Пример #1
  * Wrapper method to send Invite to a user to become colleague
  * @param profile profile of the user to whom the invite is to be sent
  * @param inviteMsg Invite message to the other user
  * @return value is true if invite is sent successfully else value is false
  * @throws ProfileServiceException
 public boolean sendInvite(Profile profile, String inviteMsg) throws ProfileServiceException {
   if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
     logger.entering(sourceClass, "getColleagues", inviteMsg);
   if (profile == null) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(StringUtil.format("A null profile was passed"));
   Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
   String url =
   if (isEmail(profile.getReqId())) {
     parameters.put(ProfileRequestParams.EMAIL, profile.getReqId());
   } else {
     parameters.put(ProfileRequestParams.USERID, profile.getReqId());
   parameters.put("connectionType", "colleague");
   XMLProfilesPayloadBuilder builder = XMLProfilesPayloadBuilder.INSTANCE;
   Object content = builder.generateInviteRequestPayload(inviteMsg);
   // getClientService().post(url, parameters, content);
   boolean result = executePost(url, parameters, null, content, null);
   if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
     logger.exiting(sourceClass, "getColleagues");
   return result;
Пример #2
  * Get a connection from a connection manager.
  * @param context
  * @param name
  * @param shared
  * @return
  * @throws SQLException
 public static Connection createManagedConnection(
     FacesContext context, UIComponent from, String name) throws SQLException {
   if (from == null) {
     from = context.getViewRoot();
   final IJdbcConnectionManager manager = findConnectionManager(context, from, name);
   if (manager == null) {
     throw new FacesExceptionEx(
             "Unknown {0} {1}", "ConnectionManager", name)); // $NLX-JdbcUtil.Unknown01-1$
     // $NON-NLS-2$
   return manager.getConnection();
Пример #3
 /** Read a SQL file from the resources. */
 public static String readSqlFile(String fileName) {
   if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(fileName)) {
     final Application app = Application.get();
     final VFSObjectCache c = app.getVFSCache();
     try {
       String fullPath = JDBC_ROOT + VFS.SEPARATOR + fileName;
       if (!fullPath.endsWith(".sql")) { // $NON-NLS-1$
         fullPath = fullPath + ".sql"; // $NON-NLS-1$
       return (String)
               new VFSObjectCache.ObjectLoader() { // $NON-NLS-1$
                 public Object loadObject(VFSFile file) throws VFSException {
                   if (file.exists()) {
                     try {
                       final String s = file.loadAsString();
                       return s;
                     } catch (final Exception ex) {
                       throw new VFSException(
                               "Error while reading {0} Query {1}",
                               "SQL", file)); // $NLX-JdbcUtil.Errorwhilereading0Query1-1$
                       // $NON-NLS-2$
                   throw new VFSException(
                           "{0) file {1} does not exist",
                           "SQL Query", file)); // $NLX-JdbcUtil.0file1doesnotexist-1$
                   // $NON-NLS-2$
     } catch (final VFSException ex) {
       throw new FacesExceptionEx(
               "Error while loading {0} query file {1}",
               "SQL", fileName)); // $NLX-JdbcUtil.Errorwhileloading0queryfile1-1$
       // $NON-NLS-2$
   return null;
Пример #4
  * Convert an integer to an Hexa string and pad the result with '0'
  * @param value the int to convert
  * @param nChars the number of characters of the result
  * @return the resulting string
  * @ibm-api
  * @throws NumberFormatException if nChars is less that the actual number of characters needed
 public static final String toUnsignedHex(int value, int nChars) {
   FastStringBuffer b = new FastStringBuffer();
   // String s = Integer.toHexString(value);
   for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
     int v = (value >>> (i * 4)) & 0x0F;
     if (b.length() > 0 || v != 0 || i < nChars || i == 0) {
   if (nChars > 0 && b.length() > nChars) {
     throw new NumberFormatException(
             "Hexadecimal number {0} too big to fit in '{1}' characters", // $NLS-StringUtil.StringUtil.HexNumTooBig.Exception-1$
             StringUtil.toString(value), StringUtil.toString(nChars)));
   return b.toString();
Пример #5
 public static List<String> listTables(
     Connection c, String schema, String tableName, String[] types) throws SQLException {
   final ResultSet tables = c.getMetaData().getTables(null, schema, tableName, types);
   try {
     final ArrayList<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();
     while (tables.next()) {
       final String sc = tables.getString("TABLE_SCHEM"); // $NON-NLS-1$
       final String tb = tables.getString("TABLE_NAME"); // $NON-NLS-1$
       if (StringUtil.isEmpty(sc)) {
       } else {
         l.add(StringUtil.format("{0}.{1}", sc, tb));
     return l;
   } finally {
Пример #6
 public static String getCountQuery(String q) throws SQLException {
   // This function transforms a query into another query that actually
   // counts the number
   // of entry. It actually replaced the selection of the columns by a
   // count(*)
   // The query must be of the form
   // SELECT xxxx FROM <whatever>
   // Note that it might not be optimal is all the cases. Also, the
   // replacement is currently
   // done using basic string replacement, while a more robust code should
   // actually fully
   // parse the SQL.
   final int sel = StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(q, "select", 0); // $NON-NLS-1$
   final int from = StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(q, "from", 0); // $NON-NLS-1$
   if (sel < 0 || from < sel) {
     throw new SQLException(
             "Unable to create a 'count' query for the {0} {1}",
             "SQL", q)); // $NLX-JdbcUtil.Unabletocreateacountqueryforthe01-1$
     // $NON-NLS-2$
   return q.substring(0, sel + 6) + " count(*) " + q.substring(from); // $NON-NLS-1$
Пример #7
   * Wrapper method to get user's colleagues
   * @param profile profile of the user whose contacts are to be returned
   * @param parameters list of query string parameters to pass to API
   * @return Profiles of User's colleagues
   * @throws ProfileServiceException
  public Profile[] getColleagues(Profile profile, Map<String, String> parameters)
      throws ProfileServiceException {
    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
      logger.entering(sourceClass, "getColleagues", parameters);
    if (profile == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(StringUtil.format("A null profile was passed"));
    Document data = null;
    Profile[] colleagues = null;
    if (parameters == null) parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
    String url =
    if (isEmail(profile.getReqId())) {
      parameters.put(ProfileRequestParams.EMAIL, profile.getReqId());
    } else {
      parameters.put(ProfileRequestParams.USERID, profile.getReqId());

    if (parameters.get("connectionType")
        != null) // this is to remove any other values put in by sample user in following
    parameters.remove("connectionType"); // mandatory parameters
    if (parameters.get("outputType") != null) parameters.remove("outputType");
    parameters.put("connectionType", "colleague");
    parameters.put("outputType", "profile");

    data = executeGet(url, parameters, ClientService.FORMAT_XML);
    colleagues = Converter.convertToProfiles(this, data);

    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
      logger.exiting(sourceClass, "getColleagues");
    return colleagues;
Пример #8
 public void traceEventp(Object clazz, String methodName, String msg, Object... parameters) {
   if (isTraceEventEnabled()) {
     logp(clazz, methodName, null, Level.FINE, StringUtil.format(msg, parameters), null);
Пример #9
 // traceEvent
 public void traceEvent(String msg, Object... parameters) {
   if (isTraceEventEnabled()) {
     log(null, Level.FINE, StringUtil.format(msg, parameters), null);
Пример #10
 public void errorp(
     Object clazz, String methodName, Throwable t, String msg, Object... parameters) {
   if (isErrorEnabled()) {
     logp(clazz, methodName, t, Level.SEVERE, StringUtil.format(msg, parameters), null);
Пример #11
 public void error(Throwable t, String msg, Object... parameters) {
   if (isErrorEnabled()) {
     log(t, Level.SEVERE, StringUtil.format(msg, parameters), null);
Пример #12
 public void warnp(
     Object clazz, String methodName, Throwable t, String msg, Object... parameters) {
   if (isWarnEnabled()) {
     logp(clazz, methodName, t, Level.WARNING, StringUtil.format(msg, parameters), null);
Пример #13
 public void warn(Throwable t, String msg, Object... parameters) {
   if (isWarnEnabled()) {
     log(t, Level.WARNING, StringUtil.format(msg, parameters), null);
Пример #14
 public void info(Throwable t, String msg, Object... parameters) {
   if (isInfoEnabled()) {
     log(t, Level.INFO, StringUtil.format(msg, parameters), null);
Пример #15
 public void traceDebug(Throwable t, String msg, Object... parameters) {
   if (isTraceDebugEnabled()) {
     log(t, Level.FINEST, StringUtil.format(msg, parameters), null);
Пример #16
 public void traceDebugp(
     Object clazz, String methodName, Throwable t, String msg, Object... parameters) {
   if (isTraceDebugEnabled()) {
     logp(clazz, methodName, t, Level.FINEST, StringUtil.format(msg, parameters), null);
Пример #17
 public void infop(
     Object clazz, String methodName, Throwable t, String msg, Object... parameters) {
   if (isInfoEnabled()) {
     logp(clazz, methodName, t, Level.INFO, StringUtil.format(msg, parameters), null);