@Override public boolean checkAndInitializeSdk( @NonNull Activity launcherActivity, @NonNull Map<String, Object> localExtras, @NonNull Map<String, String> serverExtras) throws Exception { synchronized (ChartboostRewardedVideo.class) { if (sInitialized) { return false; } if (!serverExtras.containsKey(APP_ID_KEY)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Chartboost rewarded video initialization" + " failed due to missing application ID."); } if (!serverExtras.containsKey(APP_SIGNATURE_KEY)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Chartboost rewarded video initialization" + " failed due to missing application signature."); } final String appId = serverExtras.get(APP_ID_KEY); final String appSignature = serverExtras.get(APP_SIGNATURE_KEY); Chartboost.startWithAppId(launcherActivity, appId, appSignature); Chartboost.setDelegate(sSingletonChartboostDelegate); sInitialized = true; return true; } }
public boolean isAvailable(String loc, int type) { switch (type) { case CB_TYPE_INTERSTITIAL: return Chartboost.hasInterstitial(loc); case CB_TYPE_REWARDED_VIDEO: return Chartboost.hasRewardedVideo(loc); case CB_TYPE_MORE_APPS: return Chartboost.hasMoreApps(loc); } return false; }
public void cache(String loc, int type) { switch (type) { case CB_TYPE_INTERSTITIAL: Chartboost.cacheInterstitial(loc); break; case CB_TYPE_REWARDED_VIDEO: Chartboost.cacheRewardedVideo(loc); break; case CB_TYPE_MORE_APPS: Chartboost.cacheMoreApps(loc); break; } }
private void setUpMediationSettingsForRequest(String moPubId) { final ChartboostMediationSettings globalSettings = MoPubRewardedVideoManager.getGlobalMediationSettings(ChartboostMediationSettings.class); final ChartboostMediationSettings instanceSettings = MoPubRewardedVideoManager.getInstanceMediationSettings( ChartboostMediationSettings.class, moPubId); // Instance settings override global settings. if (instanceSettings != null) { Chartboost.setCustomId(instanceSettings.getCustomId()); } else if (globalSettings != null) { Chartboost.setCustomId(globalSettings.getCustomId()); } }
protected static String a() { String str = null; try { Info advertisingIdInfo = AdvertisingIdClient.getAdvertisingIdInfo(Chartboost.sharedChartboost().getContext()); } catch (IOException e) { String str2 = str; } catch (GooglePlayServicesRepairableException e2) { str2 = str; } catch (GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException e3) { str2 = str; } if (advertisingIdInfo == null) { c.a(a.c); return str; } else { if (advertisingIdInfo.isLimitAdTrackingEnabled()) { c.a(a.e); } else { c.a(a.d); } try { UUID fromString = UUID.fromString(advertisingIdInfo.getId()); ByteBuffer wrap = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[16]); wrap.putLong(fromString.getMostSignificantBits()); wrap.putLong(fromString.getLeastSignificantBits()); return b.b(wrap.array()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e4) { CBLogging.a("CBIdentityAdv", "Exception raised retrieveAdvertisingID", e4); return advertisingIdInfo.getId().replace("-", AdTrackerConstants.BLANK); } } }
@Override public void showVideo() { if (hasVideoAvailable()) { Chartboost.showRewardedVideo(mLocation); } else { MoPubLog.d("Attempted to show Chartboost rewarded video before it was available."); } }
public void setAutoCacheAds(boolean shouldCache) { Chartboost.setAutoCacheAds(shouldCache); }
public boolean isAnyViewVisible() { return Chartboost.isAnyViewVisible(); }
@Override public void onDestroy() { Chartboost.onDestroy((Activity) mContext); }
@Override public void onStop() { Chartboost.onStop((Activity) mContext); }
public void disPassAgeGate(boolean pass) { Chartboost.didPassAgeGate(pass); }
@Override public void onPause() { Chartboost.onPause((Activity) mContext); }
public boolean getAutoCacheAds() { return Chartboost.getAutoCacheAds(); }
public void closeImpression() { Chartboost.closeImpression(); }
@Override public boolean hasVideoAvailable() { return Chartboost.hasRewardedVideo(mLocation); }
@Override public void onResume(@NonNull Activity activity) { Chartboost.onResume(activity); }
@Override public void onStop(@NonNull Activity activity) { Chartboost.onStop(activity); }
@Override public void onBackPressed(@NonNull Activity activity) { Chartboost.onBackPressed(); }
@Override public void onDestroy(@NonNull Activity activity) { Chartboost.onDestroy(activity); }