.REP_COUNT, integer.intValue());

        // Attempt to insert the values into the database.
        repId = database.insert(WorkoutDBSQLiteHelper.TABLE_REP, null, values);

        // If the insert failed, return null
        if (repId == -1) {
          return null;

    return workout;