Пример #1
   * Make a new PushRequest object for us to send with the given information. This is the packet
   * maker.
   * @param guid For the header, the message GUID that will mark this packet unique
   * @param ttl For the header, the TTL
   * @param clientGUID For the payload, the client ID GUID of the firewalled computer that has the
   *     file and will push open the connection
   * @param index For the payload, the ID number the firewalled computer has assigned the file the
   *     downloading computer wants
   * @param ip For the payload, the downloading computer's IP address the firewalled computer will
   *     push open a connection to
   * @param port For the payload, the downloading computer's port number the firewalled computer
   *     will push open a connection to
   * @param network The Internet protocol this push packet will travel on, like 1 N_TCP or 2 N_UDP,
   *     this is not a part of the packet that's sent
   * @return A new PushRequest object with that information
  public PushRequest(
      byte[] guid, byte ttl, byte[] clientGUID, long index, byte[] ip, int port, int network) {

    // Call the Message constructor to save packet header information
        guid, // The message GUID
        Message.F_PUSH, // 0x40, this is a push message
        ttl, // The number of times this push will be able to travel between ultrapeers
        (byte) 0, // This push message hasn't traveled any hops yet
        STANDARD_PAYLOAD_SIZE, // The payload length will be 26 bytes
        network); // The Internet protocol we'll use to send, the Message object keeps this
                  // information but it is not part of the packet that's sent

    // Make sure the GUID is 16 bytes, the file id fits in 4 bytes, the IP is 4 bytes, the IP
    // address doesn't start 0 or 255, and the port number fits in 2 bytes
    if (clientGUID.length != 16)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid guid length: " + clientGUID.length);
    else if ((index & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000l) != 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid index: " + index);
    else if (ip.length != 4) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid ip length: " + ip.length);
    else if (!NetworkUtils.isValidAddress(ip))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid ip " + NetworkUtils.ip2string(ip));
    else if (!NetworkUtils.isValidPort(port))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid port: " + port);

     * The 26 byte pong payload has this structure:
     * [client ID GUID]  At  0, 16 bytes  The client ID GUID of the computer that will get this packet and push open a new connection
     * FILE              At 16,  4 bytes  The number the pushing computer has given the file the wanting computer wants
     * IPIPPP            At 20,  6 bytes  The IP address and port number of the wanting computer

    // Compose the 26 byte push payload
    payload = new byte[STANDARD_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; // Make a byte array that can hold 26 bytes
    System.arraycopy(clientGUID, 0, payload, 0, 16); // Copy the client ID GUID into the first 16
    ByteOrder.int2leb((int) index, payload, 16); // 16 bytes into the array, copy the 4 byte file id
    payload[20] = ip[0]; // 20 bytes into the array, copy the 4 bytes of the IP address
    payload[21] = ip[1];
    payload[22] = ip[2];
    payload[23] = ip[3];
        (short) port, payload, 24); // 24 bytes into the array, place the 2 byte port number