public static void selectSdkHome( @NotNull final SdkType sdkType, @NotNull final Consumer<String> consumer) { final FileChooserDescriptor descriptor = sdkType.getHomeChooserDescriptor(); if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { Sdk sdk = ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().findMostRecentSdkOfType(sdkType); if (sdk == null) throw new RuntimeException("No SDK of type " + sdkType + " found"); consumer.consume(sdk.getHomePath()); return; } FileChooser.chooseFiles( descriptor, null, getSuggestedSdkRoot(sdkType), chosen -> { final String path = chosen.get(0).getPath(); if (sdkType.isValidSdkHome(path)) { consumer.consume(path); return; } final String adjustedPath = sdkType.adjustSelectedSdkHome(path); if (sdkType.isValidSdkHome(adjustedPath)) { consumer.consume(adjustedPath); } }); }
@Nullable public static Sdk findOrCreateSdk( @Nullable Comparator<Sdk> comparator, final SdkType... sdkTypes) { final Project defaultProject = ProjectManager.getInstance().getDefaultProject(); final Sdk sdk = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(defaultProject).getProjectSdk(); if (sdk != null) { for (SdkType type : sdkTypes) { if (sdk.getSdkType() == type) { return sdk; } } } for (SdkType type : sdkTypes) { List<Sdk> sdks = ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().getSdksOfType(type); if (!sdks.isEmpty()) { if (comparator != null) { Collections.sort(sdks, comparator); } return sdks.get(0); } } for (SdkType sdkType : sdkTypes) { final String suggestedHomePath = sdkType.suggestHomePath(); if (suggestedHomePath != null && sdkType.isValidSdkHome(suggestedHomePath)) { Sdk an_sdk = createAndAddSDK(suggestedHomePath, sdkType); if (an_sdk != null) return an_sdk; } } return null; }
/* Remoting */ private static void checkTargetJPDAInstalled(JavaParameters parameters) throws ExecutionException { final Sdk jdk = parameters.getJdk(); if (jdk == null) { throw new ExecutionException(DebuggerBundle.message("error.jdk.not.specified")); } final JavaSdkVersion version = JavaSdk.getInstance().getVersion(jdk); String versionString = jdk.getVersionString(); if (version == JavaSdkVersion.JDK_1_0 || version == JavaSdkVersion.JDK_1_1) { throw new ExecutionException( DebuggerBundle.message("error.unsupported.jdk.version", versionString)); } if (SystemInfo.isWindows && version == JavaSdkVersion.JDK_1_2) { final VirtualFile homeDirectory = jdk.getHomeDirectory(); if (homeDirectory == null || !homeDirectory.isValid()) { throw new ExecutionException( DebuggerBundle.message("error.invalid.jdk.home", versionString)); } //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral File dllFile = new File( homeDirectory.getPath().replace('/', File.separatorChar) + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "jdwp.dll"); if (!dllFile.exists()) { GetJPDADialog dialog = new GetJPDADialog();; throw new ExecutionException(DebuggerBundle.message("error.debug.libraries.missing")); } } }
@Nullable @Override protected String getHelperPath(String helper) throws ExecutionException { final Sdk sdk = getSdk(); final SdkAdditionalData sdkData = sdk.getSdkAdditionalData(); if (sdkData instanceof PyRemoteSdkAdditionalDataBase) { final PyRemoteSdkAdditionalDataBase remoteSdkData = (PyRemoteSdkAdditionalDataBase) sdkData; try { String helpersPath; if (CaseCollector.useRemoteCredentials(remoteSdkData)) { final RemoteSdkCredentials remoteSdkCredentials = remoteSdkData.getRemoteSdkCredentials(false); helpersPath = remoteSdkCredentials.getHelpersPath(); } else { helpersPath = remoteSdkData.getHelpersPath(); } if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(helpersPath)) { return new RemoteFile(helpersPath, helper).getPath(); } else { return null; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error(e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw analyzeException(e, helper, Collections.<String>emptyList()); } } return null; }
/** Adds new CLASSES entries found in sys.path. */ private static boolean addNewSysPathEntries( @NotNull Sdk sdk, @NotNull SdkModificator modificator, @NotNull List<String> sysPath) { final List<VirtualFile> oldRoots = Arrays.asList(sdk.getRootProvider().getFiles(OrderRootType.CLASSES)); PythonSdkAdditionalData additionalData = sdk.getSdkAdditionalData() instanceof PythonSdkAdditionalData ? (PythonSdkAdditionalData) sdk.getSdkAdditionalData() : null; List<String> newRoots = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String root : sysPath) { if (new File(root).exists() && !FileUtilRt.extensionEquals(root, "egg-info") && (additionalData == null || !wasOldRoot(root, additionalData.getExcludedPathFiles())) && !wasOldRoot(root, oldRoots)) { newRoots.add(root); } } if (!newRoots.isEmpty()) { for (String root : newRoots) { PythonSdkType.addSdkRoot(modificator, root); } return true; } return false; }
private static String getSdkHome(Project project) { Sdk sdk = ProjectRootManagerImpl.getInstance(project).getProjectSdk(); if (sdk == null) { return null; } return sdk.getHomePath(); }
private static CommandLineArgumentsProvider createCommandLineArgumentsProvider( final Sdk sdk, final Map<String, String> environmentVariables, int[] ports) { final ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); args.add(sdk.getHomePath()); final String versionString = sdk.getVersionString(); if (versionString == null || !versionString.toLowerCase().contains("jython")) { args.add("-u"); } args.add( FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(PythonHelpersLocator.getHelperPath(PYDEV_PYDEVCONSOLE_PY))); for (int port : ports) { args.add(String.valueOf(port)); } return new CommandLineArgumentsProvider() { @Override public String[] getArguments() { return ArrayUtil.toStringArray(args); } @Override public boolean passParentEnvs() { return false; } @Override public Map<String, String> getAdditionalEnvs() { return addDefaultEnvironments(sdk, environmentVariables); } }; }
protected void appendForkInfo(Executor executor) throws ExecutionException { final String forkMode = getForkMode(); if (Comparing.strEqual(forkMode, "none")) { if (forkPerModule()) { if (isExecutorDisabledInForkedMode()) { final String actionName = UIUtil.removeMnemonic(executor.getStartActionText()); throw new CantRunException( "'" + actionName + "' is disabled when per-module working directory is configured.<br/>" + "Please specify single working directory, or change test scope to single module."); } } else { return; } } else if (isExecutorDisabledInForkedMode()) { final String actionName = executor.getActionName(); throw new CantRunException( actionName + " is disabled in fork mode.<br/>Please change fork mode to <none> to " + actionName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + "."); } final JavaParameters javaParameters = getJavaParameters(); final Sdk jdk = javaParameters.getJdk(); if (jdk == null) { throw new ExecutionException( ExecutionBundle.message("")); } try { final File tempFile = FileUtil.createTempFile("command.line", "", true); final PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(tempFile, CharsetToolkit.UTF8); try { if (JdkUtil.useDynamicClasspath(getConfiguration().getProject())) { String classpath = PathUtil.getJarPathForClass(CommandLineWrapper.class); final String utilRtPath = PathUtil.getJarPathForClass(StringUtilRt.class); if (!classpath.equals(utilRtPath)) { classpath += File.pathSeparator + utilRtPath; } writer.println(classpath); } else { writer.println(""); } writer.println(((JavaSdkType) jdk.getSdkType()).getVMExecutablePath(jdk)); for (String vmParameter : javaParameters.getVMParametersList().getList()) { writer.println(vmParameter); } } finally { writer.close(); } passForkMode(forkMode, tempFile); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } }
public void jdkRemoved(Sdk jdk) { if (jdk == myJdk) { setJdkName(myJdk.getName()); setJdkType(myJdk.getSdkType().getName()); myJdk = null; updateFromRootProviderAndSubscribe(getRootProvider()); } }
@Nullable public String getToolsPath(Sdk sdk) { final Sdk jdk = getInternalJavaSdk(sdk); if (jdk != null && jdk.getVersionString() != null) { return JavaSdk.getInstance().getToolsPath(jdk); } return null; }
public String getJdkName() { if (myJdkName != null) return myJdkName; Sdk jdk = getJdk(); if (jdk != null) { return jdk.getName(); } return null; }
protected static void setToolsJar(JavaParameters params) { Sdk jdk = params.getJdk(); if (jdk != null && jdk.getSdkType() instanceof JavaSdkType) { String toolsPath = ((JavaSdkType) jdk.getSdkType()).getToolsPath(jdk); if (toolsPath != null) { params.getVMParametersList().add("-Dtools.jar=" + toolsPath); } } }
public static void addJavaHome(@NotNull JavaParameters params, @NotNull Module module) { final Sdk sdk = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module).getSdk(); if (sdk != null && sdk.getSdkType() instanceof JavaSdkType) { String path = StringUtil.trimEnd(sdk.getHomePath(), File.separator); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(path)) { params.addEnv("JAVA_HOME", FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(path)); } } }
@Override public void patchJavaParameters(@Nullable final Module module, JavaParameters javaParameters) { if (module != null && PsiUtil.isIdeaProject(module.getProject()) && !javaParameters.getVMParametersList().hasParameter(SYSTEM_CL_PROPERTY)) { final JavaPsiFacade psiFacade = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(module.getProject()); final String qualifiedName = UrlClassLoader.class.getName(); final PsiClass urlLoaderClass = ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runReadAction( new Computable<PsiClass>() { @Override public PsiClass compute() { return psiFacade.findClass( qualifiedName, GlobalSearchScope.moduleWithDependenciesAndLibrariesScope(module)); } }); if (urlLoaderClass != null) { javaParameters.getVMParametersList().addProperty(SYSTEM_CL_PROPERTY, qualifiedName); } } Sdk jdk = javaParameters.getJdk(); jdk = IdeaJdk.findIdeaJdk(jdk); if (jdk == null) return; String libPath = jdk.getHomePath() + File.separator + "lib"; final ParametersList vm = javaParameters.getVMParametersList(); vm.add("-Xbootclasspath/a:" + libPath + File.separator + "boot.jar"); if (!vm.hasProperty("") && module != null && PluginModuleType.isOfType(module)) { final String id = DescriptorUtil.getPluginId(module); if (id != null) { vm.defineProperty("", id); } } final File sandboxHome = getSandboxPath(jdk); if (sandboxHome != null) { if (!vm.hasProperty("idea.home.path")) { File homeDir = new File(sandboxHome, "test"); FileUtil.createDirectory(homeDir); vm.defineProperty("idea.home.path", homeDir.getAbsolutePath()); } if (!vm.hasProperty("idea.plugins.path")) { vm.defineProperty("idea.plugins.path", new File(sandboxHome, "plugins").getAbsolutePath()); } } javaParameters.getClassPath().addFirst(libPath + File.separator + "idea.jar"); javaParameters.getClassPath().addFirst(libPath + File.separator + "resources.jar"); javaParameters.getClassPath().addFirst(((JavaSdkType) jdk.getSdkType()).getToolsPath(jdk)); }
private void editSdk() { final Sdk currentSdk = getSelectedSdk(); if (currentSdk != null) { if (currentSdk.getSdkAdditionalData() instanceof RemoteSdkAdditionalData) { editRemoteSdk(currentSdk); } else { editSdk(currentSdk); } } }
public void updateDataModel() { final Sdk chosenJdk = myPanel.getValue().getChosenJdk(); if (chosenJdk != null && chosenJdk.getSdkType().equals(LuaSdkType.getInstance())) { if (myContext.getProjectJdk() == null) { myContext.setProjectJdk(chosenJdk); } else { myModuleBuilder.setSdk(chosenJdk); } } }
public boolean isModified() { Sdk projectSdk = getSdk(); if (projectSdk != null) { projectSdk = myProjectSdksModel.findSdk(projectSdk.getName()); } return getSelectedSdk() != projectSdk || mySdkListChanged || myProjectSdksModel.isModified() || !myModifiedModificators.isEmpty(); }
@NotNull private static Sdk getJdk( @Nullable Project project, MavenRunnerSettings runnerSettings, boolean isGlobalRunnerSettings) throws ExecutionException { String name = runnerSettings.getJreName(); if (name.equals(MavenRunnerSettings.USE_INTERNAL_JAVA)) { return JavaAwareProjectJdkTableImpl.getInstanceEx().getInternalJdk(); } if (name.equals(MavenRunnerSettings.USE_PROJECT_JDK)) { if (project != null) { Sdk res = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getProjectSdk(); if (res != null) { return res; } } if (project == null) { Sdk recent = ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().findMostRecentSdkOfType(JavaSdk.getInstance()); if (recent != null) return recent; return JavaAwareProjectJdkTableImpl.getInstanceEx().getInternalJdk(); } throw new ProjectJdkSettingsOpenerExecutionException( "Project JDK is not specified. <a href='#'>Configure</a>", project); } if (name.equals(MavenRunnerSettings.USE_JAVA_HOME)) { final String javaHome = System.getenv(JAVA_HOME); if (StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(javaHome)) { throw new ExecutionException(RunnerBundle.message("")); } final Sdk jdk = JavaSdk.getInstance().createJdk("", javaHome); if (jdk == null) { throw new ExecutionException(RunnerBundle.message("", javaHome)); } return jdk; } for (Sdk projectJdk : ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().getAllJdks()) { if (projectJdk.getName().equals(name)) { return projectJdk; } } if (isGlobalRunnerSettings) { throw new ExecutionException( RunnerBundle.message("", name)); } else { throw new ExecutionException(RunnerBundle.message("", name)); } }
@Nullable public static String extractJdkVersion(@NotNull Module module) { String jdkVersion = null; Sdk sdk = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module).getSdk(); if (sdk != null && (jdkVersion = sdk.getVersionString()) != null) { final int quoteIndex = jdkVersion.indexOf('"'); if (quoteIndex != -1) { jdkVersion = jdkVersion.substring(quoteIndex + 1, jdkVersion.length() - 1); } } return jdkVersion; }
/** * @param project * @return perl's executable file full path */ public static String getPerlPath(Project project) { String path = null; if (project != null) { Sdk sdk = ProjectRootManagerImpl.getInstance(project).getProjectSdk(); if (sdk != null) { return getPerlPath(sdk.getHomePath()); } else { getPerlPath(""); } } return path; }
@Nullable public static String getInterpreterPath(Project project, PythonRunParams config) { String sdkHome = config.getSdkHome(); if (config.isUseModuleSdk() || StringUtil.isEmpty(sdkHome)) { Module module = getModule(project, config); Sdk sdk = PythonSdkType.findPythonSdk(module); if (sdk == null) return null; sdkHome = sdk.getHomePath(); } return sdkHome; }
public void updateJdks(Sdk sdk, String previousName) { final Sdk[] sdks = _sdkModel.getSdks(); for (Sdk currentSdk : sdks) { if (currentSdk.getSdkType().equals(GosuSdkType.getInstance())) { final GosuSdkAdditionalData data = (GosuSdkAdditionalData) currentSdk.getSdkAdditionalData(); final Sdk internalJava = data != null ? data.getJavaSdk() : null; if (internalJava != null && Comparing.equal(internalJava.getName(), previousName)) { data.setJavaSdk(sdk); } } } updateJdks(); }
@NotNull public File[] getFilesForLibraries() { Sdk sdk = getSdk(); if (sdk == null) { return EMPTY_FILE_ARRAY; } String homePath = sdk.getHomePath(); if (homePath == null) { return EMPTY_FILE_ARRAY; } File[] files = new File(homePath).listFiles(); return files == null ? EMPTY_FILE_ARRAY : files; }
@Nullable private static Sdk findByPath( @NotNull SdkType sdkType, @NotNull Sdk[] sdks, @NotNull String sdkHome) { for (Sdk sdk : sdks) { final String path = sdk.getHomePath(); if (sdk.getSdkType() == sdkType && path != null && FileUtil.pathsEqual( FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(path), FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(sdkHome))) { return sdk; } } return null; }
public static void configureDirectoryProjectSdk( final Project project, @Nullable Comparator<Sdk> preferredSdkComparator, final SdkType... sdkTypes) { Sdk existingSdk = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getProjectSdk(); if (existingSdk != null && ArrayUtil.contains(existingSdk.getSdkType(), sdkTypes)) { return; } Sdk sdk = findOrCreateSdk(preferredSdkComparator, sdkTypes); if (sdk != null) { setDirectoryProjectSdk(project, sdk); } }
@Override public void consume(@Nullable AbstractProjectSettingsStep settingsStep) { if (myRunnable != null) {; } if (settingsStep == null) return; Sdk sdk = settingsStep.getSdk(); final Project project = ProjectManager.getInstance().getDefaultProject(); final ProjectSdksModel model = PyConfigurableInterpreterList.getInstance(project).getModel(); if (sdk instanceof PyDetectedSdk) { final String name = sdk.getName(); VirtualFile sdkHome = ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runWriteAction( new Computable<VirtualFile>() { @Override public VirtualFile compute() { return LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByPath(name); } }); PySdkService.getInstance().solidifySdk(sdk); sdk = SdkConfigurationUtil.setupSdk( ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().getAllJdks(), sdkHome, PythonSdkType.getInstance(), true, null, null); model.addSdk(sdk); settingsStep.setSdk(sdk); try { model.apply(); } catch (ConfigurationException exception) { LOG.error("Error adding detected python interpreter " + exception.getMessage()); } } Project newProject = generateProject(project, settingsStep); if (newProject != null) { SdkConfigurationUtil.setDirectoryProjectSdk(newProject, sdk); final List<Sdk> sdks = PythonSdkType.getAllSdks(); for (Sdk s : sdks) { final SdkAdditionalData additionalData = s.getSdkAdditionalData(); if (additionalData instanceof PythonSdkAdditionalData) { ((PythonSdkAdditionalData) additionalData).reassociateWithCreatedProject(newProject); } } } }
@NotNull public static String createUniqueSdkName( @NotNull String suggestedName, @NotNull Collection<Sdk> sdks) { final Set<String> names = new HashSet<>(); for (Sdk jdk : sdks) { names.add(jdk.getName()); } String newSdkName = suggestedName; int i = 0; while (names.contains(newSdkName)) { newSdkName = suggestedName + " (" + (++i) + ")"; } return newSdkName; }
@Override public void setupSdkPaths(Sdk sdk) { final SdkModificator modificator = sdk.getSdkModificator(); SdkAdditionalData data = sdk.getSdkAdditionalData(); if (data == null) { data = DartSdkUtil.testDartSdk(sdk.getHomePath()); modificator.setSdkAdditionalData(data); } DartSdkUtil.setupSdkPaths(sdk.getHomeDirectory(), modificator); modificator.commitChanges(); super.setupSdkPaths(sdk); }
public static void addJavaHome(@NotNull JavaParameters params, @NotNull Module module) { final Sdk sdk = ModuleUtilCore.getSdk(module, JavaModuleExtensionImpl.class); if (sdk != null && sdk.getSdkType() instanceof JavaSdkType) { String path = StringUtil.trimEnd(sdk.getHomePath(), File.separator); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(path)) { Map<String, String> env = params.getEnv(); if (env == null) { env = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.setEnv(env); } env.put("JAVA_HOME", FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(path)); } } }
public static JavaParameters createJavaParametersWithSdk(@Nullable Module module) { JavaParameters params = new JavaParameters(); params.setCharset(null); if (module != null) { final Sdk sdk = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module).getSdk(); if (sdk != null && sdk.getSdkType() instanceof JavaSdkType) { params.setJdk(sdk); } } if (params.getJdk() == null) { params.setJdk(new SimpleJavaSdkType().createJdk("tmp", SystemProperties.getJavaHome())); } return params; }