 public void ensureCascadedCreateWorks() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
   String METHOD_NAME = "ensureCascadedCreateWorks";
   Post toCreate = new Post();
   toCreate.text = METHOD_NAME;
   User author = new User();
   author.password = METHOD_NAME;
   toCreate.author = author;
   // Find it back
   Post found = getPostService().find().matching(new FindPostByText(METHOD_NAME)).getFirst();
   assertThat(found, IsNull.notNullValue());
   assertThat(found.author, IsNull.notNullValue());
   assertThat(found.author.getLogin(), IsNull.notNullValue());
 public void ensureDeletCascadesWell() {
   User other = new User().withId(2).withLogin("other login").withPassword("other password");
   long id = DELETABLE_POST;
   other.about = new Post(id, "a post about another user", 2, State.PUBLIC, other);
   Post about = ((IdBasedService<Post>) getPostService()).findById(id);
   assertThat(about, IsNull.notNullValue());
   try {
     if (environment.getGraph() instanceof TransactionalGraph) {
       TransactionalGraph transactionalGraph = (TransactionalGraph) environment.getGraph();
       //				transactionalGraph.startTransaction();
     about = ((IdBasedService<Post>) getPostService()).findById(id);
     assertThat(about, IsNull.nullValue());
   } catch (NoReturnableVertexException e) {
     // that exception is one of possible correct behaviours
 public void ensureUpdateCascadesWell() {
   User other = new User().withId(2).withLogin("other login").withPassword("other password");
   long id = DELETABLE_POST;
   String POST_TEXT = "a post about another user";
   other.about = new Post(id, POST_TEXT, 2, State.PUBLIC, other);
   Post about = ((IdBasedService<Post>) getPostService()).findById(id);
   assertThat(about, IsNull.notNullValue());
   assertThat(about.text, Is.is(POST_TEXT));
   about.text += POST_TEXT;
   about = ((IdBasedService<Post>) getPostService()).findById(id);
   assertThat(about, IsNull.notNullValue());
   // we didn't change author's about Post, but the one we fetched separatly
   assertThat(about.text, Is.is(POST_TEXT));
   // Now we update the GOOD about message (yeah these cascade things are a nightmare)
   ((Post) other.about).text += POST_TEXT;
   about = ((IdBasedService<Post>) getPostService()).findById(id);
   assertThat(about, IsNull.notNullValue());
   assertThat(about.text, Is.is(POST_TEXT + POST_TEXT));