Пример #1
  * A section of the request body that provides information about the transcoded (target) files. We
  * recommend that you use the <code>Outputs</code> syntax instead of the <code>Output</code>
  * syntax.
  * <p>Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
  * <p><b>Constraints:</b><br>
  * <b>Length: </b>0 - 30<br>
  * @param outputs A section of the request body that provides information about the transcoded
  *     (target) files. We recommend that you use the <code>Outputs</code> syntax instead of the
  *     <code>Output</code> syntax.
  * @return A reference to this updated object so that method calls can be chained together.
 public CreateJobRequest withOutputs(CreateJobOutput... outputs) {
   if (getOutputs() == null) setOutputs(new java.util.ArrayList<CreateJobOutput>(outputs.length));
   for (CreateJobOutput value : outputs) {
   return this;