/** * Return URL to identity consolidator GUI with optional ?target= param having current Perun GUI * URL. * * @param target TRUE if use ?target= param in identity consolidator URL / FALSE otherwise * @return URL to identity consolidator */ public static String getIdentityConsolidatorLink(boolean target) { // always use URL of machine, where GUI runs String baseUrl = Window.Location.getProtocol() + "//" + Window.Location.getHost(); // FIXME - production consolidator is still using old URL scheme final String URL_KRB = baseUrl + "/perun-identity-consolidator-krb/"; final String URL_FED = baseUrl + "/perun-identity-consolidator-fed/"; final String URL_CERT = baseUrl + "/perun-identity-consolidator-cert/"; String rpc = ""; String link = ""; if (PerunWebSession.getInstance().getRpcServer() != null) { rpc = PerunWebSession.getInstance().getRpcServer(); } if (rpc.equalsIgnoreCase("krb")) { link = URL_KRB; } else if (rpc.equalsIgnoreCase("fed")) { link = URL_FED; } else if (rpc.equalsIgnoreCase("cert")) { link = URL_CERT; } else { // KRB AS BACKUP - "default" link = URL_KRB; } if (target) { link += "?target=" + Window.Location.getHref(); } return link; }
@Override protected void onBind() { super.onBind(); redirect = Window.Location.getProtocol() + "//" + Window.Location.getHost() + "/oauthcallback.html"; // Get the login url for Google _requestCache.getGoogleUrl( redirect, new AsyncCallback<String>() { @Override public void onSuccess(final String url) { getView().setGoogleLoginUrl(url); } @Override public void onFailure(final Throwable caught) {} }); // Get the login url for Facebook _requestCache.getFacebookUrl( redirect, new AsyncCallback<String>() { @Override public void onSuccess(final String url) { getView().setFacebookLoginUrl(url); } @Override public void onFailure(final Throwable caught) {} }); }
public void createDeepLink() { if (tabContent instanceof IFrameTabPanel) { PromptDialogBox dialogBox = new PromptDialogBox( Messages.getString("deepLink"), Messages.getString("ok"), Messages.getString("cancel"), false, //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ true); String url = Window.Location.getProtocol() + "//" + Window.Location.getHostName() + ":" + Window.Location.getPort() + Window.Location.getPath() // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ + "?name=" + textLabel.getText() + "&startup-url="; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ String startup = ((IFrameTabPanel) tabContent).getUrl(); TextBox urlbox = new TextBox(); urlbox.setText(url + URL.encodeComponent(startup)); urlbox.setVisibleLength(80); dialogBox.setContent(urlbox); dialogBox.center(); } }
/** * Return URL to Password change GUI for selected namespace * * @param namespace namespace where we want to reset password * @return URL to password reset GUI */ public static String getPasswordResetLink(String namespace) { String value = PerunWebSession.getInstance().getConfiguration().getCustomProperty("getPasswordResetUrl"); if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) { // PWD-RESET URL IS CONFIGURED AS FIXED if (namespace != null && !namespace.isEmpty()) { return value + "?login-namespace=" + namespace; } else { return value; } } else { // USE RELATIVE PWD-RESET URL String baseUrl = Window.Location.getProtocol() + "//" + Window.Location.getHost(); if (!Utils.isDevel()) { // VALID URL FOR PRODUCTION String rpc = ""; if (PerunWebSession.getInstance().getRpcServer() != null) { rpc = PerunWebSession.getInstance().getRpcServer(); } if (rpc.equalsIgnoreCase("krb")) { baseUrl += "/krb"; } else if (rpc.equalsIgnoreCase("fed")) { baseUrl += "/fed"; } else if (rpc.equalsIgnoreCase("forceAuthn-fed")) { baseUrl += "/fed-force"; } else if (rpc.equalsIgnoreCase("cert")) { baseUrl += "/cert"; } else if (rpc.equalsIgnoreCase("einfra")) { baseUrl += "/krb-einfra"; } else { // KRB AS BACKUP - "default" baseUrl += "/krb"; } baseUrl += "/pwd-reset/"; } else { // VALID URL FOR DEVEL baseUrl += "/PasswordResetKrb.html"; } if (namespace != null && !namespace.isEmpty()) { return baseUrl + "?login-namespace=" + namespace; } else { return baseUrl; } } }
public void refreshWebDAVPassword() { Configuration conf = (Configuration) GWT.create(Configuration.class); String domain = Window.Location.getHostName(); String path = Window.Location.getPath(); String cookie = conf.webdavCookie(); webDAVPassword = Cookies.getCookie(cookie); Cookies.setCookie(cookie, "", null, domain, path, false); }
/** Finalizes the <tt>User</tt> Logout operation. */ protected void onSuccessfullLogout() { Window.Location.replace(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "OpenXDataServerAdmin.html"); loginView.clearPassword(); Context.setAuthenticatedUser(null); Window.Location.reload(); }
/** * Update localization of whole GUI (reset the app) * * @param locale Locale to set. Structure is "code":"val", "nativeName":"val", "englishName":"val" */ public void setLocale(Map<String, String> locale) { if (locale == null) { GWT.log("WARN: Locale is null"); return; } UrlBuilder builder = Window.Location.createUrlBuilder().setParameter("locale", locale.get("code")); Window.Location.replace(builder.buildString()); }
/** Clear the cookie and redirect the user to the logout page. */ void logout() { Configuration conf = (Configuration) GWT.create(Configuration.class); String cookie = conf.authCookie(); String domain = Window.Location.getHostName(); String path = Window.Location.getPath(); Cookies.setCookie(cookie, "", null, domain, path, false); String baseUrl = GWT.getModuleBaseURL(); String homeUrl = baseUrl.substring(0, baseUrl.indexOf(path)); Window.Location.assign(homeUrl + conf.logoutUrl()); }
/** * redirect unauthorized calls to login * * <p>TODO method.getResponse() is not equal to response. unfortunately */ @Override public RequestCallback filter( final Method method, final Response response, RequestCallback callback) { if (LogConfiguration.loggingIsEnabled()) { Logger.getLogger(FilterawareRetryingCallback.class.getName()) .severe("Unauthorized: " + method.builder.getUrl()); } Window.Location.assign(target + Window.Location.getQueryString()); // useless return, anyway return callback; }
private void setInitialSelection() { final String ontologyName = com.google.gwt.user.client.Window.Location.getParameter("ontology"); if (ontologyName == null || !projectId.getId().equals(ontologyName)) { return; } final String tabNameToSelect = com.google.gwt.user.client.Window.Location.getParameter("tab"); if (tabNameToSelect == null) { return; } selectTabWithName(tabNameToSelect); }
/** Costructor */ public CollectionSummaryTeacherView() { this.res = CollectionSummaryTeacherCBundle.INSTANCE; res.css().ensureInjected(); setWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this)); String urlDomain = Window.Location.getProtocol() + "//" + Window.Location.getHost(); style = "<link rel='styleSheet' type='text/css' href='" + urlDomain + "/css/googleVisualization.css'><link href='" + urlDomain + "/css/printAnalytics.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>"; setData(); printWidget.setVisible(false); downloadFile.setVisible(false); }
private void showPopUp() { String authUrl = baseUrl + "/oauth/authenticate?oauth_provider=github" + "&scope=user,repo,write:public_key&userId=" + userId + "&redirect_after_login="******"//" + Window.Location.getHost() + "/ws/" + Config.getWorkspaceName(); JsOAuthWindow authWindow = new JsOAuthWindow(authUrl, "error.url", 500, 980, this); authWindow.loginWithOAuth(); }
/** Reads the configuration values defined by the bootstrap javascript. */ private void loadFromDOM() { JsoConfiguration jsoConfiguration = getJsoConfiguration(id); serviceUrl = jsoConfiguration.getConfigString(ApplicationConstants.SERVICE_URL); if (serviceUrl == null || "".equals(serviceUrl)) { /* * Use the current url without query parameters and fragment as the * default value. */ serviceUrl = Window.Location.getHref().replaceFirst("[?#].*", ""); } else { /* * Resolve potentially relative URLs to ensure they point to the * desired locations even if the base URL of the page changes later * (e.g. with pushState) */ serviceUrl = Util.getAbsoluteUrl(serviceUrl); } // Ensure there's an ending slash (to make appending e.g. UIDL work) if (!useServiceUrlPathParam() && !serviceUrl.endsWith("/")) { serviceUrl += '/'; } vaadinDirUrl = Util.getAbsoluteUrl(jsoConfiguration.getConfigString(ApplicationConstants.VAADIN_DIR_URL)); uiId = jsoConfiguration.getConfigInteger(UIConstants.UI_ID_PARAMETER).intValue(); // null -> false standalone = jsoConfiguration.getConfigBoolean("standalone") == Boolean.TRUE; heartbeatInterval = jsoConfiguration.getConfigInteger("heartbeatInterval"); communicationError = jsoConfiguration.getConfigError("comErrMsg"); authorizationError = jsoConfiguration.getConfigError("authErrMsg"); sessionExpiredError = jsoConfiguration.getConfigError("sessExpMsg"); }
public void save() { String frequency = month.getSelectedIndex() + ""; String stat = statusButton.getValue() + ""; String url = /*Window.Location.getUrl();*/ Window.Location.getHref().split("#", 2)[0]; String day = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(date.getValue()) + " " + DateTimeFormat.getFormat("HH:mm:ss").format(time.getValue()); // Window.alert(frequency + " " + stat + " " + url + " " + day); mailingService.setMailing( stat, frequency, day, url, new AsyncCallback<Boolean>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { com.google.gwt.user.client.Window.alert("Error :" + caught.getMessage()); save.setIcon(null); save.setEnabled(true); } @Override public void onSuccess(Boolean result) { com.google.gwt.user.client.Window.alert(result ? "Success!" : "Error!"); save.setIcon(null); save.setEnabled(true); } }); }
@Override public void start(AcceptsOneWidget panel, EventBus eventBus) { panel.setWidget(view); GaeUserRequest request = rf.loginRequest(); request .getCurrentUser() .to( new Receiver<GaeUserProxy>() { @Override public void onSuccess(GaeUserProxy user) { view.setNickname(user.getNickname()); } }); request .createLogoutURL(Window.Location.getHref()) .to( new Receiver<String>() { @Override public void onSuccess(String url) { view.setLogoutURL(url); } }); request.fire(); }
/** * 非同期メッセージ送信メソッド * * @param message */ public void sendAsyncMessage(JSONObject message) { String href = Window.Location.getHref(); postMessage(message.toString(), href); addSendLog(message); }
public SinglePageLayout(Djvu_html5 app) { this.app = app; this.tileCache = app.getTileCache(); this.pageCache = app.getPageCache(); pageCache.addFullDecodeListener(this); tileCache.addTileCacheListener(this); this.canvas = app.getCanvas(); this.background = app.getBackground(); this.pageMargin = app.getPageMargin(); new PanController(); boolean pageParam = false; try { page = Integer.parseInt(Window.Location.getParameter("p")) - 1; pageParam = true; } catch (Exception e) { page = 0; } locationUpdateEnabled = pageParam || app.getLocationUpdateEnabled(); pageCache.fetchPage(page); }
public static String formHrefWithWindowLocationPath(String strToAppend) { String noUrlParams = Window.Location.getPath(); // Append '/' if necessary. if (!strToAppend.isEmpty() && !StringUtil.match(noUrlParams, "\\/$")) { noUrlParams += "/"; } return noUrlParams + strToAppend; }
private boolean canShowTitle() { String parameter = Window.Location.getParameter("nochrome"); if (parameter == null) { return true; } else { return parameter.equals("true"); } }
private void handleNarrativeOverride(MonsterGame.Config gameConf) { if (Window.Location.getParameter("override") != null) { String json = popupNarrativeOverride(); try { gameConf.narrativeOverride = new NarrativeParser(plat.json()).parse(json); } catch (JsonParserException parseException) { popupParseException(); } } }
/** 同期メッセージング(試作) */ private void sendSyncMessage(JSONObject message) { debug.timeAssert("11/07/23 8:40:07", 0, "yieldが正式に全ブラウザに実装されるまでは使えない。"); String href = Window.Location.getHref(); postMessage(message.toString(), href); // この辺にyieldでメッセージ受信の受付を行えば良い addSendLog(message); }
@Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) { String hash = event.getValue(); recordAnalyticsHit(Window.Location.getPath() + Window.Location.getHash()); String[] parts = hash.split(","); if (parts.length == 12) { String code = parts[0]; Integer year = Integer.decode(parts[1]); try { Integer timeLineDataType = Integer.decode(parts[2]); Integer timeLineChartSelect0 = Integer.decode(parts[3]); Integer timeLineChartSelect1 = Integer.decode(parts[4]); Integer timeLineChartSelect2 = Integer.decode(parts[5]); Integer timeLineChartSelect3 = Integer.decode(parts[6]); Integer timeLineChartSelect4 = Integer.decode(parts[7]); Integer timeLineChartSelect5 = Integer.decode(parts[8]); Integer pieChartDataType = Integer.decode(parts[9]); Integer pieChartNet = Integer.decode(parts[10]); Integer resultsGridNet = Integer.decode(parts[11]); selectBudgetCode(code, year); mTimeLineCharter.setState( timeLineDataType, timeLineChartSelect0, timeLineChartSelect1, timeLineChartSelect2, timeLineChartSelect3, timeLineChartSelect4, timeLineChartSelect5); mPieCharter.setState(pieChartDataType, pieChartNet); mResultsGrid.setState(resultsGridNet); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Application::onValueChange: Error while parsing url", e); newCodeAndYear("00", 2012); } } else { Log.error("Application::onValueChange: Error while parsing url"); newCodeAndYear("00", 2012); } }
private String getPath() { String mypath = Window.Location.getPath(); if (!mypath.endsWith("/")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ mypath = mypath.substring(0, mypath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); // $NON-NLS-1$ } mypath = mypath.replaceAll("/mantle/", "/"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ if (!mypath.endsWith("/")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ mypath = "/" + mypath; // $NON-NLS-1$ } return mypath; }
private void logAtomicOperation(ModelNode operation) { if (operation.get(OP).asString().equals(COMPOSITE)) // nested composite ops? { Log.error("Failed to to log resources access", operation.toString()); } else if (operation.hasDefined(CHILD_TYPE)) { // ModelNode address = operation.get(ADDRESS).clone(); // address.add(operation.get(CHILD_TYPE).toString(), "*"); resourceLog.log( Window.Location.getHash(), operation.get(ADDRESS).toString() + " : " + operation.get(OP).asString() + "(child-type=" + operation.get(CHILD_TYPE) + ")"); } else { resourceLog.log( Window.Location.getHash(), operation.get(ADDRESS).toString() + " : " + operation.get(OP).asString()); } }
private void applyLogin(String name, JSONObject json) { JSONObject jsonObj = JSONHelper.getObject(json, "data"); boolean found = JSONHelper.getPrimitiveBoolean(jsonObj, "found", false); if (!found) { Window.alert("Пользователь " + GWTUtils.safeString(name) + " не найден!"); } else { elName.setValue(""); setCurrentUser(name); Window.Location.reload(); } }
private void popoutTreeVisTab(TreeVisPlace place, int id) { // FIXME: this needs to be injected... AppPlaceHistoryMapper historyMapper = Entry.getPlaceHistoryMapper(); String token = historyMapper.getToken(place); String url = Window.Location.createUrlBuilder().setHash(token).buildString(); int width = Window.getClientWidth() / 2; int height = Window.getClientHeight() / 2; String features = "width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ",menubar=0,location=0,toolbar=0,status=0"; TreeVisActivity.openPanel(this, url, "_blank", features, Integer.toString(id)); }
public static String getGeodeskId() { String geodeskId = Window.Location.getHref(); if (!geodeskId.contains(GdmLayout.geodeskPrefix)) { return null; } geodeskId = geodeskId.substring( geodeskId.indexOf(GdmLayout.geodeskPrefix) + GdmLayout.geodeskPrefix.length()); geodeskId = geodeskId.substring(0, geodeskId.indexOf('/')); return geodeskId; }
/** @see org.opencms.gwt.client.ui.contextmenu.I_CmsContextMenuEntry#execute() */ public void execute() { String sitePath = getHoverbar().getSitePath(); if (!sitePath.endsWith("/")) { sitePath += "/"; } CmsSitemapController controller = getHoverbar().getController(); String uri = CmsCoreProvider.get().getUri() + "?path=" + sitePath; final String returnCode = Window.Location.getParameter(CmsCoreProvider.PARAM_RETURNCODE); if ((returnCode != null) && (returnCode.length() != 0)) { uri += "&returncode=" + returnCode; } controller.leaveEditor(uri); }
private void addAdminMenu() { Button button = new Button("Admin"); Menu menu = new Menu(); menu.add( urlMenuItem( "Run System Maintenance Service", AbstractImagePrototype.create(Icons.INSTANCE.expand()), "http://" + com.google.gwt.user.client.Window.Location.getHostName() + "/cron/SystemMaint")); button.setMenu(menu); add(button); }
/** * Creates the main view of Guvnor. The path used to invoke guvnor is used to identify the view to * show: If the path contains "StandaloneEditor.html" then the StandaloneGuidedEditorManager is * used to render the view. If not, the default view is shown. */ private void createMain() { EventBus eventBus = new SimpleEventBus(); SuggestionCompletionCache.getInstance().setEventBus(eventBus); ClientFactory clientFactory = new ClientFactoryImpl(eventBus); appController = new AppController(clientFactory, eventBus); if (Window.Location.getPath().contains("StandaloneEditor.html")) { RootLayoutPanel.get() .add(new StandaloneEditorManager(clientFactory, eventBus).getBaseLayout()); } else { RootLayoutPanel.get().add(appController.getMainPanel()); } }