/** @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // File filepor = new File("D:\\Company_File\\log4j-1216\\Java2\\batchImport.log"); // if (filepor.exists()) { // filepor.delete();// 删除日志文件 // } // filepor = null; PropertyConfigurator.configure( "F:\\work\\WorkSpace_Eclipse\\WorkSpace_Eclipse\\MassPick\\WebContent\\WEB-INF\\log4j.properties"); long da = System.currentTimeMillis(); File file = new File("G:\\Data\\十二月\\中国裁判文书网最新文书(每日下载)\\HTML\\HTML-zgcpwsw20151214-20151217"); // 查PG省市县/区 Bucket bucket = null; bucket = connectionBucket(bucket); AdministrationUtils util = new AdministrationUtils(); util.initData(); // 查询行政区 try { show(file, bucket, util); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } finally { // file = null; util = null; bucket.close(); cluster2 = null; } logger.info(count + ":数量"); logger.info("所有文件总耗时" + (((System.currentTimeMillis() - da) / 1000) / 60) + "分钟"); }
public static boolean flushCleanup(Bucket bucket, long start) { for (long i = 0; i <= 999999999; i++) { String id = new String("__flush_marker_" + i); JsonObject content = JsonObject.empty().put("data", "temp"); JsonDocument doc = JsonDocument.create(id, content); bucket.upsert(doc); bucket.remove(id); } return true; }
@Test public final void givenRandomPerson_whenCreate_thenPersonPersisted() { // create person Person person = randomPerson(); personService.create(person); // check results assertNotNull(person.getId()); assertNotNull(bucket.get(person.getId())); // cleanup bucket.remove(person.getId()); }
@BeforeClass public static void setUpClass() { // Connect bucket = BucketFactory.getBucket(); // Clean try { bucket.remove("count::dmaier"); bucket.remove("count::dostrovsky"); } catch (DocumentDoesNotExistException e) { LOG.warning("Could not remove a nonexistent document"); } }
/** * To delete a design document, if the design document was not existent also true is returned * * @param designDoc * @return */ public static boolean deleteDesignDoc(String designDoc) { if (designDocExists()) { return client.bucketManager().removeDesignDocument(designDoc); } return true; }
public void run(Statement statement) { try { QueryResult result = bucket.query(statement); printout(result, false); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error while issuing statement " + demoName(), e); } }
// issue a Query public void run(Query q, boolean shouldPause) { try { QueryResult result = bucket.query(q); printout(result, shouldPause); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error while issuing " + demoName(), e); } }
@After public void deleteDoc() { try { bucket.remove(uuid); } catch (DocumentDoesNotExistException e) { // ignore } }
@Test public final void givenRandomPerson_whenDelete_thenPersonNotInBucket() { // create and insert person document String id = insertRandomPersonDocument().id(); // delete person and check results personService.delete(id); assertNull(bucket.get(id)); }
@Test public void testConstructorWithEmptyCollectionOverwrites() { JsonArrayDocument preExisting = JsonArrayDocument.create(uuid, JsonArray.from("test", "test2")); bucket.upsert(preExisting); Map<String, Object> map = new CouchbaseMap<Object>(uuid, bucket, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap()); assertEquals(0, map.size()); }
@Test public final void givenId_whenRead_thenReturnsPerson() { // create and insert person document String id = insertRandomPersonDocument().id(); // read person and check results assertNotNull(personService.read(id)); // cleanup bucket.remove(id); }
@Test public final void givenNewHometown_whenUpdate_thenNewHometownPersisted() { // create and insert person document JsonDocument doc = insertRandomPersonDocument(); // update person Person expected = converter.fromDocument(doc); String updatedHomeTown = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(12); expected.setHomeTown(updatedHomeTown); personService.update(expected); // check results JsonDocument actual = bucket.get(expected.getId()); assertNotNull(actual); assertNotNull(actual.content()); assertEquals(expected.getHomeTown(), actual.content().getString("homeTown")); // cleanup bucket.remove(expected.getId()); }
@Test public void testConstructorWithPreExistingDocument() { JsonDocument preExisting = JsonDocument.create(uuid, JsonObject.create().put("test", 123).put("foo", "bar")); bucket.upsert(preExisting); Map<String, Object> map = new CouchbaseMap<Object>(uuid, bucket); assertEquals(2, map.size()); assertTrue(map.containsKey("foo")); assertTrue(map.containsValue(123)); }
@Test public void testConstructorWithCollectionDataOverwrites() { JsonArrayDocument preExisting = JsonArrayDocument.create(uuid, JsonArray.from("test", "test2")); bucket.upsert(preExisting); Map<String, Object> map = new CouchbaseMap<Object>(uuid, bucket, Collections.singletonMap("foo", "bar")); assertEquals(1, map.size()); assertTrue(map.containsKey("foo")); assertEquals("bar", map.get("foo")); }
@Test public final void givenPersons_whenInsertBulk_thenPersonsAreInserted() { // create some persons List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { persons.add(randomPerson()); } // perform bulk insert personService.createBulk(persons); // check results for (Person person : persons) { assertNotNull(bucket.get(person.getId())); } // cleanup for (Person person : persons) { bucket.remove(person.getId()); } }
@Test public void testConstructorWithPreExistingDocumentOfWrongTypeFails() { JsonArrayDocument preExisting = JsonArrayDocument.create(uuid, JsonArray.from("test")); bucket.upsert(preExisting); Map<String, Object> map = new CouchbaseMap<Object>(uuid, bucket); try { map.size(); fail("Expected TranscodingException"); } catch (TranscodingException e) { // expected } }
@Test public final void givenPersons_whenUpdateBulk_thenPersonsAreUpdated() { List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>(); // add some person documents for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ids.add(insertRandomPersonDocument().id()); } // load persons from Couchbase List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<>(); for (String id : ids) { persons.add(converter.fromDocument(bucket.get(id))); } // modify persons for (Person person : persons) { person.setHomeTown(RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(10)); } // perform bulk update personService.updateBulk(persons); // check results for (Person person : persons) { JsonDocument doc = bucket.get(person.getId()); assertEquals(person.getName(), doc.content().getString("name")); assertEquals(person.getHomeTown(), doc.content().getString("homeTown")); } // cleanup for (String id : ids) { bucket.remove(id); } }
/** * To create a view * * @param designDocName * @param viewDefs */ public static void createViews(String designDocName, List<ViewDef> viewDefs) { // Check if the Design document is available, otherwise create it if (!designDocExists(designDocName)) { List<View> views = new ArrayList<>(); for (View view : viewDefs) { views.add(view); } DesignDocument designDoc = DesignDocument.create(designDocName, views); client.bucketManager().insertDesignDocument(designDoc); } }
@Test public void givenIds_whenDeleteBulk_thenPersonsAreDeleted() { List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>(); // add some person documents for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ids.add(insertRandomPersonDocument().id()); } // perform bulk delete personService.deleteBulk(ids); // check results for (String id : ids) { assertNull(bucket.get(id)); } }
/** * Queries all documents of a view with an optional range parameter * * @param designDocName * @param viewName * @param startKey * @param endKey * @return */ public static ViewResult query( String designDocName, String viewName, String startKey, String endKey) { ViewResult result; // Perform the query ViewQuery query = ViewQuery.from(designDocName, viewName).inclusiveEnd(true).stale(Stale.FALSE); if (startKey != null) { query = query.startKey(startKey); } if (endKey != null) { query = query.endKey(endKey); } result = client.query(query); return result; }
@Test public final void givenIds_whenReadBulk_thenReturnsOnlyPersonsWithMatchingIds() { List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>(); // add some person documents for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ids.add(insertRandomPersonDocument().id()); } // perform bulk read List<Person> persons = personService.readBulk(ids); // check results for (Person person : persons) { assertTrue(ids.contains(person.getId())); } // cleanup for (String id : ids) { bucket.remove(id); } }
/** 裁判文书 抓取word,HTML修改court桶 */ public static boolean updateJsonData( List<ArchivesVO> list, Bucket bucket, AdministrationUtils util) throws Exception { if (null == list || list.size() <= 0) { return false; } // util.initData(); // 查询行政区 String[] array = null; JsonDocument doc = null; JsonObject obj2 = null; com.google.gson.JsonObject json = null; Gson gson = new Gson(); ArchivesVO archs = null; try { for (ArchivesVO arch : list) { SUM++; // 查询数据 doc = JsonDocument.create(arch.getUuid()); // 获取ID obj2 = bucket.get(doc) == null ? null : bucket.get(doc).content(); if (obj2 == null) { logger.info("匹配不到UUID:" + arch.getUuid()); continue; } archs = new ArchivesVO(); json = gson.fromJson(obj2.toString(), com.google.gson.JsonObject.class); archs = gson.fromJson(json, ArchivesVO.class); if (null != arch.getTitle() && !"".equals(arch.getTitle())) { archs.setTitle(arch.getTitle()); } if (null != obj2.get("title") && !"".equals(obj2.get("title"))) { archs.setTitle(obj2.get("title").toString()); // 标题 } if (null != arch.getCaseNum() && !"".equals(arch.getCaseNum())) { archs.setCaseNum(arch.getCaseNum()); } if (null != obj2.get("caseNum") && !"".equals(obj2.get("caseNum"))) { archs.setCaseNum(obj2.get("caseNum").toString()); // 案号 } if (null != arch.getCourtName() && !"".equals(arch.getCourtName())) { archs.setCourtName(arch.getCourtName()); } if (null != obj2.get("courtName") && !"".equals(obj2.get("courtName"))) { archs.setCourtName(obj2.get("courtName").toString()); // 法院名 } if (null != arch.getCatalog() && !"".equals(arch.getCatalog())) { archs.setCatalog(arch.getCatalog()); } if (null != obj2.get("catalog") && !"".equals(obj2.get("catalog"))) { archs.setCatalog(obj2.get("catalog").toString()); // 分类 } if (null != arch.getApproval() && !"".equals(arch.getApproval())) { archs.setApproval(arch.getApproval()); } if (null != obj2.get("approval") && !"".equals(obj2.get("approval"))) { archs.setApproval(obj2.get("approval").toString()); // 审批结果 } if (null != arch.getCaseCause() && !"".equals(arch.getCaseCause())) { archs.setCaseCause(arch.getCaseCause()); } if (null != obj2.get("caseCause") && !"".equals(obj2.get("caseCause"))) { archs.setCaseCause(obj2.get("caseCause").toString()); // 案由 } if (null != arch.getPlaintiff() && !"".equals(arch.getPlaintiff())) { archs.setPlaintiff(arch.getPlaintiff()); } if (null != obj2.get("plaintiff") && !"".equals(obj2.get("plaintiff"))) { archs.setPlaintiff(obj2.get("plaintiff").toString()); // 原告 } if (null != arch.getDefendant() && !"".equals(arch.getDefendant())) { archs.setDefendant(arch.getDefendant()); } if (null != obj2.get("defendant") && !"".equals(obj2.get("defendant"))) { archs.setDefendant(obj2.get("defendant").toString()); // 被告 } if (null != arch.getApprovalDate() && !"".equals(arch.getApprovalDate())) { archs.setApprovalDate(arch.getApprovalDate()); } if (null != obj2.get("approvalDate") && !"".equals(obj2.get("approvalDate"))) { archs.setApprovalDate(obj2.get("approvalDate").toString()); // 审结日期 } if (null != arch.getSummary() && !"".equals(arch.getSummary())) { archs.setSummary(arch.getSummary()); } if (null != obj2.get("summary") && !"".equals(obj2.get("summary"))) { archs.setSummary(obj2.get("summary").toString()); // 摘要 } if (null != obj2.get("detailLink") && !"".equals(obj2.get("detailLink"))) { archs.setDetailLink(obj2.get("detailLink").toString()); // url } if (null != obj2.get("publishDate") && !"".equals(obj2.get("publishDate"))) { archs.setPublishDate(getReplaceAllDate(obj2.get("publishDate").toString())); // 发布日期 } if (null != obj2.get("province") && !"".equals(obj2.get("province"))) { archs.setProvince(obj2.get("province").toString()); // 省 } if (null != obj2.get("city") && !"".equals(obj2.get("city"))) { archs.setCity(obj2.get("city").toString()); // 市 } if (null != obj2.get("area") && !"".equals(obj2.get("area"))) { archs.setArea(obj2.get("area").toString()); // 县 } if (null != archs.getCourtName() && !"".equals(archs.getCourtName())) { array = util.utils(arch.getCourtName()); } if (null != obj2.get("courtName") && !"".equals(obj2.get("courtName"))) { array = util.utils(obj2.get("courtName").toString()); } if (null != array) { if (null != array[0] && !"".equals(array[0])) { archs.setProvince(array[0]); } if (null != array[1] && !"".equals(array[1])) { archs.setCity(array[1]); } if (null != array[2] && !"".equals(array[2])) { archs.setArea(array[2]); } } if (null != obj2.get("collectDate") && !"".equals(obj2.get("collectDate"))) { archs.setCollectDate(getReplaceAllDate(obj2.get("collectDate").toString())); // 采集时间 } if (null != obj2.get("suitDate") && !"".equals(obj2.get("suitDate"))) { archs.setSuitDate(obj2.get("suitDate").toString()); // 起诉日期 } String jsonss = gson.toJson(archs); doc = JsonDocument.create(arch.getUuid(), JsonObject.fromJson(jsonss)); logger.info("更新条数:" + SUM + "---省:" + array[0] + "---市:" + array[1] + "---县/区:" + array[2]); bucket.upsert(doc); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); return false; } finally { array = null; gson = null; json = null; archs = null; obj2 = null; doc = null; } return true; }
public void closeBucket(Bucket bucket) { bucket.close(); }
public static boolean entireBucketFlush(Bucket bucket) { bucket.bucketManager().flush(); return true; }
public static boolean singleDocCleanup(Bucket bucket, String id) { bucket.remove(id); return true; }
public static boolean docCleanup(Bucket bucket, long start) { for (long i = start; i <= 999999999; i++) { if (bucket.get(Long.toString(i)) != null) bucket.remove(Long.toString(i)); } return true; }
/** * Check if the design document is accessible * * @param name * @return */ public static boolean designDocExists(String name) { DesignDocument designDoc = null; designDoc = client.bucketManager().getDesignDocument(name); return designDoc != null; }
private JsonDocument insertRandomPersonDocument() { Person expected = randomPersonWithId(); JsonDocument doc = converter.toDocument(expected); return bucket.insert(doc); }