Пример #1
 public void load(ConfigurationNode node) {
   this.keepSpawnInMemory = node.get("keepSpawnLoaded", this.keepSpawnInMemory);
   this.worldmode = WorldMode.get(node.get("environment", this.worldmode.getName()));
   this.chunkGeneratorName = node.get("chunkGenerator", String.class, this.chunkGeneratorName);
   if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(this.chunkGeneratorName)) {
     this.chunkGeneratorName = null;
   this.difficulty = node.get("difficulty", Difficulty.class, this.difficulty);
   this.gameMode = node.get("gamemode", GameMode.class, this.gameMode);
   this.clearInventory = node.get("clearInventory", this.clearInventory);
   String worldspawn = node.get("spawn.world", String.class);
   if (worldspawn != null) {
     double x = node.get("spawn.x", 0.0);
     double y = node.get("spawn.y", 64.0);
     double z = node.get("spawn.z", 0.0);
     double yaw = node.get("spawn.yaw", 0.0);
     double pitch = node.get("spawn.pitch", 0.0);
     this.spawnPoint = new Position(worldspawn, x, y, z, (float) yaw, (float) pitch);
   this.holdWeather = node.get("holdWeather", this.holdWeather);
   this.formIce = node.get("formIce", this.formIce);
   this.formSnow = node.get("formSnow", this.formSnow);
   this.showRain = node.get("showRain", this.showRain);
   this.showSnow = node.get("showSnow", this.showSnow);
   this.pvp = node.get("pvp", this.pvp);
   this.forcedRespawn = node.get("forcedRespawn", this.forcedRespawn);
   this.allowHunger = node.get("hunger", this.allowHunger);
   this.rememberLastPlayerPosition =
       node.get("rememberlastplayerpos", this.rememberLastPlayerPosition);
   this.reloadWhenEmpty = node.get("reloadWhenEmpty", this.reloadWhenEmpty);
   for (String type : node.getList("deniedCreatures", String.class)) {
     type = type.toUpperCase();
     if (type.equals("ANIMALS")) {
     } else if (type.equals("MONSTERS")) {
     } else {
       EntityType t = ParseUtil.parseEnum(EntityType.class, type, null);
       if (t != null) {
   long time = node.get("lockedtime", Integer.MIN_VALUE);
   if (time != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
   this.defaultNetherPortal =
       node.get("defaultNetherPortal", String.class, this.defaultNetherPortal);
   this.defaultEnderPortal = node.get("defaultEndPortal", String.class, this.defaultEnderPortal);
   if (node.contains("defaultPortal")) {
     // Compatibility mode
     this.defaultNetherPortal = node.get("defaultPortal", String.class, this.defaultNetherPortal);
     node.set("defaultPortal", null);
   this.OPlist = node.getList("operators", String.class, this.OPlist);
 public T convertSpecial(Object value, Class<?> valueType, T def) {
   String text = ConversionTypes.toString.convert(value);
   if (text != null) {
     return ParseUtil.parseEnum(getOutputType(), text, def);
   } else {
     return def;
Пример #3
   * Writes this configuration to stream<br>
   * Note: Closes the stream when finished
   * @param stream to write to
  public void saveToStream(OutputStream stream) throws IOException {
    // Get rid of newline characters in text - Bukkit bug prevents proper saving
    for (String key : this.getSource().getKeys(true)) {
      Object value = this.getSource().get(key);
      if (value instanceof String) {
        String text = (String) value;
        if (text.contains("\n")) {
          this.getSource().set(key, Arrays.asList(text.split("\n", -1)));

    BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stream));
    try {
      // Write the top header
      writeHeader(true, writer, this.getHeader(), 0);

      // Write other headers and the nodes
      IntHashMap<String> anchorData = new IntHashMap<String>();
      int indent;
      int anchStart, anchEnd, anchId = -1, anchDepth = 0, anchIndent = 0;
      boolean wasAnchor;
      int refStart, refEnd, refId;
      StringBuilder refData = new StringBuilder();
      NodeBuilder node = new NodeBuilder(this.getIndent());
      for (String line : this.getSource().saveToString().split("\n", -1)) {
        line = StringUtil.colorToAmp(line);
        indent = StringUtil.getSuccessiveCharCount(line, ' ');
        line = line.substring(indent);
        wasAnchor = false;
        // ===== Logic start =====
        // Get rid of the unneeded '-characters around certain common names
        if (line.equals("'*':")) {
          line = "*:";

        // Handle a node
        if (node.handle(line, indent)) {
          // Store old anchor data
          if (anchId >= 0 && node.getDepth() <= anchDepth) {
            anchorData.put(anchId, refData.toString());
            anchId = refId = -1;

          // Saving a new node: Write the node header
          writeHeader(false, writer, this.getHeader(node.getPath()), indent);

          // Check if the value denotes a reference
          refStart = line.indexOf("*id", node.getName().length());
          refEnd = line.indexOf(' ', refStart);
          if (refEnd == -1) {
            refEnd = line.length();
          if (refStart > 0 && refEnd > refStart) {
            // This is a reference pointer: get id
            refId = ParseUtil.parseInt(line.substring(refStart + 3, refEnd), -1);
            if (refId >= 0) {
              // Obtain the reference data
              String data = anchorData.get(refId);
              if (data != null) {
                // Replace the line with the new data
                line = StringUtil.trimEnd(line.substring(0, refStart)) + " " + data;

          // Check if the value denotes a data anchor
          anchStart = line.indexOf("&id", node.getName().length());
          anchEnd = line.indexOf(' ', anchStart);
          if (anchEnd == -1) {
            anchEnd = line.length();
          if (anchStart > 0 && anchEnd > anchStart) {
            // This is a reference node anchor: get id
            anchId = ParseUtil.parseInt(line.substring(anchStart + 3, anchEnd), -1);
            anchDepth = node.getDepth();
            anchIndent = indent;
            if (anchId >= 0) {
              // Fix whitespace after anchor identifier
              anchEnd += StringUtil.getSuccessiveCharCount(line.substring(anchEnd), ' ');

              // Store the data of this anchor

              // Remove the variable reference from saved data
              line = StringUtil.replace(line, anchStart, anchEnd, "");
            wasAnchor = true;
        if (!wasAnchor && anchId >= 0) {
          // Not an anchor: append anchor data
              .append(StringUtil.getFilledString(" ", indent - anchIndent))
        // Write the data
        if (LogicUtil.containsChar('\n', line)) {
          for (String part : line.split("\n", -1)) {
            StreamUtil.writeIndent(writer, indent);
        } else {
          StreamUtil.writeIndent(writer, indent);
    } finally {
Пример #4
 public boolean parseSet(String key, String arg) {
   if (key.equals("exitoffset")) {
     Vector vec = Util.parseVector(arg, null);
     if (vec != null) {
       for (CartProperties prop : this) {
         prop.exitOffset = vec;
   } else if (key.equals("exityaw")) {
     float yaw = ParseUtil.parseFloat(arg, 0.0f);
     for (CartProperties prop : this) {
       prop.exitYaw = yaw;
   } else if (key.equals("exitpitch")) {
     float pitch = ParseUtil.parseFloat(arg, 0.0f);
     for (CartProperties prop : this) {
       prop.exitPitch = pitch;
   } else if (LogicUtil.contains(key, "exitrot", "exitrotation")) {
     String[] angletext = Util.splitBySeparator(arg);
     float yaw = 0.0f;
     float pitch = 0.0f;
     if (angletext.length == 2) {
       yaw = ParseUtil.parseFloat(angletext[0], 0.0f);
       pitch = ParseUtil.parseFloat(angletext[1], 0.0f);
     } else if (angletext.length == 1) {
       yaw = ParseUtil.parseFloat(angletext[0], 0.0f);
     for (CartProperties prop : this) {
       prop.exitYaw = yaw;
       prop.exitPitch = pitch;
   } else if (key.equals("sound") || key.equals("minecartsound")) {
     this.soundEnabled = ParseUtil.parseBool(arg);
   } else if (key.equals("mobcollision")) {
     this.mobCollision = CollisionMode.parse(arg);
   } else if (key.equals("playercollision")) {
     this.playerCollision = CollisionMode.parse(arg);
   } else if (key.equals("misccollision")) {
     this.miscCollision = CollisionMode.parse(arg);
   } else if (key.equals("traincollision")) {
     this.trainCollision = CollisionMode.parse(arg);
   } else if (LogicUtil.contains(key, "collision", "collide")) {
   } else if (LogicUtil.contains(key, "linking", "link")) {
     this.trainCollision = CollisionMode.fromLinking(ParseUtil.parseBool(arg));
   } else if (LogicUtil.contains(key, "slow", "slowdown")) {
   } else if (LogicUtil.contains(key, "setdefault", "default")) {
   } else if (key.equals("pushmobs")) {
     this.mobCollision = CollisionMode.fromPushing(ParseUtil.parseBool(arg));
   } else if (key.equals("pushplayers")) {
     this.playerCollision = CollisionMode.fromPushing(ParseUtil.parseBool(arg));
   } else if (key.equals("pushmisc")) {
     this.miscCollision = CollisionMode.fromPushing(ParseUtil.parseBool(arg));
   } else if (LogicUtil.contains(key, "push", "pushing")) {
     CollisionMode mode = CollisionMode.fromPushing(ParseUtil.parseBool(arg));
     this.playerCollision = this.mobCollision = this.miscCollision = mode;
   } else if (LogicUtil.contains(key, "speedlimit", "maxspeed")) {
     this.setSpeedLimit(ParseUtil.parseDouble(arg, 0.4));
   } else if (LogicUtil.contains(key, "allowmanual", "manualmove", "manual")) {
     this.allowManualMovement = ParseUtil.parseBool(arg);
   } else if (LogicUtil.contains(key, "keepcloaded", "loadchunks", "keeploaded")) {
     this.keepChunksLoaded = ParseUtil.parseBool(arg);
   } else if (key.equals("addtag")) {
   } else if (key.equals("settag")) {
   } else if (key.equals("destination")) {
   } else if (key.equals("remtag")) {
   } else if (LogicUtil.contains(key, "name", "rename", "setname")) {
   } else if (LogicUtil.contains(key, "dname", "displayname", "setdisplayname", "setdname")) {
   } else if (LogicUtil.contains(key, "mobenter", "mobsenter")) {
     this.mobCollision = CollisionMode.fromEntering(ParseUtil.parseBool(arg));
   } else if (key.equals("playerenter")) {
   } else if (key.equals("playerexit")) {
   } else if (LogicUtil.contains(key, "invincible", "godmode")) {
   } else if (key.equals("setownerperm")) {
     for (CartProperties prop : this) {
   } else if (key.equals("addownerperm")) {
     for (CartProperties prop : this) {
   } else if (key.equals("remownerperm")) {
     for (CartProperties prop : this) {
   } else if (key.equals("setowner")) {
     arg = arg.toLowerCase();
     for (CartProperties cprop : this) {
   } else if (key.equals("addowner")) {
     arg = arg.toLowerCase();
     for (CartProperties cprop : this) {
   } else if (key.equals("remowner")) {
     arg = arg.toLowerCase();
     for (CartProperties cprop : this) {
   } else if (LogicUtil.contains(key, "spawnitemdrops", "spawndrops", "killdrops")) {
   } else {
     return false;
   return true;
Пример #5
 public boolean isTrainRenamed() {
   return !this.trainname.startsWith("train") || !ParseUtil.isNumeric(this.trainname.substring(5));
  public void execute(SignActionEvent info) {
    if (!info.isAction(
        SignActionType.MEMBER_ENTER, SignActionType.REDSTONE_ON, SignActionType.GROUP_ENTER)) {
    // parse the sign
    boolean docart =
        info.isAction(SignActionType.MEMBER_ENTER, SignActionType.REDSTONE_ON)
            && info.isCartSign()
            && info.hasMember();
    boolean dotrain =
            && info.isAction(SignActionType.GROUP_ENTER, SignActionType.REDSTONE_ON)
            && info.isTrainSign()
            && info.hasGroup();
    if (!docart && !dotrain) return;
    if (!info.isPowered()) return;

    // get nearby chests
    int radius = ParseUtil.parseInt(info.getLine(1), TrainCarts.defaultTransferRadius);
    List<Chest> chests = new ArrayList<Chest>();
    for (BlockState state : TransferSignUtil.getBlockStates(info, radius, radius)) {
      if (state instanceof Chest) {
        chests.add((Chest) state);
    if (chests.isEmpty()) {

    List<MinecartMember<?>> carts;
    if (dotrain) {
      carts = info.getGroup();
    } else {
      carts = new ArrayList<MinecartMember<?>>(1);

    int i;
    boolean found = false;
    for (MinecartMember<?> cart : carts) {
      if (!(cart instanceof MinecartMemberFurnace)) {
      MinecartMemberFurnace member = (MinecartMemberFurnace) cart;
      if (!member.getEntity().hasFuel()) {
        found = false;
        for (Chest chest : chests) {
          Inventory inv = chest.getInventory();
          for (i = 0; i < inv.getSize(); i++) {
            org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item = inv.getItem(i);
            if (!LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(item) && item.getType() == Material.COAL) {
              ItemUtil.subtractAmount(item, 1);
              inv.setItem(i, item);
              found = true;
              if (TrainCarts.showTransferAnimations) {
                ItemAnimation.start(chest, member, new ItemStack(Material.COAL, 1));
          if (found) {
Пример #7
  public Station(SignActionEvent info) {
    this.delay = ParseUtil.parseTime(info.getLine(2));
    this.nextDirection = Direction.parse(info.getLine(3));
    this.centerCart = info.isCartSign() ? info.getMember() : info.getGroup().middle();
    this.railsBlock = info.getRails();

    // Vertical or horizontal rail logic
    if (info.isVerticalRails()) {
      this.railDirection = BlockFace.DOWN;
      // Up, down or center based on redstone power
      boolean up = info.isPowered(BlockFace.UP);
      boolean down = info.isPowered(BlockFace.DOWN);
      if (up && !down) {
        this.instruction = BlockFace.UP;
      } else if (!up && down) {
        this.instruction = BlockFace.DOWN;
      } else if (info.isPowered()) {
        this.instruction = BlockFace.SELF;
      } else {
        this.instruction = null;
    } else {
      this.railDirection = info.getRailDirection();
      if (FaceUtil.isSubCardinal(this.railDirection) && FaceUtil.isSubCardinal(info.getFacing())) {
        // Sub-cardinal checks: Both directions have two possible powered sides
        BlockFace[] faces = FaceUtil.getFaces(this.railDirection);
        boolean pow1 = info.isPowered(faces[0]) || info.isPowered(faces[1].getOppositeFace());
        boolean pow2 = info.isPowered(faces[1]) || info.isPowered(faces[0].getOppositeFace());
        if (pow1 && !pow2) {
          this.instruction = FaceUtil.combine(faces[0], faces[1].getOppositeFace());
        } else if (!pow1 && pow2) {
          this.instruction = FaceUtil.combine(faces[0].getOppositeFace(), faces[1]);
        } else if (info.isPowered()) {
          this.instruction = BlockFace.SELF;
        } else {
          this.instruction = null;
      } else {
        // Which directions to move, or brake?
        if (this.railDirection == BlockFace.WEST) {
          boolean west = info.isPowered(BlockFace.WEST);
          boolean east = info.isPowered(BlockFace.EAST);
          if (west && !east) {
            this.instruction = BlockFace.WEST;
          } else if (east && !west) {
            this.instruction = BlockFace.EAST;
          } else if (info.isPowered()) {
            this.instruction = BlockFace.SELF;
          } else {
            this.instruction = null;
        } else if (this.railDirection == BlockFace.SOUTH) {
          boolean north = info.isPowered(BlockFace.NORTH);
          boolean south = info.isPowered(BlockFace.SOUTH);
          if (north && !south) {
            this.instruction = BlockFace.NORTH;
          } else if (south && !north) {
            this.instruction = BlockFace.SOUTH;
          } else if (info.isPowered()) {
            this.instruction = BlockFace.SELF;
          } else {
            this.instruction = null;
        } else {
          this.length = 0.0;
          this.instruction = null;
          this.valid = false;

    // Get initial station length, delay and direction
    double length = ParseUtil.parseDouble(info.getLine(1).substring(7), 0.0);
    if (length == 0.0 && this.instruction != null) {
      // Manually calculate the length
      // Use the amount of straight blocks
      if (info.isVerticalRails()) {
        length = this.calcVerticalLength();
      } else if (FaceUtil.isSubCardinal(this.railDirection)) {
        length = this.calcDiagonalLength();
      } else {
        length = this.calcHorizontalLength();
      if (length == 0.0) {
    this.length = length;
    this.valid = true;