private static void putFromMeeting( PackedString ps, String field, ContentValues values, String column) { String val = ps.get(field); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(val)) { values.put(column, val); } }
public void addData(EmailContent.Message msg, int endingTag) throws IOException { ArrayList<EmailContent.Attachment> atts = new ArrayList<EmailContent.Attachment>(); boolean truncated = false; while (nextTag(endingTag) != END) { switch (tag) { case Tags.EMAIL_ATTACHMENTS: case Tags.BASE_ATTACHMENTS: // BASE_ATTACHMENTS is used in EAS 12.0 and up attachmentsParser(atts, msg, tag); break; case Tags.EMAIL_TO: msg.mTo = Address.pack(Address.parse(getValue(), false)); break; case Tags.EMAIL_FROM: Address[] froms = Address.parse(getValue(), false); if (froms != null && froms.length > 0) { msg.mDisplayName = froms[0].toFriendly(); } msg.mFrom = Address.toString(froms); break; case Tags.EMAIL_CC: msg.mCc = Address.pack(Address.parse(getValue(), false)); break; case Tags.EMAIL_REPLY_TO: msg.mReplyTo = Address.pack(Address.parse(getValue(), false)); break; case Tags.EMAIL_DATE_RECEIVED: try { msg.mTimeStamp = Utility.parseEmailDateTimeToMillis(getValue()); } catch (ParseException e) { LogUtils.w(TAG, "Parse error for EMAIL_DATE_RECEIVED tag.", e); } break; case Tags.EMAIL_SUBJECT: msg.mSubject = getValue(); break; case Tags.EMAIL_READ: msg.mFlagRead = getValueInt() == 1; break; case Tags.BASE_BODY: bodyParser(msg); break; case Tags.EMAIL_FLAG: msg.mFlagFavorite = flagParser(); break; case Tags.EMAIL_MIME_TRUNCATED: truncated = getValueInt() == 1; break; case Tags.EMAIL_MIME_DATA: // We get MIME data for EAS 2.5. First we parse it, then we take the // html and/or plain text data and store it in the message if (truncated) { // If the MIME data is truncated, don't bother parsing it, because // it will take time and throw an exception anyway when EOF is reached // In this case, we will load the body separately by tagging the message // "partially loaded". // Get the data (and ignore it) getValue(); userLog("Partially loaded: ", msg.mServerId); msg.mFlagLoaded = EmailContent.Message.FLAG_LOADED_PARTIAL; mFetchNeeded = true; } else { mimeBodyParser(msg, getValue()); } break; case Tags.EMAIL_BODY: String text = getValue(); msg.mText = text; break; case Tags.EMAIL_MESSAGE_CLASS: String messageClass = getValue(); if (messageClass.equals("IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request")) { msg.mFlags |= EmailContent.Message.FLAG_INCOMING_MEETING_INVITE; } else if (messageClass.equals("IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Canceled")) { msg.mFlags |= EmailContent.Message.FLAG_INCOMING_MEETING_CANCEL; } break; case Tags.EMAIL_MEETING_REQUEST: meetingRequestParser(msg); break; case Tags.EMAIL_THREAD_TOPIC: msg.mThreadTopic = getValue(); break; case Tags.RIGHTS_LICENSE: skipParser(tag); break; case Tags.EMAIL2_CONVERSATION_ID: msg.mServerConversationId = Base64.encodeToString(getValueBytes(), Base64.URL_SAFE); break; case Tags.EMAIL2_CONVERSATION_INDEX: // Ignore this byte array since we're not constructing a tree. getValueBytes(); break; case Tags.EMAIL2_LAST_VERB_EXECUTED: int val = getValueInt(); if (val == LAST_VERB_REPLY || val == LAST_VERB_REPLY_ALL) { // We aren't required to distinguish between reply and reply all here msg.mFlags |= EmailContent.Message.FLAG_REPLIED_TO; } else if (val == LAST_VERB_FORWARD) { msg.mFlags |= EmailContent.Message.FLAG_FORWARDED; } break; default: skipTag(); } } if (atts.size() > 0) { msg.mAttachments = atts; } if ((msg.mFlags & EmailContent.Message.FLAG_INCOMING_MEETING_MASK) != 0) { String text = TextUtilities.makeSnippetFromHtmlText(msg.mText != null ? msg.mText : msg.mHtml); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) { // Create text for this invitation String meetingInfo = msg.mMeetingInfo; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(meetingInfo)) { PackedString ps = new PackedString(meetingInfo); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); putFromMeeting( ps, MeetingInfo.MEETING_LOCATION, values, CalendarContract.Events.EVENT_LOCATION); String dtstart = ps.get(MeetingInfo.MEETING_DTSTART); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(dtstart)) { try { final long startTime = Utility.parseEmailDateTimeToMillis(dtstart); values.put(CalendarContract.Events.DTSTART, startTime); } catch (ParseException e) { LogUtils.w(TAG, "Parse error for MEETING_DTSTART tag.", e); } } putFromMeeting(ps, MeetingInfo.MEETING_ALL_DAY, values, CalendarContract.Events.ALL_DAY); msg.mText = CalendarUtilities.buildMessageTextFromEntityValues(mContext, values, null); msg.mHtml = Html.toHtml(new SpannedString(msg.mText)); } } } }