public void setXMLEntity(XMLEntity xml) { setDescription(xml.getStringProperty("desc")); setIsShapeVisible(xml.getBooleanProperty("isShapeVisible")); markerSymbol = (AbstractMarkerSymbol) SymbologyFactory.createSymbolFromXML(xml.getChild(0), null); markerFillProperties = (SimpleMarkerFillPropertiesStyle) SymbologyFactory.createStyleFromXML(xml.getChild(1), null); if (xml.contains("unit")) { // remove this line when done // measure unit (for outline) setUnit(xml.getIntProperty("unit")); // reference system (for outline) setReferenceSystem(xml.getIntProperty("referenceSystem")); } if (xml.contains("hasOutline")) { XMLEntity outlineXML = xml.firstChild("id", "outline symbol"); if (outlineXML != null) { setOutline((ILineSymbol) SymbologyFactory.createSymbolFromXML(outlineXML, "outline")); } } }
public void initializeValues() { PluginServices ps = PluginServices.getPluginServices(this); XMLEntity xml = ps.getPersistentXML(); if (xml.contains(PROJECTS_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME)) { txtProjectsFolder.setText(xml.getStringProperty(PROJECTS_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME)); } if (xml.contains(DATA_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME)) { txtDataFolder.setText(xml.getStringProperty(DATA_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME)); } if (xml.contains(TEMPLATES_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME)) { txtTemplatesFolder.setText(xml.getStringProperty(TEMPLATES_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME)); } if (xml.contains(SYMBOL_LIBRARY_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME)) { txtSymbolLibraryFolder.setText(xml.getStringProperty(SYMBOL_LIBRARY_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME)); } }
public void addElement(Object element, String elementName, Object containerFolder) { if (element instanceof ISymbol) { ISymbol sym = (ISymbol) element; if (containerFolder == null) { containerFolder = rootDir; } String fExtension = SymbolLibrary.SYMBOL_FILE_EXTENSION; File targetFile = new File(((File) containerFolder).getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + elementName); // save it XMLEntity xml = sym.getXMLEntity(); if (!targetFile.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(fExtension)) targetFile = new File(targetFile.getAbsolutePath() + fExtension); if (targetFile.exists()) { int resp = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( (Component) PluginServices.getMainFrame(), PluginServices.getText(this, "fichero_ya_existe_seguro_desea_guardarlo"), PluginServices.getText(this, "guardar"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (resp != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { return; } } FileWriter writer; try { writer = new FileWriter(targetFile.getAbsolutePath()); Marshaller m = new Marshaller(writer); m.setEncoding("ISO-8859-1"); m.marshal(xml.getXmlTag()); } catch (Exception ex) { NotificationManager.addError(PluginServices.getText(this, "save_error"), ex); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( PluginServices.getText(this, "adding_a_non_symbol_as_element")); } }
/** * Binds the information in the XML entity argument to create and return an <code>ExtentHistory * </code> object. * * @param xml an XML entity of a <code>ExtentHistory</code> * @return an <code>ExtentHistory</code> object with the information of the <code>xml</code> * argument * @see #getXMLEntity() */ public static ExtentHistory createFromXML(XMLEntity xml) { ExtentHistory eh = new ExtentHistory(); eh.num = xml.getIntProperty("num"); eh.NUMREC = xml.getIntProperty("numrec"); for (int i = 0; i < eh.NUMREC; i++) { try { eh.extents[i] = new Rectangle2D.Double( xml.getDoubleProperty("extent" + i + "X"), xml.getDoubleProperty("extent" + i + "Y"), xml.getDoubleProperty("extent" + i + "W"), xml.getDoubleProperty("extent" + i + "H")); } catch (Exception e) { /// System.out.println("En las ExtentHistory =" + e); //TODO o se captura de alguna forma o // se mete un nuevo parametro en el xml para saber exactamente cuantos rectágulos se han // añadido. } } return eh; }
/** * Inserts layers and properties to this collection of layers. * * <p>This root node has the same properties that return <code>FlyrDefault#getXMLEntity()</code> * adding: * * <ul> * <li><i>numLayers</i> : number of first-level layers of this collection * <li><i>LayerNames</i> : an array list with the name of the first-level layers of this * collection <code>FLayer.getXMLEntity()</code> * </ul> * * @see FLyrDefault#setXMLEntity() * @see FLyrDefault#getXMLEntity() * @see CopyOfFLayers#addLayerFromXML(XMLEntity, String) * @param xml an <code>XMLEntity</code> with the information * @throws XMLException if there is an error setting the object. */ public void setXMLEntity(XMLEntity xml) throws XMLException { super.setXMLEntity(xml); // LoadLayerException loadLayerException=new LoadLayerException(); String[] s = xml.getStringArrayProperty("LayerNames"); // try { fmap.clearErrors(); int numLayers = xml.getIntProperty("numLayers"); Iterator iter = xml.findChildren("tagName", "layer"); XMLEntity xmlLayer; while (iter.hasNext()) { xmlLayer = (XMLEntity); try { this.addLayerFromXML(xmlLayer, null); } catch (LoadLayerException e) { throw new XMLLayerException(getName(), e); } } if (numLayers != this.layers.size()) { logger.warn(this.getName() + ": layer count no match"); } }
/** * Reads the stored toolbars' status from plugin-persinstence.xml, and sets the toolbars * accordingly. */ private void getPersistedStatus() { PluginServices ps = PluginServices.getPluginServices(this); XMLEntity xml = ps.getPersistentXML(); XMLEntity child = null; for (int i = xml.getChildrenCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (xml.getChild(i).getName().equals("Toolbars")) child = xml.getChild(i).getChild(0); } if (child != null) { SelectableToolBar[] toolBars = PluginServices.getMainFrame().getToolbars(); for (int i = toolBars.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (child.contains(toolBars[i].getName())) toolBars[i].setAndamiVisibility( child.getStringProperty(toolBars[i].getName()).equals("visible")); } } }
/** * Returns an XML entity with information of this object. All information is stored as properties: * <br> * * <p><b>Properties:</b> * * <ul> * <li><i>className</i>: name of this class. * <li><i>num</i>: number of extents registered. * <li><i>numrec</i>: maximum number of extents that can register. * <li><i>extentiX</i>: X coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle that defines the * area. * <li><i>extentiY</i>: Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle that defines the * area. * <li><i>extentiW</i>: width of the rectangle that defines the area. * <li><i>extentiH</i>: height of the rectangle that defines the area. * </ul> * * @return XML entity that represents this object * @see #createFromXML(XMLEntity) * @see #get() * @see #put(Rectangle2D) */ public XMLEntity getXMLEntity() { XMLEntity xml = new XMLEntity(); xml.putProperty("className", this.getClass().getName()); xml.putProperty("num", num); xml.putProperty("numrec", NUMREC); for (int i = 0; i < NUMREC; i++) { if (extents[i] != null) { xml.putProperty("extent" + i + "X", extents[i].getX()); xml.putProperty("extent" + i + "Y", extents[i].getY()); xml.putProperty("extent" + i + "W", extents[i].getWidth()); xml.putProperty("extent" + i + "H", extents[i].getHeight()); } } return xml; }
/** * Returns an entity that represents this collection of layers stored as a tree-node with children * that are also layers. * * <p>The root node has the same properties that <code>FlyrDefault#getXMLEntity()</code> returns, * and adds: * * <ul> * <li><i>numLayers</i> : number of layers of this collection (direct children of this node) * <li><i>LayerNames</i> : an array list with the name of the layers of this collection (direct * children of this node) <code>FLayer.getXMLEntity()</code> * </ul> * * <p>All XML elements returned represent the information about this layer. * * @return an XML entity with information to this collection of layers * @throws XMLException if there is any error creating the XML from the layers. */ public XMLEntity getXMLEntity() throws XMLException { XMLEntity xml = super.getXMLEntity(); xml.putProperty("numLayers", layers.size()); String[] s = new String[layers.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++) { s[i] = ((FLayer) layers.get(i)).getName(); } xml.putProperty("LayerNames", s); for (int i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++) { try { XMLEntity xmlLayer = ((FLayer) layers.get(i)).getXMLEntity(); xmlLayer.putProperty("tagName", "layer"); xml.addChild(xmlLayer); } catch (XMLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return xml; }
public void storeValues() throws StoreException { File f; String path, propertyName; PluginServices ps = PluginServices.getPluginServices(this); XMLEntity xml = ps.getPersistentXML(); // Projects folder propertyName = PROJECTS_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME; path = txtProjectsFolder.getText(); if (path.equals("")) { if (xml.contains(propertyName)) { xml.remove(propertyName); } prefs.remove(propertyName); } else { f = new File(path); if (f.exists()) { if (xml.contains(propertyName)) { xml.remove(propertyName); } xml.putProperty(propertyName, f.getAbsolutePath()); prefs.put(propertyName, f.getAbsolutePath()); } } // Data folder propertyName = DATA_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME; path = txtDataFolder.getText(); if (path.equals("")) { if (xml.contains(propertyName)) { xml.remove(propertyName); } prefs.remove(propertyName); } else { f = new File(path); if (f.exists()) { if (xml.contains(propertyName)) { xml.remove(propertyName); } xml.putProperty(propertyName, f.getAbsolutePath()); prefs.put(propertyName, f.getAbsolutePath()); } } // Templates folder propertyName = TEMPLATES_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME; path = txtTemplatesFolder.getText(); if (path.equals("")) { if (xml.contains(propertyName)) { xml.remove(propertyName); } prefs.remove(propertyName); } else { f = new File(path); if (f.exists()) { if (xml.contains(propertyName)) { xml.remove(propertyName); } xml.putProperty(propertyName, f.getAbsolutePath()); prefs.put(propertyName, f.getAbsolutePath()); } } // Symbol library folder propertyName = SYMBOL_LIBRARY_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME; path = txtSymbolLibraryFolder.getText(); if (path.equals("")) { if (xml.contains(propertyName)) { xml.remove(propertyName); } prefs.remove(propertyName); } else { f = new File(path); if (f.exists()) { if (xml.contains(propertyName)) { xml.remove(propertyName); } xml.putProperty(propertyName, f.getAbsolutePath()); prefs.put(propertyName, f.getAbsolutePath()); } } }
public FolderingPage() { super(); setParentID(; icon = PluginServices.getIconTheme().get("folder-icon"); btnFileChooserAction = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String path; if (e.getSource().equals(btnSelectProjectsFolder)) { path = txtProjectsFolder.getText(); } else if (e.getSource().equals(btnSelectDataFolder)) { path = txtDataFolder.getText(); } else if (e.getSource().equals(btnSelectSymbolLibraryFolder)) { path = txtSymbolLibraryFolder.getText(); } else { path = txtTemplatesFolder.getText(); } // The file filter for the JFileChooser FileFilter def = new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File f) { return (f.isDirectory()); } public String getDescription() { return null; } }; File file = new File(path); JFileChooser fc; if (file.exists()) { fc = new JFileChooser(file); } else { fc = new JFileChooser(); } fc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); fc.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); fc.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false); fc.addChoosableFileFilter(def); int result = fc.showOpenDialog(FolderingPage.this); if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION && (file = fc.getSelectedFile()) != null) { if (e.getSource().equals(btnSelectProjectsFolder)) { txtProjectsFolder.setText(file.getAbsolutePath()); } else if (e.getSource().equals(btnSelectDataFolder)) { txtDataFolder.setText(file.getAbsolutePath()); } else if (e.getSource().equals(btnSelectSymbolLibraryFolder)) { txtSymbolLibraryFolder.setText(file.getAbsolutePath()); } else { txtTemplatesFolder.setText(file.getAbsolutePath()); } } } }; btnSelectProjectsFolder = new JButton(PluginServices.getText(this, "browse")); btnSelectProjectsFolder.addActionListener(btnFileChooserAction); btnSelectDataFolder = new JButton(PluginServices.getText(this, "browse")); btnSelectDataFolder.addActionListener(btnFileChooserAction); btnSelectTemplatesFolder = new JButton(PluginServices.getText(this, "browse")); btnSelectTemplatesFolder.addActionListener(btnFileChooserAction); btnSelectSymbolLibraryFolder = new JButton(PluginServices.getText(this, "browse")); btnSelectSymbolLibraryFolder.addActionListener(btnFileChooserAction); JLabel lblProjectsFolder = new JLabel( "<html><b>" + PluginServices.getText(this, "options.foldering.projects_folder") + "</b></html>"); addComponent(lblProjectsFolder); addComponent(txtProjectsFolder = new JTextField(30), btnSelectProjectsFolder); addComponent(new JLabel(" ")); JLabel lblDataFolder = new JLabel( "<html><b>" + PluginServices.getText(this, "options.foldering.data_folder") + "</b></html>"); addComponent(lblDataFolder); addComponent(txtDataFolder = new JTextField(30), btnSelectDataFolder); addComponent(new JLabel(" ")); JLabel lblTemplatesFolder = new JLabel( "<html><b>" + PluginServices.getText(this, "options.foldering.template_folder") + "</b></html>"); addComponent(lblTemplatesFolder); addComponent(txtTemplatesFolder = new JTextField(30), btnSelectTemplatesFolder); addComponent(new JLabel(" ")); JLabel lblSymbolLibraryFolder = new JLabel( "<html><b>" + PluginServices.getText(this, "options.foldering.symbol_library_folder") + "</b></html>"); addComponent(lblSymbolLibraryFolder); addComponent(txtSymbolLibraryFolder = new JTextField(30), btnSelectSymbolLibraryFolder); addComponent(new JLabel(" ")); PluginServices ps = PluginServices.getPluginServices(this); XMLEntity xml = ps.getPersistentXML(); if (xml.contains(PROJECTS_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME)) { prefs.put( PROJECTS_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME, xml.getStringProperty(PROJECTS_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME)); } if (xml.contains(DATA_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME)) { prefs.put(DATA_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME, xml.getStringProperty(DATA_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME)); } if (xml.contains(TEMPLATES_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME)) { prefs.put( TEMPLATES_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME, xml.getStringProperty(TEMPLATES_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME)); } if (xml.contains(SYMBOL_LIBRARY_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME)) { prefs.put( SYMBOL_LIBRARY_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME, xml.getStringProperty(SYMBOL_LIBRARY_FOLDER_PROPERTY_NAME)); } }
public void setXMLEntity(XMLEntity xml) { if (xml.contains("TextField")) { setTextField(xml.getStringProperty("TextField")); } if (xml.contains("HeightField")) { setHeightField(xml.getStringProperty("HeightField")); } if (xml.contains("ColorField")) { setColorField(xml.getStringProperty("ColorField")); } if (xml.contains("RotationField")) { setRotationField(xml.getStringProperty("RotationField")); } if (xml.contains("Unit")) { setUnit(xml.getIntProperty("Unit")); } if (xml.contains("fontName")) { Font font = new Font( xml.getStringProperty("fontName"), xml.getIntProperty("fontStyle"), xml.getIntProperty("fontSize")); setFont(font); } if (xml.contains("useFixedSize")) { useFixedSize = xml.getBooleanProperty("useFixedSize"); fixedSize = xml.getDoubleProperty("fixedSize"); } if (xml.contains("useFixedColor")) { useFixedColor = xml.getBooleanProperty("useFixedColor"); fixedColor = StringUtilities.string2Color(xml.getStringProperty("fixedColor")); } if (xml.contains("referenceSystem")) { referenceSystem = xml.getIntProperty("referenceSystem"); } }
public XMLEntity getXMLEntity() { XMLEntity xml = new XMLEntity(); xml.putProperty("className", getClassName()); xml.putProperty("labelingStrategy", "labelingStrategy"); try { if (getHeightField() != null) { xml.putProperty("HeightField", getHeightField()); } } catch (DataException e) { Logger.getAnonymousLogger() .log(Level.SEVERE, "Acessing TextHeight field.\n" + e.getMessage()); } try { if (getColorField() != null) { xml.putProperty("ColorField", getColorField()); } } catch (DataException e) { Logger.getAnonymousLogger() .log(Level.SEVERE, "Acessing ColorField field.\n" + e.getMessage()); } try { if (getTextField() != null) { xml.putProperty("TextField", getTextField()); } } catch (DataException e) { Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Acessing TextField field.\n" + e.getMessage()); } try { if (getRotationField() != null) { xml.putProperty("RotationField", getRotationField()); } } catch (DataException e) { Logger.getAnonymousLogger() .log(Level.SEVERE, "Acessing RotationField field.\n" + e.getMessage()); } if (getFont() != null) { xml.putProperty("fontSize", getFont().getSize()); xml.putProperty("fontName", getFont().getName()); xml.putProperty("fontStyle", getFont().getStyle()); } if (getColorFont() != null) { xml.putProperty("Color", StringUtilities.color2String(getColorFont())); } xml.putProperty("useFixedSize", useFixedSize); xml.putProperty("useFixedColor", useFixedColor); xml.putProperty("fixedColor", StringUtilities.color2String(fixedColor)); xml.putProperty("fixedSize", fixedSize); xml.putProperty("Unit", unit); xml.putProperty("referenceSystem", referenceSystem); return xml; }
public XMLEntity getXMLEntity() { XMLEntity xml = new XMLEntity(); xml.putProperty("className", getClassName()); xml.putProperty("isShapeVisible", isShapeVisible()); // color (necessite) if (getFillColor() != null) xml.putProperty("color", StringUtilities.color2String(getFillColor())); xml.putProperty("desc", getDescription()); xml.putProperty("referenceSystem", getReferenceSystem()); xml.putProperty("unit", getUnit()); xml.addChild(markerSymbol.getXMLEntity()); xml.addChild(markerFillProperties.getXMLEntity()); if (getOutline() != null) { XMLEntity outlineXML = getOutline().getXMLEntity(); outlineXML.putProperty("id", "outline symbol"); xml.addChild(outlineXML); } xml.putProperty("hasOutline", hasOutline()); return xml; }
/** * Save the status of the provided toolbar. * * @param toolbarName The toolbar name whose status wants to be saved. * @param visible Whether or not the toolbar is visible. */ private void persistStatus(String toolbarName, boolean visible) { PluginServices ps = PluginServices.getPluginServices(this); XMLEntity xml = ps.getPersistentXML(); XMLEntity child = null; for (int i = xml.getChildrenCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (xml.getChild(i).getName().equals("Toolbars")) child = xml.getChild(i).getChild(0); } if (child == null) { XMLEntity toolbars = new XMLEntity(); toolbars.setName("Toolbars"); child = new XMLEntity(); toolbars.addChild(child); xml.addChild(toolbars); } if (visible) { child.putProperty(toolbarName, "visible"); } else { child.putProperty(toolbarName, "hidden"); } ps.setPersistentXML(xml); }
/** * Adds the layer with the information in an XML entity and the specified name, to this collection * of layers. * * <p>This method really executes the addition, considering the kind of layer (<code>FLyrVect * </code>, <code>FLyrAnnotation</code>, <code>FLyrRaster</code>, a collection of layers (<code> * FLayers</code>), or another kind of layer (<code>FLayer</code>)), and the driver in the layer. * * @param xml tree-node structure with information about layers * @param name name of the layer to add * @throws LoadLayerException if fails loading this layer. */ private void addLayerFromXML(XMLEntity xml, String name) throws LoadLayerException { FLayer layer = null; try { if (name == null) { name = xml.getName(); } String className = xml.getStringProperty("className"); Class clase = Class.forName(className); layer = (FLayer) clase.newInstance(); if (FLayers.class.isAssignableFrom(clase)) { ((FLayers) layer).setMapContext(getMapContext()); ((FLayers) layer).setParentLayer(this); // layer = new FLayers(getMapContext(),this); layer.setXMLEntity(xml); } else { // Capas Nuevas (externas) layer.setName(name); layer.setXMLEntity(xml); layer.load(); } // //TODO VCN FLyrAnnotation es un parche para no tener que duplicar todo el código de aqí y // de los diferentes métodos de LayerFactory, // //ya que los drivers de una FLyrAnnotation no sabemos cual es puede ser cualquier Driver // Vectorial. // if (className.equals(FLyrVect.class.getName())){// || // className.equals(FLyrAnnotation.class.getName())) { // String type = xml.getStringProperty("type"); // if ("vectorial".equals(type)){ // //String recordsetName = xml.getChild(i).getStringProperty("recordset-name"); // IProjection proj = null; // if (xml.contains("proj")) { // proj = CRSFactory.getCRS(xml.getStringProperty("proj")); // } // else // { // proj = this.getMapContext().getViewPort().getProjection(); // } // if (xml.contains("file")) { // Driver d; // try { // d = LayerFactory.getDM().getDriver(xml.getStringProperty("driverName")); // } catch (DriverLoadException e1) { // throw new DriverLayerException(name,e1); // } // layer = LayerFactory.createLayer(name, (VectorialFileDriver) d, // new File(xml.getStringProperty("file")), // proj); // // // } // if (xml.contains("db")) { // // String driverName = xml.getStringProperty("db"); // IVectorialDatabaseDriver driver; // try { // driver = (IVectorialDatabaseDriver) LayerFactory.getDM().getDriver(driverName); // //Hay que separar la carga de los datos del XMLEntity del load. // driver.setXMLEntity(xml.getChild(2)); // // boolean loadOk = false; // ((DefaultJDBCDriver)driver).load(); // if (((DefaultJDBCDriver)driver).getConnection() != null) { // loadOk = true; // } // layer = LayerFactory.createDBLayer(driver, name, proj); // if (!loadOk) { // layer.setAvailable(false); // } // // } catch (DriverLoadException e) { // throw new DriverLayerException(name,e); // } catch (XMLException e) { // throw new DriverLayerException(name,e); // } catch (ReadException e) { // throw new DriverLayerException(name,e); // } // // } // // Clases con algun driver genérico creado por otro // // programador // if (xml.contains("other")) { // // String driverName = xml.getStringProperty("other"); // VectorialDriver driver = null; // try { // driver = (VectorialDriver) LayerFactory.getDM().getDriver(driverName); // } catch (DriverLoadException e) { // // Si no existe ese driver, no pasa nada. // // Puede que el desarrollador no quiera que // // aparezca en el cuadro de diálogo y ha metido // // el jar con sus clases en nuestro directorio lib. // // Intentamos cargar esa clase "a pelo". // if (xml.getChild(2).contains("className")) // { // String className2 = xml.getChild(2).getStringProperty("className"); // try { // driver = (VectorialDriver) Class.forName(className2).newInstance(); // } catch (Exception e1) { // throw new DriverLayerException(name,e); // } // } // } catch (NullPointerException npe) { // // Si no existe ese driver, no pasa nada. // // Puede que el desarrollador no quiera que // // aparezca en el cuadro de diálogo y ha metido // // el jar con sus clases en nuestro directorio lib. // // Intentamos cargar esa clase "a pelo". // if (xml.getChild(2).contains("className")) // { // String className2 = xml.getChild(2).getStringProperty("className"); // try { // driver = (VectorialDriver) Class.forName(className2).newInstance(); // } catch (Exception e1) { // throw new DriverLayerException(name,e1); // } // } // } // if (driver instanceof IPersistence) // { // IPersistence persist = (IPersistence) driver; // persist.setXMLEntity(xml.getChild(2)); // } // layer = LayerFactory.createLayer(name, driver, proj); // } // // } // // //TODO VCN FLyrAnnotation es un parche para no tener que duplicar todo el código de aqí y // de los diferentes métodos de LayerFactory, // //ya que los drivers de una FLyrAnnotation no sabemos cual es puede ser cualquier Driver // Vectorial. // if (className.equals(FLyrAnnotation.class.getName())){ // layer=FLyrAnnotation.createLayerFromVect((FLyrVect)layer); // } // // // layer.setXMLEntity(xml); // // } else { // Class clase = LayerFactory.getLayerClassForLayerClassName(className); // layer = (FLayer) clase.newInstance(); // if (clase.isAssignableFrom(FLayers.class)) { // ((FLayers)layer).setMapContext(getMapContext()); // ((FLayers)layer).setParentLayer(this); //// layer = new FLayers(getMapContext(),this); // layer.setXMLEntity(xml); // } else { // // Capas Nuevas (externas) // layer.setName(name); // layer.setXMLEntity(xml); // layer.load(); // } // } this.addLayer(layer); logger.debug("layer: " + layer.getName() + " loaded"); // Comprobar que la proyección es la misma que la de FMap // Si no lo es, es una capa que está reproyectada al vuelo IProjection proj = layer.getProjection(); if ((proj != null)) { if (!proj.getFullCode().equals(getMapContext().getProjection().getFullCode())) { ICoordTrans ct = proj.getCT(getMapContext().getProjection()); // TODO: REVISAR CON LUIS // Se lo fijamos a todas, luego cada una que se reproyecte // si puede, o que no haga nada layer.setCoordTrans(ct); } } } catch (XMLException e) { fmap.addLayerError(xml.getStringProperty("name")); throw new LoadLayerException(name, e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { fmap.addLayerError(xml.getStringProperty("name")); throw new LoadLayerException(name, e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { fmap.addLayerError(xml.getStringProperty("name")); throw new LoadLayerException(name, e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { fmap.addLayerError(xml.getStringProperty("name")); throw new LoadLayerException(name, e); } catch (LoadLayerException e) { fmap.addLayerError(xml.getStringProperty("name")); throw e; } }