  private static PsiMethod existingClassIsCompatible(PsiClass aClass, List<ParameterChunk> params) {
    if (params.size() == 1) {
      final ParameterChunk parameterChunk = params.get(0);
      final PsiType paramType = parameterChunk.parameter.type;
      if (TypeConversionUtil.isPrimitiveWrapper(aClass.getQualifiedName())) {
        parameterChunk.setField(aClass.findFieldByName("value", false));
        parameterChunk.setGetter(paramType.getCanonicalText() + "Value");
        for (PsiMethod constructor : aClass.getConstructors()) {
          if (constructorIsCompatible(constructor, params)) return constructor;
    final PsiMethod[] constructors = aClass.getConstructors();
    PsiMethod compatibleConstructor = null;
    for (PsiMethod constructor : constructors) {
      if (constructorIsCompatible(constructor, params)) {
        compatibleConstructor = constructor;
    if (compatibleConstructor == null) {
      return null;
    final PsiParameterList parameterList = compatibleConstructor.getParameterList();
    final PsiParameter[] constructorParams = parameterList.getParameters();
    for (int i = 0; i < constructorParams.length; i++) {
      final PsiParameter param = constructorParams[i];
      final ParameterChunk parameterChunk = params.get(i);

      final PsiField field = findFieldAssigned(param, compatibleConstructor);
      if (field == null) {
        return null;


      final PsiMethod getterForField = PropertyUtil.findGetterForField(field);
      if (getterForField != null) {

      final PsiMethod setterForField = PropertyUtil.findSetterForField(field);
      if (setterForField != null) {
    return compatibleConstructor;
Пример #2
  private boolean applyUnboxedRelation(
      @NotNull DfaVariableValue dfaLeft, DfaValue dfaRight, boolean negated) {
    PsiType type = dfaLeft.getVariableType();
    if (!TypeConversionUtil.isPrimitiveWrapper(type)) {
      return true;
    if (negated) {
      // from the fact "wrappers are not the same" it does not follow that "unboxed values are not
      // equal"
      return true;

    DfaBoxedValue.Factory boxedFactory = myFactory.getBoxedFactory();
    DfaValue unboxedLeft = boxedFactory.createUnboxed(dfaLeft);
    DfaValue unboxedRight = boxedFactory.createUnboxed(dfaRight);
    return applyRelation(unboxedLeft, unboxedRight, false)
        && checkCompareWithBooleanLiteral(unboxedLeft, unboxedRight, false);