private void doPostponedFormattingInner(final FileViewProvider key) { final List<ASTNode> astNodes = myReformatElements.remove(key); final Document document = key.getDocument(); // Sort ranges by end offsets so that we won't need any offset adjustment after reformat or // reindent if (document == null) return; final VirtualFile virtualFile = key.getVirtualFile(); if (!virtualFile.isValid()) return; final TreeSet<PostprocessFormattingTask> postProcessTasks = new TreeSet<PostprocessFormattingTask>(); Collection<Disposable> toDispose = ContainerUtilRt.newArrayList(); try { // process all roots in viewProvider to find marked for reformat before elements and create // appropriate range markers handleReformatMarkers(key, postProcessTasks); toDispose.addAll(postProcessTasks); // then we create ranges by changed nodes. One per node. There ranges can intersect. Ranges // are sorted by end offset. if (astNodes != null) createActionsMap(astNodes, key, postProcessTasks); if ("true".equals(System.getProperty("")) && ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { checkPsiIsCorrect(key); } while (!postProcessTasks.isEmpty()) { // now we have to normalize actions so that they not intersect and ordered in most // appropriate way // (free reformatting -> reindent -> formatting under reindent) final List<PostponedAction> normalizedActions = normalizeAndReorderPostponedActions(postProcessTasks, document); toDispose.addAll(normalizedActions); // only in following loop real changes in document are made for (final PostponedAction normalizedAction : normalizedActions) { CodeStyleSettings settings = CodeStyleSettingsManager.getSettings(myPsiManager.getProject()); boolean old = settings.ENABLE_JAVADOC_FORMATTING; settings.ENABLE_JAVADOC_FORMATTING = false; try { normalizedAction.execute(key); } finally { settings.ENABLE_JAVADOC_FORMATTING = old; } } } } finally { for (Disposable disposable : toDispose) { //noinspection SSBasedInspection disposable.dispose(); } } }
public VirtualFilePointerContainerImpl( @NotNull VirtualFilePointerManager manager, @NotNull Disposable parentDisposable, @Nullable VirtualFilePointerListener listener) { //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral super( TRACE_CREATION && !ApplicationInfoImpl.isInPerformanceTest() ? new Throwable( "parent = '" + parentDisposable + "' (" + parentDisposable.getClass() + "); listener=" + listener) : null); myVirtualFilePointerManager = manager; myParent = parentDisposable; myListener = listener; }
@Override public void execute(@NotNull final Disposable each) { //noinspection SSBasedInspection each.dispose(); }