private void loadCurrentProjectSpineAnimations(String path, String curResolution) { spineAnimAtlases.clear(); FileHandle sourceDir = new FileHandle(path + "orig/spine-animations"); for (FileHandle entry : sourceDir.list()) { if (entry.file().isDirectory()) { String animName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(entry.file().getName()); TextureAtlas atlas = new TextureAtlas( Gdx.files.internal( path + curResolution + "/spine-animations/" + File.separator + animName + File.separator + animName + ".atlas")); FileHandle animJsonFile = Gdx.files.internal( entry.file().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + animName + ".json"); SpineAnimData data = new SpineAnimData(); data.atlas = atlas; data.jsonFile = animJsonFile; data.animName = animName; spineAnimAtlases.put(animName, data); } } }
/** * Loads language files from a {@link FileHandle}. This allows loading languages outside of the * internal file system. * * <p>Valid language files have a '.lang' extension. * * @param files The {@link FileHandle} of the directory * @return True if successful, otherwise false */ public static boolean load(FileHandle files) { if (!files.isDirectory()) return loadFile(files); boolean outcome = true; for (FileHandle file : files.list()) { if (!loadFile(file)) outcome = false; } return outcome; }
private void loadCurrentProjectSpriterAnimations(String path, String curResolution) { spriterAnimFiles.clear(); FileHandle sourceDir = new FileHandle(path + "orig" + "/spriter-animations"); for (FileHandle entry : sourceDir.list()) { if (entry.file().isDirectory()) { String animName = entry.file().getName(); FileHandle scmlFile = new FileHandle( path + "orig" + "/spriter-animations/" + animName + "/" + animName + ".scml"); spriterAnimFiles.put(animName, scmlFile); } } }
private void loadCurrentProjectParticles(String path) { particleEffects.clear(); FileHandle sourceDir = new FileHandle(path); for (FileHandle entry : sourceDir.list()) { File file = entry.file(); String filename = file.getName(); if (file.isDirectory() || filename.endsWith(".DS_Store")) continue; ParticleEffect particleEffect = new ParticleEffect(); particleEffect.load(Gdx.files.internal(file.getAbsolutePath()), currentProjectAtlas, ""); particleEffects.put(filename, particleEffect); } }
public void load(String loadingPath, boolean internal) { project = null; game = null; scenes.clear(); projectAssets.setLoadingPath(loadingPath, internal); projectAssets.loadGame(this); FileHandle scenesPath = projectAssets.resolve(ProjectAssets.SCENES_PATH); for (FileHandle sceneFile : scenesPath.list()) { projectAssets.loadScene(sceneFile.nameWithoutExtension(), this); } projectAssets.loadProject(this); }
private void loadCurrentProjectSpriteAnimations(String path, String curResolution) { spriteAnimAtlases.clear(); FileHandle sourceDir = new FileHandle(path + curResolution + "/sprite-animations"); for (FileHandle entry : sourceDir.list()) { if (entry.file().isDirectory()) { String animName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(entry.file().getName()); TextureAtlas atlas = new TextureAtlas( Gdx.files.internal( entry.file().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + animName + ".atlas")); spriteAnimAtlases.put(animName, atlas); } } }
private boolean prepareMediaRecorder(String path) {; try { this.recorder.setCamera(; } catch (Exception ex) {, "Setting camera failed!", ex); return false; } this.recorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.CAMCORDER); this.recorder.setVideoSource(MediaRecorder.VideoSource.CAMERA); this.recorder.setProfile(this.mRecorderProfile); final FileHandle rootPathHandle = Gdx.files.absolute(path); if (!rootPathHandle.exists()) { rootPathHandle.mkdirs(); } final int id = 1 + rootPathHandle.list().length; this.auxVideoPath = path + File.separator + id + File.separator; final FileHandle videoPathHandle = Gdx.files.absolute(this.auxVideoPath); if (!videoPathHandle.exists()) { videoPathHandle.mkdirs(); } this.recorder.setOutputFile(this.auxVideoPath + VIDEO_ID); this.recorder.setMaxDuration(MAX_RECORDING_DURATION); this.recorder.setPreviewDisplay(this.holder.getSurface()); try { this.recorder.prepare(); } catch (IllegalStateException ille) {, "Illegal State Exception preparing recorder!", ille); releaseRecorder(); return false; } catch (IOException ioex) {, "IO Exception preparing recorder!", ioex); releaseRecorder(); return false; } return true; }
@Override public void init() { settings = new Settings(); settings.maxWidth = 4096; settings.maxHeight = 4096; settings.combineSubdirectories = true; settings.silent = true; settings.useIndexes = false; = true; loadingRegion = Assets.icons.findRegion("refresh-big"); missingRegion = Assets.icons.findRegion("file-question-big"); FileHandle out = fileAccess.getModuleFolder(".textureCache"); cachePath = out.path(); cacheFile = out.child("cache.atlas"); gfxPath = fileAccess.getAssetsFolder().child("gfx").path(); atlasesFolder = fileAccess.getAssetsFolder().child("atlas"); watcher.addListener(this); try { if (cacheFile.exists()) cache = new TextureAtlas(cacheFile); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Error while loading texture cache, texture cache will be regenerated"); } try { if (atlasesFolder.exists()) { FileHandle[] files = atlasesFolder.list(); for (FileHandle file : files) if (file.extension().equals("atlas")) updateAtlas(file); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Error encountered while loading one of atlases"); Log.exception(e); } updateCache(); }
public void buildGameSaveList() { FileHandle storage = Gdx.files.external(TowerConsts.GAME_SAVE_DIRECTORY); FileHandle[] files = storage.list(".json"); if (files != null && files.length > 0) { for (FileHandle file : files) { Table fileRow = makeGameFileRow(file); if (fileRow != null) { row().fillX(); add(fileRow).expandX(); foundSaveFile = true; } } } if (!foundSaveFile) { add(FontManager.RobotoBold18.makeLabel("No saved games were found on this device.")); } else { shoveContentUp(); } progressDialog.dismiss(); }