@Override @DB public BaremetalPxeVO addPxeServer(AddBaremetalPxeCmd cmd) { AddBaremetalPxePingServerCmd pcmd = (AddBaremetalPxePingServerCmd) cmd; PhysicalNetworkVO pNetwork = null; long zoneId; if (cmd.getPhysicalNetworkId() == null || cmd.getUrl() == null || cmd.getUsername() == null || cmd.getPassword() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "At least one of the required parameters(physical network id, url, username, password) is null"); } pNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(cmd.getPhysicalNetworkId()); if (pNetwork == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not find phyical network with ID: " + cmd.getPhysicalNetworkId()); } zoneId = pNetwork.getDataCenterId(); PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO ntwkSvcProvider = _physicalNetworkServiceProviderDao.findByServiceProvider( pNetwork.getId(), BaremetalPxeManager.BAREMETAL_PXE_SERVICE_PROVIDER.getName()); if (ntwkSvcProvider == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException( "Network Service Provider: " + BaremetalPxeManager.BAREMETAL_PXE_SERVICE_PROVIDER.getName() + " is not enabled in the physical network: " + cmd.getPhysicalNetworkId() + "to add this device"); } else if (ntwkSvcProvider.getState() == PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider.State.Shutdown) { throw new CloudRuntimeException( "Network Service Provider: " + ntwkSvcProvider.getProviderName() + " is in shutdown state in the physical network: " + cmd.getPhysicalNetworkId() + "to add this device"); } HostPodVO pod = _podDao.findById(cmd.getPodId()); if (pod == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find pod with ID: " + cmd.getPodId()); } List<HostVO> pxes = _resourceMgr.listAllUpAndEnabledHosts(Host.Type.BaremetalPxe, null, cmd.getPodId(), zoneId); if (pxes.size() != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Already had a PXE server in Pod: " + cmd.getPodId() + " zone: " + zoneId); } String storageServerIp = pcmd.getPingStorageServerIp(); if (storageServerIp == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No IP for storage server specified"); } String pingDir = pcmd.getPingDir(); if (pingDir == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No direcotry for storage server specified"); } String tftpDir = pcmd.getTftpDir(); if (tftpDir == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No TFTP directory specified"); } String cifsUsername = pcmd.getPingStorageServerUserName(); if (cifsUsername == null || cifsUsername.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { cifsUsername = "******"; } String cifsPassword = pcmd.getPingStorageServerPassword(); if (cifsPassword == null || cifsPassword.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { cifsPassword = "******"; } URI uri; try { uri = new URI(cmd.getUrl()); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.debug(e); throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage()); } String ipAddress = uri.getHost(); String guid = getPxeServerGuid( Long.toString(zoneId) + "-" + pod.getId(), BaremetalPxeType.PING.toString(), ipAddress); ServerResource resource = null; Map params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put(BaremetalPxeService.PXE_PARAM_ZONE, Long.toString(zoneId)); params.put(BaremetalPxeService.PXE_PARAM_POD, String.valueOf(pod.getId())); params.put(BaremetalPxeService.PXE_PARAM_IP, ipAddress); params.put(BaremetalPxeService.PXE_PARAM_USERNAME, cmd.getUsername()); params.put(BaremetalPxeService.PXE_PARAM_PASSWORD, cmd.getPassword()); params.put(BaremetalPxeService.PXE_PARAM_PING_STORAGE_SERVER_IP, storageServerIp); params.put(BaremetalPxeService.PXE_PARAM_PING_ROOT_DIR, pingDir); params.put(BaremetalPxeService.PXE_PARAM_TFTP_DIR, tftpDir); params.put(BaremetalPxeService.PXE_PARAM_PING_STORAGE_SERVER_USERNAME, cifsUsername); params.put(BaremetalPxeService.PXE_PARAM_PING_STORAGE_SERVER_PASSWORD, cifsPassword); params.put(BaremetalPxeService.PXE_PARAM_GUID, guid); resource = new BaremetalPingPxeResource(); try { resource.configure("PING PXE resource", params); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.debug(e); throw new CloudRuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } Host pxeServer = _resourceMgr.addHost(zoneId, resource, Host.Type.BaremetalPxe, params); if (pxeServer == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Cannot add PXE server as a host"); } BaremetalPxeVO vo = new BaremetalPxeVO(); Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn(); vo.setHostId(pxeServer.getId()); vo.setNetworkServiceProviderId(ntwkSvcProvider.getId()); vo.setPodId(pod.getId()); vo.setPhysicalNetworkId(pcmd.getPhysicalNetworkId()); vo.setDeviceType(BaremetalPxeType.PING.toString()); txn.start(); _pxeDao.persist(vo); txn.commit(); return vo; }
protected void createDb() { DataCenterVO dc = new DataCenterVO( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "test", "", null, "", null, "", null, null, NetworkType.Basic, null, null, true, true, null, null); dc = dcDao.persist(dc); dcId = dc.getId(); HostPodVO pod = new HostPodVO(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), dc.getId(), "", "", 8, "test"); pod = podDao.persist(pod); podId = pod.getId(); ClusterVO cluster = new ClusterVO(dc.getId(), pod.getId(), "devcloud cluster"); cluster.setHypervisorType(HypervisorType.XenServer.toString()); cluster.setClusterType(ClusterType.CloudManaged); cluster.setManagedState(ManagedState.Managed); cluster = clusterDao.persist(cluster); clusterId = cluster.getId(); DataStoreProvider provider = providerMgr.getDataStoreProvider("ancient primary data store provider"); storage = new StoragePoolVO(); storage.setDataCenterId(dcId); storage.setPodId(podId); storage.setPoolType(StoragePoolType.NetworkFilesystem); storage.setClusterId(clusterId); storage.setStatus(StoragePoolStatus.Up); storage.setScope(ScopeType.CLUSTER); storage.setAvailableBytes(1000); storage.setCapacityBytes(20000); storage.setHostAddress(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); storage.setPath(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); storage.setStorageProviderName(provider.getName()); storage = storagePoolDao.persist(storage); storagePoolId = storage.getId(); storageMgr.createCapacityEntry(storage.getId()); diskOffering = new DiskOfferingVO(); diskOffering.setDiskSize(500); diskOffering.setName("test-disk"); diskOffering.setSystemUse(false); diskOffering.setUseLocalStorage(false); diskOffering.setCustomized(false); diskOffering.setRecreatable(false); diskOffering = diskOfferingDao.persist(diskOffering); diskOfferingId = diskOffering.getId(); volume = new VolumeVO( Volume.Type.ROOT, "volume", dcId, 1, 1, diskOffering.getId(), diskOffering.getDiskSize()); volume = volumeDao.persist(volume); volumeId = volume.getId(); }
@Test(priority = -1) public void setUp() { ComponentContext.initComponentsLifeCycle(); host = hostDao.findByGuid(this.getHostGuid()); if (host != null) { dcId = host.getDataCenterId(); clusterId = host.getClusterId(); podId = host.getPodId(); return; } // create data center DataCenterVO dc = new DataCenterVO( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "test", "", null, "", null, "", null, null, NetworkType.Basic, null, null, true, true, null, null); dc = dcDao.persist(dc); dcId = dc.getId(); // create pod HostPodVO pod = new HostPodVO( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), dc.getId(), this.getHostGateway(), this.getHostCidr(), 8, "test"); pod = podDao.persist(pod); podId = pod.getId(); // create xen cluster ClusterVO cluster = new ClusterVO(dc.getId(), pod.getId(), "devcloud cluster"); cluster.setHypervisorType(HypervisorType.XenServer.toString()); cluster.setClusterType(ClusterType.CloudManaged); cluster.setManagedState(ManagedState.Managed); cluster = clusterDao.persist(cluster); clusterId = cluster.getId(); // create xen host host = new HostVO(this.getHostGuid()); host.setName("devcloud xen host"); host.setType(Host.Type.Routing); host.setPrivateIpAddress(this.getHostIp()); host.setDataCenterId(dc.getId()); host.setVersion("6.0.1"); host.setAvailable(true); host.setSetup(true); host.setPodId(podId); host.setLastPinged(0); host.setResourceState(ResourceState.Enabled); host.setHypervisorType(HypervisorType.XenServer); host.setClusterId(cluster.getId()); host = hostDao.persist(host); imageStore = new ImageStoreVO(); imageStore.setName("test"); imageStore.setDataCenterId(dcId); imageStore.setProviderName("CloudStack ImageStore Provider"); imageStore.setRole(DataStoreRole.Image); imageStore.setUrl(this.getSecondaryStorage()); imageStore.setUuid(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); imageStore = imageStoreDao.persist(imageStore); }
@Test(priority = -1) public void setUp() { ComponentContext.initComponentsLifeCycle(); host = hostDao.findByGuid(this.getHostGuid()); if (host != null) { dcId = host.getDataCenterId(); clusterId = host.getClusterId(); podId = host.getPodId(); imageStore = this.imageStoreDao.findByName(imageStoreName); } else { // create data center DataCenterVO dc = new DataCenterVO( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "test", "", null, "", null, "", null, null, NetworkType.Basic, null, null, true, true, null, null); dc = dcDao.persist(dc); dcId = dc.getId(); // create pod HostPodVO pod = new HostPodVO( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), dc.getId(), this.getHostGateway(), this.getHostCidr(), 8, "test"); pod = podDao.persist(pod); podId = pod.getId(); // create xen cluster ClusterVO cluster = new ClusterVO(dc.getId(), pod.getId(), "devcloud cluster"); cluster.setHypervisorType(HypervisorType.VMware.toString()); cluster.setClusterType(ClusterType.ExternalManaged); cluster.setManagedState(ManagedState.Managed); cluster = clusterDao.persist(cluster); clusterId = cluster.getId(); // setup vcenter ClusterDetailsVO clusterDetailVO = new ClusterDetailsVO(cluster.getId(), "url", null); this.clusterDetailsDao.persist(clusterDetailVO); clusterDetailVO = new ClusterDetailsVO(cluster.getId(), "username", null); this.clusterDetailsDao.persist(clusterDetailVO); clusterDetailVO = new ClusterDetailsVO(cluster.getId(), "password", null); this.clusterDetailsDao.persist(clusterDetailVO); // create xen host host = new HostVO(this.getHostGuid()); host.setName("devcloud vmware host"); host.setType(Host.Type.Routing); host.setPrivateIpAddress(this.getHostIp()); host.setDataCenterId(dc.getId()); host.setVersion("6.0.1"); host.setAvailable(true); host.setSetup(true); host.setPodId(podId); host.setLastPinged(0); host.setResourceState(ResourceState.Enabled); host.setHypervisorType(HypervisorType.VMware); host.setClusterId(cluster.getId()); host = hostDao.persist(host); imageStore = new ImageStoreVO(); imageStore.setName(imageStoreName); imageStore.setDataCenterId(dcId); imageStore.setProviderName("CloudStack ImageStore Provider"); imageStore.setRole(DataStoreRole.Image); imageStore.setUrl(this.getSecondaryStorage()); imageStore.setUuid(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); imageStore.setProtocol("nfs"); imageStore = imageStoreDao.persist(imageStore); } image = new VMTemplateVO(); image.setTemplateType(TemplateType.USER); image.setUrl(this.getTemplateUrl()); image.setUniqueName(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); image.setName(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); image.setPublicTemplate(true); image.setFeatured(true); image.setRequiresHvm(true); image.setBits(64); image.setFormat(Storage.ImageFormat.VHD); image.setEnablePassword(true); image.setEnableSshKey(true); image.setGuestOSId(1); image.setBootable(true); image.setPrepopulate(true); image.setCrossZones(true); image.setExtractable(true); image = imageDataDao.persist(image); /* * TemplateDataStoreVO templateStore = new TemplateDataStoreVO(); * * templateStore.setDataStoreId(imageStore.getId()); * templateStore.setDownloadPercent(100); * templateStore.setDownloadState(Status.DOWNLOADED); * templateStore.setDownloadUrl(imageStore.getUrl()); * templateStore.setInstallPath(this.getImageInstallPath()); * templateStore.setTemplateId(image.getId()); * templateStoreDao.persist(templateStore); */ DataStore store = this.dataStoreMgr.getDataStore(imageStore.getId(), DataStoreRole.Image); TemplateInfo template = templateFactory.getTemplate(image.getId(), DataStoreRole.Image); DataObject templateOnStore = store.create(template); TemplateObjectTO to = new TemplateObjectTO(); to.setPath(this.getImageInstallPath()); CopyCmdAnswer answer = new CopyCmdAnswer(to); templateOnStore.processEvent(Event.CreateOnlyRequested); templateOnStore.processEvent(Event.OperationSuccessed, answer); }
private void generateEmailAlert( DataCenterVO dc, HostPodVO pod, ClusterVO cluster, double totalCapacity, double usedCapacity, short capacityType) { String msgSubject = null; String msgContent = null; String totalStr; String usedStr; String pctStr = formatPercent(usedCapacity / totalCapacity); short alertType = -1; Long podId = pod == null ? null : pod.getId(); Long clusterId = cluster == null ? null : cluster.getId(); switch (capacityType) { // Cluster Level case CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_MEMORY: msgSubject = "System Alert: Low Available Memory in cluster " + cluster.getName() + " pod " + pod.getName() + " of availablity zone " + dc.getName(); totalStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(totalCapacity); usedStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(usedCapacity); msgContent = "System memory is low, total: " + totalStr + " MB, used: " + usedStr + " MB (" + pctStr + "%)"; alertType = ALERT_TYPE_MEMORY; break; case CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_CPU: msgSubject = "System Alert: Low Unallocated CPU in cluster " + cluster.getName() + " pod " + pod.getName() + " of availablity zone " + dc.getName(); totalStr = _dfWhole.format(totalCapacity); usedStr = _dfWhole.format(usedCapacity); msgContent = "Unallocated CPU is low, total: " + totalStr + " Mhz, used: " + usedStr + " Mhz (" + pctStr + "%)"; alertType = ALERT_TYPE_CPU; break; case CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_STORAGE: msgSubject = "System Alert: Low Available Storage in cluster " + cluster.getName() + " pod " + pod.getName() + " of availablity zone " + dc.getName(); totalStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(totalCapacity); usedStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(usedCapacity); msgContent = "Available storage space is low, total: " + totalStr + " MB, used: " + usedStr + " MB (" + pctStr + "%)"; alertType = ALERT_TYPE_STORAGE; break; case CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_STORAGE_ALLOCATED: msgSubject = "System Alert: Remaining unallocated Storage is low in cluster " + cluster.getName() + " pod " + pod.getName() + " of availablity zone " + dc.getName(); totalStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(totalCapacity); usedStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(usedCapacity); msgContent = "Unallocated storage space is low, total: " + totalStr + " MB, allocated: " + usedStr + " MB (" + pctStr + "%)"; alertType = ALERT_TYPE_STORAGE_ALLOCATED; break; case CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_LOCAL_STORAGE: msgSubject = "System Alert: Remaining unallocated Local Storage is low in cluster " + cluster.getName() + " pod " + pod.getName() + " of availablity zone " + dc.getName(); totalStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(totalCapacity); usedStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(usedCapacity); msgContent = "Unallocated storage space is low, total: " + totalStr + " MB, allocated: " + usedStr + " MB (" + pctStr + "%)"; alertType = ALERT_TYPE_LOCAL_STORAGE; break; // Pod Level case CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_PRIVATE_IP: msgSubject = "System Alert: Number of unallocated private IPs is low in pod " + pod.getName() + " of availablity zone " + dc.getName(); totalStr = Double.toString(totalCapacity); usedStr = Double.toString(usedCapacity); msgContent = "Number of unallocated private IPs is low, total: " + totalStr + ", allocated: " + usedStr + " (" + pctStr + "%)"; alertType = ALERT_TYPE_PRIVATE_IP; break; // Zone Level case CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_SECONDARY_STORAGE: msgSubject = "System Alert: Low Available Secondary Storage in availablity zone " + dc.getName(); totalStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(totalCapacity); usedStr = formatBytesToMegabytes(usedCapacity); msgContent = "Available secondary storage space is low, total: " + totalStr + " MB, used: " + usedStr + " MB (" + pctStr + "%)"; alertType = ALERT_TYPE_SECONDARY_STORAGE; break; case CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_PUBLIC_IP: msgSubject = "System Alert: Number of unallocated virtual network public IPs is low in availablity zone " + dc.getName(); totalStr = Double.toString(totalCapacity); usedStr = Double.toString(usedCapacity); msgContent = "Number of unallocated public IPs is low, total: " + totalStr + ", allocated: " + usedStr + " (" + pctStr + "%)"; alertType = ALERT_TYPE_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_PUBLIC_IP; break; case CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_DIRECT_ATTACHED_PUBLIC_IP: msgSubject = "System Alert: Number of unallocated direct attached public IPs is low in availablity zone " + dc.getName(); totalStr = Double.toString(totalCapacity); usedStr = Double.toString(usedCapacity); msgContent = "Number of unallocated direct attached public IPs is low, total: " + totalStr + ", allocated: " + usedStr + " (" + pctStr + "%)"; alertType = ALERT_TYPE_DIRECT_ATTACHED_PUBLIC_IP; break; case CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_VLAN: msgSubject = "System Alert: Number of unallocated VLANs is low in availablity zone " + dc.getName(); totalStr = Double.toString(totalCapacity); usedStr = Double.toString(usedCapacity); msgContent = "Number of unallocated VLANs is low, total: " + totalStr + ", allocated: " + usedStr + " (" + pctStr + "%)"; alertType = ALERT_TYPE_VLAN; break; } try { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug(msgSubject); s_logger.debug(msgContent); } _emailAlert.sendAlert(alertType, dc.getId(), podId, clusterId, msgSubject, msgContent); } catch (Exception ex) { s_logger.error("Exception in CapacityChecker", ex); } }
public void checkForAlerts() { recalculateCapacity(); // abort if we can't possibly send an alert... if (_emailAlert == null) { return; } // Get all datacenters, pods and clusters in the system. List<DataCenterVO> dataCenterList = _dcDao.listAll(); List<ClusterVO> clusterList = _clusterDao.listAll(); List<HostPodVO> podList = _podDao.listAll(); // Get capacity types at different levels List<Short> dataCenterCapacityTypes = getCapacityTypesAtZoneLevel(); List<Short> podCapacityTypes = getCapacityTypesAtPodLevel(); List<Short> clusterCapacityTypes = getCapacityTypesAtClusterLevel(); // Generate Alerts for Zone Level capacities for (DataCenterVO dc : dataCenterList) { for (Short capacityType : dataCenterCapacityTypes) { List<SummedCapacity> capacity = new ArrayList<SummedCapacity>(); capacity = _capacityDao.findCapacityBy(capacityType.intValue(), dc.getId(), null, null); if (capacityType == Capacity.CAPACITY_TYPE_SECONDARY_STORAGE) { capacity.add(getUsedStats(capacityType, dc.getId(), null, null)); } if (capacity == null || capacity.size() == 0) { continue; } double totalCapacity = capacity.get(0).getTotalCapacity(); double usedCapacity = capacity.get(0).getUsedCapacity(); if (totalCapacity != 0 && usedCapacity / totalCapacity > _capacityTypeThresholdMap.get(capacityType)) { generateEmailAlert(dc, null, null, totalCapacity, usedCapacity, capacityType); } } } // Generate Alerts for Pod Level capacities for (HostPodVO pod : podList) { for (Short capacityType : podCapacityTypes) { List<SummedCapacity> capacity = _capacityDao.findCapacityBy( capacityType.intValue(), pod.getDataCenterId(), pod.getId(), null); if (capacity == null || capacity.size() == 0) { continue; } double totalCapacity = capacity.get(0).getTotalCapacity(); double usedCapacity = capacity.get(0).getUsedCapacity(); if (totalCapacity != 0 && usedCapacity / totalCapacity > _capacityTypeThresholdMap.get(capacityType)) { generateEmailAlert( ApiDBUtils.findZoneById(pod.getDataCenterId()), pod, null, totalCapacity, usedCapacity, capacityType); } } } // Generate Alerts for Cluster Level capacities for (ClusterVO cluster : clusterList) { for (Short capacityType : clusterCapacityTypes) { List<SummedCapacity> capacity = new ArrayList<SummedCapacity>(); float overProvFactor = 1f; capacity = _capacityDao.findCapacityBy( capacityType.intValue(), cluster.getDataCenterId(), null, cluster.getId()); if (capacityType == Capacity.CAPACITY_TYPE_STORAGE) { capacity.add( getUsedStats( capacityType, cluster.getDataCenterId(), cluster.getPodId(), cluster.getId())); } if (capacity == null || capacity.size() == 0) { continue; } if (capacityType == Capacity.CAPACITY_TYPE_CPU) { overProvFactor = ApiDBUtils.getCpuOverprovisioningFactor(); } double totalCapacity = capacity.get(0).getTotalCapacity() * overProvFactor; double usedCapacity = capacity.get(0).getUsedCapacity() + capacity.get(0).getReservedCapacity(); if (totalCapacity != 0 && usedCapacity / totalCapacity > _capacityTypeThresholdMap.get(capacityType)) { generateEmailAlert( ApiDBUtils.findZoneById(cluster.getDataCenterId()), ApiDBUtils.findPodById(cluster.getPodId()), cluster, totalCapacity, usedCapacity, capacityType); } } } }
@Override @DB public void recalculateCapacity() { // FIXME: the right way to do this is to register a listener (see RouterStatsListener, // VMSyncListener) // for the vm sync state. The listener model has connects/disconnects to keep things in // sync much better // than this model right now, so when a VM is started, we update the amount allocated, // and when a VM // is stopped we updated the amount allocated, and when VM sync reports a changed state, // we update // the amount allocated. Hopefully it's limited to 3 entry points and will keep the // amount allocated // per host accurate. try { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("recalculating system capacity"); s_logger.debug("Executing cpu/ram capacity update"); } // Calculate CPU and RAM capacities // get all hosts...even if they are not in 'UP' state List<HostVO> hosts = _resourceMgr.listAllHostsInAllZonesByType(Host.Type.Routing); for (HostVO host : hosts) { _capacityMgr.updateCapacityForHost(host); } if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Done executing cpu/ram capacity update"); s_logger.debug("Executing storage capacity update"); } // Calculate storage pool capacity List<StoragePoolVO> storagePools = _storagePoolDao.listAll(); for (StoragePoolVO pool : storagePools) { long disk = 0l; Pair<Long, Long> sizes = _volumeDao.getCountAndTotalByPool(pool.getId()); disk = sizes.second(); if (pool.isShared()) { _storageMgr.createCapacityEntry(pool, Capacity.CAPACITY_TYPE_STORAGE_ALLOCATED, disk); } else { _storageMgr.createCapacityEntry(pool, Capacity.CAPACITY_TYPE_LOCAL_STORAGE, disk); } } if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Done executing storage capacity update"); s_logger.debug("Executing capacity updates public ip and Vlans"); } List<DataCenterVO> datacenters = _dcDao.listAll(); for (DataCenterVO datacenter : datacenters) { long dcId = datacenter.getId(); // NOTE // What happens if we have multiple vlans? Dashboard currently shows stats // with no filter based on a vlan // ideal way would be to remove out the vlan param, and filter only on dcId // implementing the same // Calculate new Public IP capacity for Virtual Network if (datacenter.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Advanced) { createOrUpdateIpCapacity(dcId, null, CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_PUBLIC_IP); } // Calculate new Public IP capacity for Direct Attached Network createOrUpdateIpCapacity(dcId, null, CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_DIRECT_ATTACHED_PUBLIC_IP); if (datacenter.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Advanced) { // Calculate VLAN's capacity createOrUpdateVlanCapacity(dcId); } } if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Done capacity updates for public ip and Vlans"); s_logger.debug("Executing capacity updates for private ip"); } // Calculate new Private IP capacity List<HostPodVO> pods = _podDao.listAll(); for (HostPodVO pod : pods) { long podId = pod.getId(); long dcId = pod.getDataCenterId(); createOrUpdateIpCapacity(dcId, podId, CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_PRIVATE_IP); } if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Done executing capacity updates for private ip"); s_logger.debug("Done recalculating system capacity"); } } catch (Throwable t) { s_logger.error("Caught exception in recalculating capacity", t); } }