public static SDK getSDK(IProject project) { SDK retval = null; // try to determine SDK based on project location IPath projectLocation = project.getRawLocation(); if (projectLocation == null) { projectLocation = project.getLocation(); } if (projectLocation != null) { IPath sdkLocation = projectLocation.removeLastSegments(2); retval = SDKManager.getInstance().getSDK(sdkLocation); if (retval == null) { retval = SDKUtil.createSDKFromLocation(sdkLocation); if (retval != null) { SDKManager.getInstance().addSDK(retval); } } } return retval; }
public static IStatus cssBuild(IProject project) throws CoreException { SDK sdk = SDKUtil.getSDK(project); if (sdk == null) { throw new CoreException( ThemeCore.createErrorStatus("No SDK for project configured. Could not build theme.")); } ILiferayRuntime liferayRuntime = ServerUtil.getLiferayRuntime(project); if (liferayRuntime == null) { throw new CoreException( ThemeCore.createErrorStatus( "Could not get portal runtime for project. Could not build theme.")); } Map<String, String> appServerProperties = ServerUtil.configureAppServerProperties(project); IStatus status = sdk.compileThemePlugin(project, null, appServerProperties); if (!status.isOK()) { throw new CoreException(status); } IFolder docroot = CoreUtil.getDocroot(project); IFile lookAndFeelFile = docroot.getFile("WEB-INF/" + ILiferayConstants.LIFERAY_LOOK_AND_FEEL_XML_FILE); if (!lookAndFeelFile.exists()) { String id = project.getName().replaceAll(ISDKConstants.THEME_PLUGIN_PROJECT_SUFFIX, ""); IFile propsFile = docroot.getFile("WEB-INF/" + ILiferayConstants.LIFERAY_PLUGIN_PACKAGE_PROPERTIES_FILE); String name = id; if (propsFile.exists()) { Properties props = new Properties(); try { props.load(propsFile.getContents()); String nameValue = props.getProperty("name"); if (!CoreUtil.isNullOrEmpty(nameValue)) { name = nameValue; } } catch (IOException e) { ThemeCore.logError("Unable to load plugin package properties.", e); } } if (liferayRuntime != null) { ThemeDescriptorHelper.createDefaultFile( lookAndFeelFile, liferayRuntime.getPortalVersion() + "+", id, name); } } if (docroot != null && docroot.exists()) { docroot.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null); } return status; }
public static boolean isSDKSupported(String location) { boolean retval = false; try { String version = SDKUtil.readSDKVersion(location); retval = new Version(version).compareTo(ISDKConstants.LEAST_SUPPORTED_SDK_VERSION) >= 0; } catch (Exception e) { // best effort we didn't find a valid location } return retval; }
protected IClasspathEntry createContextClasspathEntry(String context) { IClasspathEntry entry = null; IFile serviceJar = ProjectUtil.findServiceJarForContext(context); if (serviceJar.exists()) { IFolder docroot = CoreUtil.getDocroot(serviceJar.getProject()); IFolder serviceFolder = docroot.getFolder("WEB-INF/service"); entry = createClasspathEntry( serviceJar.getLocation(), serviceFolder.exists() ? serviceFolder.getLocation() : null); } if (entry == null) { IProject project = this.javaProject.getProject(); SDK sdk = SDKUtil.getSDK(project); IPath sdkLocation = sdk.getLocation(); String type = ProjectUtil.isPortletProject(project) ? "portlets" : ProjectUtil.isHookProject(project) ? "hooks" : ProjectUtil.isExtProject(project) ? "ext" : ""; IPath serviceJarPath = sdkLocation .append(type) .append(context) .append("docroot/WEB-INF/lib") .append(context + "-service.jar"); if (serviceJarPath.toFile().exists()) { IPath servicePath = serviceJarPath.removeLastSegments(2).append("service"); entry = createClasspathEntry( serviceJarPath, servicePath.toFile().exists() ? servicePath : null); } } return entry; }
public static SDK getSDKFromProjectDir(File projectDir) { File sdkDir = projectDir.getParentFile().getParentFile(); if (sdkDir.exists() && SDKUtil.isValidSDKLocation(sdkDir.getPath())) { Path sdkLocation = new Path(sdkDir.getPath()); SDK existingSDK = SDKManager.getInstance().getSDK(sdkLocation); if (existingSDK != null) { return existingSDK; } else { return createSDKFromLocation(sdkLocation); } } return null; }
public static boolean isValidSDKLocation(String loc) { boolean retval = false; // try to look for file with property lp.version try { String version = SDKUtil.readSDKVersion(loc); new Version(version); File sdkDir = new File(loc); File portletsBuildXml = new File(sdkDir, ISDKConstants.PORTLET_PLUGIN_ANT_BUILD); File hooksBuildXml = new File(sdkDir, ISDKConstants.HOOK_PLUGIN_ANT_BUILD); File extBuildXml = new File(sdkDir, ISDKConstants.EXT_PLUGIN_ANT_BUILD); retval = portletsBuildXml.exists() && hooksBuildXml.exists() && extBuildXml.exists(); } catch (Exception e) { // best effort we didn't find a valid location } return retval; }