Пример #1
   * Check for double drops.
   * @param player Player breaking the block
   * @param block The block being broken
  private static void woodCuttingProcCheck(Player player, Block block) {

    final int MAX_CHANCE = advancedConfig.getMiningDoubleDropChance();
    final int MAX_BONUS_LEVEL = advancedConfig.getMiningDoubleDropMaxLevel();

    int skillLevel = Users.getProfile(player).getSkillLevel(SkillType.WOODCUTTING);
    byte type = block.getData();

    if ((type & 0x4) == 0x4) type ^= 0x4;

    if ((type & 0x8) == 0x8) type ^= 0x8;

    Material mat = Material.getMaterial(block.getTypeId());

    int randomChance = 100;
    int chance = (int) (((double) MAX_CHANCE / (double) MAX_BONUS_LEVEL) * skillLevel);
    if (chance > MAX_CHANCE) chance = MAX_CHANCE;

    if (player.hasPermission("mcmmo.perks.lucky.woodcutting")) {
      randomChance = (int) (randomChance * 0.75);

    if (chance > random.nextInt(randomChance)
        && Permissions.getInstance().woodcuttingDoubleDrops(player)) {
      Config configInstance = Config.getInstance();
      ItemStack item;
      Location location;

      if (configInstance.getBlockModsEnabled() && ModChecks.isCustomLogBlock(block)) {
        CustomBlock customBlock = ModChecks.getCustomBlock(block);
        int minimumDropAmount = customBlock.getMinimumDropAmount();
        int maximumDropAmount = customBlock.getMaximumDropAmount();

        item = customBlock.getItemDrop();
        location = block.getLocation();

        if (minimumDropAmount != maximumDropAmount) {
          Misc.dropItems(location, item, minimumDropAmount);
          Misc.randomDropItems(location, item, 50, maximumDropAmount - minimumDropAmount);
        } else {
          Misc.dropItems(location, item, minimumDropAmount);
      } else {
        item = (new MaterialData(mat, type)).toItemStack(1);

        location = block.getLocation();

        TreeSpecies species = TreeSpecies.getByData(type);

        /* Drop the block */
        switch (species) {
          case GENERIC:
            if (configInstance.getOakDoubleDropsEnabled()) {
              Misc.dropItem(location, item);

          case REDWOOD:
            if (configInstance.getSpruceDoubleDropsEnabled()) {
              Misc.dropItem(location, item);

          case BIRCH:
            if (configInstance.getBirchDoubleDropsEnabled()) {
              Misc.dropItem(location, item);

          case JUNGLE:
            if (configInstance.getJungleDoubleDropsEnabled()) {
              Misc.dropItem(location, item);
