/** * Calculates what the height of the first line should be so that the content will be flush with * the top. For text, this is the height of the ascender. For an image, it is the actual height of * the image. * * @return the real height of the first line */ private float firstLineRealHeight() { float firstLineRealHeight = 0f; if (firstLine != null) { PdfChunk chunk = firstLine.getChunk(0); if (chunk != null) { Image image = chunk.getImage(); if (image != null) { firstLineRealHeight = firstLine.getChunk(0).getImage().scaledHeight(); } else { firstLineRealHeight = useAscender ? firstLine.getAscender() : leading; } } } return firstLineRealHeight; }
/** * Constructs a <CODE>PdfCell</CODE>-object. * * @param cell the original <CODE>Cell</CODE> * @param rownumber the number of the <CODE>Row</CODE> the <CODE>Cell</CODE> was in. * @param left the left border of the <CODE>PdfCell</CODE> * @param right the right border of the <CODE>PdfCell</CODE> * @param top the top border of the <CODE>PdfCell</CODE> * @param cellspacing the cellspacing of the <CODE>Table</CODE> * @param cellpadding the cellpadding of the <CODE>Table</CODE> */ public PdfCell( Cell cell, int rownumber, float left, float right, float top, float cellspacing, float cellpadding) { // constructs a Rectangle (the bottomvalue will be changed afterwards) super(left, top, right, top); // copying the other Rectangle attributes from class Cell cloneNonPositionParameters(cell); this.cellpadding = cellpadding; this.cellspacing = cellspacing; this.verticalAlignment = cell.verticalAlignment(); this.useAscender = cell.isUseAscender(); this.useDescender = cell.isUseDescender(); this.useBorderPadding = cell.isUseBorderPadding(); // initialisation of some parameters PdfChunk chunk; Element element; PdfChunk overflow; lines = new ArrayList(); images = new ArrayList(); leading = cell.leading(); int alignment = cell.horizontalAlignment(); left += cellspacing + cellpadding; right -= cellspacing + cellpadding; left += getBorderWidthInside(LEFT); right -= getBorderWidthInside(RIGHT); contentHeight = 0; rowspan = cell.rowspan(); ArrayList allActions; int aCounter; // we loop over all the elements of the cell for (Iterator i = cell.getElements(); i.hasNext(); ) { element = (Element) i.next(); switch (element.type()) { case Element.JPEG: case Element.IMGRAW: case Element.IMGTEMPLATE: addImage((Image) element, left, right, 0.4f * leading, alignment); // break; // if the element is a list case Element.LIST: if (line != null && line.size() > 0) { line.resetAlignment(); addLine(line); } allActions = new ArrayList(); processActions(element, null, allActions); aCounter = 0; ListItem item; // we loop over all the listitems for (Iterator items = ((List) element).getItems().iterator(); items.hasNext(); ) { item = (ListItem) items.next(); line = new PdfLine(left + item.indentationLeft(), right, alignment, item.leading()); line.setListItem(item); for (Iterator j = item.getChunks().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { chunk = new PdfChunk((Chunk) j.next(), (PdfAction) (allActions.get(aCounter++))); while ((overflow = line.add(chunk)) != null) { addLine(line); line = new PdfLine(left + item.indentationLeft(), right, alignment, item.leading()); chunk = overflow; } line.resetAlignment(); addLine(line); line = new PdfLine(left + item.indentationLeft(), right, alignment, leading); } } line = new PdfLine(left, right, alignment, leading); break; // if the element is something else default: allActions = new ArrayList(); processActions(element, null, allActions); aCounter = 0; float currentLineLeading = leading; float currentLeft = left; float currentRight = right; if (element instanceof Phrase) { currentLineLeading = ((Phrase) element).leading(); } if (element instanceof Paragraph) { Paragraph p = (Paragraph) element; currentLeft += p.indentationLeft(); currentRight -= p.indentationRight(); } if (line == null) { line = new PdfLine(currentLeft, currentRight, alignment, currentLineLeading); } // we loop over the chunks ArrayList chunks = element.getChunks(); if (chunks.isEmpty()) { addLine(line); // add empty line - all cells need some lines even if they are empty line = new PdfLine(currentLeft, currentRight, alignment, currentLineLeading); } else { for (Iterator j = chunks.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { Chunk c = (Chunk) j.next(); chunk = new PdfChunk(c, (PdfAction) (allActions.get(aCounter++))); while ((overflow = line.add(chunk)) != null) { addLine(line); line = new PdfLine(currentLeft, currentRight, alignment, currentLineLeading); chunk = overflow; } } } // if the element is a paragraph, section or chapter, we reset the alignment and add the // line switch (element.type()) { case Element.PARAGRAPH: case Element.SECTION: case Element.CHAPTER: line.resetAlignment(); flushCurrentLine(); } } } flushCurrentLine(); if (lines.size() > cell.getMaxLines()) { while (lines.size() > cell.getMaxLines()) { removeLine(lines.size() - 1); } if (cell.getMaxLines() > 0) { String more = cell.getShowTruncation(); if (more != null && more.length() > 0) { // Denote that the content has been truncated lastLine = (PdfLine) lines.get(lines.size() - 1); if (lastLine.size() >= 0) { PdfChunk lastChunk = lastLine.getChunk(lastLine.size() - 1); float moreWidth = new PdfChunk(more, lastChunk).width(); while (lastChunk.toString().length() > 0 && lastChunk.width() + moreWidth > right - left) { // Remove characters to leave room for the 'more' indicator lastChunk.setValue(lastChunk.toString().substring(0, lastChunk.length() - 1)); } lastChunk.setValue(lastChunk.toString() + more); } else { lastLine.add(new PdfChunk(new Chunk(more), null)); } } } } // we set some additional parameters if (useDescender && lastLine != null) { contentHeight -= lastLine.getDescender(); } // adjust first line height so that it touches the top if (lines.size() > 0) { firstLine = (PdfLine) lines.get(0); float firstLineRealHeight = firstLineRealHeight(); contentHeight -= firstLine.height(); firstLine.height = firstLineRealHeight; contentHeight += firstLineRealHeight; } float newBottom = top - contentHeight - (2f * cellpadding()) - (2f * cellspacing()); newBottom -= getBorderWidthInside(TOP) + getBorderWidthInside(BOTTOM); setBottom(newBottom); this.rownumber = rownumber; }