private void switch_viewport_to_editor() { System.out.println("switched viewport to movie!"); cam = stage.getCamera(); stage.setViewport(,, true); cam.translate(0, 0, 0); cam.update(); }
private void switch_viewport_to_movie() { System.out.println("switched viewport to movie!"); cam = stage.getCamera(); stage.setViewport(800, 450, true); cam.translate(view.MOVIE_DISPLAY_GROUP_OFFSET.x, view.MOVIE_DISPLAY_GROUP_OFFSET.y, 0); cam.update(); }
@Override public void act(float delta) { Char hero = game.getPlayer(); Visual visual = hero.getVisual(); float x = visual.x(); float y = visual.y(); if (x != preX || y != preY) { Camera camera = gameCamera; camera.position.set(x, y, 0); camera.update(); preX = x; preY = y; } }
public void draw() { Camera camera = viewport.getCamera(); camera.update(); if (!root.isVisible()) return; Batch batch = this.batch; if (batch != null) { batch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); batch.begin(); root.draw(batch, 1); batch.end(); } if (debug) drawDebug(); }
/** * Renders the given entity * * @param camera Camera which is used to render the entity */ @Override public void render(Camera camera, float delta) { super.render(camera, delta); if (Gdx.input.isTouched()) { Vector3 touchPos = new Vector3(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0); camera.unproject(touchPos); setDestination(new Vector2(touchPos.x - 24 / 2, touchPos.y - 24 / 2)); } setHeading(new Vector2(destination).sub(position).nor()); }
public boolean isTouched(float x, float y, Camera camera, Viewport view) { Vector3 temp = camera.unproject( new Vector3(x, y, 0), view.getScreenX(), view.getScreenY(), view.getScreenWidth(), view.getScreenHeight()); return this.getSprite().getBoundingRectangle().contains(temp.x, temp.y); }
@Override public void resize(int width, int height) { screenSize.set(width, height); midpoint.set(width / 2, height / 2); stage2d.getViewport().update(width, height, true); setActiveCamera(); activeCamera.update(true); resizeElements(); }
@Override public void update(Entity entity, MapManager mapMgr, Batch batch, float delta) { updateAnimations(delta); Camera camera = mapMgr.getCamera(); camera.position.set(currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y, 0f); camera.update(); batch.begin(); batch.draw(currentFrame, currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y, 1, 1); batch.end(); // Used to graphically debug boundingboxes /* Rectangle rect = entity.getCurrentBoundingBox(); _shapeRenderer.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); _shapeRenderer.begin(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.Filled); _shapeRenderer.setColor(Color.RED); _shapeRenderer.rect(rect.getX() * Map.UNIT_SCALE , rect.getY() * Map.UNIT_SCALE, rect.getWidth() * Map.UNIT_SCALE, rect.getHeight()*Map.UNIT_SCALE); _shapeRenderer.end(); */ }
public void draw(Camera camera) { if (this.enabled) { Vector3 position = new Vector3(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0); camera.unproject(position); // E.batch.begin(); E.batch.draw( texture, position.x + texture.getRegionWidth() / 2, position.y - texture.getRegionHeight() / 2); // E.batch.end(); } }
public void update(float deltaTime) { camera.update(); if (DebugViewSettings.drawModels) { drawShadowBatch(); viewport.apply(); modelBatch.begin(camera); modelBatch.render(engine.getModelCache(), environment); for (GameModel mdl : engine.getDynamicModels()) { if (isVisible(camera, mdl)) { modelBatch.render(mdl.modelInstance, environment); } } if (markerBillboard != null && isVisible(camera, markerBillboard)) { modelBatch.render(markerBillboard.modelInstance, environment); } modelBatch.end(); } if (DebugViewSettings.drawArmature) { shapeRenderer.setProjectionMatrix(viewport.getCamera().combined); armatureDebugDrawer.drawArmature(shapeRenderer, selectedCharacter, "armature"); } if (DebugViewSettings.drawSteering) { drawSteering(); } if (DebugViewSettings.drawNavmesh) { shapeRenderer.setProjectionMatrix(viewport.getCamera().combined); navMeshDebugDrawer.drawNavMesh( shapeRenderer, spriteBatch, engine.getScene().navMesh, selectedCharacter, visibleLayers, viewport.getCamera(), font); } if (DebugViewSettings.drawMouseNavMeshPos) { shapeRenderer.setProjectionMatrix(viewport.getCamera().combined); drawMouseWorldAxis(); } }
@Override public void render(float delta) { camera.update(); game.batch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); if (!launchSoundPlayed) {; launchSoundPlayed = true; } // quit game if back pressed on main menu if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.BACK)) {; } // don't show sign in button if signed in if (resolver.signedIn() && signInButton != null) { signInButton.setVisible(false); } if (!resolver.signedIn() && signInButton != null) { signInButton.setVisible(true); }, 0, 0, 1);; backGround.update(); game.batch.begin(); backGround.draw(game.batch); game.batch.draw(title, 0, GameConstants.GAME_HEIGHT - title.getHeight()); table.draw(game.batch, 1); game.batch.end(); stage.act(Math.min(, 1 / 30f)); stage.draw(); }
public void flush() { // if we've already flushed if (idx == 0) return; // sends our vertex data to the mesh mesh.setVertices(verts); // no need for depth...; // enable blending, for alpha;, GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // number of vertices we need to render int vertexCount = (idx / NUM_COMPONENTS); cam.update(); // start the shader before setting any uniforms shader.begin(); // update the projection matrix so our triangles are rendered in 2D shader.setUniformMatrix("u_projTrans", cam.combined); // render the mesh mesh.render(shader, RENDER_TYPE, 0, vertexCount); shader.end(); // re-enable depth to reset states to their default; // reset index to zero idx = 0; // reset verts Arrays.fill(verts, 0); }
public boolean isTouched(float x, float y, Camera camera) { Vector3 temp = camera.unproject(new Vector3(x, y, 0)); return this.getSprite().getBoundingRectangle().contains(temp.x, temp.y); }