Пример #1
   * Sorts move instructions added via {@code addMoveToEnd} during phi removal so that results don't
   * overwrite sources that are used. For use after all phis have been removed and all calls to
   * addMoveToEnd() have been made.
   * <p>This is necessary because copy-propogation may have left us in a state where the same basic
   * block has the same register as a phi operand and a result. In this case, the register in the
   * phi operand always refers value before any other phis have executed.
  public void scheduleMovesFromPhis() {
    if (movesFromPhisAtBeginning > 1) {
      List<SsaInsn> toSchedule;

      toSchedule = insns.subList(0, movesFromPhisAtBeginning);


      SsaInsn firstNonPhiMoveInsn = insns.get(movesFromPhisAtBeginning);

       * TODO: It's actually possible that this case never happens,
       * because a move-exception block, having only one predecessor in
       * SSA form, perhaps is never on a dominance frontier.
      if (firstNonPhiMoveInsn.isMoveException()) {
        if (true) {
           * We've yet to observe this case, and if it can occur the
           * code written to handle it probably does not work.
          throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected: moves from " + "phis before move-exception");
        } else {
           * A move-exception insn must be placed first in this block
           * We need to move it there, and deal with possible
           * interference.
          boolean moveExceptionInterferes = false;

          int moveExceptionResult = firstNonPhiMoveInsn.getResult().getReg();

           * Does the move-exception result reg interfere with the phi
           * moves?
          for (SsaInsn insn : toSchedule) {
            if (insn.isResultReg(moveExceptionResult) || insn.isRegASource(moveExceptionResult)) {
              moveExceptionInterferes = true;

          if (!moveExceptionInterferes) {
            // This is the easy case.
            insns.add(0, firstNonPhiMoveInsn);
          } else {
             * We need to move the result to a spare reg and move it
             * back.
            RegisterSpec originalResultSpec = firstNonPhiMoveInsn.getResult();
            int spareRegister = parent.borrowSpareRegister(originalResultSpec.getCategory());

            // We now move it to a spare register.
            RegisterSpec tempSpec = firstNonPhiMoveInsn.getResult();

            insns.add(0, firstNonPhiMoveInsn);

            // And here we move it back.

            NormalSsaInsn toAdd =
                new NormalSsaInsn(
                    new PlainInsn(

             * Place it immediately after the phi-moves, overwriting
             * the move-exception that was there.
            insns.set(movesFromPhisAtBeginning + 1, toAdd);

    if (movesFromPhisAtEnd > 1) {
          insns.subList(insns.size() - movesFromPhisAtEnd - 1, insns.size() - 1));

    // Return registers borrowed here and in scheduleUseBeforeAssigned().
Пример #2
   * Checks to see if the register is used in a bitset, taking into account its category/width.
   * @param regsUsed set, indexed by register number
   * @param rs register to mark as used
   * @return true if register is fully or partially (for the case of wide registers) used.
  private static boolean checkRegUsed(BitSet regsUsed, RegisterSpec rs) {
    int reg = rs.getReg();
    int category = rs.getCategory();

    return regsUsed.get(reg) || (category == 2 ? regsUsed.get(reg + 1) : false);
Пример #3
   * Ensures that all move operations in this block occur such that reads of any register happen
   * before writes to that register. NOTE: caller is expected to returnSpareRegisters()! TODO: See
   * Briggs, et al "Practical Improvements to the Construction and Destruction of Static Single
   * Assignment Form" section 5. a) This can be done in three passes.
   * @param toSchedule List of instructions. Must consist only of moves.
  private void scheduleUseBeforeAssigned(List<SsaInsn> toSchedule) {
    BitSet regsUsedAsSources = new BitSet(parent.getRegCount());

    // TODO: Get rid of this.
    BitSet regsUsedAsResults = new BitSet(parent.getRegCount());

    int sz = toSchedule.size();

    int insertPlace = 0;

    while (insertPlace < sz) {
      int oldInsertPlace = insertPlace;

      // Record all registers used as sources in this block.
      for (int i = insertPlace; i < sz; i++) {
        setRegsUsed(regsUsedAsSources, toSchedule.get(i).getSources().get(0));

        setRegsUsed(regsUsedAsResults, toSchedule.get(i).getResult());

       * If there are no circular dependencies, then there exists n
       * instructions where n > 1 whose result is not used as a source.
      for (int i = insertPlace; i < sz; i++) {
        SsaInsn insn = toSchedule.get(i);

         * Move these n registers to the front, since they overwrite
         * nothing.
        if (!checkRegUsed(regsUsedAsSources, insn.getResult())) {
          Collections.swap(toSchedule, i, insertPlace++);

       * If we've made no progress in this iteration, there's a circular
       * dependency. Split it using the temp reg.
      if (oldInsertPlace == insertPlace) {

        SsaInsn insnToSplit = null;

        // Find an insn whose result is used as a source.
        for (int i = insertPlace; i < sz; i++) {
          SsaInsn insn = toSchedule.get(i);
          if (checkRegUsed(regsUsedAsSources, insn.getResult())
              && checkRegUsed(regsUsedAsResults, insn.getSources().get(0))) {

            insnToSplit = insn;
             * We're going to split this insn; move it to the front.
            Collections.swap(toSchedule, insertPlace, i);

        // At least one insn will be set above.

        RegisterSpec result = insnToSplit.getResult();
        RegisterSpec tempSpec = result.withReg(parent.borrowSpareRegister(result.getCategory()));

        NormalSsaInsn toAdd =
            new NormalSsaInsn(
                new PlainInsn(

        toSchedule.add(insertPlace++, toAdd);

        RegisterSpecList newSources = RegisterSpecList.make(tempSpec);

        NormalSsaInsn toReplace =
            new NormalSsaInsn(
                new PlainInsn(
                    Rops.opMove(result.getType()), SourcePosition.NO_INFO, result, newSources),

        toSchedule.set(insertPlace, toReplace);

        // The size changed.
        sz = toSchedule.size();

Пример #4
  * Sets the register as used in a bitset, taking into account its category/width.
  * @param regsUsed set, indexed by register number
  * @param rs register to mark as used
 private static void setRegsUsed(BitSet regsUsed, RegisterSpec rs) {
   if (rs.getCategory() > 1) {
     regsUsed.set(rs.getReg() + 1);