/** * Makes an asynchronous call. * * @param method the method on the API to call * @param request the request to forward to the API * @param responseBuilder the response builder used to fill the response * @param deadline the deadline of the call. if it is null, the default api deadline will be used */ private <T extends GeneratedMessage.Builder<T>> Future<T> makeAsyncCall( String method, GeneratedMessage request, final T responseBuilder, Double deadline) { Future<byte[]> response; if (deadline == null) { response = ApiProxy.makeAsyncCall(PACKAGE, method, request.toByteArray()); } else { ApiProxy.ApiConfig apiConfig = new ApiProxy.ApiConfig(); apiConfig.setDeadlineInSeconds(deadline); response = ApiProxy.makeAsyncCall(PACKAGE, method, request.toByteArray(), apiConfig); } return new FutureWrapper<byte[], T>(response) { @Override protected T wrap(byte[] responseBytes) { if (responseBytes != null) { try { responseBuilder.mergeFrom(responseBytes); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw new SearchServiceException(e.toString()); } } return responseBuilder; } @Override protected Throwable convertException(Throwable cause) { return cause; } }; }
public String getEmail() { // The test below just makes sure we didn't miss the lines in web.xml that // ensure the user has to be logged in. If this exception is thrown, web.xml // needs fixing. if (!ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment().isLoggedIn()) { throw new IllegalStateException("not logged in"); } // In the same way, ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment().isAdmin() could be used to // determine whether the currently logged in user is known to AppEngine as an // administrator of this application. I can't think of any reason to demonstrate // thatin the Land of Gack. return ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment().getEmail(); }
@Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException { final long firstCall = ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment().getRemainingMillis(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted while sleeping."); } final long secondCall = ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment().getRemainingMillis(); if (secondCall >= firstCall) { throw new RuntimeException( "Time is not moving (or moving backwards): initial call = '" + firstCall + "', subsequent call = '" + secondCall + "'."); } res.setContentType("text/plain"); res.getWriter() .println("You are the bread and the knife, " + "the crystal goblet and the wine."); // Unfortunately, if we're using this servlet to test the DevAppServer we can't continue // because it does not ever time out requests. if (SystemProperty.environment.value() == SystemProperty.Environment.Value.Development) { return; } try { Thread.sleep(600000); // Sleep 10 minutes, this should guarantee an exception is thrown. throw new RuntimeException( "Expected the DeadlineExceededException to be thrown after" + "sleeping for 10mins"); } catch (DeadlineExceededException e) { // There is an inherent race condition here that exists in the java runtime in general. // The problem that users run into here, is that they end up having to write code that // is gauranteed to complete in a specific amount of wall clock time. In production, // this time is represented by a sleep that occurs in deadline_manager.cc and has little // to do with the java runtime itself. Therefore, this segment of the test is always going // to be potentially flaky, we just try to do as much work before we get into this // exception handler as possible so that we don't run over our allocated cleanup time. if (ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment().getRemainingMillis() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException( "getRemainingMillis returned a result indicating there was time " + "remaining after DeadlineExceededException was thrown"); } return; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("The serving thread was interrupted before the deadline"); } }
@Test(expected = CallNotFoundException.class) public void testCallRunCompiledQueryRequest() { com.google.apphosting.api.DatastorePb.Query query = new com.google.apphosting.api.DatastorePb.Query(); query.setApp(ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment().getAppId()); query.setKind("Foo"); RunCompiledQueryRequest request = new RunCompiledQueryRequest(); request.setApp(ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment().getAppId()); request.setOriginalQuery(query); QueryResult response = DatastoreOperations.RUN_COMPILES_QUERY.call(request); assertThat(response, is(not(nullValue()))); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); ApiProxy.setEnvironmentForCurrentThread(new TestEnvironment()); // ApiProxyLocalImpl apiProxyLocalImpl = new ApiProxyLocalImpl(new File(".")){}; // ApiProxy.setDelegate(apiProxyLocalImpl); /* ApiProxy.setEnvironmentForCurrentThread(new TestEnvironment()); ApiProxyLocalFactory factory = new ApiProxyLocalFactory(); LocalServerEnvironment localServerEnvironment = new LocalServerEnvironment() { @Override public void waitForServerToStart() throws InterruptedException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public int getPort() { return 8080; } @Override public File getAppDir() { return new File("."); } @Override public String getAddress() { return ""; } }; ApiProxy.setDelegate(factory.create(localServerEnvironment));*/ }
@Override public GetAccessTokenResult getAccessTokenUncached(Iterable<String> scopes) { GetAccessTokenRequest.Builder requestBuilder = GetAccessTokenRequest.newBuilder(); for (String scope : scopes) { requestBuilder.addScope(scope); } if (requestBuilder.getScopeCount() == 0) { throw new AppIdentityServiceFailureException("No scopes specified."); } GetAccessTokenResponse.Builder responseBuilder = GetAccessTokenResponse.newBuilder(); try { responseBuilder.mergeFrom( ApiProxy.makeSyncCall( getAccessTokenPackageName(), GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_METHOD_NAME, requestBuilder.build().toByteArray())); } catch (ApiProxy.ApplicationException e) { handleApplicationError(e); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw new AppIdentityServiceFailureException(e.getMessage()); } GetAccessTokenResponse response = responseBuilder.build(); return new GetAccessTokenResult( response.getAccessToken(), new Date(response.getExpirationTime() * 1000)); }
@Override public TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse call(TaskQueueQueryTasksRequest request) { TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse response = new TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse(); response.mergeFrom( ApiProxy.makeSyncCall( taskqueue.packageName, taskqueue.methodName.QueryTasks, request.toByteArray())); return response; }
@Test(expected = ExecutionException.class) public void testCallAsyncRunCompiledQueryRequestApiConfig() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { com.google.apphosting.api.DatastorePb.Query query = new com.google.apphosting.api.DatastorePb.Query(); query.setApp(ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment().getAppId()); query.setKind("Foo"); RunCompiledQueryRequest request = new RunCompiledQueryRequest(); request.setApp(ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment().getAppId()); request.setOriginalQuery(query); Future<QueryResult> response = DatastoreOperations.RUN_COMPILES_QUERY.callAsync(request, new ApiConfig()); assertThat(response, is(not(nullValue()))); assertThat(response.get(), is(not(nullValue()))); }
static { if (ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment() != null) { Logger.forceJuli = true; Logger.setUp("DEBUG"); Logger.info("Play! is running in Google App Engine"); Play.readOnlyTmp = true; Play.usePrecompiled = true; } else { Logger.redirectJuli = true; } }
@Override public Future<TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse> callAsync( TaskQueueQueryTasksRequest request, ApiConfig apiConfig) { TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse response = new TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse(); return new ProtocolMessageFuture<TaskQueueQueryTasksResponse>( ApiProxy.makeAsyncCall( taskqueue.packageName, taskqueue.methodName.QueryTasks, request.toByteArray(), apiConfig), response); }
/** setup with spedified user */ @Override protected void before() throws Throwable { if (AppEngineUtil.isProduction()) { // not loaded TestEnvironment on production return; } TestEnvironment environment = (TestEnvironment) ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment(); if (environment == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Not initialized TestEnvironment. please use RuleChain"); } environment.setEmail(email); environment.setAdmin(admin); if (authDomain != null) { environment.setAuthDomain(authDomain); } }
@Test public void testParseFullAppId() { // [(partition)~][(domain):](display-app-id) ApiProxy.Environment env = ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment(); String hostname = (String) env.getAttributes().get("com.google.appengine.runtime.default_version_hostname"); AppIdentityService.ParsedAppId parsed = appIdentity.parseFullAppId(hostname); String message = createParsed(parsed); Assert.assertEquals( message, property("testParseFullAppId_partition").getPropertyValue(), parsed.getPartition()); Assert.assertEquals( message, getExpectedAppHostname("testParseFullAppId_domain"), parsed.getDomain()); Assert.assertEquals(message, getExpectedAppId("testParseFullAppId_id"), parsed.getId()); }
@Override public SigningResult signForApp(byte[] signBlob) { SignForAppRequest.Builder requestBuilder = SignForAppRequest.newBuilder(); requestBuilder.setBytesToSign(ByteString.copyFrom(signBlob)); SignForAppResponse.Builder responseBuilder = SignForAppResponse.newBuilder(); try { responseBuilder.mergeFrom( ApiProxy.makeSyncCall( PACKAGE_NAME, SIGN_FOR_APP_METHOD_NAME, requestBuilder.build().toByteArray())); } catch (ApiProxy.ApplicationException e) { handleApplicationError(e); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw new AppIdentityServiceFailureException(e.getMessage()); } SignForAppResponse response = responseBuilder.build(); return new SigningResult(response.getKeyName(), response.getSignatureBytes().toByteArray()); }
public static CapedwarfEnvironment setThreadLocalInstance( final CapedwarfEnvironment environment) { SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm == null) { CapedwarfEnvironment previous = getThreadLocalInstanceInternal(); ApiProxy.setEnvironmentForCurrentThread(environment); return previous; } else { return AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<CapedwarfEnvironment>() { public CapedwarfEnvironment run() { CapedwarfEnvironment previous = getThreadLocalInstanceInternal(); ApiProxy.setEnvironmentForCurrentThread(environment); return previous; } }); } }
@Override public String getServiceAccountName() { GetServiceAccountNameRequest.Builder requestBuilder = GetServiceAccountNameRequest.newBuilder(); GetServiceAccountNameResponse.Builder responseBuilder = GetServiceAccountNameResponse.newBuilder(); try { responseBuilder.mergeFrom( ApiProxy.makeSyncCall( getAccessTokenPackageName(), GET_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME_METHOD_NAME, requestBuilder.build().toByteArray())); } catch (ApiProxy.ApplicationException e) { handleApplicationError(e); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw new AppIdentityServiceFailureException(e.getMessage()); } GetServiceAccountNameResponse response = responseBuilder.build(); return response.getServiceAccountName(); }
/* * Retrieve the default Google Cloud Storage bucket name. */ @Test public void testGetDefaultGcsBucketName() { ApiProxy.Environment env = ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment(); String expectedBucketName; Property property = property("testGetDefaultGcsBucketName"); if (property.exists()) { expectedBucketName = property.getPropertyValue(); } else { expectedBucketName = (String) env.getAttributes().get("com.google.appengine.runtime.default_version_hostname"); } try { String bucketName = appIdentity.getDefaultGcsBucketName(); Assert.assertEquals(expectedBucketName, bucketName); } catch (AppIdentityServiceFailureException aisfe) { // TODO: This means that there is no default bucket setup for this project. Have a better way // to verify this. } }
@Override public List<PublicCertificate> getPublicCertificatesForApp() { GetPublicCertificateForAppRequest.Builder requestBuilder = GetPublicCertificateForAppRequest.newBuilder(); GetPublicCertificateForAppResponse.Builder responseBuilder = GetPublicCertificateForAppResponse.newBuilder(); try { responseBuilder.mergeFrom( ApiProxy.makeSyncCall( PACKAGE_NAME, GET_CERTS_METHOD_NAME, requestBuilder.build().toByteArray())); } catch (ApiProxy.ApplicationException e) { handleApplicationError(e); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw new AppIdentityServiceFailureException(e.getMessage()); } GetPublicCertificateForAppResponse response = responseBuilder.build(); List<PublicCertificate> certs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (AppIdentityServicePb.PublicCertificate cert : response.getPublicCertificateListList()) { certs.add(new PublicCertificate(cert.getKeyName(), cert.getX509CertificatePem())); } return certs; }
public static CapedwarfEnvironment createThreadLocalInstance() { CapedwarfEnvironment environment = new CapedwarfEnvironment(); ApiProxy.setEnvironmentForCurrentThread(environment); return environment; }
/** * This one doesn't make any check if env is null. * * @return env or null if not set */ public static CapedwarfEnvironment getThreadLocalInstanceInternal() { return (CapedwarfEnvironment) ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment(); }
public static void clearThreadLocalInstance() { ApiProxy.clearEnvironmentForCurrentThread(); }
protected void setDelegateForThread(ApiProxy.Delegate delegate) { ApiProxy.setDelegate(delegate); // CloudCoverLocalServiceTestHelper.setDelegate(delegate); }
public JSONArray employeeBalanceLeave(Object employeeid, Object requestdate) { String applicationVersionId = ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment() .getVersionId() .substring(0, ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment().getVersionId().indexOf(".")); if (applicationVersionId.equalsIgnoreCase("testviews")) { JSONArray balanceLeaveArray = com.applane.resourceoriented.hris.BalanceLeaves.employeeBalanceLeave( employeeid, requestdate); return balanceLeaveArray; } else { try { // GET EMPLOYEEID FROM KEY Object employeeId; if ((employeeid instanceof JSONObject)) { employeeId = ((JSONObject) employeeid).get(Data.Query.KEY); } else { employeeId = employeeid; } // get designationid from hris_employees where employeeId is above JSONObject query = new JSONObject(); query.put(Data.Query.RESOURCE, "hris_employees"); JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); array.put("designationid"); query.put(Data.Query.COLUMNS, array); query.put(Data.Query.FILTERS, "__key__= " + employeeId); JSONObject designationObject; designationObject = ResourceEngine.query(query); JSONArray designationArray = designationObject.getJSONArray("hris_employees"); int designationArrayCount = designationArray == null ? 0 : designationArray.length(); if (designationArrayCount > 0) { Object designationId = designationArray.getJSONObject(0).opt("designationid"); if (designationId != null) { // GET leavepolicyid from hris_leavepolicy__designationid where designationid is above JSONObject leavePolicyQuery = new JSONObject(); leavePolicyQuery.put(Data.Query.RESOURCE, "hris_designations__leavepolicyid"); JSONArray policyArray = new JSONArray(); policyArray.put("leavepolicyid"); policyArray.put("leavepolicyid.fromdate"); policyArray.put("leavepolicyid.todate"); leavePolicyQuery.put(Data.Query.COLUMNS, policyArray); leavePolicyQuery.put(Data.Query.FILTERS, "hris_designations= " + designationId); JSONObject leavePolicyObject; leavePolicyObject = ResourceEngine.query(leavePolicyQuery); JSONArray leavePolicyArray = leavePolicyObject.getJSONArray("hris_designations__leavepolicyid"); int leavePolicyArrayCount = leavePolicyArray == null ? 0 : leavePolicyArray.length(); if (leavePolicyArrayCount > 0) { Object leavePolicyId = leavePolicyArray.getJSONObject(0).opt("leavepolicyid"); Object leavePolicyFromDateObject = leavePolicyArray.getJSONObject(0).opt("leavepolicyid.fromdate"); Object leavePolicyToDateObject = leavePolicyArray.getJSONObject(0).opt("leavepolicyid.todate"); SimpleDateFormat queryDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat updateDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date leavePolicyFromDate = null; Date leavePolicyToDate = null; Date requestDate = null; if (leavePolicyFromDateObject != null && leavePolicyToDateObject != null && requestdate != null) { // parse leave policy from date try { leavePolicyFromDate = queryDateFormat.parse("" + leavePolicyFromDateObject); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); try { leavePolicyFromDate = updateDateFormat.parse("" + leavePolicyFromDateObject); } catch (ParseException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException( "LEAVE POLICY from date is not parsable" + e.getMessage()); } } // parse leave policy to date try { leavePolicyToDate = queryDateFormat.parse("" + leavePolicyToDateObject); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); try { leavePolicyToDate = updateDateFormat.parse("" + leavePolicyToDateObject); } catch (ParseException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException( "LEAVE POLICY to date is not parsable" + e.getMessage()); } } // parse request date try { requestDate = queryDateFormat.parse("" + requestdate); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); try { requestDate = updateDateFormat.parse("" + requestdate); } catch (ParseException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("REQUEST date is not parsable" + e.getMessage()); } } } else { LogUtility.writeLog("one or more than one dates are null"); } if (leavePolicyFromDate.before(requestDate) && requestDate.before(leavePolicyToDate)) { // GET leaveruleid, leavetypeid, and noofleaves from hris_leaverules where // leavepolicyid is above JSONObject leaveRuleQuery = new JSONObject(); leaveRuleQuery.put(Data.Query.RESOURCE, "hris_leaverule"); JSONArray ruleArray = new JSONArray(); ruleArray.put("__key__"); ruleArray.put("leavetypeid"); ruleArray.put("leavetypeid.name"); ruleArray.put("noofleaves"); ruleArray.put("maxallowed"); leaveRuleQuery.put(Data.Query.COLUMNS, ruleArray); leaveRuleQuery.put(Data.Query.FILTERS, "leavepolicyid= " + leavePolicyId); JSONObject leaveRuleObject; leaveRuleObject = ResourceEngine.query(leaveRuleQuery); JSONArray leaveRuleArray = leaveRuleObject.getJSONArray("hris_leaverule"); int leaveCount = (leaveRuleArray == null || leaveRuleArray.length() == 0) ? 0 : leaveRuleArray.length(); JSONArray categoryTypeArray = new JSONArray(); if (leaveCount > 0) { for (int leaveCounter = 0; leaveCounter < leaveCount; leaveCounter++) { Object key = leaveRuleArray.getJSONObject(leaveCounter).opt("__key__"); Object leaveTypeId = leaveRuleArray.getJSONObject(leaveCounter).opt("leavetypeid"); Object leaveType = leaveRuleArray.getJSONObject(leaveCounter).opt("leavetypeid.name"); Double noofLeaves = leaveRuleArray.getJSONObject(leaveCounter).getDouble("noofleaves"); Object maxAllowedLeavesInMonth = leaveRuleArray.getJSONObject(leaveCounter).opt("maxallowed"); JSONObject typeobject = new JSONObject(); JSONObject leaveTypeObject = new JSONObject(); leaveTypeObject.put("__key__", leaveTypeId); leaveTypeObject.put("name", leaveType); typeobject.put("leavetypeid", leaveTypeObject); typeobject.put("totalleaves", noofLeaves); Double takenLeaves = calculateLeaveTaken( employeeId, leaveTypeId, leavePolicyFromDateObject, leavePolicyToDateObject); typeobject.put("takenleaves", takenLeaves); Double balanceLeave = noofLeaves - takenLeaves; String balanceMessage = ""; if (balanceLeave >= 0) { balanceMessage = balanceLeave + " leaves pending"; } else { balanceMessage = (balanceLeave * (-1.0)) + " leaves overdue"; } typeobject.put("balanceleaves", balanceMessage); categoryTypeArray.put(leaveCounter, typeobject); } } return categoryTypeArray; } else { WarningCollector.collect("Your leave policy is outdated."); } } } } return null; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new BusinessLogicException( "Error while generating leave balance report" + e.getMessage()); } } }
public JSONArray populateEmployeeBalanceLeavesDARCL(Object employeeid, Object requestdate) { String applicationVersionId = ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment() .getVersionId() .substring(0, ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment().getVersionId().indexOf(".")); if (applicationVersionId.equalsIgnoreCase("testviews")) { JSONArray balanceLeaveArray = com.applane.resourceoriented.hris.BalanceLeaves.employeeBalanceLeave( employeeid, requestdate); return balanceLeaveArray; } else { try { // GET EMPLOYEEID FROM KEY if ((employeeid instanceof JSONArray)) { employeeid = ((JSONArray) employeeid).getJSONObject(0).get(Data.Query.KEY); } if ((employeeid instanceof JSONObject)) { employeeid = ((JSONObject) employeeid).get(Data.Query.KEY); } JSONArray employeeLeavePolicyArray = getEmployeeLeavePolicyId(employeeid); if (employeeLeavePolicyArray != null && employeeLeavePolicyArray.length() > 0) { Object leavePolicyId = employeeLeavePolicyArray.getJSONObject(0).opt("leavepolicyid"); Object leavePolicyFromDate = employeeLeavePolicyArray.getJSONObject(0).opt("leavepolicyid.fromdate"); Object leavePolicyToDate = employeeLeavePolicyArray.getJSONObject(0).opt("leavepolicyid.todate"); JSONArray employeeLeaveRuleArray = getEmployeeLeaveRule(employeeid, leavePolicyId); if (employeeLeaveRuleArray != null && employeeLeaveRuleArray.length() > 0) { JSONArray categoryTypeArray = new JSONArray(); for (int counter = 0; counter < employeeLeaveRuleArray.length(); counter++) { Object leaveTypeId = employeeLeaveRuleArray.getJSONObject(counter).opt("leavetypeid"); Object leaveTypeName = employeeLeaveRuleArray.getJSONObject(counter).opt("leavetypeid.name"); Object openingBalance = employeeLeaveRuleArray.getJSONObject(counter).opt("openingbalance"); Object assignedLeave = employeeLeaveRuleArray.getJSONObject(counter).opt("assignedleaves"); double totalMonthBetweenFromDateAneToDate = getTotalMonthBetweenFromDateAneToDate( Translator.dateValue(leavePolicyFromDate), Translator.dateValue(leavePolicyToDate)); double takenLeaves = calculateLeaveTaken( employeeid, leaveTypeId, leavePolicyFromDate, leavePolicyToDate); double totalAssignedLeaves = Translator.doubleValue(openingBalance) + (Translator.doubleValue(assignedLeave) / totalMonthBetweenFromDateAneToDate); double balance = totalAssignedLeaves - takenLeaves; JSONObject leaveTypeObject = new JSONObject(); JSONObject typeobject = new JSONObject(); leaveTypeObject.put("__key__", leaveTypeId); leaveTypeObject.put("name", leaveTypeName); typeobject.put("leavetypeid", leaveTypeObject); typeobject.put("totalleaves", totalAssignedLeaves); typeobject.put("takenleaves", takenLeaves); String balanceMessage = ""; if (balance >= 0) { balanceMessage = new DecimalFormat("0.#").format(balance) + " leaves pending"; } else { balanceMessage = new DecimalFormat("0.#").format((balance * (-1.0))) + " leaves overdue"; } typeobject.put("balanceleaves", balanceMessage); categoryTypeArray.put(counter, typeobject); } return categoryTypeArray; } } } catch (Exception e) { LogUtility.writeLog( "BalanceLeaves >> populateEmployeeBalanceLeavesDARCL Exception >> : [" + ExceptionUtils.getExceptionTraceMessage(getClass().getName(), e) + "]"); throw new RuntimeException("Some Error Occured while Generating Leave Balance"); } } return null; }
private void handleMail( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, BlogAuthor blogAuthor) throws IOException, ServletException, EntityNotFoundException, MessagingException, HttpException { DS ds = DS.get(); Properties props = new Properties(); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session, request.getInputStream()); String messageId = getMessageId(message); String contentType = message.getContentType(); if (messageId == null) { log("messageID missing"); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); return; } log("Message-ID=" + messageId); // TODO authorization if (handleSpot(message)) { return; } InternetAddress sender = (InternetAddress) message.getSender(); log("sender=" + sender); if (sender == null) { Address[] from = message.getFrom(); if (from != null && from.length != 0) { sender = (InternetAddress) from[0]; } } if (sender == null) { log("Sender missing"); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); return; } Email senderEmail = new Email(sender.getAddress()); Settings settings = ds.getSettingsFor(senderEmail); if (settings == null) { log(senderEmail.getEmail() + " not allowed to send blogs"); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); return; } String[] ripperDate = message.getHeader(BlogRipper + "Date"); boolean ripping = ripperDate != null && ripperDate.length > 0; Object content = message.getContent(); if (content instanceof Multipart) { Multipart multipart = (Multipart) message.getContent(); List<BodyPart> bodyPartList = findParts(multipart); try { Entity blog = null; String htmlBody = getHtmlBody(bodyPartList); if (htmlBody != null && htmlBody.length() > 10) { boolean publishImmediately = settings.isPublishImmediately(); blog = updateBlog(messageId, message, htmlBody, publishImmediately, senderEmail); if (!ripping) { if (blog != null) { sendMail(request, blogAuthor, blog, settings); } } else { log("not sending email because ripping"); } } else { log("no html body"); } List<Future<HTTPResponse>> futureList = new ArrayList<Future<HTTPResponse>>(); for (BodyPart bodyPart : bodyPartList) { Collection<Future<HTTPResponse>> futures = handleBodyPart(request, blog, bodyPart, settings); if (futures != null) { futureList.addAll(futures); } } long remainingMillis = ApiProxy.getCurrentEnvironment().getRemainingMillis(); log("remainingMillis=" + remainingMillis); for (Future<HTTPResponse> res : futureList) { try { HTTPResponse hr = res.get(); log("code=" + hr.getResponseCode()); if (hr.getResponseCode() != HttpServletResponse.SC_OK) { throw new ServletException("blob upload failed code=" + hr.getResponseCode()); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new IOException(ex); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { throw new IOException(ex); } } } catch (MessagingException ex) { throw new IOException(ex); } } else { if (content instanceof String) { String bodyPart = (String) content; if (contentType.startsWith("text/plain")) { bodyPart = textPlainToHtml(bodyPart); } boolean publishImmediately = settings.isPublishImmediately(); Entity blog = updateBlog(messageId, message, bodyPart, publishImmediately, senderEmail); if (blog != null) { sendMail(request, blogAuthor, blog, settings); } } else { log("body not MultiPart of String"); } } }
protected ApiProxy.Delegate getDelegateForThread() { return ApiProxy.getDelegate(); // return CloudCoverLocalServiceTestHelper.getDelegate(); }