Пример #1
  public float getLineWidth(CharSequence text) {

    // This method will probably always be a bit of a maintenance
    // nightmare since it basis its calculation on a different
    // routine than the Letters class.  The ideal situation would
    // be to abstract out letter position and size into its own
    // class that both BitmapFont and Letters could use for
    // positioning.
    // If getLineWidth() here ever again returns a different value
    // than Letters does with the same text then it might be better
    // just to create a Letters object for the sole purpose of
    // getting a text size.  It's less efficient but at least it
    // would be accurate.

    // And here I am mucking around in here again...
    // A font character has a few values that are pertinent to the
    // line width:
    //  xOffset
    //  xAdvance
    //  kerningAmount(nextChar)
    // The way BitmapText ultimately works is that the first character
    // starts with xOffset included (ie: it is rendered at -xOffset).
    // Its xAdvance is wider to accomodate that initial offset.
    // The cursor position is advanced by xAdvance each time.
    // So, a width should be calculated in a similar way.  Start with
    // -xOffset + xAdvance for the first character and then each subsequent
    // character is just xAdvance more 'width'.
    // The kerning amount from one character to the next affects the
    // cursor position of that next character and thus the ultimate width
    // and so must be factored in also.

    float lineWidth = 0f;
    float maxLineWidth = 0f;
    char lastChar = 0;
    boolean firstCharOfLine = true;
    //        float sizeScale = (float) block.getSize() / charSet.getRenderedSize();
    float sizeScale = 1f;
    for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
      char theChar = text.charAt(i);
      if (theChar == '\n') {
        maxLineWidth = Math.max(maxLineWidth, lineWidth);
        lineWidth = 0f;
        firstCharOfLine = true;
      BitmapCharacter c = charSet.getCharacter((int) theChar);
      if (c != null) {
        if (theChar == '\\' && i < text.length() - 1 && text.charAt(i + 1) == '#') {
          if (i + 5 < text.length() && text.charAt(i + 5) == '#') {
            i += 5;
          } else if (i + 8 < text.length() && text.charAt(i + 8) == '#') {
            i += 8;
        if (!firstCharOfLine) {
          lineWidth += findKerningAmount(lastChar, theChar) * sizeScale;
        } else {
          // The first character needs to add in its xOffset but it
          // is the only one... and negative offsets = postive width
          // because we're trying to account for the part that hangs
          // over the left.  So we subtract.
          lineWidth -= c.getXOffset() * sizeScale;
          firstCharOfLine = false;
        float xAdvance = c.getXAdvance() * sizeScale;

        // If this is the last character, then we really should have
        // only add its width.  The advance may include extra spacing
        // that we don't care about.
        if (i == text.length() - 1) {
          lineWidth += c.getWidth() * sizeScale;

          // Since theh width includes the xOffset then we need
          // to take it out again by adding it, ie: offset the width
          // we just added by the appropriate amount.
          lineWidth += c.getXOffset() * sizeScale;
        } else {
          lineWidth += xAdvance;
    return Math.max(maxLineWidth, lineWidth);
Пример #2
   * Specific method for skinning with tangents to avoid cluttering the classic skinning calculation
   * with null checks that would slow down the process even if tangents don't have to be computed.
   * Also the iteration has additional indexes since tangent has 4 components instead of 3 for pos
   * and norm
   * @param maxWeightsPerVert maximum number of weights per vertex
   * @param mesh the mesh
   * @param offsetMatrices the offsetMaytrices to apply
   * @param tb the tangent vertexBuffer
  private void applySkinningTangents(Mesh mesh, Matrix4f[] offsetMatrices, VertexBuffer tb) {
    int maxWeightsPerVert = mesh.getMaxNumWeights();

    if (maxWeightsPerVert <= 0) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Max weights per vert is incorrectly set!");

    int fourMinusMaxWeights = 4 - maxWeightsPerVert;

    // NOTE: This code assumes the vertex buffer is in bind pose
    // resetToBind() has been called this frame
    VertexBuffer vb = mesh.getBuffer(Type.Position);
    FloatBuffer fvb = (FloatBuffer) vb.getData();

    VertexBuffer nb = mesh.getBuffer(Type.Normal);

    FloatBuffer fnb = (FloatBuffer) nb.getData();

    FloatBuffer ftb = (FloatBuffer) tb.getData();

    // get boneIndexes and weights for mesh
    ByteBuffer ib = (ByteBuffer) mesh.getBuffer(Type.BoneIndex).getData();
    FloatBuffer wb = (FloatBuffer) mesh.getBuffer(Type.BoneWeight).getData();


    float[] weights = wb.array();
    byte[] indices = ib.array();
    int idxWeights = 0;

    TempVars vars = TempVars.get();

    float[] posBuf = vars.skinPositions;
    float[] normBuf = vars.skinNormals;
    float[] tanBuf = vars.skinTangents;

    int iterations = (int) FastMath.ceil(fvb.capacity() / ((float) posBuf.length));
    int bufLength = 0;
    int tanLength = 0;
    for (int i = iterations - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      // read next set of positions and normals from native buffer
      bufLength = Math.min(posBuf.length, fvb.remaining());
      tanLength = Math.min(tanBuf.length, ftb.remaining());
      fvb.get(posBuf, 0, bufLength);
      fnb.get(normBuf, 0, bufLength);
      ftb.get(tanBuf, 0, tanLength);
      int verts = bufLength / 3;
      int idxPositions = 0;
      // tangents has their own index because of the 4 components
      int idxTangents = 0;

      // iterate vertices and apply skinning transform for each effecting bone
      for (int vert = verts - 1; vert >= 0; vert--) {
        float nmx = normBuf[idxPositions];
        float vtx = posBuf[idxPositions++];
        float nmy = normBuf[idxPositions];
        float vty = posBuf[idxPositions++];
        float nmz = normBuf[idxPositions];
        float vtz = posBuf[idxPositions++];

        float tnx = tanBuf[idxTangents++];
        float tny = tanBuf[idxTangents++];
        float tnz = tanBuf[idxTangents++];

        // skipping the 4th component of the tangent since it doesn't have to be transformed

        float rx = 0, ry = 0, rz = 0, rnx = 0, rny = 0, rnz = 0, rtx = 0, rty = 0, rtz = 0;

        for (int w = maxWeightsPerVert - 1; w >= 0; w--) {
          float weight = weights[idxWeights];
          Matrix4f mat = offsetMatrices[indices[idxWeights++]];

          rx += (mat.m00 * vtx + mat.m01 * vty + mat.m02 * vtz + mat.m03) * weight;
          ry += (mat.m10 * vtx + mat.m11 * vty + mat.m12 * vtz + mat.m13) * weight;
          rz += (mat.m20 * vtx + mat.m21 * vty + mat.m22 * vtz + mat.m23) * weight;

          rnx += (nmx * mat.m00 + nmy * mat.m01 + nmz * mat.m02) * weight;
          rny += (nmx * mat.m10 + nmy * mat.m11 + nmz * mat.m12) * weight;
          rnz += (nmx * mat.m20 + nmy * mat.m21 + nmz * mat.m22) * weight;

          rtx += (tnx * mat.m00 + tny * mat.m01 + tnz * mat.m02) * weight;
          rty += (tnx * mat.m10 + tny * mat.m11 + tnz * mat.m12) * weight;
          rtz += (tnx * mat.m20 + tny * mat.m21 + tnz * mat.m22) * weight;

        idxWeights += fourMinusMaxWeights;

        idxPositions -= 3;

        normBuf[idxPositions] = rnx;
        posBuf[idxPositions++] = rx;
        normBuf[idxPositions] = rny;
        posBuf[idxPositions++] = ry;
        normBuf[idxPositions] = rnz;
        posBuf[idxPositions++] = rz;

        idxTangents -= 4;

        tanBuf[idxTangents++] = rtx;
        tanBuf[idxTangents++] = rty;
        tanBuf[idxTangents++] = rtz;

        // once again skipping the 4th component of the tangent

      fvb.position(fvb.position() - bufLength);
      fvb.put(posBuf, 0, bufLength);
      fnb.position(fnb.position() - bufLength);
      fnb.put(normBuf, 0, bufLength);
      ftb.position(ftb.position() - tanLength);
      ftb.put(tanBuf, 0, tanLength);


Пример #3
   * Merges all geometries in the collection into the output mesh. Does not take into account
   * materials.
   * @param geometries
   * @param outMesh
  private void mergeGeometries(Mesh outMesh, List<Geometry> geometries) {
    int[] compsForBuf = new int[VertexBuffer.Type.values().length];
    VertexBuffer.Format[] formatForBuf = new VertexBuffer.Format[compsForBuf.length];

    int totalVerts = 0;
    int totalTris = 0;
    int totalLodLevels = 0;
    int maxWeights = -1;

    Mesh.Mode mode = null;
    for (Geometry geom : geometries) {
      totalVerts += geom.getVertexCount();
      totalTris += geom.getTriangleCount();
      totalLodLevels = Math.min(totalLodLevels, geom.getMesh().getNumLodLevels());
      if (maxVertCount < geom.getVertexCount()) {
        maxVertCount = geom.getVertexCount();
      Mesh.Mode listMode;
      int components;
      switch (geom.getMesh().getMode()) {
        case Points:
          listMode = Mesh.Mode.Points;
          components = 1;
        case LineLoop:
        case LineStrip:
        case Lines:
          listMode = Mesh.Mode.Lines;
          components = 2;
        case TriangleFan:
        case TriangleStrip:
        case Triangles:
          listMode = Mesh.Mode.Triangles;
          components = 3;
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

      for (VertexBuffer vb : geom.getMesh().getBufferList().getArray()) {
        compsForBuf[vb.getBufferType().ordinal()] = vb.getNumComponents();
        formatForBuf[vb.getBufferType().ordinal()] = vb.getFormat();

      maxWeights = Math.max(maxWeights, geom.getMesh().getMaxNumWeights());

      if (mode != null && mode != listMode) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
            "Cannot combine different" + " primitive types: " + mode + " != " + listMode);
      mode = listMode;
      compsForBuf[VertexBuffer.Type.Index.ordinal()] = components;

    if (totalVerts >= 65536) {
      // make sure we create an UnsignedInt buffer so
      // we can fit all of the meshes
      formatForBuf[VertexBuffer.Type.Index.ordinal()] = VertexBuffer.Format.UnsignedInt;
    } else {
      formatForBuf[VertexBuffer.Type.Index.ordinal()] = VertexBuffer.Format.UnsignedShort;

    // generate output buffers based on retrieved info
    for (int i = 0; i < compsForBuf.length; i++) {
      if (compsForBuf[i] == 0) {

      Buffer data;
      if (i == VertexBuffer.Type.Index.ordinal()) {
        data = VertexBuffer.createBuffer(formatForBuf[i], compsForBuf[i], totalTris);
      } else {
        data = VertexBuffer.createBuffer(formatForBuf[i], compsForBuf[i], totalVerts);

      VertexBuffer vb = new VertexBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.values()[i]);
      vb.setupData(VertexBuffer.Usage.Dynamic, compsForBuf[i], formatForBuf[i], data);

    int globalVertIndex = 0;
    int globalTriIndex = 0;

    for (Geometry geom : geometries) {
      Mesh inMesh = geom.getMesh();
      if (!isBatch(geom)) {
        geom.batch(this, globalVertIndex);

      int geomVertCount = inMesh.getVertexCount();
      int geomTriCount = inMesh.getTriangleCount();

      for (int bufType = 0; bufType < compsForBuf.length; bufType++) {
        VertexBuffer inBuf = inMesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.values()[bufType]);

        VertexBuffer outBuf = outMesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.values()[bufType]);

        if (outBuf == null) {

        if (VertexBuffer.Type.Index.ordinal() == bufType) {
          int components = compsForBuf[bufType];

          IndexBuffer inIdx = inMesh.getIndicesAsList();
          IndexBuffer outIdx = outMesh.getIndexBuffer();

          for (int tri = 0; tri < geomTriCount; tri++) {
            for (int comp = 0; comp < components; comp++) {
              int idx = inIdx.get(tri * components + comp) + globalVertIndex;
              outIdx.put((globalTriIndex + tri) * components + comp, idx);
        } else if (VertexBuffer.Type.Position.ordinal() == bufType) {
          FloatBuffer inPos = (FloatBuffer) inBuf.getData();
          FloatBuffer outPos = (FloatBuffer) outBuf.getData();
          doCopyBuffer(inPos, globalVertIndex, outPos, 3);
        } else if (VertexBuffer.Type.Normal.ordinal() == bufType
            || VertexBuffer.Type.Tangent.ordinal() == bufType) {
          FloatBuffer inPos = (FloatBuffer) inBuf.getData();
          FloatBuffer outPos = (FloatBuffer) outBuf.getData();
          doCopyBuffer(inPos, globalVertIndex, outPos, compsForBuf[bufType]);
          if (VertexBuffer.Type.Tangent.ordinal() == bufType) {
            useTangents = true;
        } else {
          inBuf.copyElements(0, outBuf, globalVertIndex, geomVertCount);
          //                    for (int vert = 0; vert < geomVertCount; vert++) {
          //                        int curGlobalVertIndex = globalVertIndex + vert;
          //                        inBuf.copyElement(vert, outBuf, curGlobalVertIndex);
          //                    }

      globalVertIndex += geomVertCount;
      globalTriIndex += geomTriCount;
Пример #4
  public void reshape(ViewPort vp, int w, int h) {
    // this has no effect at first init but is useful when resizing the canvas with multi views
    Camera cam = vp.getCamera();
    cam.setViewPort(left, right, bottom, top);
    // resizing the camera to fit the new viewport and saving original dimensions
    cam.resize(w, h, false);
    left = cam.getViewPortLeft();
    right = cam.getViewPortRight();
    top = cam.getViewPortTop();
    bottom = cam.getViewPortBottom();
    originalWidth = w;
    originalHeight = h;
    cam.setViewPort(0, 1, 0, 1);

    // computing real dimension of the viewport and resizing he camera
    width = (int) (w * (Math.abs(right - left)));
    height = (int) (h * (Math.abs(bottom - top)));
    width = Math.max(1, width);
    height = Math.max(1, height);
    cam.resize(width, height, false);
    cameraInit = true;
    computeDepth = false;

    if (renderFrameBuffer == null) {
      outputBuffer = viewPort.getOutputFrameBuffer();

    Collection<Caps> caps = renderer.getCaps();

    // antialiasing on filters only supported in opengl 3 due to depth read problem
    if (numSamples > 1 && caps.contains(Caps.FrameBufferMultisample)) {
      renderFrameBufferMS = new FrameBuffer(width, height, numSamples);
      if (caps.contains(Caps.OpenGL31)) {
        Texture2D msColor = new Texture2D(width, height, numSamples, Format.RGBA8);
        Texture2D msDepth = new Texture2D(width, height, numSamples, Format.Depth);
        filterTexture = msColor;
        depthTexture = msDepth;
      } else {

    if (numSamples <= 1 || !caps.contains(Caps.OpenGL31)) {
      renderFrameBuffer = new FrameBuffer(width, height, 1);
      filterTexture = new Texture2D(width, height, Format.RGBA8);

    for (Iterator<Filter> it = filters.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      Filter filter = it.next();
      initFilter(filter, vp);

    if (renderFrameBufferMS != null) {
    } else {