Пример #1
    public RequrlQuality getQuality() {

      if (getTotalValue() > configManager.getIntValue(KEY_REQUEST_QUALITY_THRESHOLD_TOTAL, 20)) {
        float failedRate = getFailedPercent();

        if (failedRate < configManager.getFloatValue(KEY_REQUEST_QUALITY_FAILED_PERCENT_GOOD, 1f)) {
          quality = RequrlQuality.REQURL_QUALITY_GOOD;
        } else if (failedRate
                >= configManager.getFloatValue(KEY_REQUEST_QUALITY_FAILED_PERCENT_GOOD, 1f)
            && failedRate
                < configManager.getFloatValue(KEY_REQUEST_QUALITY_FAILED_PERCENT_NORMAL, 5f)) {
          quality = RequrlQuality.REQURL_QUALITY_NORNAL;
        } else if (failedRate
            >= configManager.getFloatValue(KEY_REQUEST_QUALITY_FAILED_PERCENT_NORMAL, 5f)) {
          quality = RequrlQuality.REQURL_QUALITY_BAD;

      return quality;
Пример #2
  public void addClientRequest(InvokerContext context, boolean failed) {
    if (configManager.getBooleanValue(KEY_REQUEST_QUALITY_AUTO, false)
        && context.getClient() != null) {

      String address = context.getClient().getAddress();
      ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Quality>> requestSecondQuality =
      if (requestSecondQuality == null) {
        requestSecondQuality = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Quality>>();
        ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Quality>> last =
            addrReqUrlSecondQualities.putIfAbsent(address, requestSecondQuality);
        if (last != null) {
          requestSecondQuality = last;

      String requestUrl = getRequestUrl(context);
      ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Quality> secondQuality = requestSecondQuality.get(requestUrl);
      if (secondQuality == null) {
        secondQuality = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Quality>();
        ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Quality> last =
            requestSecondQuality.putIfAbsent(requestUrl, secondQuality);
        if (last != null) {
          secondQuality = last;

      int currentSecond = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.SECOND);
      Quality quality = secondQuality.get(currentSecond);
      if (quality == null) {
        quality = new Quality(0, 0);
        Quality last = secondQuality.putIfAbsent(currentSecond, quality);
        if (last != null) {
          quality = last;

      if (failed) {
Пример #3
 static {
   configManager.getBooleanValue(KEY_REQUEST_QUALITY_AUTO, false);
   configManager.getIntValue(KEY_REQUEST_QUALITY_THRESHOLD_TOTAL, 20);
   configManager.getFloatValue(KEY_REQUEST_QUALITY_FAILED_PERCENT_GOOD, 1f);
   configManager.getFloatValue(KEY_REQUEST_QUALITY_FAILED_PERCENT_NORMAL, 5f);
Пример #4
 public boolean isEnableRequestQualityRoute() {
   return configManager.getBooleanValue(KEY_REQUEST_QUALITY_AUTO, false);
Пример #5
 public int getWriteBufferLowWater() {
   return configManager.getIntValue(
Пример #6
public class NettyClient extends AbstractClient {

  private static final Logger logger = LoggerLoader.getLogger(NettyClient.class);

  private ClientBootstrap bootstrap;

  private Channel channel;

  private String host;

  private int port = ServerConfig.DEFAULT_PORT;

  private String address;

  private volatile boolean connected = false;

  private volatile boolean closed = false;

  private volatile boolean active = true;

  private ConnectInfo connectInfo;

  public static final int CLIENT_CONNECTIONS = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();

  private static ConfigManager configManager = ConfigManagerLoader.getConfigManager();

  private static ExecutorService bossExecutor =
      Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new DefaultThreadFactory("Pigeon-Netty-Client-Boss"));

  private static ExecutorService workExecutor =
      Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new DefaultThreadFactory("Pigeon-Netty-Client-Worker"));

  private static final int bossCount =
      configManager.getIntValue("pigeon.invoker.netty.bosscount", 1);

  private static final int workerCount =
          "pigeon.invoker.netty.workercount", Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2);

  private static ChannelFactory channelFactory =
      new NioClientSocketChannelFactory(bossExecutor, workExecutor, bossCount, workerCount);

  private static final int connectTimeout =
      configManager.getIntValue(Constants.KEY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, Constants.DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);

  public int getWriteBufferHighWater() {
    return configManager.getIntValue(

  public int getWriteBufferLowWater() {
    return configManager.getIntValue(

  public NettyClient(ConnectInfo connectInfo) {
    this.host = connectInfo.getHost();
    this.port = connectInfo.getPort();
    this.connectInfo = connectInfo;
    this.address = host + ":" + port;

    this.bootstrap = new ClientBootstrap(channelFactory);
    this.bootstrap.setPipelineFactory(new NettyClientPipelineFactory(this));
    this.bootstrap.setOption("tcpNoDelay", true);
    this.bootstrap.setOption("keepAlive", true);
    this.bootstrap.setOption("reuseAddress", true);
    this.bootstrap.setOption("connectTimeoutMillis", connectTimeout);
    this.bootstrap.setOption("writeBufferHighWaterMark", getWriteBufferHighWater());
    this.bootstrap.setOption("writeBufferLowWaterMark", getWriteBufferLowWater());

  public synchronized void connect() {
    if (this.connected) {
    logger.info("client is connecting to " + this.host + ":" + this.port);
    ChannelFuture future = null;
    try {
      future = bootstrap.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port));
      if (future.awaitUninterruptibly(connectTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
        if (future.isSuccess()) {
          Channel newChannel = future.getChannel();
          try {
            // 关闭旧的连接
            Channel oldChannel = this.channel;
            if (oldChannel != null) {
              logger.info("close old netty channel " + oldChannel);
              try {
              } catch (Throwable t) {
          } finally {
            this.channel = newChannel;
          logger.info("client is connected to " + this.host + ":" + this.port);
          this.connected = true;
        } else {
          logger.info("client is not connected to " + this.host + ":" + this.port);
      } else {
        logger.info("timeout while connecting to " + this.host + ":" + this.port);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      logger.info("error while connecting to " + this.host + ":" + this.port, e);

  public InvocationResponse doWrite(InvocationRequest request, Callback callback)
      throws NetworkException {
    Object[] msg = new Object[] {request, callback};
    ChannelFuture future = null;
    if (channel == null) {
      logger.error("channel is null ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^");
    } else {
      try {
        future = channel.write(msg);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new NetworkException("remote call failed:" + request, e);
      if (request.getMessageType() == Constants.MESSAGE_TYPE_SERVICE
          || request.getMessageType() == Constants.MESSAGE_TYPE_HEART) {
        future.addListener(new MsgWriteListener(request));
    return null;

  public void connectionException(Object attachment, Throwable e) {
    this.connected = false;
    connectionException(this, attachment, e);

  private void connectionException(Client client, Object attachment, Throwable e) {
    logger.info("exception while connecting to " + client, e);
    if (attachment == null) {
    Object[] msg = (Object[]) attachment;
    if (msg[0] instanceof InvokerContext) {
      InvokerContext invokerContext = (InvokerContext) msg[0];
      InvocationRequest request = invokerContext.getRequest();
      if (request.getMessageType() == Constants.MESSAGE_TYPE_SERVICE && msg[1] != null) {
        try {
          Callback callback = (Callback) msg[1];
          if (client != null) {
            client.write(request, callback);
          } else {
            logger.error("no client found with service:" + request.getServiceName());
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
          logger.error("", ex);
        logger.error("", e);

  /** @return the connected */
  public boolean isConnected() {
    return connected;

  public boolean isActive() {
    return active && HeartBeatListener.isActiveAddress(address);

  public void setActive(boolean active) {
    this.active = active;

  public boolean isWritable() {
    return this.channel.isWritable();

  /** @return the host */
  public String getHost() {
    return host;

  public int getPort() {

    return this.port;

  /** @return the address */
  public String getAddress() {
    return address;

  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (obj instanceof NettyClient) {
      NettyClient nc = (NettyClient) obj;
      return this.address.equals(nc.getAddress());
    } else {
      return super.equals(obj);

  public int hashCode() {
    return address.hashCode();

  public void close() {
    logger.info("close client:" + this.host + ":" + this.port);
    closed = true;

  public String toString() {
    return this.getAddress() + ", connected:" + this.isConnected() + ", active:" + this.isActive();

  public class MsgWriteListener implements ChannelFutureListener {

    private InvocationRequest request;

    public MsgWriteListener(InvocationRequest request) {
      this.request = request;

    public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception {
      if (future.isSuccess()) {
      if (request.getMessageType() != Constants.MESSAGE_TYPE_HEART) {
        connected = false;
      InvocationResponse response = ProviderUtils.createFailResponse(request, future.getCause());

  public ConnectInfo getConnectInfo() {
    return connectInfo;

  public boolean isDisposable() {
    return false;

  public void dispose() {}

  public String getProtocol() {
    return Constants.PROTOCOL_DEFAULT;