private void resetAfterReviewEarly() { Cursor cursor = null; long[] ids = null; try { cursor = AnkiDb.database.rawQuery("SELECT id " + "FROM cards " + "WHERE priority = -1", null); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { int count = cursor.getCount(); ids = new long[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ids[i] = cursor.getLong(0); cursor.moveToNext(); } } } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } if (ids != null) { updatePriorities(ids); flushMod(); } if (reviewEarly || newEarly) { reviewEarly = false; newEarly = false; checkDue(); } }
public void unsuspendCards(long[] ids) { AnkiDb.database.execSQL( "UPDATE cards SET " + "priority = 0, " + "modified = " + String.format(ENGLISH_LOCALE, "%f", (double) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000.0)) + " WHERE id IN " + ids2str(ids)); updatePriorities(ids); rebuildCounts(false); flushMod(); }
public static Deck openDeck(String path) throws SQLException { Deck deck = null; Cursor cursor = null; Log.i(TAG, "openDeck - Opening database " + path); AnkiDb.openDatabase(path); try { // Read in deck table columns cursor = AnkiDb.database.rawQuery("SELECT *" + " FROM decks" + " LIMIT 1", null); if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) return null; deck = new Deck(); = cursor.getLong(0); deck.created = cursor.getDouble(1); deck.modified = cursor.getDouble(2); deck.description = cursor.getString(3); deck.version = cursor.getInt(4); deck.currentModelId = cursor.getLong(5); deck.syncName = cursor.getString(6); deck.lastSync = cursor.getDouble(7); deck.hardIntervalMin = cursor.getDouble(8); deck.hardIntervalMax = cursor.getDouble(9); deck.midIntervalMin = cursor.getDouble(10); deck.midIntervalMax = cursor.getDouble(11); deck.easyIntervalMin = cursor.getDouble(12); deck.easyIntervalMax = cursor.getDouble(13); deck.delay0 = cursor.getDouble(14); deck.delay1 = cursor.getDouble(15); deck.delay2 = cursor.getDouble(16); deck.collapseTime = cursor.getDouble(17); deck.highPriority = cursor.getString(18); deck.medPriority = cursor.getString(19); deck.lowPriority = cursor.getString(20); deck.suspended = cursor.getString(21); deck.newCardOrder = cursor.getInt(22); deck.newCardSpacing = cursor.getInt(23); deck.failedCardMax = cursor.getInt(24); deck.newCardsPerDay = cursor.getInt(25); deck.sessionRepLimit = cursor.getInt(26); deck.sessionTimeLimit = cursor.getInt(27); deck.utcOffset = cursor.getDouble(28); deck.cardCount = cursor.getInt(29); deck.factCount = cursor.getInt(30); deck.failedNowCount = cursor.getInt(31); deck.failedSoonCount = cursor.getInt(32); deck.revCount = cursor.getInt(33); deck.newCount = cursor.getInt(34); deck.revCardOrder = cursor.getInt(35); Log.i(TAG, "openDeck - Read " + cursor.getColumnCount() + " columns from decks table."); } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } Log.i( TAG, String.format( ENGLISH_LOCALE, "openDeck - modified: %f currentTime: %f", deck.modified, System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000.0)); deck.initVars(); // Ensure necessary indices are available deck.updateDynamicIndices(); // Save counts to determine if we should save deck after check int oldCount = deck.failedSoonCount + deck.revCount + deck.newCount; // Update counts deck.rebuildQueue(); try { // Unsuspend reviewed early & buried cursor = AnkiDb.database.rawQuery( "SELECT id " + "FROM cards " + "WHERE type in (0,1,2) and " + "isDue = 0 and " + "priority in (-1,-2)", null); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { int count = cursor.getCount(); long[] ids = new long[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ids[i] = cursor.getLong(0); cursor.moveToNext(); } deck.updatePriorities(ids); deck.checkDue(); } } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } // Save deck to database if it has been modified if ((oldCount != (deck.failedSoonCount + deck.revCount + deck.newCount)) || deck.modifiedSinceSave()) deck.commitToDB(); // Create a temporary view for random new cards. Randomizing the cards by themselves // as is done in desktop Anki in Deck.randomizeNewCards() takes too long. AnkiDb.database.execSQL( "CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW acqCardsRandom AS " + "SELECT * FROM cards " + "WHERE type = 2 AND isDue = 1 " + "ORDER BY RANDOM()"); return deck; }
private void updatePriorities(long[] cardIds) { updatePriorities(cardIds, null, true); }