public static void runExample(AdWordsServices adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session)
      throws Exception {
    // Get the MediaService.
    MediaServiceInterface mediaService = adWordsServices.get(session, MediaServiceInterface.class);

    int offset = 0;

    // Create selector.
    SelectorBuilder builder = new SelectorBuilder();
    Selector selector =
            .fields("MediaId", "Width", "Height", "MimeType")
            .in("Type", "IMAGE", "VIDEO")

    MediaPage page = null;

    do {
      // Get all images.
      page = mediaService.get(selector);

      // Display images.
      if (page != null && page.getEntries() != null) {
        for (Media media : page.getEntries()) {
          Map<MediaSize, Dimensions> dimensions = Maps.toMap(media.getDimensions());
              "Media with id '"
                  + media.getMediaId()
                  + (!dimensions.isEmpty()
                      ? "', dimensions '"
                          + dimensions.get(MediaSize.FULL).getWidth()
                          + "x"
                          + dimensions.get(MediaSize.FULL).getHeight()
                      : "")
                  + "', and MIME type '"
                  + media.getMediaType()
                  + "' was found.");
      } else {
        System.out.println("No images/videos were found.");
      offset += PAGE_SIZE;
      selector = builder.increaseOffsetBy(PAGE_SIZE).build();
    } while (offset < page.getTotalNumEntries());
Пример #2
  private void getsearchvolume(
      TargetingIdeaServiceInterface targetserviceinterface,
      TargetingIdeaSelector trgtselector,
      String[] arr,
      RelatedToQuerySearchParameter searchparam) {
    try {
      trgtselector.setSearchParameters(new SearchParameter[] {searchparam});

      TargetingIdeaPage page = targetserviceinterface.get(trgtselector);
      if (page.getEntries() != null
          && page.getEntries().length > 0) { // "\"" + keyword.getValue()+"\",

        for (TargetingIdea targetidea : page.getEntries()) {
          LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();
          Map<AttributeType, MonthlySearchVolumeAttribute> map2 = Maps.toMap(targetidea.getData());
          MonthlySearchVolumeAttribute mnthlysrchvol =
          MonthlySearchVolume[] att1 = mnthlysrchvol.getValue();
          for (MonthlySearchVolume trgtsrch : att1) {
                    + arr[0]
                    + "\",\""
                    + trgtsrch.getCount()
                    + "\",\""
                    + trgtsrch.getMonth()
                    + "\",\""
                    + trgtsrch.getYear()
                    + "\"\n");
          linkedhashmap2.put(arr[0], list);
            "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFINISHED WITH SEARCH VOLUMExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
    } catch (RemoteException remotex) {
  public static void runExample(AdWordsServices adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session)
      throws Exception {
    // Get the MediaService.
    MediaServiceInterface mediaService = adWordsServices.get(session, MediaServiceInterface.class);

    int offset = 0;

    // Create selector.
    SelectorBuilder builder = new SelectorBuilder();
    Selector selector =
            .fields(MediaField.MediaId, MediaField.Width, MediaField.Height, MediaField.MimeType)
            .in(MediaField.Type, "IMAGE", "VIDEO")

    MediaPage page = null;

    do {
      // Get all images.
      page = mediaService.get(selector);

      // Display images.
      if (page != null && page.getEntries() != null) {
        for (Media media : page.getEntries()) {
          Map<MediaSize, Dimensions> dimensions = Maps.toMap(media.getDimensions());
              "Media with ID %d, dimensions %s, and MIME type '%s' was found.%n",
              media.getMediaId(), toString(dimensions.get(MediaSize.FULL)), media.getMediaType());
      } else {
        System.out.println("No images/videos were found.");
      offset += PAGE_SIZE;
      selector = builder.increaseOffsetBy(PAGE_SIZE).build();
    } while (offset < page.getTotalNumEntries());