public void runSQLTemplate(String path, boolean failOnError) throws IOException, NamingException, SQLException { DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(); db.runSQLTemplate(path, failOnError); }
protected void verifyOracleNewLine() throws Exception { DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(); String dbType = db.getType(); if (!dbType.equals(DB.TYPE_ORACLE)) { return; } // This is a workaround for a limitation in Oracle sqlldr's inability // insert new line characters for long varchar columns. See // for more // information. Check several articles because some articles may not // have new lines. boolean checkNewLine = false; List<JournalArticle> articles = JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.getArticles(DEFAULT_GROUP_ID, 0, NUM_OF_ARTICLES); for (JournalArticle article : articles) { String content = article.getContent(); if ((content != null) && content.contains("\\n")) { articles = JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.getArticles(DEFAULT_GROUP_ID); for (int j = 0; j < articles.size(); j++) { article = articles.get(j); JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.checkNewLine( article.getGroupId(), article.getArticleId(), article.getVersion()); } checkNewLine = true; break; } } // Only process this once if (!checkNewLine) { if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Do not fix oracle new line"); } return; } else { if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Fix oracle new line"); } } }
private void _reloadSQLTransformer() { if (_transformedSqls == null) { _transformedSqls = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); } else { _transformedSqls.clear(); } _vendorDB2 = false; _vendorDerby = false; _vendorFirebird = false; // _vendorHypersonic = false; _vendorInformix = false; _vendorIngres = false; _vendorInterbase = false; _vendorMySQL = false; _vendorOracle = false; _vendorPostgreSQL = false; _vendorSQLServer = false; _vendorSybase = false; DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(); String dbType = db.getType(); _db = db; if (dbType.equals(DB.TYPE_DB2)) { _vendorDB2 = true; } else if (dbType.equals(DB.TYPE_DERBY)) { _vendorDerby = true; } else if (dbType.equals(DB.TYPE_FIREBIRD)) { _vendorFirebird = true; } else if (dbType.equals(DB.TYPE_HYPERSONIC)) { // _vendorHypersonic = true; } else if (dbType.equals(DB.TYPE_INFORMIX)) { _vendorInformix = true; } else if (dbType.equals(DB.TYPE_INGRES)) { _vendorIngres = true; } else if (dbType.equals(DB.TYPE_INTERBASE)) { _vendorInterbase = true; } else if (dbType.equals(DB.TYPE_MYSQL)) { _vendorMySQL = true; } else if (db.getType().equals(DB.TYPE_ORACLE)) { _vendorOracle = true; } else if (dbType.equals(DB.TYPE_POSTGRESQL)) { _vendorPostgreSQL = true; } else if (dbType.equals(DB.TYPE_SQLSERVER)) { _vendorSQLServer = true; } else if (dbType.equals(DB.TYPE_SYBASE)) { _vendorSybase = true; } }
/** * Performs a SQL query. * * @param sql the sql query */ protected void runSQL(String sql) { try { DataSource dataSource = ratingsStatsPersistence.getDataSource(); DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(); sql = db.buildSQL(sql); sql = PortalUtil.transformSQL(sql); SqlUpdate sqlUpdate = SqlUpdateFactoryUtil.getSqlUpdate(dataSource, sql, new int[0]); sqlUpdate.update(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SystemException(e); } }
private String _transform(String sql) { if (sql == null) { return sql; } String newSQL = sql; newSQL = _replaceBitwiseCheck(newSQL); newSQL = _replaceBoolean(newSQL); newSQL = _replaceCastLong(newSQL); newSQL = _replaceCastText(newSQL); newSQL = _replaceIntegerDivision(newSQL); if (_vendorDB2) { newSQL = _replaceLike(newSQL); } else if (_vendorDerby) { newSQL = _replaceUnion(newSQL); } else if (_vendorMySQL) { DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(); if (!db.isSupportsStringCaseSensitiveQuery()) { newSQL = _removeLower(newSQL); } } else if (_vendorPostgreSQL) { newSQL = _replaceNegativeComparison(newSQL); } else if (_vendorSQLServer) { newSQL = _replaceMod(newSQL); } else if (_vendorSybase) { newSQL = _replaceMod(newSQL); newSQL = _replaceReplace(newSQL); } if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Original SQL " + sql); _log.debug("Modified SQL " + newSQL); } return newSQL; }
protected Scheduler initializeScheduler(String propertiesPrefix, boolean useQuartzCluster) throws Exception { StdSchedulerFactory schedulerFactory = new StdSchedulerFactory(); Properties properties = _props.getProperties(propertiesPrefix, true); if (useQuartzCluster) { DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(); String dbType = db.getType(); if (dbType.equals(DB.TYPE_SQLSERVER)) { String lockHandlerClassName = properties.getProperty("org.quartz.jobStore.lockHandler.class"); if (Validator.isNull(lockHandlerClassName)) { properties.setProperty( "org.quartz.jobStore.lockHandler.class", UpdateLockRowSemaphore.class.getName()); } } if (GetterUtil.getBoolean(_props.get(PropsKeys.CLUSTER_LINK_ENABLED))) { if (dbType.equals(DB.TYPE_HYPERSONIC)) { _log.error("Unable to cluster scheduler on Hypersonic"); } else { properties.put("org.quartz.jobStore.isClustered", Boolean.TRUE.toString()); } } } schedulerFactory.initialize(properties); return schedulerFactory.getScheduler(); }
public static synchronized void init() { if (_initialized) { return; } StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(); stopWatch.start(); // Set the default locale used by Liferay. This locale is no longer set // at the VM level. See LEP-2584. String userLanguage = SystemProperties.get("user.language"); String userCountry = SystemProperties.get(""); String userVariant = SystemProperties.get("user.variant"); LocaleUtil.setDefault(userLanguage, userCountry, userVariant); // Set the default time zone used by Liferay. This time zone is no // longer set at the VM level. See LEP-2584. String userTimeZone = SystemProperties.get("user.timezone"); TimeZoneUtil.setDefault(userTimeZone); // Shared class loader try { PortalClassLoaderUtil.setClassLoader(ClassLoaderUtil.getContextClassLoader()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Properties com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.PropsUtil.setProps(new PropsImpl()); // Log4J if (GetterUtil.getBoolean(SystemProperties.get("log4j.configure.on.startup"), true)) { ClassLoader classLoader = InitUtil.class.getClassLoader(); Log4JUtil.configureLog4J(classLoader); } // Shared log try { LogFactoryUtil.setLogFactory(new Log4jLogFactoryImpl()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Log sanitizer SanitizerLogWrapper.init(); // Java properties JavaDetector.isJDK5(); // Security manager SecurityManagerUtil.init(); if (SecurityManagerUtil.ENABLED) { com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.PropsUtil.setProps( DoPrivilegedUtil.wrap(com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.PropsUtil.getProps())); LogFactoryUtil.setLogFactory(DoPrivilegedUtil.wrap(LogFactoryUtil.getLogFactory())); } // Cache registry CacheRegistryUtil.setCacheRegistry(DoPrivilegedUtil.wrap(new CacheRegistryImpl())); // Configuration factory ConfigurationFactoryUtil.setConfigurationFactory( DoPrivilegedUtil.wrap(new ConfigurationFactoryImpl())); // Data source factory DataSourceFactoryUtil.setDataSourceFactory(DoPrivilegedUtil.wrap(new DataSourceFactoryImpl())); // DB factory DBFactoryUtil.setDBFactory(DoPrivilegedUtil.wrap(new DBFactoryImpl())); // ROME XmlReader.setDefaultEncoding(StringPool.UTF8); if (_PRINT_TIME) { System.out.println("InitAction takes " + stopWatch.getTime() + " ms"); } _initialized = true; }
protected boolean isSupportsUpdateWithInnerJoin() { DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(); return db.isSupportsUpdateWithInnerJoin(); }
protected void doConvert() throws Exception { DataSource dataSource = getDataSource(); Dialect dialect = DialectDetector.getDialect(dataSource); DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(dialect); List<String> modelNames = ModelHintsUtil.getModels(); List<Tuple> tableDetails = new ArrayList<Tuple>(); Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection(); try { MaintenanceUtil.appendStatus("Collecting information for database tables to migration"); for (String modelName : modelNames) { if (!modelName.contains(".model.")) { continue; } String implClassName = modelName.replaceFirst("(\\.model\\.)(\\p{Upper}.*)", "$1impl.$2Impl"); if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Loading class " + implClassName); } Class<?> implClass = getImplClass(implClassName); if (implClass == null) { _log.error("Unable to load class " + implClassName); continue; } Field[] fields = implClass.getFields(); for (Field field : fields) { Tuple tuple = null; String fieldName = field.getName(); if (fieldName.equals("TABLE_NAME")) { tuple = getTableDetails(implClass, field, fieldName); } else if (fieldName.startsWith("MAPPING_TABLE_") && fieldName.endsWith("_NAME")) { tuple = getTableDetails(implClass, field, fieldName); } if (tuple != null) { tableDetails.add(tuple); } } } for (Tuple tuple : _UNMAPPED_TABLES) { tableDetails.add(tuple); } if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Migrating database tables"); } for (int i = 0; i < tableDetails.size(); i++) { if ((i > 0) && (i % (tableDetails.size() / 4) == 0)) { MaintenanceUtil.appendStatus((i * 100 / tableDetails.size()) + "%"); } Tuple tuple = tableDetails.get(i); String table = (String) tuple.getObject(0); Object[][] columns = (Object[][]) tuple.getObject(1); String sqlCreate = (String) tuple.getObject(2); migrateTable(db, connection, table, columns, sqlCreate); } } finally { DataAccess.cleanUp(connection); } MaintenanceUtil.appendStatus("Please change your JDBC settings before restarting server"); ShutdownUtil.shutdown(0); }
protected boolean isSupportsAlterColumnType() { DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(); return db.isSupportsAlterColumnType(); }
protected boolean isSupportsStringCaseSensitiveQuery() { DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(); return db.isSupportsStringCaseSensitiveQuery(); }
protected long increment() { DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(); return db.increment(); }
protected long increment(String name) { DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(); return db.increment(name); }
protected void runSQL(String[] sqls) throws Exception { DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(); db.runSQL(sqls); }
protected void runSQL(String template) throws IOException, SQLException { DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(); db.runSQL(template); }
private static void _deleteTempImages() throws Exception { DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(); db.runSQL(_DELETE_TEMP_IMAGES_1); db.runSQL(_DELETE_TEMP_IMAGES_2); }
public SampleSQLBuilder(Map<String, String> arguments) throws Exception { String baseDir = arguments.get("sample.sql.base.dir"); _dbType = arguments.get("sample.sql.db.type"); _maxBlogsEntryCommentCount = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("sample.sql.max.blogs.entry.comment.count")); _maxBlogsEntryCount = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("sample.sql.max.blogs.entry.count")); _maxDDLRecordCount = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("sample.sql.max.ddl.record.count")); _maxDDLRecordSetCount = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("sample.sql.max.ddl.record.set.count")); _maxDLFileEntryCount = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("sample.sql.max.dl.file.entry.count")); _maxDLFileEntrySize = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("sample.sql.max.dl.file.entry.size")); _maxDLFolderCount = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("sample.sql.max.dl.folder.count")); _maxDLFolderDepth = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("sample.sql.max.dl.folder.depth")); _maxGroupCount = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("")); _maxJournalArticleCount = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("sample.sql.max.journal.article.count")); _maxJournalArticleSize = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("sample.sql.max.journal.article.size")); _maxMBCategoryCount = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("sample.sql.max.mb.category.count")); _maxMBMessageCount = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("sample.sql.max.mb.message.count")); _maxMBThreadCount = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("sample.sql.max.mb.thread.count")); _maxUserCount = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("sample.sql.max.user.count")); _maxUserToGroupCount = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("")); _maxWikiNodeCount = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("")); _maxWikiPageCommentCount = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("")); _maxWikiPageCount = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("")); _optimizeBufferSize = GetterUtil.getInteger(arguments.get("sample.sql.optimize.buffer.size")); _outputDir = arguments.get("sample.sql.output.dir"); _outputMerge = GetterUtil.getBoolean(arguments.get("sample.sql.output.merge")); _dataFactory = new DataFactory( baseDir, _maxBlogsEntryCount, _maxGroupCount, _maxJournalArticleSize, _maxMBCategoryCount, _maxMBThreadCount, _maxMBMessageCount, _maxUserToGroupCount); _db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(_dbType); if (_db instanceof MySQLDB) { _db = new SampleMySQLDB(); } // Clean up previous output FileUtil.delete(_outputDir + "/sample-" + _dbType + ".sql"); FileUtil.deltree(_outputDir + "/output"); // Generic _tempDir = new File(_outputDir, "temp"); _tempDir.mkdirs(); final CharPipe charPipe = new CharPipe(_PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE); generateSQL(charPipe); try { // Specific compressSQL(charPipe.getReader()); // Merge mergeSQL(); } finally { FileUtil.deltree(_tempDir); } StringBundler sb = new StringBundler(); List<String> keys = ListUtil.fromMapKeys(arguments); Collections.sort(keys); for (String key : keys) { if (!key.startsWith("sample.sql")) { continue; } String value = arguments.get(key); sb.append(key); sb.append(StringPool.EQUAL); sb.append(value); sb.append(StringPool.NEW_LINE); } FileUtil.write(new File(_outputDir, ""), sb.toString()); }
private static void _updateCompanyKey() throws Exception { DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(); db.runSQL("update Company set key_ = null"); }
public void runSQLTemplate(String path) throws IOException, NamingException, SQLException { DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(); db.runSQLTemplate(path); }
public void runSQL(String[] templates) throws IOException, SQLException { DB db = DBFactoryUtil.getDB(); db.runSQL(templates); }