@Override public void readFields(DataInput input) throws IOException { byte[] tableNameBytes = Bytes.readByteArray(input); PName tableName = new PNameImpl(tableNameBytes); PTableType tableType = PTableType.values()[WritableUtils.readVInt(input)]; long sequenceNumber = WritableUtils.readVLong(input); long timeStamp = input.readLong(); byte[] pkNameBytes = Bytes.readByteArray(input); String pkName = pkNameBytes.length == 0 ? null : Bytes.toString(pkNameBytes); int nColumns = WritableUtils.readVInt(input); List<PColumn> columns = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(nColumns); for (int i = 0; i < nColumns; i++) { PColumn column = new PColumnImpl(); column.readFields(input); columns.add(column); } Map<String, byte[][]> guidePosts = new HashMap<String, byte[][]>(); int size = WritableUtils.readVInt(input); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { String key = WritableUtils.readString(input); int valueSize = WritableUtils.readVInt(input); byte[][] value = new byte[valueSize][]; for (int j = 0; j < valueSize; j++) { value[j] = Bytes.readByteArray(input); } guidePosts.put(key, value); } PTableStats stats = new PTableStatsImpl(guidePosts); init(tableName, tableType, timeStamp, sequenceNumber, pkName, columns, stats); }
public SmartNameFieldMappers smartName(String smartName, @Nullable String[] types) { if (types == null || types.length == 0) { return smartName(smartName); } if (types.length == 1 && types[0].equals("_all")) { return smartName(smartName); } for (String type : types) { DocumentMapper documentMapper = mappers.get(type); // we found a mapper if (documentMapper != null) { // see if we find a field for it FieldMappers mappers = documentMapper.mappers().smartName(smartName); if (mappers != null) { return new SmartNameFieldMappers(this, mappers, documentMapper, false); } } } // did not find explicit field in the type provided, see if its prefixed with type int dotIndex = smartName.indexOf('.'); if (dotIndex != -1) { String possibleType = smartName.substring(0, dotIndex); DocumentMapper possibleDocMapper = mappers.get(possibleType); if (possibleDocMapper != null) { String possibleName = smartName.substring(dotIndex + 1); FieldMappers mappers = possibleDocMapper.mappers().smartName(possibleName); if (mappers != null) { return new SmartNameFieldMappers(this, mappers, possibleDocMapper, true); } } } // we did not find the field mapping in any of the types, so don't go and try to find // it in other types... return null; }
/** * 注册配置 * * @param configuration Rest服务基础配置 */ public static void register(RestServiceConfiguration configuration) { CONFIG_FOR_NAME.put(configuration.getConfigurationName(), configuration); CONFIG_FOR_SERVICE_NAME.put(configuration.getCgiServiceName(), configuration); CONFIG_FOR_ENV.put(configuration.getEnvironment(), configuration); DEFAULT_CONFIG = configuration; }
/** * Store given Table instance to the schema * * @param table The Table instance to store * @throws IllegalArgumentException if Table is already stored */ public void storeTableInstance(Table table) { if (tableInstances.containsKey(table.name)) throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Table %s was already initialized.", table.name)); tableInstances.put(table.name, table); }
public SmartNameObjectMapper smartNameObjectMapper(String smartName, @Nullable String[] types) { if (types == null || types.length == 0) { return smartNameObjectMapper(smartName); } if (types.length == 1 && types[0].equals("_all")) { return smartNameObjectMapper(smartName); } for (String type : types) { DocumentMapper possibleDocMapper = mappers.get(type); if (possibleDocMapper != null) { ObjectMapper mapper = possibleDocMapper.objectMappers().get(smartName); if (mapper != null) { return new SmartNameObjectMapper(mapper, possibleDocMapper); } } } // did not find one, see if its prefixed by type int dotIndex = smartName.indexOf('.'); if (dotIndex != -1) { String possibleType = smartName.substring(0, dotIndex); DocumentMapper possibleDocMapper = mappers.get(possibleType); if (possibleDocMapper != null) { String possiblePath = smartName.substring(dotIndex + 1); ObjectMapper mapper = possibleDocMapper.objectMappers().get(possiblePath); if (mapper != null) { return new SmartNameObjectMapper(mapper, possibleDocMapper); } } } // did not explicitly find one under the types provided, or prefixed by type... return null; }
private ImmutableList<ColumnIdent> getPrimaryKey() { Map<String, Object> metaMap = getNested(defaultMappingMap, "_meta"); if (metaMap != null) { ImmutableList.Builder<ColumnIdent> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); Object pKeys = metaMap.get("primary_keys"); if (pKeys != null) { if (pKeys instanceof String) { builder.add(ColumnIdent.fromPath((String) pKeys)); return builder.build(); } else if (pKeys instanceof Collection) { Collection keys = (Collection) pKeys; if (!keys.isEmpty()) { for (Object pkey : keys) { builder.add(ColumnIdent.fromPath(pkey.toString())); } return builder.build(); } } } } if (getCustomRoutingCol() == null && partitionedByList.isEmpty()) { hasAutoGeneratedPrimaryKey = true; return ImmutableList.of(ID_IDENT); } return ImmutableList.of(); }
/** * get the real column properties from a possible array mapping, keeping most of this stuff inside * "inner" */ private Map<String, Object> furtherColumnProperties(Map<String, Object> columnProperties) { if (columnProperties.get("inner") != null) { return (Map<String, Object>) columnProperties.get("inner"); } else { return columnProperties; } }
@NonNull public IAndroidTarget[] getMissingTargets() { synchronized (mLocalPackages) { if (mCachedMissingTargets == null) { Map<MissingTarget, MissingTarget> result = Maps.newHashMap(); Set<ISystemImage> seen = Sets.newHashSet(); for (IAndroidTarget target : getTargets()) { Collections.addAll(seen, target.getSystemImages()); } for (LocalPkgInfo local : getPkgsInfos(PkgType.PKG_ADDON_SYS_IMAGE)) { LocalAddonSysImgPkgInfo info = (LocalAddonSysImgPkgInfo) local; ISystemImage image = info.getSystemImage(); if (!seen.contains(image)) { addOrphanedSystemImage(image, info.getDesc(), result); } } for (LocalPkgInfo local : getPkgsInfos(PkgType.PKG_SYS_IMAGE)) { LocalSysImgPkgInfo info = (LocalSysImgPkgInfo) local; ISystemImage image = info.getSystemImage(); if (!seen.contains(image)) { addOrphanedSystemImage(image, info.getDesc(), result); } } mCachedMissingTargets = result.keySet(); } return mCachedMissingTargets.toArray(new IAndroidTarget[mCachedMissingTargets.size()]); } }
private List<String> getCurrentServerIds(boolean nag, boolean lagged) { try (Jedis jedis = pool.getResource()) { long time = getRedisTime(jedis.time()); int nagTime = 0; if (nag) { nagTime = nagAboutServers.decrementAndGet(); if (nagTime <= 0) { nagAboutServers.set(10); } } ImmutableList.Builder<String> servers = ImmutableList.builder(); Map<String, String> heartbeats = jedis.hgetAll("heartbeats"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : heartbeats.entrySet()) { try { long stamp = Long.parseLong(entry.getValue()); if (lagged ? time >= stamp + 30 : time <= stamp + 30) servers.add(entry.getKey()); else if (nag && nagTime <= 0) { getLogger() .severe( entry.getKey() + " is " + (time - stamp) + " seconds behind! (Time not synchronized or server down?)"); } } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { } } return servers.build(); } catch (JedisConnectionException e) { getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to fetch server IDs", e); return Collections.singletonList(configuration.getServerId()); } }
private MapMessage newMapMessage(Map<String, Object> body) throws JMSException { MapMessage message = new MapMessageImpl(); for (String key : body.keySet()) { Object value = body.get(key); message.setObject(key, value); } return message; }
private IndexReferenceInfo.Builder getOrCreateIndexBuilder(ColumnIdent ident) { IndexReferenceInfo.Builder builder = indicesBuilder.get(ident); if (builder == null) { builder = new IndexReferenceInfo.Builder(); indicesBuilder.put(ident, builder); } return builder; }
private int repeatInternal( @NotNull PseudocodeImpl originalPseudocode, @Nullable Label startLabel, @Nullable Label finishLabel, int labelCount) { Integer startIndex = startLabel != null ? ((PseudocodeLabel) startLabel).getTargetInstructionIndex() : Integer.valueOf(0); assert startIndex != null; Integer finishIndex = finishLabel != null ? ((PseudocodeLabel) finishLabel).getTargetInstructionIndex() : Integer.valueOf(originalPseudocode.mutableInstructionList.size()); assert finishIndex != null; Map<Label, Label> originalToCopy = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); Multimap<Instruction, Label> originalLabelsForInstruction = HashMultimap.create(); for (PseudocodeLabel label : originalPseudocode.labels) { Integer index = label.getTargetInstructionIndex(); if (index == null) continue; // label is not bounded yet if (label == startLabel || label == finishLabel) continue; if (startIndex <= index && index <= finishIndex) { originalToCopy.put(label, label.copy(labelCount++)); originalLabelsForInstruction.put(getJumpTarget(label), label); } } for (Label label : originalToCopy.values()) { labels.add((PseudocodeLabel) label); } for (int index = startIndex; index < finishIndex; index++) { Instruction originalInstruction = originalPseudocode.mutableInstructionList.get(index); repeatLabelsBindingForInstruction( originalInstruction, originalToCopy, originalLabelsForInstruction); Instruction copy = copyInstruction(originalInstruction, originalToCopy); addInstruction(copy); if (originalInstruction == originalPseudocode.errorInstruction && copy instanceof SubroutineExitInstruction) { errorInstruction = (SubroutineExitInstruction) copy; } if (originalInstruction == originalPseudocode.exitInstruction && copy instanceof SubroutineExitInstruction) { exitInstruction = (SubroutineExitInstruction) copy; } if (originalInstruction == originalPseudocode.sinkInstruction && copy instanceof SubroutineSinkInstruction) { sinkInstruction = (SubroutineSinkInstruction) copy; } } if (finishIndex < mutableInstructionList.size()) { repeatLabelsBindingForInstruction( originalPseudocode.mutableInstructionList.get(finishIndex), originalToCopy, originalLabelsForInstruction); } return labelCount; }
private Map<String, Tag> findLastParent(final String[] parts) { Map<String, Tag> map = NBTStorage.this.root; for (int i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; ++i) { if (!map.containsKey(parts[i]) || !(map.get(parts[i]) instanceof CompoundTag)) { return null; } map = map.get(parts[i]).getValue(); } return map; }
public String urlTransform(String baseurl, Map<String, String> param) { String url = baseurl; for (String key : param.keySet()) { url = url + "&" + key + "=" + param.get(key); } System.out.println(url); return url; }
@Override public void removeKey(final String key) { final String[] parts = (String[]) Iterables.toArray( Splitter.on('.').split((CharSequence) this.createRelativeKey(key)), (Class) String.class); final Map<String, Tag> parent = this.findLastParent(parts); parent.remove(parts[parts.length - 1]); }
private static Map<ClassDescriptor, JetType> getSuperclassToSupertypeMap( ClassDescriptor containingClass) { Map<ClassDescriptor, JetType> superclassToSupertype = Maps.newHashMap(); for (JetType supertype : TypeUtils.getAllSupertypes(containingClass.getDefaultType())) { ClassifierDescriptor superclass = supertype.getConstructor().getDeclarationDescriptor(); assert superclass instanceof ClassDescriptor; superclassToSupertype.put((ClassDescriptor) superclass, supertype); } return superclassToSupertype; }
/** @return a copy of the endpoint-to-id map for read-only operations */ public Map<InetAddress, UUID> getEndpointToHostIdMapForReading() { lock.readLock().lock(); try { Map<InetAddress, UUID> readMap = new HashMap<InetAddress, UUID>(); readMap.putAll(endpointToHostIdMap); return readMap; } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } }
@NotNull private ClassifierDescriptor modifyTypeClassifier( @NotNull JetType autoType, @NotNull List<TypeAndVariance> typesFromSuper) { ClassifierDescriptor classifier = autoType.getConstructor().getDeclarationDescriptor(); if (!(classifier instanceof ClassDescriptor)) { assert classifier != null : "no declaration descriptor for type " + autoType; if (classifier instanceof TypeParameterDescriptor && autoTypeParameterToModified.containsKey(classifier)) { return autoTypeParameterToModified.get(classifier); } return classifier; } ClassDescriptor klass = (ClassDescriptor) classifier; CollectionClassMapping collectionMapping = CollectionClassMapping.getInstance(); boolean someSupersMutable = false; boolean someSupersCovariantReadOnly = false; boolean someSupersNotCovariantReadOnly = false; for (TypeAndVariance typeFromSuper : typesFromSuper) { ClassifierDescriptor classifierFromSuper = typeFromSuper.type.getConstructor().getDeclarationDescriptor(); if (classifierFromSuper instanceof ClassDescriptor) { ClassDescriptor classFromSuper = (ClassDescriptor) classifierFromSuper; if (collectionMapping.isMutableCollection(classFromSuper)) { someSupersMutable = true; } else if (collectionMapping.isReadOnlyCollection(classFromSuper)) { if (typeFromSuper.varianceOfPosition == Variance.OUT_VARIANCE) { someSupersCovariantReadOnly = true; } else { someSupersNotCovariantReadOnly = true; } } } } if (someSupersMutable && someSupersNotCovariantReadOnly) { reportError("Incompatible types in superclasses: " + typesFromSuper); return classifier; } else if (someSupersMutable) { if (collectionMapping.isReadOnlyCollection(klass)) { return collectionMapping.convertReadOnlyToMutable(klass); } } else if (someSupersNotCovariantReadOnly || someSupersCovariantReadOnly) { if (collectionMapping.isMutableCollection(klass)) { return collectionMapping.convertMutableToReadOnly(klass); } } ClassifierDescriptor fixed = PropagationHeuristics.tryToFixOverridingTWithRawType(this, typesFromSuper); return fixed != null ? fixed : classifier; }
public static Map<String, String> validateOptions(Map<String, String> options) throws ConfigurationException { Map<String, String> uncheckedOptions = AbstractCompactionStrategy.validateOptions(options); uncheckedOptions = DateTieredCompactionStrategyOptions.validateOptions(options, uncheckedOptions); uncheckedOptions.remove(CFPropDefs.KW_MINCOMPACTIONTHRESHOLD); uncheckedOptions.remove(CFPropDefs.KW_MAXCOMPACTIONTHRESHOLD); return uncheckedOptions; }
public List<Vertex> getProductAssociations(Vertex v) { Map<Vertex, Edge> adjacent = Maps.newHashMap(graph.row(v)); adjacent.putAll(graph.column(v)); return adjacent .entrySet() .stream() .sorted((e1, e2) -> e2.getValue().weight - e1.getValue().weight) .map(Map.Entry::getKey) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }
private ColumnIdent getCustomRoutingCol() { if (defaultMappingMetaData != null) { Map<String, Object> metaMap = getNested(defaultMappingMap, "_meta"); if (metaMap != null) { String routingPath = (String) metaMap.get("routing"); if (routingPath != null && !routingPath.equals(ID)) { return ColumnIdent.fromPath(routingPath); } } } return null; }
/** * @return a (stable copy, won't be modified) Token to Endpoint map for all the normal and * bootstrapping nodes in the cluster. */ public Map<Token, InetAddress> getNormalAndBootstrappingTokenToEndpointMap() { lock.readLock().lock(); try { Map<Token, InetAddress> map = new HashMap<Token, InetAddress>(tokenToEndpointMap.size() + bootstrapTokens.size()); map.putAll(tokenToEndpointMap); map.putAll(bootstrapTokens); return map; } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } }
/** * If no experiments were specified, inject into statisticsQuery a superset of all experiments for * which stats exist across all attributes * * @param statisticsQuery * @param statisticsStorage */ private static void setQueryExperiments( StatisticsQueryCondition statisticsQuery, StatisticsStorage statisticsStorage) { Set<ExperimentInfo> exps = statisticsQuery.getExperiments(); if (exps .isEmpty()) { // No experiments conditions were specified - assemble a superset of all // experiments for which stats exist across all attributes for (EfAttribute attr : statisticsQuery.getAttributes()) { Map<ExperimentInfo, ConciseSet> expsToStats = getStatisticsForAttribute(statisticsQuery.getStatisticsType(), attr, statisticsStorage); if (expsToStats != null) exps.addAll(expsToStats.keySet()); } statisticsQuery.inExperiments(exps); } }
// purchase product and return relevant product recommendations public List<Product> purchase(Customer customer, Product product) { purchasesCache.put(customer.id, product.id); ProductAssociativityGraph graph = productAssociativityGraphMap.get(product.category); Vertex v = Vertex.create(product.id); List<Vertex> associations = graph.getProductAssociations(v); int recommendSize = Math.min(associations.size(), maxNumRecommendations); return associations .stream() .map(vertex -> productCache.get(vertex.productId)) .limit(recommendSize) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }
private static void addOrphanedSystemImage( ISystemImage image, IPkgDesc desc, Map<MissingTarget, MissingTarget> targets) { IdDisplay vendor = desc.getVendor(); MissingTarget target = new MissingTarget( vendor == null ? null : vendor.getDisplay(), desc.getTag().getDisplay(), desc.getAndroidVersion()); MissingTarget existing = targets.get(target); if (existing == null) { existing = target; targets.put(target, target); } existing.addSystemImage(image); }
private static Instruction copyInstruction( @NotNull Instruction instruction, @NotNull Map<Label, Label> originalToCopy) { if (instruction instanceof AbstractJumpInstruction) { Label originalTarget = ((AbstractJumpInstruction) instruction).getTargetLabel(); if (originalToCopy.containsKey(originalTarget)) { return ((AbstractJumpInstruction) instruction).copy(originalToCopy.get(originalTarget)); } } if (instruction instanceof NondeterministicJumpInstruction) { List<Label> originalTargets = ((NondeterministicJumpInstruction) instruction).getTargetLabels(); List<Label> copyTargets = copyLabels(originalTargets, originalToCopy); return ((NondeterministicJumpInstruction) instruction).copy(copyTargets); } return ((InstructionImpl) instruction).copy(); }
// never expose this to the outside world, we need to reparse the doc mapper so we get fresh // instances of field mappers to properly remove existing doc mapper private DocumentMapper merge(DocumentMapper mapper) { synchronized (typeMutex) { if (mapper.type().length() == 0) { throw new InvalidTypeNameException("mapping type name is empty"); } if (mapper.type().charAt(0) == '_' && !PercolatorService.TYPE_NAME.equals(mapper.type())) { throw new InvalidTypeNameException( "mapping type name [" + mapper.type() + "] can't start with '_'"); } if (mapper.type().contains("#")) { throw new InvalidTypeNameException( "mapping type name [" + mapper.type() + "] should not include '#' in it"); } if (mapper.type().contains(",")) { throw new InvalidTypeNameException( "mapping type name [" + mapper.type() + "] should not include ',' in it"); } if (mapper.type().contains(".")) { logger.warn( "Type [{}] contains a '.', it is recommended not to include it within a type name", mapper.type()); } // we can add new field/object mappers while the old ones are there // since we get new instances of those, and when we remove, we remove // by instance equality DocumentMapper oldMapper = mappers.get(mapper.type()); if (oldMapper != null) { DocumentMapper.MergeResult result = oldMapper.merge(mapper, mergeFlags().simulate(false)); if (result.hasConflicts()) { // TODO: What should we do??? if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "merging mapping for type [{}] resulted in conflicts: [{}]", mapper.type(), Arrays.toString(result.conflicts())); } } return oldMapper; } else { FieldMapperListener.Aggregator fieldMappersAgg = new FieldMapperListener.Aggregator(); mapper.traverse(fieldMappersAgg); addFieldMappers( fieldMappersAgg.mappers.toArray(new FieldMapper[fieldMappersAgg.mappers.size()])); mapper.addFieldMapperListener(fieldMapperListener, false); ObjectMapperListener.Aggregator objectMappersAgg = new ObjectMapperListener.Aggregator(); mapper.traverse(objectMappersAgg); addObjectMappers( objectMappersAgg.mappers.toArray(new ObjectMapper[objectMappersAgg.mappers.size()])); mapper.addObjectMapperListener(objectMapperListener, false); mappers = newMapBuilder(mappers).put(mapper.type(), mapper).map(); for (DocumentTypeListener typeListener : typeListeners) { typeListener.created(mapper.type()); } return mapper; } } }
/** * Returns smart field mappers based on a smart name. A smart name is one that can optioannly be * prefixed with a type (and then a '.'). If it is, then the {@link * MapperService.SmartNameFieldMappers} will have the doc mapper set. * * <p> * * <p>It also (without the optional type prefix) try and find the {@link FieldMappers} for the * specific name. It will first try to find it based on the full name (with the dots if its a * compound name). If it is not found, will try and find it based on the indexName (which can be * controlled in the mapping), and last, will try it based no the name itself. * * <p> * * <p>If nothing is found, returns null. */ public SmartNameFieldMappers smartName(String smartName) { int dotIndex = smartName.indexOf('.'); if (dotIndex != -1) { String possibleType = smartName.substring(0, dotIndex); DocumentMapper possibleDocMapper = mappers.get(possibleType); if (possibleDocMapper != null) { String possibleName = smartName.substring(dotIndex + 1); FieldMappers mappers = possibleDocMapper.mappers().smartName(possibleName); if (mappers != null) { return new SmartNameFieldMappers(this, mappers, possibleDocMapper, true); } } } FieldMappers fieldMappers = fullName(smartName); if (fieldMappers != null) { return new SmartNameFieldMappers(this, fieldMappers, null, false); } fieldMappers = indexName(smartName); if (fieldMappers != null) { return new SmartNameFieldMappers(this, fieldMappers, null, false); } fieldMappers = name(smartName); if (fieldMappers != null) { return new SmartNameFieldMappers(this, fieldMappers, null, false); } return null; }
private boolean isInDistanceInternal( int distance, NetworkNode from, NetworkNode to, TwoNetworkNodes cachePairKey) { if (from.equals(to)) return true; if (distance == 0) return false; if (SimpleNetwork.areNodesConnecting(from, to)) return true; // Breadth-first search of the network Set<NetworkNode> visitedNodes = Sets.newHashSet(); visitedNodes.add(from); Set<NetworkNode> networkingNodesToTest = Sets.newHashSet(); listConnectedNotVisitedNetworkingNodes(visitedNodes, from, networkingNodesToTest); int distanceSearched = 1; while (distanceSearched < distance) { distanceSearched++; for (NetworkNode nodeToTest : networkingNodesToTest) { if (SimpleNetwork.areNodesConnecting(nodeToTest, to)) { distanceCache.put(cachePairKey, distanceSearched); return true; } visitedNodes.add(nodeToTest); } Set<NetworkNode> nextNetworkingNodesToTest = Sets.newHashSet(); for (NetworkNode nodeToTest : networkingNodesToTest) listConnectedNotVisitedNetworkingNodes(visitedNodes, nodeToTest, nextNetworkingNodesToTest); networkingNodesToTest = nextNetworkingNodesToTest; } return false; }
public void removeRelation(InternalRelation relation) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!relation.isRemoved()); relation = relation.it(); // Delete from Vertex for (int i = 0; i < relation.getLen(); i++) { relation.getVertex(i).removeRelation(relation); } // Update transaction data structures if (relation.isNew()) { addedRelations.remove(relation); if (isVertexIndexProperty(relation)) newVertexIndexEntries.remove((TitanProperty) relation); } else { Preconditions.checkArgument(relation.isLoaded()); if (deletedRelations == EMPTY_DELETED_RELATIONS) { if (config.isSingleThreaded()) { deletedRelations = new HashMap<Long, InternalRelation>(); } else { synchronized (this) { if (deletedRelations == EMPTY_DELETED_RELATIONS) deletedRelations = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, InternalRelation>(); } } } deletedRelations.put(Long.valueOf(relation.getID()), relation); } }