@Override protected void processUnsolicited(Parcel p) { int response; Object ret; response = p.readInt(); try { switch (response) { /* cat libs/telephony/ril_unsol_commands.h \ | egrep "^ *{RIL_" \ | sed -re 's/\{([^,]+),[^,]+,([^}]+).+/case \1: \2(rr, p); break;/' */ case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED: ret = responseVoid(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_CALL_STATE_CHANGED: ret = responseVoid(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED: ret = responseVoid(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS: ret = responseString(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS_STATUS_REPORT: ret = responseString(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS_ON_SIM: ret = responseInts(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_ON_USSD: ret = responseStrings(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_NITZ_TIME_RECEIVED: ret = responseString(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH: ret = responseSignalStrength(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED: ret = responseDataCallList(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_SUPP_SVC_NOTIFICATION: ret = responseSuppServiceNotification(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_STK_SESSION_END: ret = responseVoid(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_STK_PROACTIVE_COMMAND: ret = responseString(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_STK_EVENT_NOTIFY: ret = responseString(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_STK_CALL_SETUP: ret = responseInts(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_SIM_SMS_STORAGE_FULL: ret = responseVoid(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_SIM_REFRESH: ret = responseInts(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_CALL_RING: ret = responseCallRing(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESTRICTED_STATE_CHANGED: ret = responseInts(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_SIM_STATUS_CHANGED: ret = responseVoid(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_CDMA_NEW_SMS: ret = responseCdmaSms(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_BROADCAST_SMS: ret = responseString(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_CDMA_RUIM_SMS_STORAGE_FULL: ret = responseVoid(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_ENTER_EMERGENCY_CALLBACK_MODE: ret = responseVoid(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_CDMA_CALL_WAITING: ret = responseCdmaCallWaiting(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS: ret = responseInts(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_CDMA_INFO_REC: ret = responseCdmaInformationRecord(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_OEM_HOOK_RAW: ret = responseRaw(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RINGBACK_TONE: ret = responseInts(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESEND_INCALL_MUTE: ret = responseVoid(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_HSDPA_STATE_CHANGED: ret = responseVoid(p); break; // fixing anoying Exceptions caused by the new Samsung states // FIXME figure out what the states mean an what data is in the parcel case RIL_UNSOL_O2_HOME_ZONE_INFO: ret = responseVoid(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_STK_SEND_SMS_RESULT: ret = responseVoid(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_DEVICE_READY_NOTI: ret = responseVoid(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_SAMSUNG_UNKNOWN_MAGIC_REQUEST: ret = responseVoid(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_SAMSUNG_UNKNOWN_MAGIC_REQUEST_2: ret = responseVoid(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_SAMSUNG_UNKNOWN_MAGIC_REQUEST_3: ret = responseVoid(p); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized unsol response: " + response); // break; (implied) } } catch (Throwable tr) { Log.e( LOG_TAG, "Exception processing unsol response: " + response + "Exception:" + tr.toString()); return; } switch (response) { case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED: /* has bonus radio state int */ RadioState newState = getRadioStateFromInt(p.readInt()); if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogMore(response, newState.toString()); switchToRadioState(newState); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_CALL_STATE_CHANGED: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response); mCallStateRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(new AsyncResult(null, null, null)); break; case RIL_UNSOL_HSDPA_STATE_CHANGED: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response); mVoiceNetworkStateRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(new AsyncResult(null, null, null)); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response); mVoiceNetworkStateRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(new AsyncResult(null, null, null)); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS: { if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response); // FIXME this should move up a layer String a[] = new String[2]; a[1] = (String) ret; SmsMessage sms; sms = SmsMessage.newFromCMT(a); if (mGsmSmsRegistrant != null) { mGsmSmsRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, sms, null)); } break; } case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS_STATUS_REPORT: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret); if (mSmsStatusRegistrant != null) { mSmsStatusRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS_ON_SIM: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret); int[] smsIndex = (int[]) ret; if (smsIndex.length == 1) { if (mSmsOnSimRegistrant != null) { mSmsOnSimRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, smsIndex, null)); } } else { if (RILJ_LOGD) riljLog(" NEW_SMS_ON_SIM ERROR with wrong length " + smsIndex.length); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_ON_USSD: String[] resp = (String[]) ret; if (resp.length < 2) { resp = new String[2]; resp[0] = ((String[]) ret)[0]; resp[1] = null; } if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogMore(response, resp[0]); if (mUSSDRegistrant != null) { mUSSDRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, resp, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_NITZ_TIME_RECEIVED: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret); // has bonus long containing milliseconds since boot that the NITZ // time was received long nitzReceiveTime = p.readLong(); Object[] result = new Object[2]; String nitz = (String) ret; if (RILJ_LOGD) riljLog(" RIL_UNSOL_NITZ_TIME_RECEIVED length = " + nitz.split("[/:,+-]").length); // remove the tailing information that samsung added to the string // it will screw the NITZ parser if (nitz.split("[/:,+-]").length >= 9) nitz = nitz.substring(0, (nitz.lastIndexOf(","))); if (RILJ_LOGD) riljLog(" RIL_UNSOL_NITZ_TIME_RECEIVED striped nitz = " + nitz); result[0] = nitz; result[1] = Long.valueOf(nitzReceiveTime); if (mNITZTimeRegistrant != null) { mNITZTimeRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, result, null)); } else { // in case NITZ time registrant isnt registered yet mLastNITZTimeInfo = nitz; } break; case RIL_UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH: // Note this is set to "verbose" because it happens // frequently if (RILJ_LOGV) unsljLogvRet(response, ret); if (mSignalStrengthRegistrant != null) { mSignalStrengthRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret); mDataNetworkStateRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); break; case RIL_UNSOL_SUPP_SVC_NOTIFICATION: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret); if (mSsnRegistrant != null) { mSsnRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_STK_SESSION_END: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response); if (mCatSessionEndRegistrant != null) { mCatSessionEndRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_STK_PROACTIVE_COMMAND: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret); if (mCatProCmdRegistrant != null) { mCatProCmdRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_STK_EVENT_NOTIFY: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret); if (mCatEventRegistrant != null) { mCatEventRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_STK_CALL_SETUP: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret); if (mCatCallSetUpRegistrant != null) { mCatCallSetUpRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_SIM_SMS_STORAGE_FULL: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response); if (mIccSmsFullRegistrant != null) { mIccSmsFullRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_SIM_REFRESH: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret); if (mIccRefreshRegistrants != null) { mIccRefreshRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_CALL_RING: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret); if (mRingRegistrant != null) { mRingRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESTRICTED_STATE_CHANGED: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogvRet(response, ret); if (mRestrictedStateRegistrant != null) { mRestrictedStateRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_SIM_STATUS_CHANGED: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response); if (mIccStatusChangedRegistrants != null) { mIccStatusChangedRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_CDMA_NEW_SMS: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response); SmsMessage sms = (SmsMessage) ret; if (mCdmaSmsRegistrant != null) { mCdmaSmsRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, sms, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_BROADCAST_SMS: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response); if (mGsmBroadcastSmsRegistrant != null) { mGsmBroadcastSmsRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_CDMA_RUIM_SMS_STORAGE_FULL: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response); if (mIccSmsFullRegistrant != null) { mIccSmsFullRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_ENTER_EMERGENCY_CALLBACK_MODE: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response); if (mEmergencyCallbackModeRegistrant != null) { mEmergencyCallbackModeRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_CDMA_CALL_WAITING: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret); if (mCallWaitingInfoRegistrants != null) { mCallWaitingInfoRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret); if (mOtaProvisionRegistrants != null) { mOtaProvisionRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_CDMA_INFO_REC: ArrayList<CdmaInformationRecords> listInfoRecs; try { listInfoRecs = (ArrayList<CdmaInformationRecords>) ret; } catch (ClassCastException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Unexpected exception casting to listInfoRecs", e); break; } for (CdmaInformationRecords rec : listInfoRecs) { if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, rec); notifyRegistrantsCdmaInfoRec(rec); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_OEM_HOOK_RAW: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogvRet(response, IccUtils.bytesToHexString((byte[]) ret)); if (mUnsolOemHookRawRegistrant != null) { mUnsolOemHookRawRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_RINGBACK_TONE: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogvRet(response, ret); if (mRingbackToneRegistrants != null) { boolean playtone = (((int[]) ret)[0] == 1); mRingbackToneRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(new AsyncResult(null, playtone, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESEND_INCALL_MUTE: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret); if (mResendIncallMuteRegistrants != null) { mResendIncallMuteRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } } }
@Override protected void processUnsolicited(Parcel p) { Object ret; int dataPosition = p.dataPosition(); int response = p.readInt(); switch (response) { case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED: ret = responseVoid(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_BROADCAST_SMS: ret = responseString(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RIL_CONNECTED: ret = responseInts(p); break; // SAMSUNG STATES case RIL_UNSOL_AM: ret = responseString(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_DUN_PIN_CONTROL_SIGNAL: ret = responseVoid(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_DATA_SUSPEND_RESUME: ret = responseInts(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_STK_CALL_CONTROL_RESULT: ret = responseVoid(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_TWO_MIC_STATE: ret = responseInts(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_WB_AMR_STATE: ret = responseInts(p); break; default: // Rewind the Parcel p.setDataPosition(dataPosition); // Forward responses that we are not overriding to the super class super.processUnsolicited(p); return; } switch (response) { case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED: /* has bonus radio state int */ int state = p.readInt(); Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Radio state: " + state); switch (state) { case 2: // RADIO_UNAVAILABLE state = 1; break; case 3: // RADIO_ON state = 10; break; case 4: // RADIO_ON state = 10; // When SIM is PIN-unlocked, RIL doesn't respond with // RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_SIM_STATUS_CHANGED. // We notify the system here. Log.d(LOG_TAG, "SIM is PIN-unlocked now"); if (mIccStatusChangedRegistrants != null) { mIccStatusChangedRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(); } break; } RadioState newState = getRadioStateFromInt(state); Log.d(LOG_TAG, "New Radio state: " + state + " (" + newState.toString() + ")"); switchToRadioState(newState); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_BROADCAST_SMS: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret); if (mGsmBroadcastSmsRegistrant != null) { mGsmBroadcastSmsRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_RIL_CONNECTED: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret); // Initial conditions setRadioPower(false, null); sendPreferedNetworktype(mPreferredNetworkType, null); setCdmaSubscriptionSource(mCdmaSubscription, null); notifyRegistrantsRilConnectionChanged(((int[]) ret)[0]); break; // SAMSUNG STATES case RIL_UNSOL_AM: if (RILJ_LOGD) samsungUnsljLogRet(response, ret); String amString = (String) ret; Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Executing AM: " + amString); try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec("am " + amString); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.e(LOG_TAG, "am " + amString + " could not be executed."); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_DUN_PIN_CONTROL_SIGNAL: if (RILJ_LOGD) samsungUnsljLogRet(response, ret); break; case RIL_UNSOL_DATA_SUSPEND_RESUME: if (RILJ_LOGD) samsungUnsljLogRet(response, ret); break; case RIL_UNSOL_STK_CALL_CONTROL_RESULT: if (RILJ_LOGD) samsungUnsljLogRet(response, ret); break; case RIL_UNSOL_TWO_MIC_STATE: if (RILJ_LOGD) samsungUnsljLogRet(response, ret); break; case RIL_UNSOL_WB_AMR_STATE: if (RILJ_LOGD) samsungUnsljLogRet(response, ret); setWbAmr(((int[]) ret)[0]); break; } }