public static void setRuleForFaction(Faction faction, UPlayer setter, String FPRule) { String[] argsa = new String[3]; argsa[1] = setter.getName(); argsa[2] = FPRule; File justAFactionsPlusRuleFile = new File(Config.folderFRules+File.separator+faction.getId()+".rules"); if(faction.getId() == "0") { setter.msg(ChatColor.RED+"You must be in a Faction to set rules."); return; } if(!justAFactionsPlusRuleFile.exists()) { try { justAFactionsPlusRuleFile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { setter.msg(ChatColor.RED+"Internal Error: Failed to create the FPRules file."); e.printStackTrace(); } } try { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(Config.folderFRules+File.separator+faction.getId()+".rules", true))); out.println(FPRule); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { setter.msg(ChatColor.RED+"Internal Error: Failed to append the rule."); } setter.msg(ChatColor.GREEN+"Rule '"+FPRule+"' added!"); }
@Override public void perform() throws MassiveException { // Arg: Faction Faction faction = this.arg(0, ARFaction.get(), msenderFaction); List<MFlag> flags = new ArrayList<MFlag>(); // Case: Show All if (!this.argIsSet(1) || "all".equalsIgnoreCase(this.arg(1))) { for (MFlag mflag : MFlag.getAll()) { if (!mflag.isVisible() && !msender.isUsingAdminMode()) continue; flags.add(mflag); } } else { // Arg: MFlag. Maybe we should use ARSet but that is currently buggy. List<MFlag> mflags = this.arg(this.argConcatFrom(1), ARList.get(ARMFlag.get())); flags.addAll(mflags); } // Create messages List<String> messages = new ArrayList<String>(); messages.add(Txt.titleize("Flag for " + faction.describeTo(msender, true))); for (MFlag mflag : flags) { messages.add(mflag.getStateDesc(faction.getFlag(mflag), true, true, true, true, true)); } // Send messages sendMessage(messages); }
@Override public void perform() { Double amount = this.arg(0, ARDouble.get()); if (amount == null) return; UPlayer from = this.arg(1, ARUPlayer.getStartAny(sender)); if (from == null) return; Faction to = this.arg(2, ARFaction.get(sender)); if (to == null) return; boolean success = Econ.transferMoney(usender, from, to, amount); if (success && MConf.get().logMoneyTransactions) { Factions.get() .log( ChatColor.stripColor( Txt.parse( "%s transferred %s from the player \"%s\" to the faction \"%s\"", usender.getName(), Money.format(amount), from.describeTo(null), to.describeTo(null)))); } }
@Override public void perform() throws MassiveException { // Arguments Faction faction = this.readArg(); // Apply CmdFactions.get() .cmdFactionsRelation .cmdFactionsRelationSet .execute(sender, MUtil.list(faction.getId(), this.relName)); }
@Override public void perform() throws MassiveException { // Args MPerm perm = this.readArg(); Rel rel = this.readArg(); Boolean value = this.readArg(); Faction faction = this.readArg(msenderFaction); // Do the sender have the right to change perms for this faction? if (!MPerm.getPermPerms().has(msender, faction, true)) return; // Is this perm editable? if (!msender.isUsingAdminMode() && !perm.isEditable()) { msg("<b>The perm <h>%s <b>is not editable.", perm.getName()); return; } // No change if (faction.getPermitted(perm).contains(rel) == value) { msg( "%s <i>already has %s <i>set to %s <i>for %s<i>.", faction.describeTo(msender), perm.getDesc(true, false), Txt.parse(value ? "<g>YES" : "<b>NOO"), rel.getColor() + rel.getDescPlayerMany()); return; } // Apply faction.setRelationPermitted(perm, rel, value); // The following is to make sure the leader always has the right to change perms if that is our // goal. if (perm == MPerm.getPermPerms() && MPerm.getPermPerms().getStandard().contains(Rel.LEADER)) { faction.setRelationPermitted(MPerm.getPermPerms(), Rel.LEADER, true); } // Create messages List<String> messages = new ArrayList<String>(); // Inform sender messages.add(Txt.titleize("Perm for " + faction.describeTo(msender, true))); messages.add(MPerm.getStateHeaders()); messages.add(Txt.parse(perm.getStateInfo(faction.getPermitted(perm), true))); sendMessage(messages); // Inform faction (their message is slighly different) List<MPlayer> recipients = faction.getMPlayers(); recipients.remove(msender); for (MPlayer recipient : recipients) { messages.add( 0, Txt.parse( "<h>%s <i>set a perm for <h>%s<i>.", msender.describeTo(recipient, true), faction.describeTo(recipient, true))); recipient.sendMessage(messages); } }
@Override public void perform() { Faction faction = this.arg(0, ARFaction.get(), msenderFaction); if (faction == null) return; if (!this.argIsSet(1)) { msg(Txt.titleize("Flags for " + faction.describeTo(msender, true))); for (FFlag flag : FFlag.values()) { msg(flag.getStateInfo(faction.getFlag(flag), true)); } return; } FFlag flag = this.arg(1, ARFFlag.get()); if (flag == null) return; if (!this.argIsSet(2)) { msg(Txt.titleize("Flag for " + faction.describeTo(msender, true))); msg(flag.getStateInfo(faction.getFlag(flag), true)); return; } Boolean targetValue = this.arg(2, ARBoolean.get()); if (targetValue == null) return; // Do the sender have the right to change flags? if (!Perm.FLAG_SET.has(sender, true)) return; // Do the change msg(Txt.titleize("Flag for " + faction.describeTo(msender, true))); faction.setFlag(flag, targetValue); msg(flag.getStateInfo(faction.getFlag(flag), true)); }
public static void setPlayerPending( final UPlayer p, String command, final String args, final boolean facCommand) { if (pendingTeleportCommands.containsKey(p.getPlayer())) { p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You already have a teleport pending!"); return; } else { int timer = 0; Faction host = FactionManager.getFactionAt(p.getPlayer().getLocation().getBlock()); Rel relation = host.getRelationTo(p); if (relation == Rel.ENEMY) { timer = 200; p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Commencing teleport from enemy land in 10 seconds"); } else if (host.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Warzone")) { timer = 100; p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Commencing teleport from warzone in 5 seconds"); } if (facCommand) { command = "f " + command; } pendingTeleportCommands.put(p.getPlayer(), command); Bukkit.getScheduler() .runTaskLater( FactionsControl.instance, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (pendingTeleportCommands.containsKey(p.getPlayer())) { ignore.add(p.getPlayer()); String full = "/" + pendingTeleportCommands.get(p.getPlayer()); if (facCommand) { if (args.split(" ").length > 1) { full += " " + args.split(" ", 2)[1]; } } else if (args != null && args.length() > 0) { full += " " + args; } p.getPlayer().chat(full); ignore.remove(p.getPlayer()); pendingTeleportCommands.remove(p.getPlayer()); } } }, timer); } }
@Override public void perform() { Double amount = this.arg(0, ARDouble.get()); if (amount == null) return; Faction from = this.arg(1, ARFaction.get(sender), myFaction); if (from == null) return; FPlayer to = fme; boolean success = Econ.transferMoney(fme, from, to, amount); if (success && MConf.get().logMoneyTransactions) { Factions.get() .log( ChatColor.stripColor( Txt.parse( "%s withdrew %s from the faction bank: %s", fme.getName(), Money.format(from, amount), from.describeTo(null)))); } }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST) public void onPlayerDamageByPlayer(final EntityDamageByEntityEvent e) { if (e.getEntity() instanceof Player == false || e.getDamager() instanceof Player == false) return; Player player = (Player) e.getEntity(); Player target = (Player) e.getDamager(); SCPlayer scp = getSCPlayer(player.getUniqueId()); SCPlayer sct = getSCPlayer(target.getUniqueId()); Faction faction = BoardColl.get().getFactionAt(PS.valueOf(target.getLocation().getChunk())); if (faction.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Safezone")) { return; } final Faction pFaction = MPlayerColl.get().get(player).getFaction(); final Faction tFaction = MPlayerColl.get().get(target).getFaction(); if (pFaction.getRelationTo(tFaction) == Rel.MEMBER && !pFaction.isNone()) { return; } if (pFaction.getRelationTo(tFaction) == Rel.ALLY) { return; } scp.combatTag(); sct.combatTag(); }
@Override public void perform() { // Args Faction faction = this.arg(0, ARFaction.get(usender), usenderFaction); if (faction == null) return; // FPerm if (!FPerm.DISBAND.has(usender, faction, true)) return; // Verify if (faction.getFlag(FFlag.PERMANENT)) { msg("<i>This faction is designated as permanent, so you cannot disband it."); return; } // Event EventFactionsDisband event = new EventFactionsDisband(me, faction);; if (event.isCancelled()) return; // Merged Apply and Inform // Run event for each player in the faction for (UPlayer uplayer : faction.getUPlayers()) { EventFactionsMembershipChange membershipChangeEvent = new EventFactionsMembershipChange( sender, uplayer, FactionColls.get().get(faction).getNone(), MembershipChangeReason.DISBAND);; } // Inform all players for (UPlayer uplayer : UPlayerColls.get().get(usender).getAllOnline()) { String who = usender.describeTo(uplayer); if (uplayer.getFaction() == faction) { uplayer.msg("<h>%s<i> disbanded your faction.", who); } else { uplayer.msg("<h>%s<i> disbanded the faction %s.", who, faction.getName(uplayer)); } } if (MConf.get().logFactionDisband) { Factions.get() .log( Txt.parse( "<i>The faction <h>%s <i>(<h>%s<i>) was disbanded by <h>%s<i>.", faction.getName(), faction.getId(), usender.getDisplayName())); } faction.detach(); }
public static int getCountOfWarps(Faction faction) { File currentWarpFile = new File(Config.folderWarps, faction.getId()); int c = 0; if (currentWarpFile.exists()) { FileInputStream fstream = null; DataInputStream in = null; BufferedReader br = null; try { fstream = new FileInputStream(currentWarpFile); in = new DataInputStream(fstream); br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String strLine; while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) { if (strLine.contains(":")) { c++; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (null != br) { try { br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (null != in) { try { in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (null != fstream) { try { fstream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } return c; }
public static boolean canPlayerEnderPerlHere(UPlayer up, Location from, Location to) { Faction host = FactionManager.getFactionAt(to.getBlock()); if (host.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("SafeZone")) { up.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You are unable to enderpearl into the " + host.getName(up)); return false; } else if (host.isNone() || host.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("WarZone") || host.getRelationTo(up).isAtLeast(Rel.TRUCE)) { return true; } else { up.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "You are unable to enderpearl into the faction " + host.getName(up)); return false; } }
public static boolean canPlayerTeleportHere(UPlayer up, Location from, Location to) { Faction host = FactionManager.getFactionAt(to.getBlock()); if (host.getRelationTo(up).isAtLeast(Rel.TRUCE)) { return true; } if (host.isDefault() && !host.isNone()) { return true; } if (up.getPower() > 1 && host.isNone()) { return true; } else if (up.getPower() <= 1) { up.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Your weak power is preventing you from teleporting"); return false; } else { up.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "You are unable to teleport to the faction " + host.getName(up)); return false; } }
public static String replaceVariables(String string, Player player) { String newString = string; UPlayer uplayer = UPlayer.get(player); if (newString.contains("<factionsf") && !newString.contains("<factionsfin")) { Faction faction = uplayer.getFaction(); if (newString.contains("<factionsfname>")) newString = newString.replaceAll("<factionsfname>", faction.getName()); if (newString.contains("<factionsfland>")) newString = newString.replaceAll("<factionsfland>", String.valueOf(faction.getLandCount())); if (newString.contains("<factionsfpower>")) newString = newString.replaceAll("<factionsfpower>", String.valueOf(faction.getPowerRounded())); if (newString.contains("<factionsfmaxpower>")) newString = newString.replaceAll( "<factionsfmaxpower>", String.valueOf(faction.getPowerMaxRounded())); if (newString.contains("<factionsfonline>")) newString = newString.replaceAll( "<factionsfonline>", String.valueOf(faction.getOnlinePlayers().size())); if (newString.contains("<factionsfleader>")) newString = newString.replaceAll( "<factionsfleader>", String.valueOf( faction.getLeader() != null ? faction.getLeader().getName() : "Unknown")); if (newString.contains("<factionsfofficers>")) newString = newString.replaceAll( "<factionsfofficers>", String.valueOf(faction.getUPlayersWhereRole(Rel.OFFICER).size())); } if (newString.contains("<factionspower>")) newString = newString.replaceAll("<factionspower>", String.valueOf(uplayer.getPowerRounded())); if (newString.contains("<factionsmaxpower>")) newString = newString.replaceAll("<factionsmaxpower>", String.valueOf(uplayer.getPowerMaxRounded())); if (newString.contains("<factionsrole>")) newString = newString.replaceAll("<factionsrole>", String.valueOf(uplayer.getRole())); if (newString.contains("<factionsfin")) { Faction inFaction = BoardColls.get().getFactionAt(PS.valueOf(uplayer.getPlayer().getLocation().getChunk())); if (newString.contains("<factionsfinname>")) newString = newString.replaceAll("<factionsfinname>", String.valueOf(inFaction.getName())); if (newString.contains("<factionsfinland>")) newString = newString.replaceAll("<factionsfland>", String.valueOf(inFaction.getLandCount())); if (newString.contains("<factionsfinpower>")) newString = newString.replaceAll("<factionsfinpower>", String.valueOf(inFaction.getPowerRounded())); if (newString.contains("<factionsfinmaxpower>")) newString = newString.replaceAll( "<factionsfinmaxpower>", String.valueOf(inFaction.getPowerMaxRounded())); if (newString.contains("<factionsfinonline>")) newString = newString.replaceAll( "<factionsfinonline>", String.valueOf(inFaction.getOnlinePlayers().size())); if (newString.contains("<factionsfinleader>")) newString = newString.replaceAll( "<factionsfinleader>", String.valueOf( inFaction.getLeader() != null ? inFaction.getLeader().getName() : "Unknown")); if (newString.contains("<factionsfinland>")) newString = newString.replaceAll("<factionsfinland>", String.valueOf(inFaction.getLandCount())); if (newString.contains("<factionsfinofficer>")) newString = newString.replaceAll( "<factionsfinofficers>", String.valueOf(inFaction.getUPlayersWhereRole(Rel.OFFICER).size())); } return newString; }
@Override public void performfp() { String warpname = this.arg(0); String setPassword = "******"; if(this.arg(1) != null) { if(this.arg(1) != "-") { setPassword = this.arg(1); } } if(!FP.permission.has(sender, "factionsplus.warp")) { msg(ChatColor.RED + "No permission!"); return; } Faction currentFaction; if(this.arg(2) != null) { currentFaction = Faction.get(this.arg(2)); if(currentFaction == null ) { msg( "The faction " + this.arg(2) + " could not be found." ); return; } if( currentFaction.getId() != usender.getFactionId() && !usender.isUsingAdminMode() ) { if(!FP.permission.has(sender, "factionsplus.warpotherfactions" ) ) { msg( "You do not have permission to use other Factions warps. (factionsplus.warpotherfactions)" ); return; } } } else { currentFaction = usender.getFaction(); } if( (! usender.hasFaction() && currentFaction != usender.getFaction() ) || currentFaction.isNone() ) { msg( ChatColor.WHITE + "You are currently not in a Faction." ); } File currentWarpFile = new File(Config.folderWarps, currentFaction.getId()); World world; // Check if player can teleport from enemy territory if(!Config._warps.warpTeleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory._ && usender.isInEnemyTerritory() ){ msg("<b>You cannot teleport to your faction warp while in the territory of an enemy faction."); return; } // Check if player can teleport from different world /* * Move inside the try catch * * if(!Conf.homesTeleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld && player.getWorld().getUID() != world){ * fme.msg("<b>You cannot teleport to your faction home while in a different world."); * return; * } */ // Check for enemies nearby // if player is not in a safe zone or their own faction territory, only allow teleport if no enemies are nearby Location loc = me.getLocation().clone(); if( Config._warps.warpTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance._ > 0 && ! Utilities.isSafeZone(BoardColls.get().getFactionAt(PS.valueOf(loc))) && ( ! usender.isInOwnTerritory() || ( usender.isInOwnTerritory() && ! Config._warps.warpTeleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory._))){ World w = loc.getWorld(); double x = loc.getX(); double y = loc.getY(); double z = loc.getZ(); for (Player playa : me.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) { if (playa == null || !playa.isOnline() || playa.isDead() || playa.getWorld() != w) continue; UPlayer fp = UPlayer.get(playa); if (fp.equals(usender)) { continue; } if ( ! fp.getRelationTo(usender).equals (Rel.ENEMY ) ) { continue; } Location l = playa.getLocation(); double dx = Math.abs(x - l.getX()); double dy = Math.abs(y - l.getY()); double dz = Math.abs(z - l.getZ()); double max = Config._warps.warpTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance._; // box-shaped distance check if (dx > max || dy > max || dz > max) continue; msg("<b>You cannot teleport to your faction warp while an enemy is within " + max+ " blocks of you."); return; } } if (!currentWarpFile.exists()) { if(currentFaction != usender.getFaction() ) { msg( ChatColor.RED + currentFaction.getName() + " has no warps!" ); } else { msg( ChatColor.RED + "Your faction has no warps!" ); } return; } FileInputStream fstream=null; DataInputStream in=null; BufferedReader br=null; try { fstream = new FileInputStream(currentWarpFile); in = new DataInputStream(fstream); br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String strLine; while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) { //sender.sendMessage(strLine); String[] warp_data = strLine.split(":"); if(warp_data[0].equalsIgnoreCase(warpname)) { //sender.sendMessage("warp found: " + warp_data[0]); double x = Double.parseDouble(warp_data[1]); double y = Double.parseDouble(warp_data[2]); // y axis double z = Double.parseDouble(warp_data[3]); float Y = Float.parseFloat(warp_data[4]); // yaw float playa = Float.parseFloat(warp_data[5]); world = Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(warp_data[6]); if(warp_data.length == 8) { if(warp_data[7] != "nullvalue") { if(!setPassword.trim().equals(warp_data[7].trim())) { msg(FactionsPlusTemplates.Go("warp_incorrect_password", null )); return; } } } Location newTel = new Location(world, x, y, z, Y, playa); String ownfid = usender.getFactionId(); int count = 0; do { PS warpFLocation = PS.valueOf( newTel ); String warpatFID = BoardColls.get().getFactionAt( warpFLocation ).getId(); if ( !ownfid.equalsIgnoreCase( warpatFID ) ) { if ( Config._warps.mustBeInOwnTerritoryToCreate._ ) { // the the destination warp should be in player's own faction's territory, else deny tp-ing to it // XXX: this is a workaround for 1. not removing warps that violate this constraint(assuming it changed)... // 2. disbanding faction or unclaiming land won't remove the warp usender.msg( "<b>You cannot teleport to warp " + ChatColor.WHITE + warpname + " <b>because it " + ( 0 < count ? "will make you land outside of" : "is not in" ) + " your faction territory."+(0<count?" <i>(because it's obstructed)":"") ); if( Config._warps.removeWarpIfDeniedAccess._ ) { File currentWarpFileTMP = new File(Config.folderWarps, currentFaction.getId() + ".tmp"); PrintWriter wrt=null; BufferedReader rdr=null; try { wrt = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter( currentWarpFileTMP ) ); rdr = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( currentWarpFile ) ); String line; while ( ( line = rdr.readLine() ) != null ) { String[] warp = line.split( ":" ); if ( ( warp.length >= 1 ) && ( warp[0].equalsIgnoreCase( warpname ) ) ) { continue; } wrt.println( line ); } } finally { if ( null != rdr ) { try { rdr.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if ( null != wrt ) { wrt.close(); } } if (!currentWarpFile.delete()) { System.out.println("[FactionsPlus] Cannot delete " + currentWarpFile.getName()); return; } if (!currentWarpFileTMP.renameTo(currentWarpFile)) { System.out.println("[FactionsPlus] Cannot rename " + currentWarpFileTMP.getName() + " to " + currentWarpFile.getName()); return; } String[] aargsa = { warpname }; msg(FactionsPlusTemplates.Go("warped_removed", aargsa )); //fplayer.msg( "The warp " + ChatColor.WHITE + warpname + " was removed." ); } return; } else {// you can land anywhere if the 3 config options allows it below: Rel rel = usender.getFaction().getRelationTo(BoardColls.get().getFactionAt( warpFLocation ) ); if ( ((Config._warps.denyWarpToEnemyLand._) && (Rel.ENEMY.equals( rel ))) ||((Config._warps.denyWarpToAllyLand._) && (Rel.ALLY.equals( rel ))) ||((Config._warps.denyWarpToNeutralOrTruceLand._) && (Rel.NEUTRAL.equals( rel ) || Rel.NEUTRAL.equals( rel )) ) ) { msg( "<b>You cannot teleport to warp " + ChatColor.WHITE + warpname + " <b>because it " + ( 0 < count ? "will make you land inside of" : "is in" ) + " "+ChatColor.WHITE+rel+"<b> faction territory."+(0<count?" <i>(because it's obstructed)":"") ); return; } } } try { newTel = EssentialsIntegration.getSafeDestination( newTel ); } catch(NoClassDefFoundError e) { FP.severe("Essentials is out of date. Can not get safe location."); } } while ( ++count < 2 );// XXX:make this 1 to not check for safedestination, or 2 to do check if(Config._economy.costToWarp._ > 0.0d) { if (!Utilities.doFinanceCrap(Config._economy.costToWarp._, "teleport to warp "+warpname, usender)) { return; } } String[] aargsa = { warpname }; msg(FactionsPlusTemplates.Go("warped_to", aargsa )); //player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Warped to " + ChatColor.WHITE + warpname); //XXX: this will fail (in Factions not FP) when Essentials is unloaded then loaded again via plugman, also /f home try { if (EssentialsIntegration.handleTeleport(me, newTel)) return; } catch( Exception e) { msg(ChatColor.RED + "Error: Error thrown on Essentials handling teleport."); FP.severe("Essentials is out of date. Can not handle teleport."); } //we still don't try to tp to the safe location. I better not be sorry for this newTel = new Location(world, x, y, z, Y, playa); // Create a smoke effect if ( Config._warps.smokeEffectOnWarp._ ) { List<Location> smokeLocations = new ArrayList<Location>(); smokeLocations.add(me.getLocation()); smokeLocations.add(me.getLocation().add(0, 1, 0)); smokeLocations.add(newTel); smokeLocations.add(newTel.clone().add(0, 1, 0)); SmokeUtil.spawnCloudRandom(smokeLocations, 3f); } me.teleport(newTel); return; } } msg(FactionsPlusTemplates.Go("warp_non_existant", null)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "An internal error occured (02)"); } finally { if (null != br) { try { br.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (null != in) { try { in.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (null != fstream) { try { fstream.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
public static void removeRule(Faction faction, int ruleNo, UPlayer fplayer) { try { File readFile = new File(Config.folderFRules+File.separator+fplayer.getFactionId()+".rules"); File outFile = new File(Config.folderFRules+File.separator+fplayer.getFactionId()+".new_rulesTMP"); if(!readFile.exists()) { fplayer.msg(ChatColor.RED+"Your faction has no rules!"); return; } if(Utilities.countLines(Config.folderFRules+File.separator+fplayer.getFactionId()+".rules") >= Config._rules.maxRulesPerFaction._) { fplayer.msg(ChatColor.RED+"The max rules a faction can have is "+Config._rules.maxRulesPerFaction._+ "."); return; } String workingLine = null; int i = 0; int c = 0; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(readFile)); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outFile)); if(!outFile.exists()) { outFile.createNewFile(); } while ((workingLine = br.readLine()) != null) { i++; if(i != ruleNo) { c++; pw.println(workingLine); pw.flush(); } } pw.close(); br.close(); if(c == 0) { fplayer.msg(ChatColor.RED+"Could not find that rule."); outFile.delete(); return; } else if(i == c) { // 1 line was in the file, and 1 line was removed // which means there are no rules left. Remove the files. readFile.delete(); outFile.delete(); } else { if (!readFile.delete()) {"Could not remove the current rules file for Faction #" + faction.getId()); fplayer.msg(ChatColor.RED+"Could not remove rule (internal error)."); return; } if (!outFile.renameTo(readFile)) {"Could not rename tmp file to current rules file for Faction #" + faction.getId()); fplayer.msg(ChatColor.RED+"Could not remove rule (internal error)."); return; } } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } fplayer.msg(ChatColor.GREEN+"Rule removed, rules re-shuffled."); }
@Override public void perform() { UPlayer newLeader = this.arg(0, ARUPlayer.getStartAny(sender)); if (newLeader == null) return; Faction targetFaction = this.arg(1, ARFaction.get(sender), usenderFaction); if (targetFaction == null) return; UPlayer targetFactionCurrentLeader = targetFaction.getLeader(); // We now have uplayer and the target faction if (this.senderIsConsole || usender.isUsingAdminMode() || Perm.LEADER_ANY.has(sender, false)) { // Do whatever you wish } else { // Follow the standard rules if (usender.getRole() != Rel.LEADER || targetFaction != usenderFaction) { sender.sendMessage(Txt.parse("<b>你必须是公会会长才能操作 %s.", this.getDesc())); return; } if (newLeader.getFaction() != usenderFaction) { msg("%s<i> 不是公会成员.", newLeader.describeTo(usender, true)); return; } if (newLeader == usender) { msg("<b>目标不能是你自己."); return; } } // only run event when newLeader isn't actually in the faction if (newLeader.getFaction() != targetFaction) { FactionsEventMembershipChange event = new FactionsEventMembershipChange( sender, newLeader, targetFaction, MembershipChangeReason.LEADER);; if (event.isCancelled()) return; } // if target player is currently leader, demote and replace him if (targetFactionCurrentLeader == newLeader) { targetFaction.promoteNewLeader(); msg( "<i>You have demoted %s<i> from the position of faction leader.", newLeader.describeTo(usender, true)); newLeader.msg( "<i>You have been demoted from the position of faction leader by %s<i>.", usender.describeTo(newLeader, true)); return; } // Perform the switching if (targetFactionCurrentLeader != null) { targetFactionCurrentLeader.setRole(Rel.OFFICER); } newLeader.setFaction(targetFaction); newLeader.setRole(Rel.LEADER); msg("<i>你提升 %s<i> 成为公会会长.", newLeader.describeTo(usender, true)); // Inform all players for (UPlayer uplayer : UPlayerColls.get().get(sender).getAllOnline()) { uplayer.msg( "%s<i> gave %s<i> the leadership of %s<i>.", senderIsConsole ? "A server admin" : RelationUtil.describeThatToMe(usender, uplayer, true), newLeader.describeTo(uplayer), targetFaction.describeTo(uplayer)); } }
/** * use this method instead of Conf.wildernessPowerLoss * * @return */ public static final boolean confIs_wildernessPowerLoss() { return (Faction.get("0").getFlag(FFlag.POWERLOSS)); }
public static final boolean isPeaceful(Faction faction) { return (faction.getFlag(FFlag.PEACEFUL)); }
public static final void setPeaceful(Faction faction, boolean state) { assert Q.nn(faction); faction.setFlag(FFlag.PEACEFUL, state); }