Пример #1
 public void write(JmeExporter ex) throws IOException {
   OutputCapsule oc = ex.getCapsule(this);
   oc.write(def.getAssetName(), "material_def", null);
   oc.write(additionalState, "render_state", null);
   oc.write(transparent, "is_transparent", false);
   oc.writeStringSavableMap(paramValues, "parameters", null);
Пример #2
 private void autoSelectTechnique(RenderManager rm) {
   if (technique == null) {
     selectTechnique("Default", rm);
   } else {
     technique.makeCurrent(def.getAssetManager(), false, rm.getRenderer().getCaps());
Пример #3
  * Check if setting the parameter given the type and name is allowed.
  * @param type The type that the "set" function is designed to set
  * @param name The name of the parameter
 private void checkSetParam(VarType type, String name) {
   MatParam paramDef = def.getMaterialParam(name);
   if (paramDef == null) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Material parameter is not defined: " + name);
   if (type != null && paramDef.getVarType() != type) {
         "Material parameter being set: {0} with "
             + "type {1} doesn''t match definition types {2}",
         new Object[] {name, type.name(), paramDef.getVarType()});
Пример #4
  public Material(MaterialDef def) {
    if (def == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("Material definition cannot be null");
    this.def = def;

    // Load default values from definition (if any)
    for (MatParam param : def.getMaterialParams()) {
      if (param.getValue() != null) {
        setParam(param.getName(), param.getVarType(), param.getValue());
Пример #5
   * Pass a parameter to the material shader.
   * @param name the name of the parameter defined in the material definition (j3md)
   * @param type the type of the parameter {@link VarType}
   * @param value the value of the parameter
  public void setParam(String name, VarType type, Object value) {
    checkSetParam(type, name);

    if (type.isTextureType()) {
      setTextureParam(name, type, (Texture) value);
    } else {
      MatParam val = getParam(name);
      if (val == null) {
        MatParam paramDef = def.getMaterialParam(name);
        paramValues.put(name, new MatParam(type, name, value, paramDef.getFixedFuncBinding()));
      } else {

      if (technique != null) {
        technique.notifyParamChanged(name, type, value);
Пример #6
   * Select the technique to use for rendering this material.
   * <p>If <code>name</code> is "Default", then one of the {@link MaterialDef#getDefaultTechniques()
   * default techniques} on the material will be selected. Otherwise, the named technique will be
   * found in the material definition.
   * <p>Any candidate technique for selection (either default or named) must be verified to be
   * compatible with the system, for that, the <code>renderManager</code> is queried for
   * capabilities.
   * @param name The name of the technique to select, pass "Default" to select one of the default
   *     techniques.
   * @param renderManager The {@link RenderManager render manager} to query for capabilities.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If "Default" is passed and no default techniques are available
   *     on the material definition, or if a name is passed but there's no technique by that name.
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException If no candidate technique supports the system
   *     capabilities.
  public void selectTechnique(String name, RenderManager renderManager) {
    // check if already created
    Technique tech = techniques.get(name);
    // When choosing technique, we choose one that
    // supports all the caps.
    EnumSet<Caps> rendererCaps = renderManager.getRenderer().getCaps();
    if (tech == null) {

      if (name.equals("Default")) {
        List<TechniqueDef> techDefs = def.getDefaultTechniques();
        if (techDefs == null || techDefs.isEmpty()) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "No default techniques are available on material '" + def.getName() + "'");

        TechniqueDef lastTech = null;
        for (TechniqueDef techDef : techDefs) {
          if (rendererCaps.containsAll(techDef.getRequiredCaps())) {
            // use the first one that supports all the caps
            tech = new Technique(this, techDef);
            techniques.put(name, tech);
          lastTech = techDef;
        if (tech == null) {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
              "No default technique on material '"
                  + def.getName()
                  + "'\n"
                  + " is supported by the video hardware. The caps "
                  + lastTech.getRequiredCaps()
                  + " are required.");

      } else {
        // create "special" technique instance
        TechniqueDef techDef = def.getTechniqueDef(name);
        if (techDef == null) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "For material " + def.getName() + ", technique not found: " + name);

        if (!rendererCaps.containsAll(techDef.getRequiredCaps())) {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
              "The explicitly chosen technique '"
                  + name
                  + "' on material '"
                  + def.getName()
                  + "'\n"
                  + "requires caps "
                  + techDef.getRequiredCaps()
                  + " which are not "
                  + "supported by the video renderer");

        tech = new Technique(this, techDef);
        techniques.put(name, tech);
    } else if (technique == tech) {
      // attempting to switch to an already
      // active technique.

    technique = tech;
    tech.makeCurrent(def.getAssetManager(), true, rendererCaps);

    // shader was changed
    sortingId = -1;
Пример #7
  public void read(JmeImporter im) throws IOException {
    InputCapsule ic = im.getCapsule(this);

    additionalState = (RenderState) ic.readSavable("render_state", null);
    transparent = ic.readBoolean("is_transparent", false);

    // Load the material def
    String defName = ic.readString("material_def", null);
    HashMap<String, MatParam> params =
        (HashMap<String, MatParam>) ic.readStringSavableMap("parameters", null);

    boolean enableVcolor = false;
    boolean separateTexCoord = false;
    boolean applyDefaultValues = false;
    boolean guessRenderStateApply = false;

    int ver = ic.getSavableVersion(Material.class);
    if (ver < 1) {
      applyDefaultValues = true;
    if (ver < 2) {
      guessRenderStateApply = true;
    if (im.getFormatVersion() == 0) {
      // Enable compatibility with old models
      if (defName.equalsIgnoreCase("Common/MatDefs/Misc/VertexColor.j3md")) {
        // Using VertexColor, switch to Unshaded and set VertexColor=true
        enableVcolor = true;
        defName = "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md";
      } else if (defName.equalsIgnoreCase("Common/MatDefs/Misc/SimpleTextured.j3md")
          || defName.equalsIgnoreCase("Common/MatDefs/Misc/SolidColor.j3md")) {
        // Using SimpleTextured/SolidColor, just switch to Unshaded
        defName = "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md";
      } else if (defName.equalsIgnoreCase("Common/MatDefs/Misc/WireColor.j3md")) {
        // Using WireColor, set wireframe renderstate = true and use Unshaded
        defName = "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md";
      } else if (defName.equalsIgnoreCase("Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md")) {
        // Uses unshaded, ensure that the proper param is set
        MatParam value = params.get("SeperateTexCoord");
        if (value != null && ((Boolean) value.getValue()) == true) {
          separateTexCoord = true;
      assert applyDefaultValues && guessRenderStateApply;

    def = (MaterialDef) im.getAssetManager().loadAsset(new AssetKey(defName));
    paramValues = new ListMap<String, MatParam>();

    // load the textures and update nextTexUnit
    for (Map.Entry<String, MatParam> entry : params.entrySet()) {
      MatParam param = entry.getValue();
      if (param instanceof MatParamTexture) {
        MatParamTexture texVal = (MatParamTexture) param;

        if (nextTexUnit < texVal.getUnit() + 1) {
          nextTexUnit = texVal.getUnit() + 1;

        // the texture failed to load for this param
        // do not add to param values
        if (texVal.getTextureValue() == null || texVal.getTextureValue().getImage() == null) {

      if (im.getFormatVersion() == 0 && param.getName().startsWith("m_")) {
        // Ancient version of jME3 ...

      checkSetParam(param.getVarType(), param.getName());
      paramValues.put(param.getName(), param);

    if (applyDefaultValues) {
      // compatability with old versions where default vars were
      // not available
      for (MatParam param : def.getMaterialParams()) {
        if (param.getValue() != null && paramValues.get(param.getName()) == null) {
          setParam(param.getName(), param.getVarType(), param.getValue());
    if (guessRenderStateApply && additionalState != null) {
      // Try to guess values of "apply" render state based on defaults
      // if value != default then set apply to true
      additionalState.applyPolyOffset = additionalState.offsetEnabled;
      additionalState.applyAlphaFallOff = additionalState.alphaTest;
      additionalState.applyAlphaTest = additionalState.alphaTest;
      additionalState.applyBlendMode = additionalState.blendMode != BlendMode.Off;
      additionalState.applyColorWrite = !additionalState.colorWrite;
      additionalState.applyCullMode = additionalState.cullMode != FaceCullMode.Back;
      additionalState.applyDepthTest = !additionalState.depthTest;
      additionalState.applyDepthWrite = !additionalState.depthWrite;
      additionalState.applyPointSprite = additionalState.pointSprite;
      additionalState.applyStencilTest = additionalState.stencilTest;
      additionalState.applyWireFrame = additionalState.wireframe;
    if (enableVcolor) {
      setBoolean("VertexColor", true);
    if (separateTexCoord) {
      setBoolean("SeparateTexCoord", true);