public Bitmap run(ThreadPool.JobContext paramJobContext) { ImageCacheService localImageCacheService = this.mApplication.getImageCacheService(); BytesBufferPool.BytesBuffer localBytesBuffer = MediaItem.getBytesBufferPool().get(); Bitmap localBitmap1; try { boolean bool1 = localImageCacheService.getImageData(this.mPath, this.mType, localBytesBuffer); boolean bool2 = paramJobContext.isCancelled(); if (bool2) return null; if (bool1) { BitmapFactory.Options localOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options(); localOptions.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; if (this.mType == 2) ; Bitmap localBitmap3; for (Object localObject2 = DecodeUtils.decode( paramJobContext,, localBytesBuffer.offset, localBytesBuffer.length, localOptions, MediaItem.getMicroThumbPool()); ; localObject2 = localBitmap3) { if ((localObject2 == null) && (!paramJobContext.isCancelled())) Log.w("ImageCacheRequest", "decode cached failed " + debugTag()); return localObject2; localBitmap3 = DecodeUtils.decode( paramJobContext,, localBytesBuffer.offset, localBytesBuffer.length, localOptions, MediaItem.getThumbPool()); } } MediaItem.getBytesBufferPool().recycle(localBytesBuffer); localBitmap1 = onDecodeOriginal(paramJobContext, this.mType); return null; } finally { MediaItem.getBytesBufferPool().recycle(localBytesBuffer); } if (localBitmap1 == null) { Log.w("ImageCacheRequest", "decode orig failed " + debugTag()); return null; } if (this.mType == 2) ; for (Bitmap localBitmap2 = BitmapUtils.resizeAndCropCenter(localBitmap1, this.mTargetSize, true); paramJobContext.isCancelled(); localBitmap2 = BitmapUtils.resizeDownBySideLength(localBitmap1, this.mTargetSize, true)) return null; byte[] arrayOfByte = BitmapUtils.compressToBytes(localBitmap2); if (paramJobContext.isCancelled()) return null; localImageCacheService.putImageData(this.mPath, this.mType, arrayOfByte); return (Bitmap) localBitmap2; }
// This is the same as the method above except the source data comes // from a file descriptor instead of a byte array. @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) public static Bitmap decodeUsingPool( JobContext jc, FileDescriptor fileDescriptor, Options options) { if (options == null) options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); if (options.inSampleSize < 1) options.inSampleSize = 1; options.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; options.inBitmap = (options.inSampleSize == 1) ? findCachedBitmap(jc, fileDescriptor, options) : null; try { Bitmap bitmap = DecodeUtils.decode(jc, fileDescriptor, options); if (options.inBitmap != null && options.inBitmap != bitmap) { GalleryBitmapPool.getInstance().put(options.inBitmap); options.inBitmap = null; } return bitmap; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (options.inBitmap == null) throw e; Log.w(TAG, "decode fail with a given bitmap, try decode to a new bitmap"); GalleryBitmapPool.getInstance().put(options.inBitmap); options.inBitmap = null; return decode(jc, fileDescriptor, options); } }