private String getFeedByEvents(String extraURI, RSSRequest rssRequest) { IWContext iwc = getIWContext(rssRequest); String uri = extraURI.substring("group/".length(), extraURI.length()); String feedFile = "events_" + getTypesString(uri) + getPeriod(uri) + iwc.getLocale().getLanguage() + ".xml"; if (rssFileURIsCacheList.contains(feedFile)) return feedFile; String events = extraURI.substring("events/".length()); String eventsPeriod = null; List eventsList = new ArrayList(); int index = -1; String title = ""; if (events.indexOf("+") == -1) { eventsList.add(events.substring(0, events.indexOf("/"))); events = events.substring(events.indexOf("/") + 1, events.length()); } else { while (true) { index = events.indexOf("+"); if (index == -1) { index = events.indexOf("/"); eventsList.add(events.substring(0, index)); events = events.substring(index + 1, events.length()); title = title + events.substring(0, index); break; } else { title = title + events.substring(0, index) + ", "; eventsList.add(events.substring(0, index)); events = events.substring(index + 1, events.length()); } } } eventsPeriod = events; Timestamp from = null; Timestamp to = null; CalBusiness calendar = new CalBusinessBean(); List entries = null; if (eventsPeriod.length() != 0) { String fromStr = eventsPeriod.substring(0, DATE_LENGTH); String toStr = eventsPeriod.substring(DATE_LENGTH + 1, eventsPeriod.length() - 1); from = getTimeStampFromString(fromStr); to = getTimeStampFromString(toStr); Collection coll = calendar.getEntriesBetweenTimestamps(from, to); entries = new ArrayList(); title = title + fromStr + "-" + toStr; for (Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { CalendarEntry element = (CalendarEntry); if (eventsList.contains(element.getEntryTypeName())) { entries.add(element); } } } else entries = new ArrayList(calendar.getEntriesByEvents(eventsList)); if (entries.isEmpty()) return getFeed(NO_ENTRIES_FOUND_TITLE, NO_ENTRIES_FOUND_FILE, null, rssRequest, iwc); else { return getFeed(title, feedFile, entries, rssRequest, iwc); } }
@Override public void handleRSSRequest(RSSRequest rssRequest) throws IOException { String feedParentFolder = null; String feedFile = null; String category = getCategory(rssRequest.getExtraUri()); String extraURI = rssRequest.getExtraUri(); if (extraURI == null) { extraURI = CoreConstants.EMPTY; } if ((!extraURI.endsWith(CoreConstants.SLASH)) && (extraURI.length() != 0)) { extraURI = extraURI.concat(CoreConstants.SLASH); } List<String> categories = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> articles = new ArrayList<String>(); if (category != null) categories.add(category); IWContext iwc = getIWContext(rssRequest); String language = iwc.getLocale().getLanguage(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(extraURI)) { feedParentFolder = ARTICLE_RSS; feedFile = "all_".concat(language).concat(".xml"); } else if (category != null) { feedParentFolder = ARTICLE_RSS.concat("category/").concat(category).concat(CoreConstants.SLASH); feedFile = "feed_.".concat(language).concat(".xml"); } else { // Have page URI feedParentFolder = ARTICLE_RSS.concat("page/").concat(extraURI); feedFile = "feed_".concat(language).concat(".xml"); categories = getCategoriesByURI(extraURI, iwc); if (ListUtil.isEmpty(categories)) { articles = getArticlesByURI(extraURI, iwc); } } String realURI = CoreConstants.WEBDAV_SERVLET_URI + feedParentFolder + feedFile; if (rssFileURIsCacheList.contains(feedFile)) { try { this.dispatch(realURI, rssRequest); } catch (ServletException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error dispatching: " + realURI, e); } } else { // Generate RSS and store and the dispatch to it and add a listener to that directory try { // todo code the 3 different cases (see description) searchForArticles(rssRequest, feedParentFolder, feedFile, categories, articles, extraURI); rssFileURIsCacheList.add(feedFile); this.dispatch(realURI, rssRequest); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error while searching or dispatching: " + realURI, e); throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } } }
private String getFeedByLedger(String extraURI, RSSRequest rssRequest) { IWContext iwc = getIWContext(rssRequest); // String feedFile = "ledger_"+extraURI.substring("ledger/".length(), // extraURI.length()-1)+"_"+iwc.getLocale().getLanguage()+".xml"; String uri = extraURI.substring("ledger/".length(), extraURI.length()); String feedFile = "ledger_" + getName(uri) + getPeriod(uri) + "_" + iwc.getLocale().getLanguage() + ".xml"; if (rssFileURIsCacheList.contains(feedFile)) return PATH_TO_FEED_PARENT_FOLDER + feedFile; String ledger = extraURI.substring("ledger/".length()); String ledgerID = ledger.substring(0, ledger.indexOf("/")); String ledgerPeriod = ledger.substring(ledgerID.length() + 1, ledger.length()); Timestamp from = null; Timestamp to = null; CalBusiness calendar = new CalBusinessBean(); int ledgerIdInt; List entries = null; try { ledgerIdInt = Integer.parseInt(ledgerID); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return getFeed( INCORRECT_URI_TITLE, INCORRECT_URI_FILE, null, rssRequest, getIWContext(rssRequest)); } LedgerVariationsHandler ledgerVariationsHandler = new DefaultLedgerVariationsHandler(); String title = ((DefaultLedgerVariationsHandler) ledgerVariationsHandler) .getCalBusiness(iwc) .getLedger(Integer.parseInt(ledgerID)) .getName(); if (ledgerPeriod.length() != 0) { String fromStr = ledgerPeriod.substring(0, DATE_LENGTH); String toStr = ledgerPeriod.substring(DATE_LENGTH + 1, ledgerPeriod.length() - 1); from = getTimeStampFromString(fromStr); to = getTimeStampFromString(toStr); if (to.before(from)) return getFeed(INCORRECT_PERIOD_TITLE, INCORRECT_PERIOD_FILE, null, rssRequest, iwc); title = title + " " + fromStr + "-" + toStr; Collection coll = calendar.getEntriesBetweenTimestamps(from, to); entries = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { CalendarEntry element = (CalendarEntry); if (element.getLedgerID() == ledgerIdInt) { entries.add(element); } } } else entries = new ArrayList(calendar.getEntriesByLedgerID(ledgerIdInt)); if (entries.isEmpty()) return getFeed(NO_ENTRIES_FOUND_TITLE, NO_ENTRIES_FOUND_FILE, null, rssRequest, iwc); else { return getFeed(title, feedFile, entries, rssRequest, iwc); } }
private String getFeedByPeriod(String extraURI, RSSRequest rssRequest) { IWContext iwc = getIWContext(rssRequest); String uri = extraURI.substring("period/".length(), extraURI.length()); String feedFile = "period_" + getName(uri) + iwc.getLocale().getLanguage() + ".xml"; if (rssFileURIsCacheList.contains(feedFile)) return PATH_TO_FEED_PARENT_FOLDER + feedFile; String period = extraURI.substring("period/".length()); String fromStr = period.substring(0, DATE_LENGTH); String toStr = period.substring(DATE_LENGTH + 1, period.length() - 1); Timestamp fromTmst = getTimeStampFromString(fromStr); Timestamp toTmst = getTimeStampFromString(toStr); if (toTmst.before(fromTmst)) return getFeed(INCORRECT_PERIOD_TITLE, INCORRECT_PERIOD_FILE, null, rssRequest, iwc); CalBusiness calendar = new CalBusinessBean(); Collection entries = calendar.getEntriesBetweenTimestamps(fromTmst, toTmst); if (entries.isEmpty()) return getFeed(NO_ENTRIES_FOUND_TITLE, NO_ENTRIES_FOUND_FILE, null, rssRequest, iwc); String title = fromStr + "-" + toStr; return getFeed(title, feedFile, entries, rssRequest, iwc); }