public static Pixmap getScreenshot( PrettyPolygonBatch batch, OrthographicCamera camera, Rectangle boundingRectangle) { Vector2 center = CoordinateHelper.getScreenCoordinates( camera, boundingRectangle.x + boundingRectangle.getWidth() * 0.5f, boundingRectangle.y + boundingRectangle.getHeight() * 0.5f, new Vector2()); Vector2 upperRight = CoordinateHelper.getScreenCoordinates( camera, boundingRectangle.x + boundingRectangle.getWidth(), boundingRectangle.y + boundingRectangle.getHeight(), new Vector2()); int halfWidth = (int) (upperRight.x - center.x); int halfHeight = (int) (upperRight.y - center.y); Pixmap pixmap = getScreenshot( (int) (center.x - halfWidth), (int) (center.y - halfHeight), halfWidth * 2, halfHeight * 2, true); return pixmap; }
/** * Sets polygon with repeating texture region, the size of repeating grid is equal to region size * * @param region - region to repeat * @param vertices - cw vertices of polygon * @param density - number of regions per polygon width bound */ public void setPolygon(TextureRegion region, float[] vertices, float density) { this.region = region; vertices = offset(vertices); Polygon polygon = new Polygon(vertices); Polygon tmpPoly = new Polygon(); Polygon intersectionPoly = new Polygon(); EarClippingTriangulator triangulator = new EarClippingTriangulator(); int idx; Rectangle boundRect = polygon.getBoundingRectangle(); if (density == -1) density = boundRect.getWidth() / region.getRegionWidth(); float regionAspectRatio = (float) region.getRegionHeight() / (float) region.getRegionWidth(); cols = (int) (Math.ceil(density)); gridWidth = boundRect.getWidth() / density; gridHeight = regionAspectRatio * gridWidth; rows = (int) Math.ceil(boundRect.getHeight() / gridHeight); for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) { for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { float[] verts = new float[8]; idx = 0; verts[idx++] = col * gridWidth; verts[idx++] = row * gridHeight; verts[idx++] = (col) * gridWidth; verts[idx++] = (row + 1) * gridHeight; verts[idx++] = (col + 1) * gridWidth; verts[idx++] = (row + 1) * gridHeight; verts[idx++] = (col + 1) * gridWidth; verts[idx] = (row) * gridHeight; tmpPoly.setVertices(verts); Intersector.intersectPolygons(polygon, tmpPoly, intersectionPoly); verts = intersectionPoly.getVertices(); if (verts.length > 0) { parts.add(snapToGrid(verts)); ShortArray arr = triangulator.computeTriangles(verts); indices.add(arr.toArray()); } else { // adding null for key consistancy, needed to get col/row from key // the other alternative is to make parts - IntMap<FloatArray> parts.add(null); } } } buildVertices(); }
private Rectangle scaleRectangle(Rectangle rect, float scaleX, float scaleY) { Rectangle scaled = new Rectangle(); scaled.setX(rect.getX() * scaleX); scaled.setY(rect.getY() * scaleY); scaled.setWidth(rect.getWidth() * scaleX); scaled.setHeight(rect.getHeight() * scaleY); return scaled; }
/** * Constructor for a defender button, with type specified * * @param type: The integer that denotes which button is being created */ public DefenderButtons(int type) { // Creating a button doesn't draw it immediately - visible = false mVisible = false; switch (type) { case TYPE_NEW_GAME: mType = type; mText = "New Game"; mRect = new Rectangle(125f, 280f, 115f, 50f); break; case TYPE_RESUME_SAVED_GAME: mType = type; mText = "Resume Game"; mRect = new Rectangle(125f, 205f, 115f, 50f); break; case TYPE_PAUSE_GAME: mType = type; mText = "Pause"; mRect = new Rectangle(650f, 375f, 100f, 35f); break; case TYPE_RESUME_PAUSED_GAME: mType = type; mText = "Resume"; mRect = new Rectangle(350f, 345f, 100f, 35f); break; case TYPE_REPAIR_CASTLE: mType = type; mText = "Repair: -1000pts"; mRect = new Rectangle(420f, 200f, 150f, 50f); break; case TYPE_CONTINUE_NEXT_ROUND: mType = type; mText = "Start Next Round"; mRect = new Rectangle(420f, 50f, 150f, 50f); break; case TYPE_SAVE_GAME: mType = type; mText = "Save Current Round"; mRect = new Rectangle(420f, 125f, 150f, 50f); break; default: mType = -1; // Shouldn't ever arrive here mText = "bad"; mRect = new Rectangle(0f, 0f, 10f, 10f); break; } // Grab value from the rectangle mX = mRect.getX(); mY = mRect.getY(); mWidth = mRect.getWidth(); mHeight = mRect.getHeight(); }
public TileObject(PlayScreen screen, Rectangle bounds) { = screen.getWorld(); = screen.getMap(); this.bounds = bounds; BodyDef bdef = new BodyDef(); FixtureDef fdef = new FixtureDef(); PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape(); bdef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.StaticBody; bdef.position.set( (bounds.getX() + bounds.getWidth() / 2) / StarWars.PPM, (bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight() / 2) / StarWars.PPM); body = world.createBody(bdef); shape.setAsBox(bounds.getWidth() / 2 / StarWars.PPM, bounds.getHeight() / 2 / StarWars.PPM); fdef.shape = shape; fdef.filter.categoryBits = StarWars.PLATFORM_BIT; fixture = body.createFixture(fdef); }
/** Returns correct quadrant or -1 if it wont fit in any quadrants. */ public int getIndex(Entity e) { int index = -1; float verticalMidpoint = bounds.getX() + (bounds.getWidth() / 2); float horizontalMidpoint = bounds.getY() + (bounds.getHeight() / 2); boolean isInBottomTwoQuadrants = (e.y < horizontalMidpoint && (e.y + e.height) < horizontalMidpoint); boolean isInTopTwoQuadrants = (e.y > horizontalMidpoint); if (e.x < verticalMidpoint && (e.x + e.width) < verticalMidpoint) { if (isInBottomTwoQuadrants) index = 0; else if (isInTopTwoQuadrants) index = 2; } else if (e.x > verticalMidpoint) { if (isInBottomTwoQuadrants) index = 1; else if (isInTopTwoQuadrants) index = 3; } return index; }
@Override public void render(SpriteBatch batch) { batch.end(); mapRenderer.setView(camera); mapRenderer.render(); shapeRenderer.begin(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.Line); shapeRenderer.setColor(Color.BLUE); for (Rectangle rect : collisions) { shapeRenderer.rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight()); } shapeRenderer.end(); batch.begin(); drawDebugInformation(batch); for (Entity entity : entities) { entity.render(batch); } }
public void checkBoundsX() { for (Rectangle rect : collideRects) { if (sprite.getBoundingRectangle().overlaps(rect)) { float boundCalc = 0.0f; if (direction.x < 0) { boundCalc = rect.x + rect.getWidth() + 0.01f; } else { boundCalc = rect.x - sprite.getWidth() - 0.01f; } // sprite.setX(boundCalc - .2f); targetPos.x = boundCalc - .2f; direction.x = 0;"SpriteOverlap", "Target pos is" + sprite.getX() + ":" + sprite.getY()); } } }
public void split() { int subWidth = (int) (bounds.getWidth() / 2); int subHeight = (int) (bounds.getHeight() / 2); int x = (int) bounds.getX(); int y = (int) bounds.getY(); /* Overview of children: 2 3 0 1 */ children[0] = new Quadtree(depth + 1, new Rectangle(x, y, subWidth, subHeight)); // First Quadrant children[1] = new Quadtree(depth + 1, new Rectangle(x + subWidth, y, subWidth, subHeight)); // Second children[2] = new Quadtree(depth + 1, new Rectangle(x, y + subHeight, subWidth, subHeight)); // Third children[3] = new Quadtree( depth + 1, new Rectangle(x + subWidth, y + subHeight, subWidth, subHeight)); // Forth }
@Override public void start() { OwnedObjectData data = new OwnedObjectData(); data.drawAfter = true; if (bullet.getTicksAlive() < 20) animationPlaying = true; createTick = game.getTick(); bullet.addOwnedObject(this, data); final Sprite current = (Sprite) this.ani.getKeyFrame(getTicksAlive()); Polygon hitbox = bullet.getHitbox(); Rectangle rect = hitbox != null ? hitbox.getBoundingRectangle() : current.getBoundingRectangle(); final float modifier = 3f; float width = rect.getWidth() * modifier; float height = rect.getHeight() * modifier; final float scaleX = width / current.getWidth(); final float scaleY = height / current.getHeight(); current.setScale(scaleX, scaleY); current.setRotation(bullet.getRotationDeg()); current.setOriginCenter(); Color c = bullet.getDeletionColor().cpy(); float min = Math.min(c.g, Math.min(c.r, c.b)); c.r -= min; c.g -= min; c.b -= min; float mul = 0.8f; float start = (1f - mul) + 0.3f; Color color = new Color(start + (c.r * mul), start + (c.g * mul), start + (c.b * mul), 0f); current.setColor(color); current.setAlpha(1f); final SaveableObject<ScaleAlphaPhaseAnimation> sani = new SaveableObject<ScaleAlphaPhaseAnimation>(); Getter<Sprite> getter = new Getter<Sprite>() { @Override public Sprite get() { Sprite current = (Sprite) ani.getKeyFrame(getTicksAlive()); int over = 5; int ticks = (int) ((time.toTicks() - over) - getTicksAlive()); double mul = 1f - (ticks <= 0 ? -(float) ticks / over : 0f); ScaleAlphaPhaseAnimation ani = sani.getObject(); if (ani == null) return current; if (ticks <= 0) { animationPlaying = false; ani.setAlpha((float) Math.max(0, mul)); } current.setPosition( bullet.getX() - current.getWidth() / 2f, bullet.getY() - current.getHeight() / 2f); current.setOriginCenter(); current.setRotation(bullet.getRotationDeg()); return current; } }; final ScaleAlphaPhaseAnimation ani = new ScaleAlphaPhaseAnimation(getter, bullet); sani.setObject(ani); ani.setTime(time); ani.setAddedScale(scaleX * 3f, scaleY * 3f); ani.setAlpha(-0.1f); ani.start(); bullet.removeOwnedObject(ani); bullet.addOwnedObject(ani, data); }
private void initMilitaryTopPane() { Table contentTable = new Table(); int itemPerRow = (int) (militaryTablePos.width / (militaryTablePortraitSize.x + militaryTableCaptionSize.x)); int index = 0; for (Military m : parent.getCurrentArchitecture().getMilitariesWithLeader()) { Table item = new Table(); Person leader = m.getLeader(); ImageWidget<Military> portrait; if (leader != null) { portrait = new ImageWidget<>( parent.getScreen().getSmallPortrait(leader.getPortraitId()), militaryTablePortraitColor); } else { portrait = new ImageWidget<>(null, militaryTablePortraitColor); } portrait.setExtra(m); item.add(portrait).width(militaryTablePortraitSize.x).height(militaryTablePortraitSize.y); Table detail = new Table(); TextWidget<Military> caption = new TextWidget<>(militaryTableCaptionTemplate); caption.setExtra(m); caption.setText(m.getName()); detail .add(caption) .width(militaryTableCaptionSize.x) .height(militaryTableCaptionSize.y) .row(); TextWidget<Military> quantity = new TextWidget<>(militaryTableDetailTemplate); quantity.setExtra(m); quantity.setText( GlobalStrings.getString(GlobalStrings.Keys.MILITARY_QUANTITY_SHORT) + m.getQuantity()); detail.add(quantity).width(militaryTableDetailSize.x).height(militaryTableDetailSize.y).row(); TextWidget<Military> morale = new TextWidget<>(militaryTableDetailTemplate); morale.setExtra(m); morale.setText( GlobalStrings.getString(GlobalStrings.Keys.MILITARY_MORALE_SHORT) + m.getMorale()); detail.add(morale).width(militaryTableDetailSize.x).height(militaryTableDetailSize.y).row(); TextWidget<Military> combativity = new TextWidget<>(militaryTableDetailTemplate); combativity.setExtra(m); combativity.setText( GlobalStrings.getString(GlobalStrings.Keys.MILITARY_COMBATIVITY_SHORT) + m.getCombativity()); detail .add(combativity) .width(militaryTableDetailSize.x) .height(militaryTableDetailSize.y) .row();; item.add(detail); item.addListener( new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { currentMilitary = m; currentMilitaryPos = new Rectangle( item.getX() + militaryTablePos.getX(), item.getY() + militaryTablePos.getY(), item.getWidth(), item.getHeight()); if (m.isCampaignable()) { parent .getScreen() .getMapLayer() .startSelectingLocation( parent.getCurrentArchitecture().getCampaignablePositions(), p -> { m.startCampaign(p); invalidateListPanes(); }); } return true; } }); contentTable.add(item); index++; if (index % itemPerRow == 0) { contentTable.row(); } }; ScrollPane data = new ScrollPane(contentTable); militaryTopPane = WidgetUtility.setupScrollpane( militaryTablePos.getX(), militaryTablePos.getY(), militaryTablePos.getWidth(), militaryTablePos.getHeight(), data, parent.getScrollbar()); parent.addActor(militaryTopPane); }
private void initMilitaryBottomPane() { Table contentTable = new Table(); for (Military m : parent.getCurrentArchitecture().getMilitariesWithoutLeader()) { List<TextWidget<Military>> rowWidgets = new ArrayList<>(); TextWidget<Military> name = new TextWidget<>(militaryListTextTemplate); name.setExtra(m); name.setText(m.getName()); contentTable.add(name).width(listNameWidth).height(listRowHeight); rowWidgets.add(name); TextWidget<Military> quantity = new TextWidget<>(militaryListTextTemplate); quantity.setExtra(m); quantity.setText(String.valueOf(m.getQuantity())); contentTable.add(quantity).width(listQuantityWidth).height(listRowHeight); rowWidgets.add(quantity); TextWidget<Military> recruit = new TextWidget<>(militaryListTextTemplate); recruit.setExtra(m); if (m.isFullyRecruited()) { recruit.setText(GlobalStrings.getString(GlobalStrings.Keys.TICK)); } else if (m.isBeingRecruited()) { recruit.setText(GlobalStrings.getString(GlobalStrings.Keys.UP_ARROW)); } else { recruit.setText(""); } contentTable.add(recruit).width(listRecruitWidth).height(listRowHeight).center(); rowWidgets.add(recruit); TextWidget<Military> train = new TextWidget<>(militaryListTextTemplate); train.setExtra(m); if (m.isFullyTrained()) { train.setText(GlobalStrings.getString(GlobalStrings.Keys.TICK)); } else if (m.isBeingTrained()) { train.setText(GlobalStrings.getString(GlobalStrings.Keys.UP_ARROW)); } else { train.setText(""); } contentTable.add(train).width(listTrainWidth).height(listRowHeight).center(); rowWidgets.add(train); rowWidgets.forEach( x -> x.addListener( new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown( InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { currentMilitary = m; currentMilitaryPos = new Rectangle( name.getX() + militaryListPos.getX(), name.getY() + militaryListPos.getY(), militaryListPos.getWidth(), name.getHeight()); return true; } })); showingTextWidgets.addAll(rowWidgets); contentTable.row().height(listRowHeight); }; ScrollPane data = new ScrollPane(contentTable); militaryBottomPane = WidgetUtility.setupScrollpane( militaryListPos.getX(), militaryListPos.getY(), militaryListPos.getWidth(), militaryListPos.getHeight(), data, parent.getScrollbar()); parent.addActor(militaryBottomPane); }
@Override public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) { batch.draw( reorganize.get(), parent.getX() + reorganizePos.x, parent.getY() + reorganizePos.y, reorganizePos.width, reorganizePos.height); batch.draw( newMilitary.get(), parent.getX() + newMilitaryPos.x, parent.getY() + newMilitaryPos.y, newMilitaryPos.width, newMilitaryPos.height); batch.draw( recruit.get(), parent.getX() + recruitPos.x, parent.getY() + recruitPos.y, recruitPos.width, recruitPos.height); batch.draw( training.get(), parent.getX() + trainingPos.x, parent.getY() + trainingPos.y, trainingPos.width, trainingPos.height); batch.draw( merge.get(), parent.getX() + mergePos.x, parent.getY() + mergePos.y, mergePos.width, mergePos.height); batch.draw( disband.get(), parent.getX() + disbandPos.x, parent.getY() + disbandPos.y, disbandPos.width, disbandPos.height); batch.draw( upgrade.get(), parent.getX() + upgradePos.x, parent.getY() + upgradePos.y, upgradePos.width, upgradePos.height); for (TextWidget<ArchitectureCommandFrame.TextType> textWidget : textWidgets) { textWidget.setPosition( textWidget.getExtra().position.x + parent.getX(), textWidget.getExtra().position.y + parent.getY()); if (textWidget.getExtra().staticText) { textWidget.setText(textWidget.getExtra().name); } else { textWidget.setText( parent.getCurrentArchitecture().getFieldString(textWidget.getExtra().name)); } textWidget.draw(batch, parentAlpha); } if (militaryBottomPane == null) { initMilitaryBottomPane(); } if (militaryTopPane == null) { initMilitaryTopPane(); } if (currentMilitary != null) { batch.end(); shapeRenderer.begin(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.Line); shapeRenderer.setProjectionMatrix(batch.getProjectionMatrix()); shapeRenderer.setTransformMatrix(batch.getTransformMatrix()); shapeRenderer.setColor(selectedBorderColor); shapeRenderer.rect( parent.getX() + currentMilitaryPos.getX(), parent.getY() + currentMilitaryPos.getY(), currentMilitaryPos.getWidth(), currentMilitaryPos.getHeight()); shapeRenderer.end(); batch.begin(); } }
private void recalculateBoundsSize(CharSequence text) { Rectangle textBounds = SpriteBatchUtils.getBounds(font, text, getX(), getY()); width = textBounds.getWidth(); height = textBounds.getHeight(); }
/** * Set right x value. * * @param x value for right side of the rectangle. */ public final void setRight(float x) { location.x = x - location.getWidth(); }
/** * Value of right X location. * * @return Right X location. */ public final float getRight() { return location.getX() + location.getWidth(); }