@Override public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl) { // Clear Screen And Depth Buffer gl.glClear(GL10.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL10.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); gl.glLoadIdentity(); // Reset The Current Modelview Matrix mAnim.computeAndApply(); mQuadShape.draw(gl); }
public Render(GLSurfaceView surface) { mSurface = surface; mQuadShape = new QuadShape(); Interpolator interpolator = new BounceInterpolator(); Animation animTranslate = new GotoAnimation(0f, 0f, 2f, 2f, -6f, -50f, interpolator, 5000); Animation animRotate = new RotateAnimation(45, 135, 180, 0, 0, 359, interpolator, 5000); mAnim = new SequentialAnimation(Arrays.asList(new Animation[] {animTranslate, animRotate})); mAnim.setTarget(mQuadShape); }