// depends on testRunPushReplication private void testRunPullReplication() throws Throwable { URL remoteDbURL = new URL(syncGatewayUrl + pushThenPullDBName); Database db = startDatabase(); Log.i(TAG, "Pulling..."); Replication repl = db.getPullReplication(remoteDbURL); runReplication(repl); assertNull(repl.getLastError()); Log.i(TAG, "Verifying documents..."); for (int i = 1; i <= kNDocuments; i++) { Document doc = db.getDocument("doc-" + i); assertEquals(i, doc.getProperty("index")); assertEquals(false, doc.getProperty("bar")); } }
public void failingRunPushReplication() throws Throwable { URL remoteDbURL = new URL(syncGatewayUrl + pushThenPullDBName); // java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to / (port 4985): connect failed: // ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused) // RemoteRequest remoteRequest = new RemoteRequest(null, // CouchbaseLiteHttpClientFactory.INSTANCE, "DELETE", remoteDbURL, null, null); // remoteRequest.run(); Database db = startDatabase(); Log.i(TAG, "Creating " + kNDocuments + " documents..."); createDocumentsAsync(db, kNDocuments); Log.i(TAG, "Pushing..."); Replication repl = db.getPullReplication(remoteDbURL); repl.setCreateTarget(true); runReplication(repl); assertNull(repl.getLastError()); testRunPullReplication(); }
/** https://github.com/couchbase/couchbase-lite-java-core/issues/291 */ public void testCallReplicateTwice() throws Exception { // create mock sync gateway that will serve as a pull target and return random docs int numMockDocsToServe = 0; MockDispatcher dispatcher = new MockDispatcher(); MockWebServer server = MockHelper.getPreloadedPullTargetMockCouchDB(dispatcher, numMockDocsToServe, 1); dispatcher.setServerType(MockDispatcher.ServerType.COUCHDB); server.setDispatcher(dispatcher); server.play(); // kick off 1st replication via REST api Map<String, Object> replicateJsonMap = getPullReplicationParsedJson(server.getUrl("/db")); Log.i(TAG, "map: " + replicateJsonMap); Log.i(TAG, "Call 1st /_replicate"); Map<String, Object> result = (Map<String, Object>) sendBody("POST", "/_replicate", replicateJsonMap, Status.OK, null); Log.i(TAG, "result: " + result); assertNotNull(result.get("session_id")); String sessionId1 = (String) result.get("session_id"); // NOTE: one short replication should be blocked. sendBody() waits till response is ready. // https://github.com/couchbase/couchbase-lite-android/issues/204 // kick off 2nd replication via REST api Log.i(TAG, "Call 2nd /_replicate"); Map<String, Object> result2 = (Map<String, Object>) sendBody("POST", "/_replicate", replicateJsonMap, Status.OK, null); Log.i(TAG, "result2: " + result2); assertNotNull(result2.get("session_id")); String sessionId2 = (String) result2.get("session_id"); // wait for replication to finish boolean success = waitForReplicationToFinish(); assertTrue(success); // kick off 3rd replication via REST api Log.i(TAG, "Call 3rd /_replicate"); Map<String, Object> result3 = (Map<String, Object>) sendBody("POST", "/_replicate", replicateJsonMap, Status.OK, null); Log.i(TAG, "result3: " + result3); assertNotNull(result3.get("session_id")); String sessionId3 = (String) result3.get("session_id"); // wait for replication to finish boolean success3 = waitForReplicationToFinish(); assertTrue(success3); assertFalse(sessionId1.equals(sessionId2)); assertFalse(sessionId1.equals(sessionId3)); assertFalse(sessionId2.equals(sessionId3)); // cleanup server.shutdown(); }
static void runReplication(Replication repl) throws InterruptedException { Log.i(TAG, "Waiting for " + repl + " to finish..."); boolean started = false, done = false; repl.start(); long lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ; while (!done) { if (repl.isRunning()) { started = true; } // TODO getMode() always throws UnsupportedOperationException (see ios test) if (started && (repl.getMode() == Replication.ReplicationMode.REPLICATION_ACTIVE || repl.getMode() == Replication.ReplicationMode.REPLICATION_ACTIVE)) { done = true; } // Replication runs on a background thread, so the main runloop should not be blocked. // Make sure it's spinning in a timely manner: long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (lastTime > 0 && now - lastTime > 25) Log.w(TAG, "Runloop was blocked for " + (now - lastTime) * 100 + " sec"); lastTime = now; Thread.sleep(100); break; } if (repl.getLastError() == null) { Log.i( TAG, String.format( "...replicator finished. progress %d/%d without error", repl.getCompletedChangesCount(), repl.getChangesCount())); } else { Log.i( TAG, String.format( "...replicator finished. progress %d/%d, error=%s", repl.getCompletedChangesCount(), repl.getChangesCount(), repl.getLastError().toString())); } }
/** https://github.com/couchbase/couchbase-lite-java-core/issues/291 */ public void testCallContinuousReplicateTwice() throws Exception { // create mock sync gateway that will serve as a pull target and return random docs int numMockDocsToServe = 0; MockDispatcher dispatcher = new MockDispatcher(); MockWebServer server = MockHelper.getPreloadedPullTargetMockCouchDB(dispatcher, numMockDocsToServe, 1); dispatcher.setServerType(MockDispatcher.ServerType.COUCHDB); server.setDispatcher(dispatcher); server.play(); // kick off 1st replication via REST api Map<String, Object> replicateJsonMap = getPullReplicationParsedJson(server.getUrl("/db")); replicateJsonMap.put("continuous", true); Log.i(TAG, "map: " + replicateJsonMap); Log.i(TAG, "Call 1st /_replicate"); Map<String, Object> result = (Map<String, Object>) sendBody("POST", "/_replicate", replicateJsonMap, Status.OK, null); Log.i(TAG, "result: " + result); assertNotNull(result.get("session_id")); String sessionId1 = (String) result.get("session_id"); // no wait, immediately call new _replicate REST API // kick off 2nd replication via REST api => Should be Log.i(TAG, "Call 2nd /_replicate"); Map<String, Object> result2 = (Map<String, Object>) sendBody("POST", "/_replicate", replicateJsonMap, Status.OK, null); Log.i(TAG, "result2: " + result2); assertNotNull(result2.get("session_id")); String sessionId2 = (String) result2.get("session_id"); // 20 sec is to wait replicator becomes IDLE try { Thread.sleep(20 * 1000); } catch (Exception e) { } // kick off 34d replication via REST api => Should be Log.i(TAG, "Call 3rd /_replicate"); Map<String, Object> result3 = (Map<String, Object>) sendBody("POST", "/_replicate", replicateJsonMap, Status.OK, null); Log.i(TAG, "result3: " + result3); assertNotNull(result3.get("session_id")); String sessionId3 = (String) result3.get("session_id"); // 20 sec is to wait replicator becomes IDLE try { Thread.sleep(20 * 1000); } catch (Exception e) { } // Cancel Replicator replicateJsonMap.put("cancel", true); Log.i(TAG, "map: " + replicateJsonMap); Map<String, Object> result4 = (Map<String, Object>) sendBody("POST", "/_replicate", replicateJsonMap, Status.OK, null); Log.i(TAG, "result4: " + result4); // wait for replication to finish boolean success = waitForReplicationToFinish(); assertTrue(success); assertTrue(sessionId1.equals(sessionId2)); assertTrue(sessionId1.equals(sessionId3)); // cleanup server.shutdown(); }