public boolean open(Process p, Any toOpen, IntI mode) throws AnyException { // try // { // Acquire an SQL connection AnySql sql = (AnySql) SqlManager.instance().acquire(sqlLogin_); if (sql == null) throw new AnyException("Cannot acquire an SQL connection resource"); // , // sqlLogin_); // } return true; }
/** * Close the IO connection. This implementation releases any sql resources that may still be held. */ public void close() { if (anySql_ != null) { try { // Gah! e_.setThrowable(null); SqlManager.instance().release(sqlLogin_, anySql_, null, e_); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeContainedException(e); } if (e_.getThrowable() != null) throw new RuntimeContainedException(e_.getThrowable()); } }