private void initColumnsAdnWidths(CleanwiseUser appUser) { mShowPrice = appUser.getShowPrice(); String showSize = mRequest.getParameter("showSize"); if (Utility.isSet(showSize) && !Utility.isTrue(showSize)) { mShowSize = false; } if (!catalogOnly) { mColumnCount++; } if (mShowSize) { mColumnCount++; } if (mShowPrice) { mColumnCount++; } itmColumnWidth = new int[mColumnCount]; int i = 0; if (!catalogOnly) { itmColumnWidth[i++] = 8; // empty itmColumnWidth[i++] = 8; // qty itmColumnWidth[i++] = 10; // sku itmColumnWidth[i++] = 40; // name if (mShowSize) { itmColumnWidth[i++] = 10; // size } // itmColumnWidth[i++] = 6; // itmColumnWidth[i++] = 6; if (mShowPrice) { itmColumnWidth[i++] = 16; // price } itmColumnWidth[i] = 8; // empty } else { itmColumnWidth[i++] = 10; // empty itmColumnWidth[i++] = 12; // sku itmColumnWidth[i++] = 36; // name if (mShowSize) { itmColumnWidth[i++] = 20; // size } // itmColumnWidth[i++] = 4; // itmColumnWidth[i++] = 3; if (mShowPrice) { itmColumnWidth[i++] = 16; // price } itmColumnWidth[i] = 3; // spl } }
protected String getField( Segment pSegment, int pFieldNum, boolean pMandatoryFl, String pErrorMessage) { DataElement de = null; String val = null; String err = null; try { de = pSegment.getDataElement(pFieldNum); } catch (Exception exc) { if (pMandatoryFl) { err = pErrorMessage + " (1)"; } } if (err == null && de == null && pMandatoryFl) { err = pErrorMessage + " (2)"; } if (err == null && de != null) { try { val = de.get(); } catch (Exception exc) { } if (!Utility.isSet(val) && pMandatoryFl) { err = pErrorMessage + " (3)"; } } if (err != null) { errorMsgs.add(err); } return val; }
private String getSearchSqlByFilterName(String filterName, String filterVal, int filterType) { String nameFilter = ""; if (Utility.isSet(filterVal)) { switch (filterType) { case QueryRequest.BEGINS: nameFilter = " and UPPER(" + filterName + ") LIKE UPPER('" + filterVal.replaceAll("'", "''") + "%') \n"; break; case QueryRequest.CONTAINS: nameFilter = " and UPPER(" + filterName + ") LIKE UPPER('%" + filterVal.replaceAll("'", "''") + "%') \n"; break; } } return nameFilter; }
public static Properties getUiProperties(HttpServletRequest pRequest) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { Properties configProps = new Properties(); String fileName = ClwCustomizerMyFax.getAbsFilePath(pRequest, "config.txt"); if (Utility.isSet(fileName)) { FileInputStream configIS = new FileInputStream(fileName); configProps.load(configIS); } return configProps; }
public void extractShipByN1(Loop inLoop) throws OBOEException { Loop loop = null; int numberInVector = inLoop.getCount("N1"); for (int i = 0; i < numberInVector; i++) { loop = inLoop.getLoop("N1", i); if (loop == null) return; Segment segment = loop.getSegment("N1"); String qualif = getField(segment, 1, false, null); if ("ST".equals(qualif)) { String shipToName = getField(segment, 2, false, null); ediInp856Vw.setShipToName(shipToName); String identQualifier = getField(segment, 3, false, null); if ("01".equals(identQualifier)) { String shipToCode = getField(segment, 4, false, null); ediInp856Vw.setShipToCode(shipToCode); } extractShipFromN4(loop); } else { String distName = qualif; ediInp856Vw.setDistName(distName); String distCodeQualifier = getField(segment, 2, false, null); ediInp856Vw.setDistIdentCodeQualif(distCodeQualifier); if (!Utility.isSet(distName) && !Utility.isSet(distCodeQualifier)) { errorMsgs.add("No distributor info in segment N1"); setValid(false); return; } if (Utility.isSet(distCodeQualifier)) { String distCode = getField(segment, 3, false, null); ediInp856Vw.setDistIdentCode(distCode); if (!Utility.isSet(distCode) && !Utility.isSet(distName)) { errorMsgs.add("No distributor info in segment N1"); setValid(false); return; } } } } }
public void extractPurchaseOrderReferencePRF(Loop inLoop) throws OBOEException { Segment segment = null; try { segment = inLoop.getSegment("PRF"); } catch (Exception exc) { } if (segment == null) { return; } String purchaseOrderNumber = getField(segment, 1, false, null); if (Utility.isSet(ediInp856Vw.getDistOrderNum()) && !ediInp856Vw.getDistOrderNum().equals(purchaseOrderNumber)) { ediHandler.appendIntegrationRequest(ediInp856Vw); ediInp856Vw = ediInp856Vw.copy(); ediInp856Vw.setItems(new EdiInp856ItemViewVector()); } ediInp856Vw.setDistOrderNum(purchaseOrderNumber); return; }
public static Object getJavaObject(HttpServletRequest pRequest, String pFullClassName) throws Exception { HttpSession session = pRequest.getSession(); CleanwiseUser appUser = (CleanwiseUser) session.getAttribute(Constants.APP_USER); StoreData storeD = appUser.getUserStore(); AccountData accountD = appUser.getUserAccount(); int storeId = 0; int accountId = 0; if (storeD != null) storeId = storeD.getBusEntity().getBusEntityId(); if (accountD != null) accountId = accountD.getBusEntity().getBusEntityId(); String key = storeId + "@" + accountId + "@" + pFullClassName; Object javaObj = session.getAttribute(key); if (javaObj == null) { ArrayList prefAL = new ArrayList(); String path = ""; PropertyData storePrefixPD = storeD.getPrefix(); if (storePrefixPD != null) { path = Utility.strNN(storePrefixPD.getValue()); } String accountDir = accountD.getPropertyValue(RefCodeNames.PROPERTY_TYPE_CD.ACCOUNT_FOLDER); if (Utility.isSet(accountDir)) { path += "/" + accountDir; } path = path.replace('\\', '/').toLowerCase(); String[] pathDirA = Utility.parseStringToArray(path, "/"); String pathInc = null; for (int ii = 0; ii < pathDirA.length; ii++) { String ss = pathDirA[ii]; if (Utility.isSet(ss)) { if (pathInc == null) { pathInc = "." + ss; } else { pathInc += "." + ss; } pathDirA[ii] = pathInc; } else { pathDirA[ii] = null; } } int ll = pFullClassName.lastIndexOf("."); String defaultPath = pFullClassName.substring(0, ll); String className = pFullClassName.substring(ll); Class clazz = null; for (int ii = pathDirA.length - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) { if (pathDirA[ii] != null) { String fullClassNameTest = defaultPath + pathDirA[ii] + className; try { clazz = Class.forName(fullClassNameTest); if (clazz != null) { break; } } catch (Exception exc) { } } } if (clazz == null) { clazz = Class.forName(pFullClassName); } if (clazz != null) { javaObj = clazz.newInstance(); session.setAttribute(key, javaObj); } } return javaObj; }
/** * Returns the store specific/account specific path for the image. @see storeFileImagePath * and @see getSIP */ private static String getSIP( String pPortal, String pFileName, String storePrefix, Locale locale, HashMap filePathHM, StoreData storeD, AccountData accountD, String webDir, String rootDir, boolean absolutePath) { if (pFileName == null) { return ""; } pFileName = pFileName.trim(); // guess at some values if not provided if (locale == null) { if (accountD != null && Utility.isSet(accountD.getBusEntity().getLocaleCd())) { locale = Utility.parseLocaleCode(accountD.getBusEntity().getLocaleCd()); } if (storeD != null && Utility.isSet(storeD.getBusEntity().getLocaleCd())) { locale = Utility.parseLocaleCode(storeD.getBusEntity().getLocaleCd()); } } if (filePathHM == null) { filePathHM = new HashMap(); } if (rootDir == null) { rootDir = ClwCustomizerMyFax.getStoreDir(); } if (!Utility.isSet(storePrefix)) { storePrefix = storeD.getPrefix().getValue(); } if (!Utility.isSet(webDir)) { webDir = System.getProperty("webdeploy"); } if (pPortal == null) pPortal = "store"; // Make key int storeId = 0; int accountId = 0; String accountDir = ""; if (storeD != null) { storeId = storeD.getBusEntity().getBusEntityId(); } if (accountD != null) { accountId = accountD.getBusEntity().getBusEntityId(); accountDir = accountD.getPropertyValue(RefCodeNames.PROPERTY_TYPE_CD.ACCOUNT_FOLDER); } String key = pPortal + "@" + locale + "@" + pFileName + "@" + storeId + "@" + accountId + "@" + absolutePath; String resultFilePath = (String) filePathHM.get(key); if (resultFilePath != null) { return resultFilePath; } if (storePrefix == null) storePrefix = ""; // String webDir = System.getProperty("webdeploy"); if (webDir == null) webDir = ""; int ind = webDir.indexOf("deploy"); if (ind < 0) { (new Exception("Invalid current directory: " + webDir)).printStackTrace(); return ""; } // trying to find file String storeAcctPrefix = (Utility.isSet(accountDir)) ? storePrefix + "/" + accountDir : storePrefix; StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(storeAcctPrefix, "/"); String[] storeAcctPrefixA = new String[tok.countTokens() + 1]; storeAcctPrefixA[0] = ""; ind = 1; while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String nextToken = tok.nextToken(); if (ind == 1) { storeAcctPrefixA[ind] = nextToken; } else { storeAcctPrefixA[ind] = storeAcctPrefixA[ind - 1] + "/" + nextToken; } ind++; } String absPath = ""; String filePath = ""; boolean foundFl = false; for (int ii = storeAcctPrefixA.length - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) { filePath = "/" + pPortal + "/" + storeAcctPrefixA[ii] + "/" + locale + "/" + "images/" + pFileName; absPath = webDir + filePath; File tf = new File(absPath); if (tf.exists()) { foundFl = true; break; } filePath = "/" + pPortal + "/" + storeAcctPrefixA[ii] + "/" + "images/" + pFileName; absPath = webDir + filePath; tf = new File(absPath); if (tf.exists()) { foundFl = true; break; } filePath = "/" + pPortal + "/" + storeAcctPrefixA[ii] + "/" + "images/" + pFileName; absPath = webDir + filePath; tf = new File(absPath); if (tf.exists()) { foundFl = true; break; } /* filePath = "/" + pPortal + "/" + storeAcctPrefixA[ii] + "/" + "images/"+ pFileName; absPath = webDir + filePath; tf = new File(absPath); if(tf.exists()) { foundFl = true; break; } */ } if (absolutePath) { filePath = absPath; } else { filePath = "/" + rootDir + filePath; } if (foundFl) { filePathHM.put(key, filePath); } return filePath; }
public static String getStoreFilePath( HttpServletRequest pRequest, String pPortal, String pFileName) { if (pFileName == null) { return ""; } pFileName = pFileName.trim(); HttpSession session = pRequest.getSession(); HashMap filePathHM = (HashMap) session.getAttribute("store.files"); if (filePathHM == null) { filePathHM = new HashMap(); session.setAttribute("store.files", filePathHM); } if (pPortal == null) pPortal = "store"; // Make key int storeId = 0; int accountId = 0; CleanwiseUser user = (CleanwiseUser) session.getAttribute(Constants.APP_USER); String accountDir = ""; if (user != null) { StoreData storeD = user.getUserStore(); if (storeD != null) { storeId = storeD.getBusEntity().getBusEntityId(); } AccountData accountD = user.getUserAccount(); if (accountD != null) { accountId = accountD.getBusEntity().getBusEntityId(); accountDir = accountD.getPropertyValue(RefCodeNames.PROPERTY_TYPE_CD.ACCOUNT_FOLDER); } } Locale locale = ClwI18nUtil.getUserLocale(pRequest); String key = pPortal + "@" + locale + "@" + pFileName + "@" + storeId + "@" + accountId; String resultFilePath = (String) filePathHM.get(key); if (resultFilePath != null) { return resultFilePath; } String storeDir = (String) session.getAttribute("store.dir") + ".clw"; String storePrefix = (String) session.getAttribute(""); if (storePrefix == null) storePrefix = ""; // String webDir = System.getProperty("webdeploy"); String webDir = (String) session.getAttribute("webdeploy"); if (webDir == null) webDir = ""; int ind = webDir.indexOf("deploy"); if (ind < 0) { (new Exception("Invalid current directory: " + webDir)).printStackTrace(); return ""; } // trying to find file String storeAcctPrefix = (Utility.isSet(accountDir)) ? storePrefix + "/" + accountDir : storePrefix; StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(storeAcctPrefix, "/"); String[] storeAcctPrefixA = new String[tok.countTokens() + 1]; storeAcctPrefixA[0] = ""; ind = 1; while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String nextToken = tok.nextToken(); if (ind == 1) { storeAcctPrefixA[ind] = nextToken; } else { storeAcctPrefixA[ind] = storeAcctPrefixA[ind - 1] + "/" + nextToken; } ind++; } String absPath = ""; String filePath = ""; boolean foundFl = false; for (int ii = storeAcctPrefixA.length - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) { filePath = "/" + pPortal + "/" + storeAcctPrefixA[ii] + "/" + locale + "/" + pFileName; absPath = webDir + filePath; File tf = new File(absPath); if (tf.exists()) { foundFl = true; break; } if (Utility.isSet(locale.getLanguage())) { filePath = "/" + pPortal + "/" + storeAcctPrefixA[ii] + "/" + locale.getLanguage() + "/" + pFileName; absPath = webDir + filePath; tf = new File(absPath); if (tf.exists()) { foundFl = true; break; } } filePath = "/" + pPortal + "/" + storeAcctPrefixA[ii] + "/" + pFileName; absPath = webDir + filePath; tf = new File(absPath); if (tf.exists()) { foundFl = true; break; } /* filePath = "/" + pPortal + "/" + storeAcctPrefixA[ii] + "/" + pFileName; absPath = webDir + filePath; tf = new File(absPath); if(tf.exists()) { foundFl = true; break; } */ } if (foundFl) { filePathHM.put(key, filePath); } return filePath; }
private PdfPTable getNonPersonalized(UserShopForm sForm) throws DocumentException { PdfPTable personalInfo = new PdfPTable(2); personalInfo.setWidthPercentage(50); personalInfo.setWidths(sizes); personalInfo.getDefaultCell().setBorder(borderType); String dateStr = ClwI18nUtil.getMessage(mRequest, "", null); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase(dateStr + " ", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell( makePhrase("_____________________________________________ ", smallHeading, true)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, true)); String submittedByStr = ClwI18nUtil.getMessage(mRequest, "shop.og.text.submittedBy:", null); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase(submittedByStr + " ", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell( makePhrase("_____________________________________________ ", smallHeading, true)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, true)); String companyNameStr = ClwI18nUtil.getMessage(mRequest, "shop.og.text.companyName:", null); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase(companyNameStr + " ", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell( makePhrase("_____________________________________________ ", smallHeading, true)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, true)); String siteNumStr = ClwI18nUtil.getMessage(mRequest, "", null); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase(siteNumStr + " ", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell( makePhrase("_____________________________________________ ", smallHeading, true)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, true)); String address1Str = ClwI18nUtil.getMessage(mRequest, "shop.og.text.address1:", null); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase(address1Str + " ", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell( makePhrase("_____________________________________________ ", smallHeading, true)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, true)); String address2Str = ClwI18nUtil.getMessage(mRequest, "shop.og.text.address2:", null); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase(address2Str + " ", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell( makePhrase("_____________________________________________ ", smallHeading, true)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, true)); String address3Str = ClwI18nUtil.getMessage(mRequest, "shop.og.text.address3:", null); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase(address3Str + " ", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell( makePhrase("_____________________________________________ ", smallHeading, true)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, true)); String cityStr = ClwI18nUtil.getMessage(mRequest, "", null); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase(cityStr + " ", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell( makePhrase("_____________________________________________ ", smallHeading, true)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, true)); if (sForm.getAppUser().getUserStore().isStateProvinceRequired()) { String state = sForm.getAppUser().getSite().getSiteAddress().getStateProvinceCd(); if (Utility.isSet(state)) { String stateStr = ClwI18nUtil.getMessage(mRequest, "shop.og.text.state:", null); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase(stateStr + " ", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell( makePhrase("_____________________________________________ ", smallHeading, true)); } } personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, true)); String postalCodeStr = ClwI18nUtil.getMessage(mRequest, "shop.og.text.postalCode:", null); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase(postalCodeStr + " ", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell( makePhrase("_____________________________________________ ", smallHeading, true)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, true)); String phoneNumStr = ClwI18nUtil.getMessage(mRequest, "", null); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase(phoneNumStr + " ", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell( makePhrase("_____________________________________________ ", smallHeading, true)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase("", smallHeading, true)); String orderPlacedByStr = ClwI18nUtil.getMessage(mRequest, "shop.og.text.orderPlacedBy:", null); personalInfo.addCell(makePhrase(orderPlacedByStr + " ", smallHeading, false)); personalInfo.addCell( makePhrase("_____________________________________________ ", smallHeading, true)); return personalInfo; }
/** * <code>getAccountsUIByCriteria</code> returns a vector of AccountUIView's meeting the criteria * of the BusEntitySearchCriteria. * * @param pCrit a <code>BusEntitySearchCriteria</code> value the criteria * @return a <code>AccountUIViewVector</code> value * @exception SQLException if an error occurs */ public AccountUIViewVector getAccountsUIByCriteria(BusEntitySearchCriteria pCrit) throws RemoteException { Connection conn = null; AccountUIViewVector acctVec = new AccountUIViewVector(); try { // USER FILTER ==========================================================// Integer userId = null; String userFilterForAccounts = ""; if (pCrit.getUserIds() != null && pCrit.getUserIds().size() > 0) { userId = (Integer) pCrit.getUserIds().get(0); userFilterForAccounts = getUserFilterForAccounts(userId.intValue()); } // STORE FILTER===========================================================// Integer storeId = null; if (pCrit.getStoreBusEntityIds() != null && pCrit.getStoreBusEntityIds().size() > 0) { storeId = (Integer) pCrit.getStoreBusEntityIds().get(0); } else { throw new RemoteException("Store ID can't be null. "); } String storeFilter = "(select STORE_DIM_ID from DW_STORE_DIM \n" + " where STORE_ID = " + storeId + " ) \n"; String storeFilterForAccounts = getStoreFilterForAccounts(storeId.intValue()); // ACCOUNT NAMES FILTER==================================================// String accountNameFilter = getSearchSqlByFilterName( "JD_ACCOUNT_NAME", pCrit.getSearchName(), pCrit.getSearchNameType()); String accountIdFilter = (Utility.isSet(pCrit.getSearchId())) ? " and JD_ACCOUNT_ID = " + pCrit.getSearchId() : ""; // ========================================================================// conn = getReportConnection(); String sql = "select \n " + " wm_concat(ACCOUNT_DIM_ID) ACCOUNT_DIM_IDS, \n" + " ACCOUNT_ID, \n" + " JD_ACCOUNT_NAME, JD_ACCOUNT_ID, \n" + " JD_ACCOUNT_CITY, JD_ACCOUNT_STATE, \n" + " JD_MARKET, JD_ACCOUNT_STATUS_CD \n" + "from DW_ACCOUNT_DIM where \n" + " STORE_DIM_ID = " + storeFilter + " \n" + /* " and account_ID in ( " + storeFilterForAccounts +") \n" */ userFilterForAccounts + accountIdFilter + accountNameFilter + " group by \n " + " ACCOUNT_ID, \n" + " JD_ACCOUNT_NAME, JD_ACCOUNT_ID, \n" + " JD_ACCOUNT_CITY, JD_ACCOUNT_STATE, \n" + " JD_MARKET, JD_ACCOUNT_STATUS_CD \n" + " order by JD_ACCOUNT_NAME "; Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); if (pCrit.getResultLimit() != QueryRequest.UNLIMITED) { stmt.setMaxRows(2000); } int rowId = 0; while ( { AccountUIView aui = AccountUIView.createValue(); rowId--; String accountDimIds = (rs.getString("ACCOUNT_DIM_IDS") != null) ? rs.getString("ACCOUNT_DIM_IDS") : ""; BusEntityData be = new BusEntityData(); be.setBusEntityId(rowId); be.setShortDesc( (rs.getString("JD_ACCOUNT_NAME") != null) ? rs.getString("JD_ACCOUNT_NAME") : ""); be.setBusEntityStatusCd( (rs.getString("JD_ACCOUNT_STATUS_CD") != null) ? rs.getString("JD_ACCOUNT_STATUS_CD") : ""); PropertyData pd = new PropertyData(); pd.setValue((rs.getString("JD_MARKET") != null) ? rs.getString("JD_MARKET") : ""); AddressData ad = new AddressData(); ad.setAddress1(""); ad.setCity( (rs.getString("JD_ACCOUNT_CITY") != null) ? rs.getString("JD_ACCOUNT_CITY") : ""); ad.setStateProvinceCd( (rs.getString("JD_ACCOUNT_STATE") != null) ? rs.getString("JD_ACCOUNT_STATE") : ""); aui.setAccountDimIds(accountDimIds); aui.setBusEntity(be); aui.setAccountType(pd); aui.setPrimaryAddress(ad); acctVec.add(aui); } stmt.close(); } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); throw processException(exc); } finally { closeConnection(conn); } return acctVec; }
public void extractItemIdentificationLIN(Loop inLoop) throws OBOEException { Segment segment = null; boolean ignoreMissingLineInfo = Utility.isTrue( getTranslator() .getConfigurationProperty( RefCodeNames.ENTITY_PROPERTY_TYPE.IGNORE_MISSING_LINE_INFO)); // valid = false; try { segment = inLoop.getSegment("LIN"); } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } if (segment == null && !ignoreMissingLineInfo) { errorMsgs.add("Segment LIN missing"); setValid(false); return; } String orderLineNumS = getField(segment, 1, true, "Missing order line number in LIN segment"); if (orderLineNumS == null && !ignoreMissingLineInfo) { errorMsgs.add("Order Line Number in LIN segment is null"); setValid(false); return; } int orderLineNum = 0; try { orderLineNum = Integer.parseInt(orderLineNumS); } catch (Exception exc) { // JD China will use line num 3.1 for line 3 if order is split for shipment. int ix = orderLineNumS.indexOf('.'); if (ix > 0) { String orderLineNumSs = orderLineNumS.substring(0, ix); try { orderLineNum = Integer.parseInt(orderLineNumSs); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (orderLineNum == 0 && !ignoreMissingLineInfo) { errorMsgs.add("Invalid value of order line number in LIN segment: " + orderLineNumS); setValid(false); return; } } ediInp856ItemVw.setPurchOrderLineNum(orderLineNum); for (int fieldNum = 1; fieldNum <= 7; fieldNum += 2) { try { String productNumQualifier = getField(segment, 1 + fieldNum, false, ""); if (productNumQualifier == null) { // errorMsgs.add("Product Service Id Qualifier is null"); // setValid(false); // return; break; } String productNum = getField(segment, 1 + fieldNum + 1, false, ""); if ("VP".equals(productNumQualifier) || "VN".equals(productNumQualifier)) { ediInp856ItemVw.setDistSkuNum(productNum); } } catch (Exception exc) { break; } } return; }
/* *@param pCriteria List of SearchCriteria objects *@return a set of ItemView objects *@exception RemoteException */ public ItemViewVector searchStoreItems(List pCriteria, boolean pDistInfoFl) throws RemoteException { Connection con = null; try { con = getReportConnection(); Integer storeIdI = new Integer(0); String categCond = ""; String shortDescCond = ""; String manufCond = ""; String manufSkuCond = ""; String distSkuCond = ""; String storeFilter = ""; ///////////////////// // Create a set of filters for (Iterator iter = pCriteria.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { SearchCriteria sc = (SearchCriteria); String name = sc.getName(); Object objValue = sc.getObjectValue(); String strValue = (objValue instanceof String) ? ((String) objValue).trim() : ""; if (SearchCriteria.STORE_ID.equals(name)) { storeIdI = (Integer) objValue; storeFilter = "select STORE_DIM_ID from DW_STORE_DIM \n" + " where STORE_ID = " + storeIdI + " \n"; } else if (SearchCriteria.CATALOG_CATEGORY.equals(name)) { String subStr = " like '%" + strValue.toUpperCase().replaceAll("'", "''") + "%' \n"; categCond = " and (UPPER(JD_CATEGORY1) " + subStr + " or \n" + " UPPER(JD_CATEGORY2) " + subStr + " or \n" + " UPPER(JD_CATEGORY3) " + subStr + ") \n"; } else if (SearchCriteria.PRODUCT_SHORT_DESC.equals(name)) { shortDescCond = " and UPPER(JD_ITEM_DESC) like '%" + strValue.toUpperCase().replaceAll("'", "''") + "%' \n"; } else if (SearchCriteria.MANUFACTURER_SHORT_DESC.equals(name)) { manufCond = " and UPPER(JD_MANUF_NAME) like '%" + strValue.toUpperCase().replaceAll("'", "''") + "%' \n"; } else if (SearchCriteria.MANUFACTURER_SKU_NUMBER.equals(name)) { manufSkuCond = " and UPPER(JD_MANUF_SKU) like '%" + strValue.toUpperCase().replaceAll("'", "''") + "%' \n"; } else if (SearchCriteria.DISTRIBUTOR_SKU_NUMBER.equals(name)) { distSkuCond = " and UPPER(JD_DIST_SKU) like '%" + strValue.toUpperCase().replaceAll("'", "''") + "%' \n"; } } // Get catalog id --------------------------------------------------------// /* int catalogId = 0; String sql = "select distinct STORE_CATALOG_ID from DW_CATEGORY_DIM \n" + " where STORE_DIM_ID IN (" + storeFilter + ")"; log( "DWOperationBean ---------------------------> sql1: " + sql); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); int count = 0; while ( { count++; catalogId = rs.getInt(1); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (count == 0) { String errorMess = "No catalog for store. Store id: " + storeIdI; throw new Exception(errorMess); } if (count > 1) { String errorMess = "Multiple active catalogs for store. Store id: " + storeIdI; throw new Exception(errorMess); } */ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------// String sql = "select \n" + " id.ITEM_DIM_ID, \n" + " JD_ITEM_DESC , \n" + " JD_ITEM_PACK , \n" + " JD_ITEM_UOM , \n" + " JD_MANUF_SKU, \n" + " JD_MANUF_NAME, \n" + " JD_CATEGORY1 \n"; String fromSql = " from DW_ITEM_DIM id, \n " + " DW_CATEGORY_DIM cd, \n" + " DW_MANUFACTURER_DIM md \n"; String whereSql = " where id.CATEGORY_DIM_ID = cd.CATEGORY_DIM_ID \n" + // " and cd.STORE_CATALOG_ID = " + catalogId + " \n" + " and cd.STORE_DIM_ID IN (" + storeFilter + ") \n" + " and md.MANUFACTURER_DIM_ID = id.MANUFACTURER_DIM_ID \n"; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------// if (pDistInfoFl) { sql += " , JD_DIST_SKU, \n" + " (select JD_DIST_NAME from DW_DISTRIBUTOR_DIM dd \n" + " where DISTRIBUTOR_DIM_ID = did.DISTRIBUTOR_DIM_ID \n" + " ) JD_DIST_NAME \n"; fromSql += " ,DW_ITEM_DISTRIBUTOR did \n"; whereSql += " and id.ITEM_DIM_ID = did.ITEM_DIM_ID (+) \n" + distSkuCond; } sql += fromSql + whereSql; sql += categCond + shortDescCond + manufCond + manufSkuCond; sql += " order by JD_MANUF_SKU "; Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); ItemViewVector itemVwV = new ItemViewVector(); while ( { ItemView itemVw = ItemView.createValue(); itemVwV.add(itemVw); itemVw.setStoreId(storeIdI.intValue()); // itemVw.setCatalogId(catalogId); itemVw.setItemId(rs.getInt("ITEM_DIM_ID")); itemVw.setName(Utility.strNN(rs.getString("JD_ITEM_DESC"))); itemVw.setSku(Utility.strNN(rs.getString("JD_MANUF_SKU"))); itemVw.setUom(Utility.strNN(rs.getString("JD_ITEM_UOM"))); itemVw.setPack(Utility.strNN(rs.getString("JD_ITEM_PACK"))); itemVw.setCategory(Utility.strNN(rs.getString("JD_CATEGORY1"))); itemVw.setManufName(Utility.strNN(rs.getString("JD_MANUF_NAME"))); itemVw.setManufSku(Utility.strNN(rs.getString("JD_MANUF_SKU"))); if (pDistInfoFl) { itemVw.setDistId(0); itemVw.setDistName(Utility.strNN(rs.getString("JD_DIST_NAME"))); itemVw.setDistSku(Utility.strNN(rs.getString("JD_DIST_SKU"))); } else { itemVw.setDistId(0); itemVw.setDistName(""); itemVw.setDistSku(""); } itemVw.setSelected(false); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return itemVwV; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage()); } finally { closeConnection(con); } }
public static void buildMenuStr( MenuItemView item, StringBuffer menuContent, String uid, int level) { if (item.getSubItems() != null && !item.getSubItems().isEmpty()) { Iterator it = item.getSubItems().iterator(); level++; String displayStatus = item.getDisplayStatus(); String ulClassName = null; if (MenuItemView.DISPLAY_STATUS.OPEN.equals(displayStatus) || Constants.ROOT.equals(item.getKey())) { ulClassName = "openelemBlocked"; } else if (MenuItemView.DISPLAY_STATUS.CLOSE.equals(displayStatus)) { ulClassName = "closeelem"; } menuContent.append("<"); menuContent.append("table"); menuContent.append( Utility.isSet(item.getKey()) ? " id=" + Utility.strNN(uid) + item.getKey() : ""); menuContent.append(Utility.isSet(ulClassName) ? " class=" + ulClassName : ""); menuContent.append(">"); while (it.hasNext()) { MenuItemView menuItem = (MenuItemView); String displayStatusChild = menuItem.getDisplayStatus(); String liClassName = null; if (MenuItemView.DISPLAY_STATUS.OPEN.equals(displayStatusChild)) { liClassName = "openliBlocked"; } else if (MenuItemView.DISPLAY_STATUS.CLOSE.equals(displayStatus)) { liClassName = "closeli"; } menuContent.append("<"); // open 'li' menuContent.append("tr"); menuContent.append( Utility.isSet(menuItem.getKey()) ? " id=child" + Utility.strNN(uid) + menuItem.getKey() : ""); menuContent.append(Utility.isSet(liClassName) ? " class=" + liClassName : ""); menuContent.append(">"); // close 'li' menuContent.append("<td>"); menuContent.append("<"); // open 'a' menuContent.append("a class=\"categorymenulevel_"); menuContent.append(level > 3 ? 3 : level); menuContent.append( MenuItemView.DISPLAY_STATUS.OPEN.equals(displayStatusChild) ? "_block" : ""); menuContent.append("\""); if (menuItem.getSubItems() != null && !menuItem.getSubItems().isEmpty()) { menuContent.append( Utility.isSet(menuItem.getKey()) ? " href=\"" + (Utility.isSet(menuItem.getLink()) ? menuItem.getLink() : "#") + "\" onMouseOver=\"javascript:openTreeLevel(" + "child" + Utility.strNN(uid) + menuItem.getKey() + "," + Utility.strNN(uid) + menuItem.getKey() + "," + Utility.strNN(uid) + item.getKey() + ")\"" + " onMouseOut=\"javascript:closeTreeLevel(" + "child" + Utility.strNN(uid) + menuItem.getKey() + "," + Utility.strNN(uid) + menuItem.getKey() + "," + Utility.strNN(uid) + item.getKey() + ")\"" : ""); } else { menuContent.append( Utility.isSet(menuItem.getKey()) ? " href=\"" + (Utility.isSet(menuItem.getLink()) ? menuItem.getLink() : "#") + "\" onMouseOver=\"javascript:openItem(" + "child" + Utility.strNN(uid) + menuItem.getKey() + "," + Utility.strNN(uid) + item.getKey() + ")\"" + " onMouseOut=\"javascript:closeItem(" + "child" + Utility.strNN(uid) + menuItem.getKey() + "," + Utility.strNN(uid) + item.getKey() + ")\"" : ""); } menuContent.append(">"); // close 'a' menuContent.append(menuItem.getName()); menuContent.append("</a>"); buildMenuStr(menuItem, menuContent, uid, level); menuContent.append("</td>"); menuContent.append("</tr>"); } menuContent.append("</table>"); } }
// utility function to make an item Element. private Table makeItemElement(ShoppingCartItemData pItm) throws DocumentException { Table itmTbl = new PTable(mColumnCount); itmTbl.setWidth(100); itmTbl.setWidths(itmColumnWidth); itmTbl.getDefaultCell().setBorderColor(; itmTbl.getDefaultCell().setVerticalAlignment(Cell.ALIGN_TOP); itmTbl.setOffset(0); itmTbl.setBorder(Table.NO_BORDER); if (!catalogOnly) { String t0 = ""; if (pItm.getIsaInventoryItem()) { t0 = "i"; } if (null != mSiteData && mSiteData.isAnInventoryAutoOrderItem(pItm.getProduct().getProductId())) { t0 += "a"; } Cell tpc0 = new Cell(makePhrase(t0, small, true)); if (!pItm.getIsaInventoryItem()) { tpc0.setBorder(0); } itmTbl.addCell(tpc0); } Cell tpc01 = new Cell(makePhrase("", normal, true)); itmTbl.addCell(tpc01); String t = ""; if (pItm.getProduct().isPackProblemSku()) { t += "*"; } if (t.length() > 0) t += " "; Cell tpc1 = new Cell(makePhrase(t + pItm.getActualSkuNum(), normal, true)); itmTbl.addCell(tpc1); itmTbl.addCell(makePhrase(pItm.getProduct().getCatalogProductShortDesc(), normal, true)); if (mShowSize) { itmTbl.addCell(makePhrase(pItm.getProduct().getSize(), normal, true)); } // itmTbl.addCell(makePhrase(pItm.getProduct().getPack(), normal, true)); // itmTbl.addCell(makePhrase(pItm.getProduct().getUom(), normal, true)); // itmTbl.addCell(makePhrase(pItm.getProduct().getManufacturerName(),normal,true)); if (mShowPrice) { BigDecimal price = new BigDecimal(pItm.getPrice()); String priceStr = ""; try { priceStr = mFormatter.priceFormatWithoutCurrency(price); } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } Cell pcell = new Cell(makePhrase(priceStr, normal, true)); pcell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); itmTbl.addCell(pcell); } if (catalogOnly) { if (pItm.getProduct() != null && pItm.getProduct().getCatalogDistrMapping() != null && Utility.isTrue(pItm.getProduct().getCatalogDistrMapping().getStandardProductList())) { String yStr = ClwI18nUtil.getMessage(mRequest, "shoppingItems.text.y", null); itmTbl.addCell(makePhrase(yStr, normal, true)); } else { String nStr = ClwI18nUtil.getMessage(mRequest, "shoppingItems.text.n", null); itmTbl.addCell(makePhrase(nStr, normal, true)); } } if (!catalogOnly) { // BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal(pItm.getAmount()); itmTbl.addCell(makePhrase("", normal, true)); } return itmTbl; }
public int doEndTag() throws JspException { try { UiControlView control = ancestor.getAncestor().getControl(); if (RefCodeNames.UI_CONTROL_STATUS_CD.ACTIVE.equals(control.getUiControlData().getStatusCd()) || ancestor.getAncestor().getAncestor().isConfigMode()) { return super.doEndTag(); } else if (RefCodeNames.UI_CONTROL_STATUS_CD.INACTIVE.equals( control.getUiControlData().getStatusCd())) { if (this.multiple != null) { for (String value : this.match) { String body = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + + "\"" + (value != null ? " value=\"" + value + "\"" : "") + "/>"; ancestor.getAncestor().addElementBody(ancestor.getControlElement(), body); } } else { Object value = PropertyUtils.getProperty( pageContext.findAttribute(Utility.strNN(,; this.value = value != null ? String.valueOf(value) : null; String body = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + + "\"" + (this.value != null ? " value=\"" + this.value + "\"" : "") + "/>"; ancestor.getAncestor().addElementBody(ancestor.getControlElement(), body); } } else if (RefCodeNames.UI_CONTROL_STATUS_CD.DEFAULT.equals( control.getUiControlData().getStatusCd())) { if (this.multiple != null) { if (this.match == null || this.match.length == 0) { String[] elementValues = ancestor.getControlElement() != null ? new UiControlElementDataWrapper(ancestor.getControlElement()).getValues() : new String[0]; for (String value : elementValues) { String body = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + + "\"" + (value != null ? " value=\"" + value + "\"" : "") + "/>"; ancestor.getAncestor().addElementBody(ancestor.getControlElement(), body); } } else { for (String value : this.match) { String body = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + + "\"" + (value != null ? " value=\"" + value + "\"" : "") + "/>"; ancestor.getAncestor().addElementBody(ancestor.getControlElement(), body); } } } else { Object value = PropertyUtils.getProperty( pageContext.findAttribute(Utility.strNN(,; this.value = value != null ? String.valueOf(value) : null; String elementValue = ancestor.getControlElement() != null ? ancestor.getControlElement().getValue() : null; String body = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + + "\" value=\"" + (Utility.isSet(this.value) ? String.valueOf(this.value) : Utility.strNN(elementValue)) + "\"/>"; ancestor.getAncestor().addElementBody(ancestor.getControlElement(), body); } } return EVAL_PAGE; } catch (Exception e) { throw new JspException(e.getMessage()); } finally { this.release(); } }
/** * <code>getUserSites</code> returns a vector of SiteView's meeting the criteria of the * parameters. * * @param pStoreId a <code>int</code> ID value (from Main DB) of Store selected * @param pUserId a <code>int</code> ID value (from Main DB) of Reporting User selected (appUser * if user is not selected or 0 - if user assigned to All Accounts( has property RepOA^)) * @param pNameTempl <code>String</code> NANE filter value * @param nameBeginsFl <code>int</code> NANE filter type (QueryRequest.BEGINS or * QueryRequest.CONTAINS) * @param pCity <code>String</code> filter value for CITY * @param pState <code>String</code> filter value for STATE * @param pAccountIdv <code>IdVector</code> filter of AccountDimIds (null if no filter) * @return a <code>SiteViewVector</code> value * <p>/** * ======================================================================================== */ public SiteViewVector getUserSites( int pStoreId, int pUserId, Integer pSiteDimId, String pNameTempl, int nameBeginsFl, String pCity, String pState, IdVector pAccountIdv, boolean showInactiveFl, int pResultLimit) throws RemoteException { Connection conn = null; SiteViewVector siteV = new SiteViewVector(); try { String storeDimFilter = "(select STORE_DIM_ID from DW_STORE_DIM \n" + " where STORE_ID = " + pStoreId + " ) \n"; String userFilterForAccounts = ""; // if user is not RepOA^ and accounts where not selected if (pUserId > 0 && (pAccountIdv == null || pAccountIdv.size() == 0)) { userFilterForAccounts = getUserFilterForAccounts(pUserId); } String siteNameFilter = getSearchSqlByFilterName("SITE_NAME", pNameTempl, nameBeginsFl); String accountIdsFilter = (pAccountIdv != null && pAccountIdv.size() > 0) ? "and ACCOUNT_DIM_ID in (" + convertToString(pAccountIdv) + ")" : ""; String cityFilter = (Utility.isSet(pCity)) ? " and UPPER(SITE_CITY) LIKE UPPER('" + pCity + "%')" : ""; String stateFilter = (Utility.isSet(pState)) ? " and UPPER(SITE_STATE) LIKE UPPER('" + pState + "%')" : ""; // conn = getConnection(); conn = getReportConnection(); String sql = "select SITE_DIM_ID, \n" + " ACCOUNT_DIM_ID, ACCOUNT_ID, \n" + " (Select JD_ACCOUNT_NAME from DW_ACCOUNT_DIM a \n" + " where a.ACCOUNT_DIM_ID = s.ACCOUNT_DIM_ID) JD_ACCOUNT_NAME, \n" + " SITE_ID, \n" + " SITE_NAME, SITE_STREET_ADDRESS, SITE_CITY, SITE_STATE, SITE_STATUS_CD \n" + "from DW_SITE_DIM s\n" + "where \n" + " STORE_DIM_ID = " + storeDimFilter + " \n" + userFilterForAccounts + accountIdsFilter + siteNameFilter + cityFilter + stateFilter + "order by SITE_NAME "; Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); if (pResultLimit != QueryRequest.UNLIMITED) { stmt.setMaxRows(Constants.MAX_SITES_TO_RETURN); } while ( { SiteView sv = SiteView.createValue(); sv.setId(rs.getInt("SITE_DIM_ID")); sv.setName(rs.getString("SITE_NAME")); sv.setAccountId(rs.getInt("ACCOUNT_ID")); sv.setAccountName(rs.getString("JD_ACCOUNT_NAME")); sv.setAddress(rs.getString("SITE_STREET_ADDRESS")); sv.setCity(rs.getString("SITE_CITY")); sv.setState(rs.getString("SITE_STATE")); sv.setStatus(rs.getString("SITE_STATUS_CD")); String targetS = null; // rs.getString("SITE_RANK"); int target = 0; if (targetS != null) { try { target = Integer.parseInt(targetS); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } sv.setTargetFacilityRank(target); siteV.add(sv); } stmt.close(); } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); throw processException(exc); } finally { closeConnection(conn); } return siteV; }