@Override public void update(final PTInstruction update, final UIService uiService) { final long commandID = update.getLong(PROPERTY.COMMAND_ID); if (update.containsKey(PROPERTY.STOP)) { // Stop the command commandByIDs.remove(commandID).cancel(); } else if (update.containsKey(PROPERTY.FIXDELAY)) { // Fix-delay // Wait for execution terminated before scheduling again final SchedulerCommand previousCmd = commandByIDs.remove(commandID); if (previousCmd != null) previousCmd.cancel(); final int delay = update.getInt(PROPERTY.FIXDELAY); final FixDelayCommand command = new FixDelayCommand(uiService, update.getObjectID(), commandID, delay); Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedDelay(command, delay); commandByIDs.put(commandID, command); } else if (update.containsKey(PROPERTY.FIXRATE)) { // Fix-rate final SchedulerCommand previousCmd = commandByIDs.remove(commandID); if (previousCmd != null) previousCmd.cancel(); final int delay = update.getInt(PROPERTY.FIXRATE); final FixRateCommand command = new FixRateCommand(uiService, update.getObjectID(), commandID, delay); Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedDelay(command, delay); commandByIDs.put(commandID, command); } }
@Override public void reapplyDetailsVisibility(final int rowIndex, final JsonObject row) { if (hasDetailsOpen(row)) { // Command for opening details row. ScheduledCommand openDetails = new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { // Re-apply to force redraw. getWidget().setDetailsVisible(rowIndex, false); getWidget().setDetailsVisible(rowIndex, true); lazyDetailsScroller.detailsOpened(rowIndex); } }; if (initialChange) { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(openDetails); } else { Scheduler.get().scheduleFinally(openDetails); } } else { getWidget().setDetailsVisible(rowIndex, false); } }
@Override protected void onInit(final BusEvent<?> event) { final OpenMillerTree e = (OpenMillerTree) event; maxlevelchildren = e.maxLevelChildren(); maxlevelparents = e.maxLevelParents(); modifyDataSource(e.datasource); treecolumns = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, TreeColumn>(); layout = new ColumnStack(); for (int i = maxlevelparents; i <= maxlevelchildren; i++) { final TreeColumn newcolumn = new TreeColumn(i); layout.addMember(newcolumn); treecolumns.put(i, newcolumn); } Scheduler.get() .scheduleIncremental( new Scheduler.RepeatingCommand() { @Override public boolean execute() { if (i <= maxlevelchildren) { treecolumns.get(i).setDataSource(e.datasource); ++i; return true; } else { setField(MillerTreeView.DESCRIPTION_DE); asCanvas().addChild(layout); layout.resize(); scrollToCenter(); return false; } } private int i = maxlevelparents; }); }
void redrawParents(final int level, final int id) { if (level > maxlevelparents) { Scheduler.get() .scheduleIncremental( new Scheduler.RepeatingCommand() { @Override public boolean execute() { if (i >= maxlevelparents) { treecolumns.get(i).hideMembers(); --i; return true; } else { treecolumns.get(level - 1).showMembers(id); return false; } } private int i = level - 1; }); } if (level != 0) { treecolumns.get(level).resetSelectedFlag(); } }
public DocTabLayoutPanel(boolean closeableTabs, int padding, int rightMargin) { super(BAR_HEIGHT, Style.Unit.PX); closeableTabs_ = closeableTabs; padding_ = padding; rightMargin_ = rightMargin; styles_ = ThemeResources.INSTANCE.themeStyles(); addStyleName(styles_.docTabPanel()); addStyleName(styles_.moduleTabPanel()); dragManager_ = new DragManager(); // listen for global drag events (these are broadcasted from other windows // to notify us of incoming drags) events_ = RStudioGinjector.INSTANCE.getEventBus(); events_.addHandler(DocTabDragStartedEvent.TYPE, dragManager_); // sink drag-related events on the tab bar element; unfortunately // GWT does not provide bits for the drag-related events, and Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { Element tabBar = getTabBarElement(); DOM.sinkBitlessEvent(tabBar, "dragenter"); DOM.sinkBitlessEvent(tabBar, "dragover"); DOM.sinkBitlessEvent(tabBar, "dragend"); DOM.sinkBitlessEvent(tabBar, "dragleave"); DOM.sinkBitlessEvent(tabBar, "drop"); Event.setEventListener(tabBar, dragManager_); } }); }
@Override public void onStateChanged(StateChangeEvent stateChangeEvent) { Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { drawFeature = instantiateDrawFeature(); listenerRegistration = getMap() .addLayerCreatedListener( new LayerCreatedListener() { @Override public void onCreate(LayerCreatedEvent event) { Circle layer = (Circle) event.getLayer(); rpc.circleAdded(U.toPoint(layer.getLatLng()), layer.getRadius()); getMap().removeListener(listenerRegistration); listenerRegistration = null; } }); drawFeature.enable(); } }); }
private void sendPing( final String afterRestartCommand, int delayMs, final int maxRetries, final Command onCompleted) { Scheduler.get() .scheduleFixedDelay( new RepeatingCommand() { private int retries_ = 0; private boolean pingDelivered_ = false; private boolean pingInFlight_ = false; @Override public boolean execute() { // if we've already delivered the ping or our retry count // is exhausted then return false if (pingDelivered_ || (++retries_ > maxRetries)) return false; if (!pingInFlight_) { pingInFlight_ = true; server_.ping( new VoidServerRequestCallback() { @Override protected void onSuccess() { pingInFlight_ = false; if (!pingDelivered_) { pingDelivered_ = true; // issue after restart command if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(afterRestartCommand)) { eventBus_.fireEvent( new SendToConsoleEvent(afterRestartCommand, true, true)); } // otherwise make sure the console knows we // restarted (ensure prompt and set focus) else { eventBus_.fireEvent(new ConsoleRestartRCompletedEvent()); } } if (onCompleted != null) onCompleted.execute(); } @Override protected void onFailure() { pingInFlight_ = false; if (onCompleted != null) onCompleted.execute(); } }); } // keep trying until the ping is delivered return true; } }, delayMs); }
private ShortcutManager() { keyBuffer_ = new KeySequence(); keyTimer_ = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { keyBuffer_.clear(); } }; // Defer injection because the ShortcutManager is constructed // very eagerly (to allow for codegen stuff in ShortcutsEmitter // to work) Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { RStudioGinjector.INSTANCE.injectMembers(ShortcutManager.this); events_.addHandler( AceKeyboardActivityEvent.TYPE, new AceKeyboardActivityEvent.Handler() { @Override public void onAceKeyboardActivity(AceKeyboardActivityEvent event) { if (!event.isChainEvent()) keyBuffer_.clear(); } }); } }); // NOTE: Because this class is used as a singleton and is never // destroyed it's not necessary to manage lifetime of this event handler Event.addNativePreviewHandler(this); addPostViewHandler(); }
@Override public DispatchRequest execute( DMRAction action, final AsyncCallback<DMRResponse> resultCallback, Map<String, String> properties) { assert action.getOperation() != null; final ModelNode operation = action.getOperation(); // diagnostics, development only if (!GWT.isScript()) { Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { decomposeAndLog(operation); } }); } // Request request = executeRequest(resultCallback, GWT.isScript() ? operation : // runAsRole(operation)); // TODO: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/HAL-100 Request request = executeRequest(resultCallback, runAsRole(operation, properties)); return new DispatchRequestHandle(request); }
private void setAssociatedWidgetSize(double size) { double maxSize = getMaxSize(); if (size > maxSize) { size = maxSize; } if (snapClosedSize > 0 && size < snapClosedSize) { size = 0; } else if (size < minSize) { size = minSize; } LayoutData layout = (LayoutData) target.getLayoutData(); if (size == layout.size) { return; } // Adjust our view until the deferred layout gets scheduled. centerSize += layout.size - size; layout.size = size; // Defer actually updating the layout, so that if we receive many // mouse events before layout/paint occurs, we'll only update once. if (layoutCommand == null) { layoutCommand = new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { layoutCommand = null; forceLayout(); } }; Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(layoutCommand); } }
/** @see com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.FocusWidget#onAttach() */ @Override protected void onAttach() { super.onAttach(); if (!m_hasBeenAttached) { m_hasBeenAttached = true; Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { if (isAttached()) { m_editorHeight = calculateEditorHeight(); m_id = ensureId(getMainElement()); m_width = getElement().getOffsetWidth() - 2; checkLibraries(); initNative(); if (!m_active) { getElement().addClassName(I_LayoutBundle.INSTANCE.form().inActive()); } } else { resetAtachedFlag(); } } }); } }
/** @see org.artificer.ui.client.shared.services.IOntologyService#get(java.lang.String) */ public void get( final String uuid, boolean forceRefresh, final IServiceInvocationHandler<OntologyBean> handler) { if (!forceRefresh && ontologyCache.containsKey(uuid)) { Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new Command() { public void execute() { handler.onReturn(ontologyCache.get(uuid)); } }); } else { RemoteCallback<OntologyBean> successCallback = new DelegatingRemoteCallback<OntologyBean>(handler) { @Override public void callback(OntologyBean ontology) { ontologyCache.put(ontology.getUuid(), ontology); super.callback(ontology); } }; ErrorCallback<?> errorCallback = new DelegatingErrorCallback(handler); try { remoteOntologyService.call(successCallback, errorCallback).get(uuid); } catch (ArtificerUiException e) { errorCallback.error(null, e); } } }
/** * The date box on key down action. * * <p> * * <ul> * <li>If enter or tab is pressed in the date box the date time picker should be updated with * the value from the date box. * <li>If the escape key is pressed the picker should be hided. * <li>If the up key is pressed the value should be taken from the date box. * <li>If the down key is pressed the picker should be hided. * </ul> * * @param event the key down event */ protected void onDateBoxKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) { switch (event.getNativeEvent().getKeyCode()) { case KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER: case KeyCodes.KEY_TAB: case KeyCodes.KEY_ESCAPE: case KeyCodes.KEY_UP: updateFromTextBox(); hidePopup(); break; case KeyCodes.KEY_DOWN: showPopup(); break; default: hidePopup(); Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { updateCloseBehavior(); if (isValideDateBox()) { setErrorMessage(null); } } }); break; } }
@Override protected void onReset() { super.onReset(); Console.MODULES.getHeader().highlight(NameTokens.DomainRuntimePresenter); String currentToken = placeManager.getCurrentPlaceRequest().getNameToken(); if (!currentToken.equals(getProxy().getNameToken())) { lastSubPlace = currentToken; } else if (lastSubPlace != null) { placeManager.revealPlace(new PlaceRequest(lastSubPlace)); } // first request, select default contents if (!hasBeenRevealed && NameTokens.DomainRuntimePresenter.equals( placeManager.getCurrentPlaceRequest().getNameToken())) { placeManager.revealPlace(new PlaceRequest(NameTokens.InstancesPresenter)); hasBeenRevealed = true; } else if (!NameTokens.DomainRuntimePresenter.equals( placeManager.getCurrentPlaceRequest().getNameToken())) { Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { loadHostData(); } }); } }
public void onSuccess(UserModel user) { deck.showWidget(1); if (!GwtClientUtils.preSuccessCheck(user, null)) { return; } // user exist - then fill all user information form and display information. if (user.getUid() != null && user.getUid() > 0) { fillPanel(user); form1.fillFields(user); form2.fillFields(user); form3.fillFields(user); editDeck.showWidget(0); } // image loading and center Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { ProfileDialog.this.center(); } }); // TODO: user not exist, error message display }
private void getUpdates(int ms) { Scheduler.get() .scheduleFixedDelay( new Scheduler.RepeatingCommand() { @Override public boolean execute() { updateRequests = 0; onAsyncUpdate( new ReportingAsyncCallback<Boolean>(FailureMessage.UNABLE_TO_LOAD_UPDATES) { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { super.onFailure(caught); stop(); } @Override public void onSuccess(Boolean result) { if (result || updateRequests > 0) { getUpdates(millis); } else { stop(); } } }); return false; } }, ms); }
@Override protected void onFrameLoaded() { Document doc = getDocument(); PreElement pre = doc.createPreElement(); pre.setInnerText(code_); pre.getStyle().setProperty("whiteSpace", "pre-wrap"); pre.getStyle().setFontSize(fontSize_, Unit.PT); doc.getBody().appendChild(pre); getWindow().print(); // Bug 1224: ace: print from source causes inability to reconnect // This was caused by the iframe being removed from the document too // quickly after the print job was sent. As a result, attempting to // navigate away from the page at any point afterwards would result // in the error "Document cannot change while printing or in Print // Preview". The only thing you could do is close the browser tab. // By inserting a 5-minute delay hopefully Firefox would be done with // whatever print related operations are important. Scheduler.get() .scheduleFixedDelay( new RepeatingCommand() { public boolean execute() { PrintIFrame.this.removeFromParent(); return false; } }, 1000 * 60 * 5); }
public void setSelected(TableRowElement row, boolean selected) { try { if (row.getParentElement().getParentElement() != table_) return; } catch (NullPointerException npe) { return; } boolean isCurrentlySelected = isSelected(row); if (isCurrentlySelected == selected) return; if (selected && !codec_.isValueRow(row)) return; setStyleName(row, selectedClassName_, selected); if (selected) selectedRows_.add(row); else selectedRows_.remove(row); if (selected && !allowMultiSelect_) { Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { fireEvent(new SelectionChangedEvent()); } }); } }
public void start() { // avoid spinning mouse cursor in chrome by starting as a deferred command Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { if (!running) { running = true; if (unloadHandlerReg != null) { unloadHandlerReg.removeHandler(); } UnloadHandler handler = new UnloadHandler(); final HandlerRegistration reg1 = Window.addCloseHandler(handler); final HandlerRegistration reg2 = Window.addWindowClosingHandler(handler); unloadHandlerReg = new HandlerRegistration() { @Override public void removeHandler() { reg1.removeHandler(); reg2.removeHandler(); } }; doConnect(); } } }); }
private void onDataObjectChange(@Observes DataObjectChangeEvent event) { if (event.isFromContext(context != null ? context.getContextId() : null)) { if (event.getChangeType() == ChangeType.CLASS_NAME_CHANGE || event.getChangeType() == ChangeType.PACKAGE_NAME_CHANGE || event.getChangeType() == ChangeType.OBJECT_NAME_CHANGE || MainDomainAnnotations.LABEL_ANNOTATION.equals(event.getAnnotationClassName())) { refreshObjectSelector(dataObject); // For self references: in case name or package changes redraw properties table skipNextFieldNotification = true; dataObjectPropertiesProvider.refresh(); dataObjectPropertiesTable.redraw(); Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { selectCurrentObject(false); } }); } } }
@Override public void show() { popupShowInProgress = true; // Find the shortcut action handler that should handle keyboard // events from the popup. The events do not propagate automatically // because the popup is directly attached to the RootPanel. super.show(); /* * Shortcut actions could be set (and currently in 7.2 they ARE SET * via old style "updateFromUIDL" method, see f.e. UIConnector) * AFTER method show() has been invoked (which is called as a * reaction on change in component hierarchy). As a result there * could be no shortcutActionHandler set yet. So let's postpone * search of shortcutActionHandler. */ Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { try { if (shortcutActionHandler == null) { shortcutActionHandler = findShortcutActionHandler(); } } finally { popupShowInProgress = false; } } }); }
@Override public Activity getActivity(final Place place) { Activity activity = null; if (place instanceof OverviewPlace) { activity = factory.createOverviewPresenter((OverviewPlace) place); } else if (place instanceof IncomePlace) { activity = factory.createIncomeActivity((IncomePlace) place); } else if (place instanceof ExpensePlace) { activity = factory.createExpenseActivity((ExpensePlace) place); } else if (place instanceof FinancePlace) { activity = factory.createFinanceActivity((FinancePlace) place); } if (activity == null) { Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { placeController.goTo(new OverviewPlace()); } }); } return activity; }
/** @see org.artificer.ui.client.shared.services.IOntologyService#list() */ public void list( boolean forceRefresh, final IServiceInvocationHandler<OntologyResultSetBean> handler) { if (summaryCache != null && !forceRefresh) { Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new Command() { public void execute() { handler.onReturn(summaryCache); } }); } else { RemoteCallback<OntologyResultSetBean> successCallback = new DelegatingRemoteCallback<OntologyResultSetBean>(handler) { @Override public void callback(OntologyResultSetBean response) { summaryCache = response; super.callback(response); } }; ErrorCallback<?> errorCallback = new DelegatingErrorCallback(handler); try { remoteOntologyService.call(successCallback, errorCallback).list(); } catch (ArtificerUiException e) { errorCallback.error(null, e); } } }
@Override public void onResize(ResizeEvent resizeEvent) { Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { lastWidth = getWidth(); lastHeight = getHeight(); if (lastWidth > 0 && lastHeight > 0) { if (!GwtRenderingContext.this.isRun()) GwtRenderingContext.this.run(); ViewportResizeBus.onViewportResize(lastWidth, lastHeight); GwtRenderingContext.this.canvas.setWidth(lastWidth); GwtRenderingContext.this.canvas.setHeight(lastHeight); GwtRenderingContext.this.renderer.setSize(lastWidth, lastHeight); GwtRenderingContext.this.listener.onResize(GwtRenderingContext.this); } else { GwtRenderingContext.this.stop(); } } }); }
/** * Update an ActionSetFieldCol column * * @param origCol The existing column in the grid * @param editColumn A copy (not clone) of the original column containing the modified values */ public void updateColumn(final ActionSetFieldCol origColumn, final ActionSetFieldCol editColumn) { if (origColumn == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("origColumn cannot be null"); } if (editColumn == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("editColumn cannot be null"); } boolean bRedrawColumn = false; boolean bRedrawHeader = false; DynamicColumn<DTColumnConfig> column = getDynamicColumn(origColumn); // Update column's visibility if (origColumn.isHideColumn() != editColumn.isHideColumn()) { setColumnVisibility(origColumn, !editColumn.isHideColumn()); } // Change in column's binding forces an update and redraw if FactField // is different; otherwise only need to update and redraw if the // FieldType has changed if (!isEqualOrNull(origColumn.getBoundName(), editColumn.getBoundName())) { if (!isEqualOrNull(origColumn.getFactField(), editColumn.getFactField())) { bRedrawColumn = true; updateCellsForDataType(editColumn, column); } } else if (!isEqualOrNull(origColumn.getFactField(), editColumn.getFactField())) { bRedrawColumn = true; updateCellsForDataType(editColumn, column); } // Update column's cell content if the Optional Value list has changed if (!isEqualOrNull(origColumn.getValueList(), editColumn.getValueList())) { bRedrawColumn = updateCellsForOptionValueList(editColumn, column); } // Update column header in Header Widget if (!origColumn.getHeader().equals(editColumn.getHeader())) { bRedrawHeader = true; } // Copy new values into original column definition populateModelColumn(origColumn, editColumn); if (bRedrawColumn) { int maxColumnIndex = widget.getGridWidget().getColumns().size() - 1; widget.getGridWidget().redrawColumns(column.getColumnIndex(), maxColumnIndex); } if (bRedrawHeader) { // Schedule redraw event after column has been redrawn Scheduler.get() .scheduleFinally( new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { widget.getHeaderWidget().redraw(); } }); } }
@Override public void setSplitPositionUsingPixels(int px) { if (LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL()) { final Element splitElem = panel.getSplitElement(); final int rootElemWidth = getOffsetWidth(panel.container); final int splitElemWidth = getOffsetWidth(splitElem); // This represents an invalid state where layout is incomplete. This // typically happens before DOM attachment, but I leave it here as a // precaution because negative width/height style attributes produce // errors on IE. if (rootElemWidth < splitElemWidth) { return; } // Compute the new right side width. int newRightWidth = rootElemWidth - px - splitElemWidth; // Constrain the dragging to the physical size of the panel. if (px < 0) { px = 0; newRightWidth = rootElemWidth - splitElemWidth; } else if (newRightWidth < 0) { px = rootElemWidth - splitElemWidth; newRightWidth = 0; } // Set the width of the right side. setWidth(panel.getElement(RIGHT), newRightWidth + "px"); // Move the splitter to the right edge of the left element. setLeft(splitElem, px + "px"); // Update the width of the left side if (px == 0) { // This takes care of a qurky RTL layout bug with IE6. // During DOM construction and layout, onResize events // are fired, and this method is called with px == 0. // If one tries to set the width of the LEFT element to // before layout completes, the RIGHT element will // appear to be blanked out. Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { setWidth(panel.getElement(LEFT), "0px"); } }); } else { setWidth(panel.getElement(LEFT), px + "px"); } } else { super.setSplitPositionUsingPixels(px); } }
/** * Sets a formatter for widget. * * @param formatter * @param applyMask */ public void setFormatter(final Formatter formatter, boolean applyMask) { if (this.formatter != null) { if (addBlurHandler != null) { addBlurHandler.removeHandler(); } if (this.masked) { ((MaskedFormatter) this.formatter).removeMask(this); } if (this.filtered) { ((FilterFormatter) this.formatter).removeFilter(this); } } if (formatter != null) { if (applyMask && (formatter instanceof MaskedFormatter)) { Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { MaskedFormatter masked = (MaskedFormatter) formatter; masked.applyMask(MaskedTextBox.this, clearIfNotValid); } }); } else if (formatter instanceof FilterFormatter) { Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { ((FilterFormatter) formatter).applyFilter(MaskedTextBox.this); } }); } else { addBlurHandler = addBlurHandler( new BlurHandler() { public void onBlur(BlurEvent event) { setUnformattedValue(getUnformattedValue()); } }); } } this.formatter = formatter; this.masked = applyMask && (this.formatter instanceof MaskedFormatter); this.filtered = (this.formatter instanceof FilterFormatter); }
private void handleDocumentChanged() { Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { updateDirtyState(editorWidget.isDirty()); } }); }
@Override public void onLoad() { Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { refresh(); } }); }
private void preventDatePickerPopup() { allowDPShow = false; Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { allowDPShow = true; } }); }