Пример #1
  * Start a passwordless flow with <a
  * href="https://auth0.com/docs/auth-api#!#post--with_sms">SMS</a> Example usage:
  * <pre><code>
  * client.passwordlessWithSms("{phone number}", PasswordlessType.CODE)
  *      .start(new BaseCallback<Void>() {
  *          {@literal}Override
  *          public void onSuccess(Void payload) {}
  *          {@literal}Override
  *          public void onFailure(Auth0Exception error) {}
  *      });
  * </code></pre>
  * @param phoneNumber where an SMS with a verification code will be sent
  * @param passwordlessType indicate whether the SMS should contain a code, link or magic link
  *     (android & iOS)
  * @return a request to configure and start
 public ParameterizableRequest<Void> passwordlessWithSMS(
     String phoneNumber, PasswordlessType passwordlessType) {
   final Map<String, Object> parameters =
           .set(PHONE_NUMBER_KEY, phoneNumber)
   return passwordless().addParameters(parameters);
Пример #2
  private <T> ParameterizableRequest<T> delegation(Class<T> clazz) {
    HttpUrl url =

    final Map<String, Object> parameters =

    return factory.POST(url, client, gson, clazz).addParameters(parameters);
Пример #3
   * Performs a custom <a href="https://auth0.com/docs/auth-api#!#post--delegation">delegation</a>
   * request that will yield a delegation token. Example usage:
   * <pre><code>
   * client.delegation()
   *      .addParameter("api_type", "firebase")
   *      .start(new BaseCallback<Map<String, Object>>() {
   *          {@literal}Override
   *          public void onSuccess(Map<String, Object> payload) {}
   *          {@literal}Override
   *          public void onFailure(Auth0Exception error) {}
   *      });
   * </code></pre>
   * @return a request to configure and start
  public ParameterizableRequest<Map<String, Object>> delegation() {
    HttpUrl url =

    final Map<String, Object> parameters =
    return factory.rawPOST(url, client, gson).addParameters(parameters);
Пример #4
   * Start a passwordless flow with <a
   * href="https://auth0.com/docs/auth-api#!#post--with_email">Email</a> Example usage:
   * <pre><code>
   * client.passwordlessWithEmail("{email}", PasswordlessType.CODE)
   *      .start(new BaseCallback<Void>() {
   *          {@literal}Override
   *          public void onSuccess(Void payload) {}
   *          {@literal}Override
   *          public void onFailure(Auth0Exception error) {}
   *      });
   * </code></pre>
   * @param email that will receive a verification code to use for login
   * @param passwordlessType indicate whether the email should contain a code, link or magic link
   *     (android & iOS)
   * @return a request to configure and start
  public ParameterizableRequest<Void> passwordlessWithEmail(
      String email, PasswordlessType passwordlessType) {
    final Map<String, Object> parameters =
            .set(EMAIL_KEY, email)

    return passwordless().addParameters(parameters);
Пример #5
   * Start a custom passwordless flow
   * @return a request to configure and start
  public ParameterizableRequest<Void> passwordless() {
    HttpUrl url =

    final Map<String, Object> parameters =
    return factory.POST(url, client, gson).addParameters(parameters);
Пример #6
   * Unlink a user identity calling <a
   * href="https://auth0.com/docs/auth-api#!#post--unlink">'/unlink'</a> endpoint Example usage:
   * <pre><code>
   * client.unlink("{auth0 user id}", "{user access token}")
   *      .start(new BaseCallback<Void>() {
   *          {@literal}Override
   *          public void onSuccess(Void payload) {}
   *          {@literal}Override
   *          public void onFailure(Auth0Exception error) {}
   *      });
   * </code></pre>
   * @param userId of the identity to unlink
   * @param accessToken of the main identity obtained after login
   * @return a request to start
  public Request<Void> unlink(String userId, String accessToken) {
    HttpUrl url =

    final Map<String, Object> parameters =
            .set(CLIENT_ID_KEY, getClientId())
            .set(USER_ID_KEY, userId)

    return factory.POST(url, client, gson).addParameters(parameters);
Пример #7
  private AuthenticationRequest loginWithResourceOwner(Map<String, Object> parameters) {
    HttpUrl url =

    final Map<String, Object> requestParameters =
    return factory
        .authenticationPOST(url, client, gson)
Пример #8
   * Request a change password using <a
   * href="https://auth0.com/docs/auth-api#!#post--dbconnections-change_password">'/dbconnections/change_password'</a>
   * Example usage:
   * <pre><code>
   * client.requestChangePassword("{email}")
   *      .start(new BaseCallback<Void>() {
   *          {@literal}Override
   *          public void onSuccess(Void payload) {}
   *          {@literal}Override
   *          public void onFailure(Auth0Exception error) {}
   *      });
   * </code></pre>
   * @param email of the user that changes the password. It's also where the email will be sent with
   *     the link to perform the change password.
   * @return a request to configure and start
  public DatabaseConnectionRequest<Void> requestChangePassword(String email) {
    HttpUrl url =

    final Map<String, Object> parameters =
            .set(EMAIL_KEY, email)
    final ParameterizableRequest<Void> request =
        factory.POST(url, client, gson).addParameters(parameters);
    return new DatabaseConnectionRequest<>(request);
Пример #9
   * Fetch the token information from Auth0, using the authorization_code grant type
   * <p>For Public Client, e.g. Android apps ,you need to provide the code_verifier used to generate
   * the challenge sent to Auth0 {@literal /authorize} method like:
   * <pre>{@code
   * AuthenticationAPIClient client = new AuthenticationAPIClient(new Auth0("clientId", "domain"));
   * client
   *     .token("code", "redirect_uri")
   *     .setCodeVerifier("code_verifier")
   *     .start(new Callback<Credentials> {...});
   * }</pre>
   * For the rest of clients, clients who can safely keep a {@literal client_secret}, you need to
   * provide it instead like:
   * <pre>{@code
   * AuthenticationAPIClient client = new AuthenticationAPIClient(new Auth0("clientId", "domain"));
   * client
   *     .token("code", "redirect_uri")
   *     .setClientSecret("client_secret")
   *     .start(new Callback<Credentials> {...});
   * }</pre>
   * @param authorizationCode the authorization code received from the /authorize call.
   * @param redirectUri the uri sent to /authorize as the 'redirect_uri'.
   * @return a request to obtain access_token by exchanging a authorization code.
  public TokenRequest token(String authorizationCode, String redirectUri) {
    Map<String, Object> parameters =
            .set(OAUTH_CODE_KEY, authorizationCode)
            .set(REDIRECT_URI_KEY, redirectUri)

    HttpUrl url =

    ParameterizableRequest<Credentials> request =
        factory.POST(url, client, gson, Credentials.class).addParameters(parameters);
    return new TokenRequest(request);
Пример #10
   * Creates a user in a DB connection using <a
   * href="https://auth0.com/docs/auth-api#!#post--dbconnections-signup">'/dbconnections/signup'
   * endpoint</a> Example usage:
   * <pre><code>
   * client.createUser("{email}", "{password}", "{username}")
   *      .setConnection("{connection name}")
   *      .start(new BaseCallback<DatabaseUser>() {
   *          {@literal}Override
   *          public void onSuccess(DatabaseUser payload) { }
   *          {@literal}@Override
   *          public void onFailure(Auth0Exception error) { }
   *      });
   * </code></pre>
   * @param email of the user and must be non null
   * @param password of the user and must be non null
   * @param username of the user and must be non null
   * @return a request to start
  public DatabaseConnectionRequest<DatabaseUser> createUser(
      String email, String password, String username) {
    HttpUrl url =

    final Map<String, Object> parameters =
            .set(USERNAME_KEY, username)
            .set(EMAIL_KEY, email)
            .set(PASSWORD_KEY, password)
    final ParameterizableRequest<DatabaseUser> request =
        factory.POST(url, client, gson, DatabaseUser.class).addParameters(parameters);
    return new DatabaseConnectionRequest<>(request);