  private VirtualFile setupGradleSettingsFile(
      @NotNull VirtualFile modelContentRootDir, @NotNull ModifiableRootModel model)
      throws ConfigurationException {
    VirtualFile file = null;
    if (myWizardContext.isCreatingNewProject()) {
      final String moduleDirName =
          VfsUtilCore.getRelativePath(modelContentRootDir, model.getProject().getBaseDir(), '/');
      file =
              model.getProject().getBasePath(), GradleConstants.SETTINGS_FILE_NAME);
      if (file == null) return null;

      Map<String, String> attributes = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
      final String projectName = model.getProject().getName();
      attributes.put(TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTE_PROJECT_NAME, projectName);
      attributes.put(TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTE_MODULE_DIR_NAME, moduleDirName);
      attributes.put(TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTE_MODULE_NAME, model.getModule().getName());
      saveFile(file, TEMPLATE_GRADLE_SETTINGS, attributes);
    } else {
      Map<String, Module> moduleMap = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
      for (Module module : ModuleManager.getInstance(model.getProject()).getModules()) {
        for (ContentEntry contentEntry : model.getContentEntries()) {
          if (contentEntry.getFile() != null) {
            moduleMap.put(contentEntry.getFile().getPath(), module);

      VirtualFile virtualFile = modelContentRootDir;
      Module module = null;
      while (virtualFile != null && module == null) {
        module = moduleMap.get(virtualFile.getPath());
        virtualFile = virtualFile.getParent();

      if (module != null) {
        String rootProjectPath =

        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(rootProjectPath)) {
          VirtualFile rootProjectFile = VfsUtil.findFileByIoFile(new File(rootProjectPath), true);
          if (rootProjectFile == null) return null;

          final String moduleDirName =
              VfsUtilCore.getRelativePath(modelContentRootDir, rootProjectFile, '/');
          file = getExternalProjectConfigFile(rootProjectPath, GradleConstants.SETTINGS_FILE_NAME);
          if (file == null) return null;

          Map<String, String> attributes = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
          attributes.put(TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTE_MODULE_DIR_NAME, moduleDirName);
          attributes.put(TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTE_MODULE_NAME, model.getModule().getName());
          appendToFile(file, TEMPLATE_GRADLE_SETTINGS_MERGE, attributes);
    return file;
Пример #2
  public static class Factory {
    private final Map<DfaPsiType, ArrayList<DfaTypeValue>> myCache = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
    private final DfaValueFactory myFactory;

    Factory(DfaValueFactory factory) {
      myFactory = factory;

    public DfaTypeValue createTypeValue(@NotNull DfaPsiType type, @NotNull Nullness nullness) {
      ArrayList<DfaTypeValue> conditions = myCache.get(type);
      if (conditions == null) {
        conditions = new ArrayList<DfaTypeValue>();
        myCache.put(type, conditions);
      } else {
        for (DfaTypeValue aType : conditions) {
          if (aType.myNullness == nullness) return aType;

      DfaTypeValue result = new DfaTypeValue(type, nullness, myFactory);
      return new DfaTypeValue(type, nullness, myFactory);
  private ClassMapCachingNulls<MultiHostInjector> getInjectorMap() {
    ClassMapCachingNulls<MultiHostInjector> cached = cachedInjectors;
    if (cached != null) {
      return cached;

    Map<Class, MultiHostInjector[]> injectors = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();

    List<MultiHostInjector> allInjectors = ContainerUtil.newArrayList();
        allInjectors, MultiHostInjector.MULTIHOST_INJECTOR_EP_NAME.getExtensions(myProject));
    if (LanguageInjector.EXTENSION_POINT_NAME.getExtensions().length > 0) {

    for (MultiHostInjector injector : allInjectors) {
      for (Class<? extends PsiElement> place : injector.elementsToInjectIn()) {
        LOG.assertTrue(place != null, injector);
        MultiHostInjector[] existing = injectors.get(place);
            existing == null
                ? new MultiHostInjector[] {injector}
                : ArrayUtil.append(existing, injector));

    ClassMapCachingNulls<MultiHostInjector> result =
        new ClassMapCachingNulls<>(injectors, new MultiHostInjector[0], allInjectors);
    cachedInjectors = result;
    return result;
Пример #4
  private static void patchGtkDefaults(UIDefaults defaults) {
    if (!UIUtil.isUnderGTKLookAndFeel()) return;

    Map<String, Icon> map =
    // GTK+ L&F keeps icons hidden in style
    SynthStyle style = SynthLookAndFeel.getStyle(new JOptionPane(""), Region.DESKTOP_ICON);
    for (String key : map.keySet()) {
      if (defaults.get(key) != null) continue;

      Object icon = style == null ? null : style.get(null, key);
      defaults.put(key, icon instanceof Icon ? icon : map.get(key));

    Color fg = defaults.getColor("Label.foreground");
    Color bg = defaults.getColor("Label.background");
    if (fg != null && bg != null) {
      defaults.put("Label.disabledForeground", UIUtil.mix(fg, bg, 0.5));
  private static BundleManifest readProperties(PsiFile propertiesFile) {
    try {
      UTF8Properties properties = new UTF8Properties();
      properties.load(new StringReader(propertiesFile.getText()));
      Map<String, String> map = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
      for (Object key : properties.keySet()) {
        String name = key.toString();
        map.put(name, properties.getProperty(name));
      if (map.get(Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME) == null) {
        VirtualFile file = propertiesFile.getVirtualFile();
        if (file != null) {
          if (!BndProjectImporter.BND_FILE.equals(file.getName())) {
                Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME, FileUtil.getNameWithoutExtension(file.getName()));
          } else if (file.getParent() != null) {
            map.put(Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME, file.getParent().getName());
      return new BundleManifest(map, propertiesFile);
    } catch (IOException ignored) {
    } catch (InvalidVirtualFileAccessException ignored) {

    return null;
  static List<HighlightInfo> checkDuplicateRequires(@NotNull PsiJavaModule module) {
    List<HighlightInfo> results = ContainerUtil.newSmartList();

    Map<String, PsiElement> map = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
    for (PsiElement child = module.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling()) {
      if (child instanceof PsiRequiresStatement) {
        PsiJavaModuleReferenceElement ref = ((PsiRequiresStatement) child).getReferenceElement();
        if (ref != null) {
          String text = ref.getReferenceText();
          if (!map.containsKey(text)) {
            map.put(text, child);
          } else {
            String message = JavaErrorMessages.message("module.duplicate.requires", text);
            HighlightInfo info =
            QuickFixAction.registerQuickFixAction(info, new DeleteElementFix(child));

    return results;
 public <T> void putUserData(@NotNull final Key<T> key, @Nullable final T value) {
   if (myUserData == null) {
     myUserData = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
   myUserData.put(key, value);
class RunConfigurationByRecordProvider implements ConfigurationByRecordProvider {
  private final Project myProject;
  private final Map<Integer, RunnerAndConfigurationSettings> myConfigurationsMap =

  public RunConfigurationByRecordProvider(Project project) {
    myProject = project;

  public RunnerAndConfigurationSettings getConfiguration(TestStateStorage.Record record) {
    Integer runConfigurationHash = new Integer((int) record.configurationHash);
    return myConfigurationsMap.get(runConfigurationHash);

  private void initRunConfigurationsMap() {
    RunManagerEx manager = RunManagerEx.getInstanceEx(myProject);
    ConfigurationType[] types = manager.getConfigurationFactories();

    for (ConfigurationType type : types) {
      Map<String, List<RunnerAndConfigurationSettings>> structure = manager.getStructure(type);
      for (Map.Entry<String, List<RunnerAndConfigurationSettings>> e : structure.entrySet()) {
        for (RunnerAndConfigurationSettings settings : e.getValue()) {
          myConfigurationsMap.put(settings.getName().hashCode(), settings);
  private boolean performCompilation(
      List<String> args,
      StringWriter out,
      StringWriter err,
      Map<String, List<String>> outputs,
      CompileContext context,
      ModuleChunk chunk) {
    try {
      Class<?> mainClass = Class.forName(GreclipseMain.class.getName(), true, myGreclipseLoader);
      Constructor<?> constructor =
          mainClass.getConstructor(PrintWriter.class, PrintWriter.class, Map.class, Map.class);
      Method compileMethod = mainClass.getMethod("compile", String[].class);

      HashMap<String, Object> customDefaultOptions = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
      // without this greclipse won't load AST transformations
          "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.groovy.groovyClassLoaderPath", getClasspathString(chunk));

      // used by greclipse to cache transform loaders
      // names should be different for production & tests

      Object main =
              new PrintWriter(out), new PrintWriter(err), customDefaultOptions, outputs);
      return (Boolean) compileMethod.invoke(main, new Object[] {ArrayUtil.toStringArray(args)});
    } catch (Exception e) {
      context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage(getPresentableName(), e));
      return false;
  public void annotate(
      @NotNull final VirtualFile contentRoot,
      @NotNull final CoverageSuitesBundle suite,
      final @NotNull CoverageDataManager dataManager,
      @NotNull final ProjectData data,
      final Project project,
      final Annotator annotator) {
    if (!contentRoot.isValid()) {

    // TODO: check name filter!!!!!

    final ProjectFileIndex index = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getFileIndex();

    final Set<String> files = data.getClasses().keySet();
    final Map<String, String> normalizedFiles2Files = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
    for (final String file : files) {
      normalizedFiles2Files.put(normalizeFilePath(file), file);
  private static class DataFlowInstructionVisitor extends StandardInstructionVisitor {
    private final StandardDataFlowRunner myRunner;
    private final MultiMap<NullabilityProblem, PsiElement> myProblems =
        new MultiMap<NullabilityProblem, PsiElement>();
    private final Map<Pair<NullabilityProblem, PsiElement>, StateInfo> myStateInfos =

    private DataFlowInstructionVisitor(StandardDataFlowRunner runner) {
      myRunner = runner;

    protected void onInstructionProducesCCE(TypeCastInstruction instruction) {

    Collection<PsiElement> getProblems(final NullabilityProblem kind) {
      return ContainerUtil.filter(
          new Condition<PsiElement>() {
            public boolean value(PsiElement psiElement) {
              StateInfo info = myStateInfos.get(Pair.create(kind, psiElement));
              // non-ephemeral NPE should be reported
              // ephemeral NPE should also be reported if only ephemeral states have reached a
              // particular problematic instruction
              //  (e.g. if it's inside "if (var == null)" check after contract method invocation
              return info.normalNpe || info.ephemeralNpe && !info.normalOk;

    protected boolean checkNotNullable(
        DfaMemoryState state, DfaValue value, NullabilityProblem problem, PsiElement anchor) {
      boolean ok = super.checkNotNullable(state, value, problem, anchor);
      if (!ok && anchor != null) {
        myProblems.putValue(problem, anchor);
      Pair<NullabilityProblem, PsiElement> key = Pair.create(problem, anchor);
      StateInfo info = myStateInfos.get(key);
      if (info == null) {
        myStateInfos.put(key, info = new StateInfo());
      if (state.isEphemeral() && !ok) {
        info.ephemeralNpe = true;
      } else if (!state.isEphemeral()) {
        if (ok) info.normalOk = true;
        else info.normalNpe = true;
      return ok;

    private static class StateInfo {
      boolean ephemeralNpe;
      boolean normalNpe;
      boolean normalOk;
  private Map<VirtualFile, OrderEntry[]> getOrderEntries() {
    Map<VirtualFile, OrderEntry[]> result = myOrderEntries;
    if (result != null) return result;

    MultiMap<VirtualFile, OrderEntry> libClassRootEntries = MultiMap.createSmart();
    MultiMap<VirtualFile, OrderEntry> libSourceRootEntries = MultiMap.createSmart();
    MultiMap<VirtualFile, OrderEntry> depEntries = MultiMap.createSmart();

    for (final Module module : ModuleManager.getInstance(myProject).getModules()) {
      final ModuleRootManager moduleRootManager = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module);
      for (OrderEntry orderEntry : moduleRootManager.getOrderEntries()) {
        if (orderEntry instanceof ModuleOrderEntry) {
          final Module depModule = ((ModuleOrderEntry) orderEntry).getModule();
          if (depModule != null) {
            VirtualFile[] importedClassRoots =
            for (VirtualFile importedClassRoot : importedClassRoots) {
              depEntries.putValue(importedClassRoot, orderEntry);
          for (VirtualFile sourceRoot : orderEntry.getFiles(OrderRootType.SOURCES)) {
            depEntries.putValue(sourceRoot, orderEntry);
        } else if (orderEntry instanceof LibraryOrSdkOrderEntry) {
          final LibraryOrSdkOrderEntry entry = (LibraryOrSdkOrderEntry) orderEntry;
          for (final VirtualFile sourceRoot : entry.getRootFiles(OrderRootType.SOURCES)) {
            libSourceRootEntries.putValue(sourceRoot, orderEntry);
          for (final VirtualFile classRoot : entry.getRootFiles(OrderRootType.CLASSES)) {
            libClassRootEntries.putValue(classRoot, orderEntry);

    RootInfo rootInfo = buildRootInfo(myProject);
    result = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
    Set<VirtualFile> allRoots = rootInfo.getAllRoots();
    for (VirtualFile file : allRoots) {
      List<VirtualFile> hierarchy = getHierarchy(file, allRoots, rootInfo);
          hierarchy == null
              ? OrderEntry.EMPTY_ARRAY
              : calcOrderEntries(
                  rootInfo, depEntries, libClassRootEntries, libSourceRootEntries, hierarchy));
    myOrderEntries = result;
    return result;
  private static void writeContextData(
      @NotNull DiffContext context, @NotNull TransferableFileEditorState state) {
    Map<String, Map<String, String>> map = context.getUserData(TRANSFERABLE_FILE_EDITOR_STATE);
    if (map == null) {
      map = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
      context.putUserData(TRANSFERABLE_FILE_EDITOR_STATE, map);

    map.put(state.getEditorId(), state.getTransferableOptions());
 public MergeInfoHolder(
     @NotNull Project project,
     @NotNull DecoratorManager manager,
     @NotNull RootsAndBranches mainPanel,
     @NotNull SvnMergeInfoRootPanelManual panel) {
   myManager = manager;
   myMainPanel = mainPanel;
   myPanel = panel;
   myMergeInfoCache = SvnMergeInfoCache.getInstance(project);
   myCachedMap = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
   * Parses "svn:externals" property in format starting from svn 1.5.
   * @return map of externals definitions: key - relative directory, value - corresponding complete
   *     externals definition.
  public static Map<String, String> parseExternalsProperty(@NotNull String externals)
      throws SvnBindException {
    HashMap<String, String> map = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();

    for (String external : StringUtil.splitByLines(externals, true)) {
      map.put(parseRelativeDirectory(external), external);

    return map;
 private static DataContext createEditorContext(@NotNull Editor editor) {
   Object e = editor;
   Object hostEditor =
       editor instanceof EditorWindow ? ((EditorWindow) editor).getDelegate() : editor;
   Map<String, Object> map =
           Pair.create(CommonDataKeys.HOST_EDITOR.getName(), hostEditor),
           Pair.createNonNull(CommonDataKeys.EDITOR.getName(), e));
   DataContext parent = DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext(editor.getContentComponent());
   return SimpleDataContext.getSimpleContext(map, parent);
 protected VirtualFileVisitor(@NotNull Option... options) {
   for (Option option : options) {
     if (option == NO_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS) {
       myFollowSymLinks = false;
     } else if (option == SKIP_ROOT) {
       mySkipRoot = true;
     } else if (option instanceof Option.LimitOption) {
       myDepthLimit = ((Option.LimitOption) option).limit;
   if (myFollowSymLinks) {
     myVisitedTargets = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
 protected SettingsGroup getAssociatedSettingsGroup(String fieldName) {
   if (myFieldNameToGroup == null) {
     myFieldNameToGroup = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
     Set<String> groups = myGroupToFields.keySet();
     for (String group : groups) {
       Collection<String> fields = myGroupToFields.get(group);
       SettingsGroup settingsGroup = new SettingsGroup(group, fields);
       for (String field : fields) {
         myFieldNameToGroup.put(field, settingsGroup);
   return myFieldNameToGroup.get(fieldName);
   * Returns a map with properties to be added to the bundle manifest definition of all * libraries
   * which this rule applies to.
  public Map<String, String> getAdditionalPropertiesMap() {
    try {
      Properties p = new Properties();
      p.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(myAdditionalProperties.getBytes("UTF-8")));

      Map<String, String> result = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
      for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : p.entrySet()) {
        result.put(String.valueOf(entry.getKey()), String.valueOf(entry.getValue()));
      return result;
    } catch (IOException ignored) {
    return Collections.emptyMap();
Пример #20
  public Map<String, NamedArgumentDescriptor> getNamedParameters() {
    final GrFieldStub stub = getStub();
    if (stub != null) {
      String[] namedParameters = stub.getNamedParameters();
      if (namedParameters.length == 0) return Collections.emptyMap();

      Map<String, NamedArgumentDescriptor> result = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
      for (String parameter : namedParameters) {
        result.put(parameter, GrNamedArgumentSearchVisitor.CODE_NAMED_ARGUMENTS_DESCR);
      return result;

    return GrNamedArgumentSearchVisitor.find(this);
Пример #21
 public Map<VirtualFile, VcsLogProvider> findLogProviders() {
   Map<VirtualFile, VcsLogProvider> logProviders = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
   VcsLogProvider[] allLogProviders = Extensions.getExtensions(LOG_PROVIDER_EP, myProject);
   for (AbstractVcs vcs : myVcsManager.getAllActiveVcss()) {
     for (VcsLogProvider provider : allLogProviders) {
       if (provider.getSupportedVcs().equals(vcs.getKeyInstanceMethod())) {
         for (VirtualFile root : myVcsManager.getRootsUnderVcs(vcs)) {
           logProviders.put(root, provider);
   return logProviders;
  private static BundleManifest readManifest(PsiFile manifestFile) {
    try {
      ByteArrayInputStream stream =
          new ByteArrayInputStream(manifestFile.getText().getBytes(CharsetToolkit.UTF8));
      Attributes attributes = new Manifest(stream).getMainAttributes();
      Map<String, String> map = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
      for (Object key : attributes.keySet()) {
        String name = key.toString();
        map.put(name, attributes.getValue(name));
      return new BundleManifest(map, manifestFile);
    } catch (IOException ignored) {
    } catch (InvalidVirtualFileAccessException ignored) {

    return null;
  private VirtualFile setupGradleBuildFile(@NotNull VirtualFile modelContentRootDir)
      throws ConfigurationException {
    final VirtualFile file =
            modelContentRootDir.getPath(), GradleConstants.DEFAULT_SCRIPT_NAME);
    final String templateName =
        getExternalProjectSettings().getDistributionType() == DistributionType.WRAPPED

    Map attributes = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
    if (file != null) {
      saveFile(file, templateName, attributes);
    return file;
  public static <CommitId> PermanentGraphImpl<CommitId> newInstance(
      @NotNull List<? extends GraphCommit<CommitId>> graphCommits,
      @NotNull final GraphColorManager<CommitId> graphColorManager,
      @NotNull Set<CommitId> branchesCommitId) {
    PermanentLinearGraphBuilder<CommitId> permanentLinearGraphBuilder =
    final Map<Integer, CommitId> notLoadCommits = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
    PermanentLinearGraphImpl linearGraph =
            new NotNullFunction<CommitId, Integer>() {
              public Integer fun(CommitId dom) {
                int nodeId = -(notLoadCommits.size() + 2);
                notLoadCommits.put(nodeId, dom);
                return nodeId;

    final PermanentCommitsInfoIml<CommitId> commitIdPermanentCommitsInfo =
        PermanentCommitsInfoIml.newInstance(graphCommits, notLoadCommits);

    GraphLayoutImpl permanentGraphLayout =
            new Comparator<Integer>() {
              public int compare(@NotNull Integer nodeIndex1, @NotNull Integer nodeIndex2) {
                CommitId commitId1 = commitIdPermanentCommitsInfo.getCommitId(nodeIndex1);
                CommitId commitId2 = commitIdPermanentCommitsInfo.getCommitId(nodeIndex2);
                return graphColorManager.compareHeads(commitId2, commitId1);

    return new PermanentGraphImpl<CommitId>(
Пример #25
 public static <R extends Repository> Map<R, List<VcsFullCommitDetails>> groupCommitsByRoots(
     @NotNull RepositoryManager<R> repoManager,
     @NotNull List<? extends VcsFullCommitDetails> commits) {
   Map<R, List<VcsFullCommitDetails>> groupedCommits = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
   for (VcsFullCommitDetails commit : commits) {
     R repository = repoManager.getRepositoryForRoot(commit.getRoot());
     if (repository == null) {
       LOGGER.info("No repository found for commit " + commit);
     List<VcsFullCommitDetails> commitsInRoot = groupedCommits.get(repository);
     if (commitsInRoot == null) {
       commitsInRoot = ContainerUtil.newArrayList();
       groupedCommits.put(repository, commitsInRoot);
   return groupedCommits;
  private Map<String, PsiMethod[]> getMethodsMap() {
    PsiMethod[] methods = getMethods();
    if (methods.length == 0) return Collections.emptyMap();

    Map<String, List<PsiMethod>> collectedMethods = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
    for (PsiMethod method : methods) {
      List<PsiMethod> list = collectedMethods.get(method.getName());
      if (list == null) {
        collectedMethods.put(method.getName(), list = ContainerUtil.newSmartList());

    Map<String, PsiMethod[]> cachedMethods = ContainerUtil.newTroveMap();
    for (Map.Entry<String, List<PsiMethod>> entry : collectedMethods.entrySet()) {
      List<PsiMethod> list = entry.getValue();
      cachedMethods.put(entry.getKey(), list.toArray(new PsiMethod[list.size()]));
    return cachedMethods;
Пример #27
  public Map<String, NamedArgumentDescriptor> getNamedParameters() {
    final GrMethodStub stub = getStub();
    if (stub != null) {
      String[] namedParameters = stub.getNamedParameters();
      if (namedParameters.length == 0) return Collections.emptyMap();

      Map<String, NamedArgumentDescriptor> result = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();

      for (String parameter : namedParameters) {
        result.put(parameter, GrNamedArgumentSearchVisitor.CODE_NAMED_ARGUMENTS_DESCR);
      return result;

    GrOpenBlock body = getBlock();
    if (body == null) return Collections.emptyMap();

    GrParameter[] parameters = getParameters();
    if (parameters.length == 0) return Collections.emptyMap();
    GrParameter firstParameter = parameters[0];

    PsiType type = firstParameter.getTypeGroovy();
    GrTypeElement typeElement = firstParameter.getTypeElementGroovy();
    // equalsToText can't be called here because of stub creating

    if (type != null
        && typeElement != null
        && type.getPresentableText() != null
        && !type.getPresentableText().endsWith("Map")) {
      return Collections.emptyMap();

    GrNamedArgumentSearchVisitor visitor =
        new GrNamedArgumentSearchVisitor(firstParameter.getNameIdentifierGroovy().getText());

    return visitor.getResult();
/** @author erokhins */
public class DefaultColorGenerator implements ColorGenerator {

  private static final Map<Integer, JBColor> ourColorMap = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();

  static {
    ourColorMap.put(GraphColorManagerImpl.DEFAULT_COLOR, JBColor.BLACK);

  public JBColor getColor(int branchNumber) {
    JBColor color = ourColorMap.get(branchNumber);
    if (color == null) {
      color = calcColor(branchNumber);
      ourColorMap.put(branchNumber, color);
    return color;

  private static int rangeFix(int n) {
    return Math.abs(n) % 100 + 70;

  private static JBColor calcColor(int indexColor) {
    int r = indexColor * 200 + 30;
    int g = indexColor * 130 + 50;
    int b = indexColor * 90 + 100;
    try {
      Color color = new Color(rangeFix(r), rangeFix(g), rangeFix(b));
      return new JBColor(color, color);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException a) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "indexColor: " + indexColor + " " + r % 256 + " " + (g % 256) + " " + (b % 256));
  public int compareHeads(int head1, int head2) {
    if (head1 == head2) {
      return 0;

    Collection<VcsRef> refs1 = myRefsModel.refsToCommit(head1);
    Collection<VcsRef> refs2 = myRefsModel.refsToCommit(head2);
    boolean firstEmpty = isEmptyRefs(refs1, head1);
    boolean secondEmpty = isEmptyRefs(refs2, head2);
    if (firstEmpty && secondEmpty) {
      return 0;
    if (firstEmpty) {
      return -1;
    if (secondEmpty) {
      return 1;

    VcsLogRefManager refManager1 = getRefManager(refs1);
    VcsLogRefManager refManager2 = getRefManager(refs2);
    if (!refManager1.equals(refManager2)) {
      return 0;

    Map<VcsRef, Boolean> positions = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
    for (VcsRef ref : refs1) {
      positions.put(ref, true);
    for (VcsRef ref : refs2) {
      positions.put(ref, false);

    VcsRef firstRef = refManager1.sort(positions.keySet()).get(0);
    return positions.get(firstRef) ? 1 : -1;
Пример #30
 public Collection<? extends CustomLiveTemplateLookupElement> getLookupElements(
     @NotNull PsiFile file, @NotNull Editor editor, int offset) {
   String key =
       computeTemplateKeyWithoutContextChecking(editor.getDocument().getCharsSequence(), offset);
   if (key != null) {
     Map<String, CustomLiveTemplateLookupElement> result = ContainerUtil.newHashMap();
     Condition<PostfixTemplate> isApplicationTemplateFunction =
         createIsApplicationTemplateFunction(key, file, editor);
     for (Map.Entry<String, PostfixTemplate> entry : myTemplates.entrySet()) {
       PostfixTemplate postfixTemplate = entry.getValue();
       if (entry.getKey().startsWith(key)
           && isApplicationTemplateFunction.value(postfixTemplate)) {
             new PostfixTemplateLookupElement(
                 this, postfixTemplate, postfixTemplate.getKey(), false));
     return result.values();
   return super.getLookupElements(file, editor, offset);