Пример #1
  private static boolean addNetflixTVSeriesAndTitle(MyLibraryFile video) {

    try {
      // find series and title
      String series = null, title = null;
      try // this method must be tried first (even though it matches less files); try using the
          // filename spit at ":"... catches things line Bob the Builder: Call in the Crew

        if (video
            .contains(": ")) // somethign like /Bob the Builder: Call in the Crew
          String[] sa = video.getFileLabel().split(": ");
          if (sa.length != 2)
            throw new Exception("File label contains more than one ':'. Cannot parse.");
          series = sa[0];
          title = sa[1].trim();
          boolean is24 =
              (series.trim().equals("24") || video.getFullPathEscaped().contains("/24/"))
                  && (title.toLowerCase().contains("a.m") || title.toLowerCase().contains("p.m"));
          if (!is24) // exclude 24 becuase the series should be an integer
            series = "24";
            if (isInt(series)) // this is actually the episode number, not the series.
              series = null;
              throw new Exception("Incorrect series (Integer found as series name)");
        } else throw new Exception("No colon in file label, try secondary method");
      } catch (
              x) // try secondary method, getting series as the parent folder and the file label
                 // being the title

        series = null;
        // Netflix/Instant Queue/#/30 Days/30 Days: Season 3/S03E03 - Animal Rights
        String[] folders = video.getFullPath().split(com.bradvido.xbmc.util.Constants.DELIM);
        if (folders.length > 1) {
          String parentFolder = folders[folders.length - 2]; // 30 Days: Season 3
          if (valid(parentFolder) && parentFolder.contains(": ")) {
            series = parentFolder.substring(0, parentFolder.indexOf(": "));

        // try looking in the folder(s) above this show for the series
        if (series == null) { // couldn't find it the conventional way
          if (Archiver.getSeriesFromParentFolder(video)) {
            series =
                    .getSeries(); // series was  set in getSeriesFromParentFolder(). get it back
                                  // here for further checks
          } else {
            // didn't work try secondary method
            String[] serieses = video.getFullPath().split(com.bradvido.xbmc.util.Constants.DELIM);
            series = serieses[serieses.length - 2]; // the folder above the file name
            if (series.contains(
                ":")) // catches folders named like so: /Busytown Mysteries: Series 2/
            series = series.substring(0, series.indexOf(":"));

        // get title (usually split from SxxExx by one of these)
        title = video.getFileLabel(); // S03E01 - Working in a Coal Mine
        String[] splitters = new String[] {" - ", ":"};
        for (String splitter : splitters) {
          if (title.contains(splitter)) {
            title = title.substring(title.indexOf(splitter) + splitter.length(), title.length());

      if (!valid(series)) throw new Exception("Series cannot be parsed...");

      if (!valid(title)) throw new Exception("Title cannot be parsed...");

      return true; // successfully got the series and title
      // Logger.INFO( "Netflix episode meta data: series="+file.getSeries()+";
      // title="+file.getTitle()+", season="+file.getSeasonNumber()+",
      // episode="+file.getEpidoseNumber());
    } catch (Exception x) {
      if (!valid(video.getSeries()) || !valid(video.getTitle())) {
            "Cannot parse, and cannot lookup Netflix TV show (series="
                + video.getSeries()
                + ", title="
                + video.getTitle()
                + ")"
                + LINE_BRK
                + video.getFullPathEscaped()
                + LINE_BRK
                + x.getMessage());
        return false;
      } else {
            "Cannot parse, but can lookup Netflix TV show (series="
                + video.getSeries()
                + ", title="
                + video.getTitle()
                + ")"
                + LINE_BRK
                + video.getFullPathEscaped()
                + LINE_BRK
                + x.getMessage());
        Logger.INFO("Attempting to find metadata on TheTVDB.com");
        return TVDB.lookupTVShow(video);