/** * Extended headers / footers example * * @param args Unused */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Demonstrates use of the RtfHeaderFooter for extended headers and footers"); try { Document document = new Document(); RtfWriter2.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("ExtendedHeaderFooter.rtf")); // Create the Paragraphs that will be used in the header. Paragraph date = new Paragraph("01.01.2010"); date.setAlignment(Paragraph.ALIGN_RIGHT); Paragraph address = new Paragraph("TheFirm\nTheRoad 24, TheCity\n" + "+00 99 11 22 33 44"); // Create the RtfHeaderFooter with an array containing the Paragraphs to add RtfHeaderFooter header = new RtfHeaderFooter(new Element[] {date, address}); // Set the header document.setHeader(header); // Create the table that will be used as the footer Table footer = new Table(2); footer.setBorder(0); footer.getDefaultCell().setBorder(0); footer.setWidth(100); footer.addCell(new Cell("(c) Mark Hall")); Paragraph pageNumber = new Paragraph("Page "); // The RtfPageNumber is an RTF specific element that adds a page number field pageNumber.add(new RtfPageNumber()); pageNumber.setAlignment(Paragraph.ALIGN_RIGHT); footer.addCell(new Cell(pageNumber)); // Create the RtfHeaderFooter and set it as the footer to use document.setFooter(new RtfHeaderFooter(footer)); document.open(); document.add( new Paragraph( "This document has headers and footers created" + " using the RtfHeaderFooter class.")); document.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { fnfe.printStackTrace(); } catch (DocumentException de) { de.printStackTrace(); } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.afunms.report.ExportInterface#insertChart(java.lang.String) */ public void insertChart(String path) throws Exception { if (!document.isOpen()) { document.open(); } Image png = Image.getInstance(path); // png.scaleAbsolute(560, 320); png.scalePercent(90); Table pngtable = new Table(1); pngtable.setAutoFillEmptyCells(true); pngtable.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); pngtable.setCellsFitPage(true); pngtable.setWidth(100); pngtable.setBorder(0); RtfCell cell = new RtfCell(png); cell.setBorder(0); pngtable.addCell(cell); document.add(pngtable); }
// utility function to make an item Element. private Table makeItemElement(ShoppingCartItemData pItm) throws DocumentException { Table itmTbl = new PTable(mColumnCount); itmTbl.setWidth(100); itmTbl.setWidths(itmColumnWidth); itmTbl.getDefaultCell().setBorderColor(java.awt.Color.black); itmTbl.getDefaultCell().setVerticalAlignment(Cell.ALIGN_TOP); itmTbl.setOffset(0); itmTbl.setBorder(Table.NO_BORDER); if (!catalogOnly) { String t0 = ""; if (pItm.getIsaInventoryItem()) { t0 = "i"; } if (null != mSiteData && mSiteData.isAnInventoryAutoOrderItem(pItm.getProduct().getProductId())) { t0 += "a"; } Cell tpc0 = new Cell(makePhrase(t0, small, true)); if (!pItm.getIsaInventoryItem()) { tpc0.setBorder(0); } itmTbl.addCell(tpc0); } Cell tpc01 = new Cell(makePhrase("", normal, true)); itmTbl.addCell(tpc01); String t = ""; if (pItm.getProduct().isPackProblemSku()) { t += "*"; } if (t.length() > 0) t += " "; Cell tpc1 = new Cell(makePhrase(t + pItm.getActualSkuNum(), normal, true)); itmTbl.addCell(tpc1); itmTbl.addCell(makePhrase(pItm.getProduct().getCatalogProductShortDesc(), normal, true)); if (mShowSize) { itmTbl.addCell(makePhrase(pItm.getProduct().getSize(), normal, true)); } // itmTbl.addCell(makePhrase(pItm.getProduct().getPack(), normal, true)); // itmTbl.addCell(makePhrase(pItm.getProduct().getUom(), normal, true)); // itmTbl.addCell(makePhrase(pItm.getProduct().getManufacturerName(),normal,true)); if (mShowPrice) { BigDecimal price = new BigDecimal(pItm.getPrice()); String priceStr = ""; try { priceStr = mFormatter.priceFormatWithoutCurrency(price); } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } Cell pcell = new Cell(makePhrase(priceStr, normal, true)); pcell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); itmTbl.addCell(pcell); } if (catalogOnly) { if (pItm.getProduct() != null && pItm.getProduct().getCatalogDistrMapping() != null && Utility.isTrue(pItm.getProduct().getCatalogDistrMapping().getStandardProductList())) { String yStr = ClwI18nUtil.getMessage(mRequest, "shoppingItems.text.y", null); itmTbl.addCell(makePhrase(yStr, normal, true)); } else { String nStr = ClwI18nUtil.getMessage(mRequest, "shoppingItems.text.n", null); itmTbl.addCell(makePhrase(nStr, normal, true)); } } if (!catalogOnly) { // BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal(pItm.getAmount()); itmTbl.addCell(makePhrase("", normal, true)); } return itmTbl; }
// int sportId = 1; public void SelPlaWD(String filePath, String fileName) { SelectPlayerDAO sd = new SelectPlayerDAO(); // ArrayList departList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList stuDepartList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList teaDepartList = new ArrayList(); // ArrayList selectSportsid=new ArrayList(); // departList=sd.selectDepartment(sportId); // selectSportsid=sd.selectSportsid(); stuDepartList = sd.slectStuDepidBySid(sportId); teaDepartList = sd.selectDepartment(sportId); Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); try { RtfWriter2.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(filePath + fileName)); document.open(); for (int i = 0; i < stuDepartList.size(); i++) { int id = Integer.parseInt(stuDepartList.get(i).toString()); // int sid = Integer.parseInt(selectSportsid.get(i).toString()); ArrayList playBoy = new ArrayList(); ArrayList playGirl = new ArrayList(); // ArrayList playTeacher = new ArrayList(); // int type=sd.selectDepartmentType(id); // if(type==1){ // 查询学生男子组的姓名和号码 playBoy = sd.selectPlayersByDept(1, id, sportId); String groupname = "男子组"; String departname = sd.selectDepartmentName(id); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(departname, new Font(Font.BOLD, 18, Font.BOLD, new Color(0, 0, 0))); p.setAlignment(1); document.add(p); // document.add(new Paragraph(groupname)); Table table = new Table(8); Cell cc5 = new Cell(groupname); cc5.setColspan(8); cc5.setBorderWidth(0); table.addCell(cc5); // 指定表格为八列 table.setBorder(0); table.setBorderWidth(0); table.setBorderColor(Color.WHITE); table.setPadding(0); table.setSpacing(0); for (int a = 0; a < playBoy.size(); a++) { PlayerPojo pojp = (PlayerPojo) playBoy.get(a); Cell cc = new Cell(pojp.getPlayernum()); cc.setBorderWidth(0); table.addCell(cc); Cell ce = new Cell(pojp.getPlayername()); ce.setBorderWidth(0); table.addCell(ce); } // document.add(p1); document.add(table); // 查询学生女子组的姓名和号码 Table table1 = new Table(8); // 指定表格为八列 table1.setBorder(0); table1.setBorderWidth(0); table1.setBorderColor(Color.WHITE); table1.setPadding(0); table1.setSpacing(0); playGirl = sd.selectPlayersByDept(0, id, sportId); String groupname1 = "女子组"; // document.add(new Paragraph(groupname1)); Cell cc6 = new Cell(groupname1); cc6.setColspan(8); cc6.setBorderWidth(0); table1.addCell(cc6); for (int a = 0; a < playGirl.size(); a++) { PlayerPojo pojp = (PlayerPojo) playGirl.get(a); Cell cc1 = new Cell(pojp.getPlayernum()); cc1.setBorderWidth(0); table1.addCell(cc1); Cell ce1 = new Cell(pojp.getPlayername()); ce1.setBorderWidth(0); table1.addCell(ce1); } document.add(table1); document.add(new Paragraph()); document.add(new Paragraph()); // } else{ } for (int i = 0; i < teaDepartList.size(); i++) { int id = Integer.parseInt(teaDepartList.get(i).toString()); ArrayList playTeacher = sd.selectPlayersByDept1(id, sportId); String groupname = "教工组"; String departname = sd.selectDepartmentName(id); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(departname, new Font(Font.BOLD, 18, Font.BOLD, new Color(0, 0, 0))); p.setAlignment(1); document.add(p); // document.add(new Paragraph(groupname)); Table table2 = new Table(8); Cell cc6 = new Cell(groupname); cc6.setColspan(8); cc6.setBorderWidth(0); table2.addCell(cc6); // 指定表格为八列 table2.setBorder(0); table2.setBorderWidth(0); table2.setBorderColor(Color.WHITE); table2.setPadding(0); table2.setSpacing(0); for (int a = 0; a < playTeacher.size(); a++) { PlayerPojo pojp = (PlayerPojo) playTeacher.get(a); Cell cc = new Cell(pojp.getPlayernum()); cc.setBorderWidth(0); table2.addCell(cc); Cell ce = new Cell(pojp.getPlayername()); ce.setBorderWidth(0); table2.addCell(ce); } document.add(table2); } // 查询教工组的姓名和号码 // document.add(p1); document.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (DocumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }