Пример #1
   * The isUserNameUnique method serves to check whether a userName is unique or not. Upon
   * registering, the user must provide a userName that is unique.
   * @param userName
   * @return
  public String isUserNameUnique(String userName) {
    try {

      // The following steps are specific to Hibernate and are used to establish connectivity and a
      // session with the database

      // Configure Hibernate and get the sessionFactory and get a session object

      Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();

      // Starting Transaction
      Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();

      // Query is executed in order to verify whether the userName is unique or not.
      Query query =
          session.getNamedQuery("callRetrieveAccountInfo").setParameter("userName", userName);

      ArrayList accountList = (ArrayList) query.list();

      // commit transaction

      if (accountList.isEmpty()) return "true"; // userName is unique
      else return "false"; // userName was found in the database therefore it is not unique

    } catch (HibernateException e) {
      return ResponseFactory.create(1000); // returning system level error alert
Пример #2
   * The addAccountDetails method is used to insert a new account into the database.
   * @param accountName
   * @param password1
   * @param fName
   * @param lName
   * @param billingAddressId
   * @param shippingAddressId
   * @param email
   * @return
  public String addAccountDetails(
      String accountName,
      String password1,
      String fName,
      String lName,
      int billingAddressId,
      int shippingAddressId,
      String email) {
    try {

      // The following steps are specific to Hibernate and are used to establish connectivity and a
      // session with the database

      // Configure Hibernate and get the sessionFactory and get a session object

      Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();

      // Starting Transaction
      Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();

      // Instantiating a new Account class and setting the values to be stored in the account table.

      Account accountInfo = new Account();


      // Saving the account information in the account table.

      // Committing the transaction in the database.


      return "";

    } catch (HibernateException e) {
      return ResponseFactory.create(1000); // returning system level error alert
Пример #3
  public String getAccountInfo(String userName) {
    try {
      // Declare local variable
      String json = "";

      // The following steps are specific to Hibernate and are used to establish connectivity and a
      // session with the database

      // Configure Hibernate and get the sessionFactory and get a session object

      Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();

      // Starting Transaction
      Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();

      // The following method session.getNamedQuery calls a stored procedure which is defined in the
      // Account bean.

      Query query =
          session.getNamedQuery("callRetrieveAccountInfo").setParameter("userName", userName);

      // The result of the call to the stored procedure is returned and stored in the
      // accountQueryResult.

      if (query.list().isEmpty() != true) {
        Account accountQueryResult = (Account) query.uniqueResult();

        // The accountQueryResult is transformed into a Json string.

        json = new Gson().toJson(accountQueryResult);

      // The transaction is finalised by calling the commit method.


      // The json string is returned to the caller.

      return json;

    } catch (HibernateException e) {
      return ResponseFactory.create(1000); // returning system level error alert
Пример #4
   * The areCredentialsValid method is called in order to validate if the user credentials the user
   * provided while logging in are valid.
   * @param userName
   * @param password1
   * @return
  public String areCredentialsValid(String userName, String password1) {
    try {
      // Define local variable
      boolean validPassword = false;

      // The following steps are specific to Hibernate and are used to establish connectivity and a
      // session with the database

      // Configure Hibernate and get the sessionFactory and get a session object

      Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();

      // Starting Transaction
      Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();

      // Query executed in order to retrieve the account information for the userName provided by
      // user
      Query query =
          session.getNamedQuery("callRetrieveAccountInfo").setParameter("userName", userName);

      // if the userName was found in the database, the following is performed
      if (query.list().isEmpty() != true) {
        Account accountQueryResult =
                query.uniqueResult(); // Map the information returned in the query to an instance of
        // Account

        // validate password by sending the password provided by the user in clear text and the
        // password hash returned in the query.
        validPassword = PasswordHash.validatePassword(password1, accountQueryResult.getPassword1());
      // commit the transaction

      if (validPassword) return "true"; // return true if the credentials pass validation
      else return "false"; // return false if the credentials fail validation

    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException e) {
      return ResponseFactory.create(1000); // returning system level error alert