public Map<EdgeLabel, Map<EdgeIndex, Edge>> getOutEdges( long receiverId, long senderId, NidVer oid, EnumSet<EdgeType> types, boolean queryableOnly, Optional<EdgeLabel> labelFilter, boolean checkExistenceOfPrivateLabelFilter) throws NodeNotFoundException { /* Check modifier */ if (labelFilter.isPresent()) { if (labelFilter.get().isPublic() && (!types.contains(EdgeType.publicMod))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Public label is given and EdgeType.publicMod " + "is missing"); } if ((!labelFilter.get().isPublic()) && (!types.contains(EdgeType.privateMod))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Private label is given and EdgeType.privateMod" + "is missing"); } } /* Check label filter */ if (checkExistenceOfPrivateLabelFilter && (labelFilter.isPresent()) && (!labelFilter.get().isPublic())) { final NodeImpl node = getNodeFromCurrentOrHistorized(receiverId, oid); if (node == null) { throw new NodeNotFoundException("Node not found"); } final long nodeClassId = node.getNodeSerie().getClassId(); final NodeClass nodeClass = this.ncApi.getClassById(nodeClassId); if (!nodeClass.getEdgeClasses().containsKey(labelFilter.get().getPrivateEdgeIndex())) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Given (private) label filter is not declared " + "in class."); } Map<EdgeLabel, Map<EdgeIndex, EdgeImpl>> outEdgesImpl = getOutEdgesImpl(receiverId, senderId, oid, types, queryableOnly); Map<EdgeLabel, Map<EdgeIndex, Edge>> outEdges = new HashMap<>(); for (final Map.Entry<EdgeLabel, Map<EdgeIndex, EdgeImpl>> outEdgesImplEntry : outEdgesImpl.entrySet()) { final Map<EdgeIndex, Edge> singleEntry = new HashMap<>(); final EdgeLabel edgeLabel = outEdgesImplEntry.getKey(); if (labelFilter.isPresent() && (!labelFilter.get().equals(edgeLabel))) { /* Wrong label */ continue; } outEdges.put(outEdgesImplEntry.getKey(), singleEntry); for (final Map.Entry<EdgeIndex, EdgeImpl> entry : outEdgesImplEntry.getValue().entrySet()) { final Edge edge = this.edgeUtil.toEdge(entry.getValue()); singleEntry.put(entry.getKey(), edge); } } return outEdges; }
public Map<EdgeLabel, Map<EdgeIndex, EdgeImpl>> getOutEdgesImpl( long receiverId, long senderId, NidVer oid, EnumSet<EdgeType> types, boolean queryableOnly) throws NodeNotFoundException { if (types.isEmpty()) { throw new ExpectableException("Types cannot be empty"); } final NodeImpl node = getNodeFromCurrentOrHistorized(receiverId, oid); if (node == null) { throw new NodeNotFoundException("Node not found"); } final long nodeClassId = node.getNodeSerie().getClassId(); final NodeClass nodeClass = this.ncApi.getClassById(nodeClassId); final Map<EdgeLabel, Map<EdgeIndex, EdgeImpl>> privateEdges = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<EdgeLabel, Map<EdgeIndex, EdgeImpl>> edgesEntry : node.getOutEdges().entrySet()) { /* Is queryable? */ final boolean isQueryable; if (edgesEntry.getKey().isPublic()) { isQueryable = edgesEntry.getKey().isPublicQueryable(); } else { EdgeClass pec = nodeClass.getEdgeClasses().get(edgesEntry.getKey().getPrivateEdgeIndex()); isQueryable = pec.isQueryable(); } if (queryableOnly && (!isQueryable)) { continue; } final boolean isPublic = edgesEntry.getKey().isPublic(); final boolean add = (isPublic && types.contains(EdgeType.publicMod)) || (!isPublic && types.contains(EdgeType.privateMod)); if (add) { privateEdges.put(edgesEntry.getKey(), edgesEntry.getValue()); } } return privateEdges; }
@Nullable public Object getData( long receiverId, long senderId, NidVer nidVer, short typeIndex, IDataGetter dataGetter) throws NodeNotFoundException { final NodeImpl node = this.nodes.getByUserId(receiverId).getNode(nidVer.getNid(), nidVer.getVersion(), false); if (node == null) { throw new NodeNotFoundException("Node not found"); } final long classId = node.getNodeSerie().getClassId(); final NodeClass nc = this.ncApi.getClassById(classId); if (nc == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("NodeClass not found"); } final IType type = nc.getType(typeIndex); final boolean supports = type.supports(dataGetter); if (!supports) { throw new ExpectableException("The given data getter is no supported on this type."); } // ITypeImpl ti = this.typesRegistry.get(type.getRef()); final Object value = node.getData()[typeIndex]; return type.getData(dataGetter, value); }