@Override public synchronized void stopAll() { for (TaskContext context : assignedWorkItems.keySet()) { stop(context); } templates.clear(); }
public void testFetch(final SetMultimap<Integer, Integer> nodePartitions) { for (final Integer node : nodePartitions.keySet()) { System.out.println( "Testing fetch of node " + node + " partitions " + nodePartitions.get(node) + ": \n"); measureFunction( new Measurable() { @Override public long apply() { long i = 0; Iterator<Pair<ByteArray, Versioned<byte[]>>> result = adminClient.bulkFetchOps.fetchEntries( node, storeName, new ArrayList<Integer>(nodePartitions.get(node)), null, false); while (result.hasNext()) { i++; result.next(); } return i; } }, 1); } }
public ReverseCFATransformerFactory(Set<CFAEdge> cfa) { reverseCFA = HashMultimap.create(); Set<Location> nonSinks = new HashSet<Location>(); for (CFAEdge e : cfa) { reverseCFA.put(e.getTarget(), e); nonSinks.add(e.getSource()); } FastSet<Location> sinks = new FastSet<Location>(); for (Location l : reverseCFA.keySet()) { if (!nonSinks.contains(l)) { sinks.add(l); } } if (sinks.size() == 1) { sink = sinks.pick(); } else if (sinks.size() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("CFA has no sink!"); } else { // Generate artificial exit node sink = new Location(new AbsoluteAddress(0xFFFFFF01L)); for (Location l : sinks) { reverseCFA.put(sink, new CFAEdge(l, sink, new RTLSkip())); } } }
public ImportManager build() { Set<String> nonConflictingImports = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (Set<TypeReference> importGroup : Multimaps.asMap(implicitImports).values()) { if (importGroup.size() == 1) { TypeReference implicitImport = getOnlyElement(importGroup); if (implicitImport.isTopLevel()) { nonConflictingImports.add(implicitImport.getQualifiedName()); } } } return new ImportManager(implicitImports.keySet(), nonConflictingImports); }
public void testFetchAndUpdate(final SetMultimap<Integer, Integer> from, final int to) { for (final Integer node : from.keySet()) { timeFunction( new Timed() { @Override public void apply() { List<Integer> partitionIds = Lists.newArrayList(from.get(node)); adminClient.storeMntOps.migratePartitions( node, to, storeName, partitionIds, null, null); } }, 1); } }
@Override public BindsConfig deserialize( JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { BindsConfig result = new BindsConfig(); JsonObject inputObj = json.getAsJsonObject(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : inputObj.entrySet()) { SetMultimap<String, Input> map = context.deserialize(entry.getValue(), SetMultimap.class); for (String id : map.keySet()) { SimpleUri uri = new SimpleUri(new Name(entry.getKey()), id); result.data.putAll(uri, map.get(id)); } } return result; }
@Override public JsonElement serialize( BindsConfig src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); SetMultimap<Name, SimpleUri> bindByModule = HashMultimap.create(); for (SimpleUri key : src.data.keySet()) { bindByModule.put(key.getModuleName(), key); } List<Name> sortedModules = Lists.newArrayList(bindByModule.keySet()); Collections.sort(sortedModules); for (Name moduleId : sortedModules) { SetMultimap<String, Input> moduleBinds = HashMultimap.create(); for (SimpleUri bindUri : bindByModule.get(moduleId)) { moduleBinds.putAll(bindUri.getObjectName().toString(), src.data.get(bindUri)); } JsonElement map = context.serialize(moduleBinds, SetMultimap.class); result.add(moduleId.toString(), map); } return result; }
// batch job (possibly real-time using streaming APIs) public static void createProductAssociativityGraphPerCategory() { Set<String> customers = purchasesCache.keySet(); customers.forEach( customer -> { List<String> customerPurchases = Lists.newArrayList(purchasesCache.get(customer)); for (int i = 0; i < customerPurchases.size(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < customerPurchases.size(); j++) { Product product1 = productCache.get(customerPurchases.get(i)); Product product2 = productCache.get(customerPurchases.get(j)); if (product1.category.equals(product2.category)) { ProductAssociativityGraph graph = productAssociativityGraphMap.getOrDefault( product1.category, ProductAssociativityGraph.create()); graph.addAssociation(Vertex.create(product1.id), Vertex.create(product2.id), 1); productAssociativityGraphMap.putIfAbsent(product1.category, graph); } } } }); }
public TaskSelection getSelection(String path) { SetMultimap<String, Task> tasksByName; String baseName; String prefix; ProjectInternal project = gradle.getDefaultProject(); if (path.contains(Project.PATH_SEPARATOR)) { project = projectFinder.findProject(path, project); baseName = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(path, Project.PATH_SEPARATOR); prefix = project.getPath() + Project.PATH_SEPARATOR; tasksByName = taskNameResolver.select(baseName, project); } else { baseName = path; prefix = ""; tasksByName = taskNameResolver.selectAll(path, project); } Set<Task> tasks = tasksByName.get(baseName); if (!tasks.isEmpty()) { // An exact match return new TaskSelection(path, tasks); } NameMatcher matcher = new NameMatcher(); String actualName = matcher.find(baseName, tasksByName.keySet()); if (actualName != null) { // A partial match return new TaskSelection(prefix + actualName, tasksByName.get(actualName)); } throw new TaskSelectionException(matcher.formatErrorMessage("task", project)); }
/** @see eu.esdihumboldt.hale.ui.cst.debug.metadata.internal.TreeGraphProvider#generateGraph() */ @Override public Graph generateGraph() { tree.accept(graphVisitor); SetMultimap<String, String> connections = graphVisitor.getAllConnections(); Set<String> ids = graphVisitor.getAllIds(); TinkerGraph graph = new TinkerGraph(); // add nodes to the graph for (String key : ids) { TransformationNode node = graphVisitor.getNode(key); Vertex vertex = graph.addVertex(key); setVertexProperty(node, vertex); } for (String key : connections.keySet()) { for (String value : connections.get(key)) { graph.addEdge(null, graph.getVertex(key), graph.getVertex(value), " "); } } return graph; }
@Override public Iterable<String> getBlockCategories() { return categoryLookup.keySet(); }
public Set<ClassName> getAllClasses() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(_classToReferencedClassesMap.keySet()); }
private List<SetMultimap<AbstractDirection, Point>> run(String folder, String branchName) { List<SetMultimap<AbstractDirection, Point>> res = new ArrayList<SetMultimap<AbstractDirection, Point>>(); File[] files = new File(folder).listFiles(); /* * Holds the number of the parse mapped to the station name mapped to the file for * that station */ Map<Integer, List<String>> biDirectionalParseFolders = new HashMap<Integer, List<String>>(); for (File f : files) { int individualParseId = new Integer(f.getName().split("-")[0]); String stationNameWithDotTxt = (f.getName().split("-")[2]); String stationName = stationNameWithDotTxt.substring(0, (stationNameWithDotTxt.length() - 4)); if (!biDirectionalParseFolders.containsKey(individualParseId)) { biDirectionalParseFolders.put(individualParseId, new ArrayList<String>()); } List<String> stationNames = biDirectionalParseFolders.get(individualParseId); stationNames.add(stationName); } List<List<String>> parseFiles = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); for (int i = 0; i < biDirectionalParseFolders.size(); i++) { parseFiles.add(biDirectionalParseFolders.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < parseFiles.size(); i++) { System.out.println("LongevityRecordedTests.run parsing id: " + i); TflSiteScraperFromSavedFilesForTesting scraper = new TflSiteScraperFromSavedFilesForTesting(new File(folder), "" + i); BranchIterator branchIterator = new BranchIteratorImpl(fixture.getSerializedFileDaoFactory(), scraper); SetMultimap<AbstractDirection, Point> map = branchIterator.run(branchName); res.add(branchIterator.run(branchName)); int count = 0; for (AbstractDirection dir : map.keySet()) { List<Point> pointList = Lists.newArrayList(map.get(dir)); count += pointList.size(); System.out.println(dir + " total: " + pointList.size()); for (Point point : pointList) { System.out.println( dir + ": " + ((DiscoveredTrain) point).getDescription() + " ('" + ((DiscoveredTrain) point).getFurthestStation().getStationName() + "')"); } } // int totalMeasuredTrains = // SingletonStatsCollector.getInstance().allStats().get(branchName).iterator().next().getNumberOfTrainsFound(); // System.out.println("total trains: "+count+ " total measured trains in stats: // "+totalMeasuredTrains); } return res; }