Пример #1
   * Preloads this material for the given render manager.
   * <p>Preloading the material can ensure that when the material is first used for rendering, there
   * won't be any delay since the material has been already been setup for rendering.
   * @param rm The render manager to preload for
  public void preload(RenderManager rm) {

    Renderer r = rm.getRenderer();
    TechniqueDef techDef = technique.getDef();

    Collection<MatParam> params = paramValues.values();
    for (MatParam param : params) {
      if (param instanceof MatParamTexture) {
        MatParamTexture texParam = (MatParamTexture) param;
        r.setTexture(0, texParam.getTextureValue());
      } else {
        if (!techDef.isUsingShaders()) {

        technique.updateUniformParam(param.getName(), param.getVarType(), param.getValue());

    Shader shader = technique.getShader();
    if (techDef.isUsingShaders()) {
Пример #2
   * Select the technique to use for rendering this material.
   * <p>If <code>name</code> is "Default", then one of the {@link MaterialDef#getDefaultTechniques()
   * default techniques} on the material will be selected. Otherwise, the named technique will be
   * found in the material definition.
   * <p>Any candidate technique for selection (either default or named) must be verified to be
   * compatible with the system, for that, the <code>renderManager</code> is queried for
   * capabilities.
   * @param name The name of the technique to select, pass "Default" to select one of the default
   *     techniques.
   * @param renderManager The {@link RenderManager render manager} to query for capabilities.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If "Default" is passed and no default techniques are available
   *     on the material definition, or if a name is passed but there's no technique by that name.
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException If no candidate technique supports the system
   *     capabilities.
  public void selectTechnique(String name, RenderManager renderManager) {
    // check if already created
    Technique tech = techniques.get(name);
    // When choosing technique, we choose one that
    // supports all the caps.
    EnumSet<Caps> rendererCaps = renderManager.getRenderer().getCaps();
    if (tech == null) {

      if (name.equals("Default")) {
        List<TechniqueDef> techDefs = def.getDefaultTechniques();
        if (techDefs == null || techDefs.isEmpty()) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "No default techniques are available on material '" + def.getName() + "'");

        TechniqueDef lastTech = null;
        for (TechniqueDef techDef : techDefs) {
          if (rendererCaps.containsAll(techDef.getRequiredCaps())) {
            // use the first one that supports all the caps
            tech = new Technique(this, techDef);
            techniques.put(name, tech);
          lastTech = techDef;
        if (tech == null) {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
              "No default technique on material '"
                  + def.getName()
                  + "'\n"
                  + " is supported by the video hardware. The caps "
                  + lastTech.getRequiredCaps()
                  + " are required.");

      } else {
        // create "special" technique instance
        TechniqueDef techDef = def.getTechniqueDef(name);
        if (techDef == null) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "For material " + def.getName() + ", technique not found: " + name);

        if (!rendererCaps.containsAll(techDef.getRequiredCaps())) {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
              "The explicitly chosen technique '"
                  + name
                  + "' on material '"
                  + def.getName()
                  + "'\n"
                  + "requires caps "
                  + techDef.getRequiredCaps()
                  + " which are not "
                  + "supported by the video renderer");

        tech = new Technique(this, techDef);
        techniques.put(name, tech);
    } else if (technique == tech) {
      // attempting to switch to an already
      // active technique.

    technique = tech;
    tech.makeCurrent(def.getAssetManager(), true, rendererCaps);

    // shader was changed
    sortingId = -1;
Пример #3
   * Called by {@link RenderManager} to render the geometry by using this material.
   * <p>The material is rendered as follows:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>Determine which technique to use to render the material - either what the user selected
   *       via {@link #selectTechnique(java.lang.String, com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager)
   *       Material.selectTechnique()}, or the first default technique that the renderer supports
   *       (based on the technique's {@link TechniqueDef#getRequiredCaps() requested rendering
   *       capabilities})
   *       <ul>
   *         <li>If the technique has been changed since the last frame, then it is notified via
   *             {@link Technique#makeCurrent(com.jme3.asset.AssetManager, boolean,
   *             java.util.EnumSet) Technique.makeCurrent()}. If the technique wants to use a shader
   *             to render the model, it should load it at this part - the shader should have all
   *             the proper defines as declared in the technique definition, including those that
   *             are bound to material parameters. The technique can re-use the shader from the last
   *             frame if no changes to the defines occurred.
   *       </ul>
   *   <li>Set the {@link RenderState} to use for rendering. The render states are applied in this
   *       order (later RenderStates override earlier RenderStates):
   *       <ol>
   *         <li>{@link TechniqueDef#getRenderState() Technique Definition's RenderState} - i.e.
   *             specific renderstate that is required for the shader.
   *         <li>{@link #getAdditionalRenderState() Material Instance Additional RenderState} - i.e.
   *             ad-hoc renderstate set per model
   *         <li>{@link RenderManager#getForcedRenderState() RenderManager's Forced RenderState} -
   *             i.e. renderstate requested by a {@link com.jme3.post.SceneProcessor} or
   *             post-processing filter.
   *       </ol>
   *   <li>If the technique {@link TechniqueDef#isUsingShaders() uses a shader}, then the uniforms
   *       of the shader must be updated.
   *       <ul>
   *         <li>Uniforms bound to material parameters are updated based on the current material
   *             parameter values.
   *         <li>Uniforms bound to world parameters are updated from the RenderManager. Internally
   *             {@link UniformBindingManager} is used for this task.
   *         <li>Uniforms bound to textures will cause the texture to be uploaded as necessary. The
   *             uniform is set to the texture unit where the texture is bound.
   *       </ul>
   *   <li>If the technique uses a shader, the model is then rendered according to the lighting mode
   *       specified on the technique definition.
   *       <ul>
   *         <li>{@link LightMode#SinglePass single pass light mode} fills the shader's light
   *             uniform arrays with the first 4 lights and renders the model once.
   *         <li>{@link LightMode#MultiPass multi pass light mode} light mode renders the model
   *             multiple times, for the first light it is rendered opaque, on subsequent lights it
   *             is rendered with {@link BlendMode#AlphaAdditive alpha-additive} blending and depth
   *             writing disabled.
   *       </ul>
   *   <li>For techniques that do not use shaders, fixed function OpenGL is used to render the model
   *       (see {@link GL1Renderer} interface):
   *       <ul>
   *         <li>OpenGL state ({@link FixedFuncBinding}) that is bound to material parameters is
   *             updated.
   *         <li>The texture set on the material is uploaded and bound. Currently only 1 texture is
   *             supported for fixed function techniques.
   *         <li>If the technique uses lighting, then OpenGL lighting state is updated based on the
   *             light list on the geometry, otherwise OpenGL lighting is disabled.
   *         <li>The mesh is uploaded and rendered.
   *       </ul>
   * </ul>
   * @param geom The geometry to render
   * @param rm The render manager requesting the rendering
  public void render(Geometry geom, RenderManager rm) {

    Renderer r = rm.getRenderer();

    TechniqueDef techDef = technique.getDef();

    if (techDef.getLightMode() == LightMode.MultiPass && geom.getWorldLightList().size() == 0) {

    if (rm.getForcedRenderState() != null) {
    } else {
      if (techDef.getRenderState() != null) {
            techDef.getRenderState().copyMergedTo(additionalState, mergedRenderState));
      } else {
        r.applyRenderState(RenderState.DEFAULT.copyMergedTo(additionalState, mergedRenderState));

    // update camera and world matrices
    // NOTE: setWorldTransform should have been called already
    if (techDef.isUsingShaders()) {
      // reset unchanged uniform flag

    // setup textures and uniforms
    for (int i = 0; i < paramValues.size(); i++) {
      MatParam param = paramValues.getValue(i);
      param.apply(r, technique);

    Shader shader = technique.getShader();

    // send lighting information, if needed
    switch (techDef.getLightMode()) {
      case Disable:
      case SinglePass:
        updateLightListUniforms(shader, geom, 4);
      case FixedPipeline:
      case MultiPass:
        // NOTE: Special case!
        renderMultipassLighting(shader, geom, rm);
        // very important, notice the return statement!

    // upload and bind shader
    if (techDef.isUsingShaders()) {
      // any unset uniforms will be set to 0

    r.renderMesh(geom.getMesh(), geom.getLodLevel(), 1);